what were the consequences of the persian wars

The underlying cause of the war was the rapid rise of the Athenians. What was the Golden Age of Ancient Greece? Given below are the causes and effects of the Persian Gulf War. In Greek art, there are many scenes of Greeks fighting Persians. What were the consequences of the Persian Wars? Although the Persian power vastly surpassed the Greeks, the Greeks unexpectedly triumphed. From 490 to 479 BCE, the Persian Empire and the Greeks faced off in two wars that decided the history of Greece and had a massive impact on the development of Western civilization. Saudi Arabia, who had a vested interest in the war, provided the second largest army, followed by the UK and France. It was also believed that Iraq had developed chemical weapons, and thus, could be a threat to the entire world. There were two mainland invasions of Greece, in 490 (under King Darius) and 480–479 BCE (under King Xerxes). Cause & Effect in the Ionian Revolt Now, we will chart one of the main events that leads to the Persian Wars, again looking at cause and effect. It is estimated that as many as 80 ships carrying oil and weapons were sunk into the Arabian gulf. To fight against the Persian invasion, the Greeks built an alliance called the Delian League, which gave a great deal of power to Athens. The Best History Museums to Virtually Tour During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Virtual Reality Experiences That Let You See History Up Close, The Most Accurate Movies Based on History Worth Seeing, History of Accounting: From the Ancients to the Modern Day, Diamond History: How a Luxury Became a Common Fashion Accessory, Comanche History: The Tradition of Fighting, History of Tea: From Mythology to National Pastime. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Due to the accumulation of solid wastes, groundwater contamination took place on a large scale. There was huge air pollution caused by the fire and smoke, produced by explosives and weapons. Led to the golden age of Greek culture Men of poorer classes insisted on full citizenship. Pericles, the Delian League, and the Athenian Golden Age, The Peloponnesian War: History, Cause & Result, Athenian Democracy: Solon and Cleisthenes, King Xerxes: Facts, Accomplishments & Death, How Geography & Climate Shaped Early Greek Life, Pericles of Athens: Facts, Achievements & Death, Reform in the Roman Republic: The Gracchi, Marius & Sulla, The Struggle of the Orders: Plebeians and Patricians, Praxis World & U.S. History - Content Knowledge (5941): Practice & Study Guide, CLEP Western Civilization I: Study Guide & Test Prep, CLEP Western Civilization II: Study Guide & Test Prep, ACCESS World History: Online Textbook Help, Praxis Elementary Education - Multiple Subjects (5001): Practice & Study Guide, History 100: Western Civilization from Prehistory to Post-WWII, Biological and Biomedical The Spartans mostly retreated behind their borders when the direct danger was over, in 478 BC. Iraq attacked Kuwait and United States removed the Iraqis from Kuwait. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. What is the relationship of God and man in Oedipus... Who was Aeschylus in the Greek mythology? As it can be seen, the Gulf War adversely affected people, environment, and economies of all the nations involved. There was a fear that if Iraq invaded both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, the world’s oil supply would entirely be in Iraqi hands. The wars also led to the unity between the Greeks. After a couple decennia, the Thracians took back control and the Macedonians became independent. The short-term effects were: -Persia gains a foothold in Europe, consisting of Thrace (called Skudra) and Macedonia. The Athenians praised the gods, mainly Zeus and Athena, for the winnings in the war. The pollution caused due to this barbarous act has left a huge impact on the environment and weather of the entire planet. The Persian Gulf War ... the gulf episode showed that unintended consequences are always a big part of war-making, and that immediate victory … This chapter examines some of the key ways in which the memory of Darius' and Xerxes' campaigns influenced subsequent events (and the ways in which those events were portrayed) until the final overthrow of the Persian empire by Alexander in 330 bc. Discussed, primarily, will be symptoms reports by Persian Gulf War veterans and the possible reasons for these afflictions. Similarly, both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia suffered some infrastructural losses, running into billions of dollars. Winning gave Athens confidence even though the war caused Athens to be left in ruins. Most of what we know about the Greco-Persian Wars comes from book(s) written by Herodotus, which details the various aspects of the war, the outcomes, and the cultural, political, and military consequences. The Persian Wars were a series of wars fought between the Persians and the Greeks from 492 BC to 449 BC. 10 Years Later Background Timeline The Persians returned In the 420s, for example, annual public spending on war was 39 tons of silver per year. What were Pericles' three goals for Athens. As for the economic effects, Iraq was the major sufferer. To fight against the Persian invasion, the... See full answer below. All rights reserved. The war had a huge impact on the common people too. Next in king Darius’ sights were Athens and the rest of Greece. Women were raped in the midst of the war and had to bear many atrocities. I will then have the students compare diseases and unhealthy consequences of World War I, an early 20th century war, and the Persian Gulf War, a later 20th century war. The Persian Wars Eric D. Blanco Persia, known as Iran, was the largest empire the world had ever seen by the 5th century B.C.E. The Gulf War, also called the Persian Gulf War, began on August 2, 1990 when Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait, and ended on February 28, 1991. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Who were the Persians? What were the two most powerful city-states in early Greece? Between the years 500-479 BC, the Greeks and the Persians fought two wars. Athens opportunistically converted the anti-Persian … It not only suffered losses in military equipment, but also its infrastructure as well, which may take years and billions of dollars to rebuild. What were the effects of the Persian War? But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The Ionian Greeks sought and received military help from mainland Greece, but once the more distant Greeks came to the attention of the African and Asian empire-building Persians, the Persians sought to annex them, too. Thousands of people were killed, thousands were injured, and many were taken as war prisoners. During the year 1990, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, the official reason that was given was that Kuwait was overproducing oil purposely so that Iraq would be unable to hold its ground economically. The cities of Ionia were also liberated from Persian control. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In early 1991, the United States and many other countries felt that Saudi Arabia would be Iraq’s next target. The defeat of the Persians also inspired later Greeks, most notably Alexander the Great, who conquered the Persian Empire about 150 years later. 4. The major economic impact of the Gulf War was perhaps on cleaning up the oil slicks, which cost a whopping $700 million to clean up. The Battles of the Persian War: Effects of the Persian War. This war, just like any other war, had huge repercussions on the environment, economies of the countries involved as well as on the people, both commoners as well as war veterans. Iraq felt that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were overproducing oil and due to this, oil prices were not able to stabilize at a high price. In early fifth century BC Greece, the Greeks consistently suffered from the threat of being conquered by the Persian Empire. Just before Darius's death the Ionian cities revolted, causing the beginning of the Persian Wars. Finally, Greeks decided to write down their accounts of the war, creating the first true history in the world. They were directing more money to war than to all other public activities combined. Detail the course of Athenian foreign policy from... Why did "Oedipus Rex" start with a question? However, conflict started between the Greek poleis in Ionia and the Persian Empire before 499 BCE. The Persian War showed the superiority of the hoplite phalanx over the Persian type of fighting. This disturbed the entire ecosystem, destroying marine life to a large extent. The Athens were destroyed by the Persians, but the Athenians built the beautiful buildings that are important cultural aspects today. Loss of the Persian War stopped Persian expansion into the Greek world. Another incident during the war highlighted the question of large-scale Iraqi combat deaths. Though Operation Desert Storm was initiated and led by the U.S., it wasn’t the sole participant. © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. The Persian Gulf War was fought from 1990 until 1991. What were the effects of the Persian Wars on Athens’ economy During the final phase of the war, Athens led the Delian league to which other cities contributed either ships of money. During the war, approximately 11 million barrels of oil was released into the Arabian gulf. The Greco-Persian Wars (also often called the Persian Wars) were a series of conflicts between the Achaemenid Empire and Greek city-states that started in 499 BC and lasted until 449 BC. Its aftermath can still be felt in various countries. Chronic fatigue, moodiness, depression, sleeping problems, nausea, short-term memory loss, joint pains, etc., were some of the symptoms of the “Gulf War illness”, which according to research, was observed in approximately 2,63,000 soldiers. They had grown from just another city-state into an Empire. The cities of Ionia were also liberated from Persian control. These cookies do not store any personal information. Aftermath of the Persian Wars As a result of the allied Greek success, a large contingent of the Persian fleet was destroyed and all Persian garrisons were expelled from Europe, marking an end of Persia’s advance westward into the continent. Title Page 23 Cause & Effect Cause--Effect--Together, we will chart a story on this page, looking at causes and effects. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Chronic fatigue, moodiness, depression, sleeping problems, nausea, short-term memory loss, joint pains, etc., were some of the symptoms of the “Gulf War illness”, which according to research, was observed in approximately 2,63,000 soldiers. For the Greeks, it established both Athens and Sparta as Greek powers, weilind unprecedented military might. Strengthen democracy, strengthen empire, glorify Athens. Just why Greece was coveted by Persia is unclear. One consequence of the Greco-Persian war was that from a historical stand point the world had new views divided into East and West. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. Clearly, the unprecedented supply of income from the arkhe was a second major reason … We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Moreover, the Iraqis while retreating from Kuwait, set fire to approximately 600 oil wells. The land where the war took place, became infertile, as the desert vegetation was trampled upon by heavy artillery. The violent actions of Spartan leader Pausanias at the siege of Byzantium, for instance, alienated many of the Greek states from Spar… Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq were the main producers and exporters of oil to the world. (Concessions were made after it, however, and its longer-term consequence, the Persian Wars proper, resulted in the establishment of a strong Athenian influence … The foremost being that Iraq was under huge economic debt due to the long Iran-Iraq War, which lasted from 1980 to 1988. After initial Persian victories, the Persians were eventually defeated, both at sea and on land. The Athenian Acropolis was destroyed by the Persians, but the Athenian response was to build the beautiful … This Historyplex article puts forth some information about the outcome and effects of the Persian Gulf War. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. Sparta, Athens. When we talk of the Persian Gulf War, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, followed by the United States’ elimination of the Iraqi presence in Kuwait ― both are included in it. With many more men and a despotic government going for the Persian side, it looked like a one-sided fight. Most found it easier to give money, so Athens was able to maintain a superior fleet and continue to extort the money even after peace was made with Persia. As a result of the allied Greek success, a large contingent of the Persian fleet was destroyed and all Persian garrisons were expelled from Europe, marking an end of Persia’s advance westward into the continent. It took until the middle of the following century to break the barrier. The Persians Empire gave up trying to impose peace on the Greek city-states and left them to return to their usual warfare amongst each other. Causes and Effects of the Persian Wars Causes The Ionians Revolted In 499 BC, With the encouragement and help of Athens. As a result, Athenian culture grew strong and today, we know much more about Athens than any other ancient Greek city. 5. iran iraq war causes and consequences 2030 Words | 9 Pages. The soldiers who participated in the Gulf War displayed some unique characteristics, which are commonly referred to as “Gulf War illness” or “Gulf War Syndrome”. The Persian War . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. So, in order to prevent such a situation from arising, the United States finally attacked Iraqi forces and eliminated their presence from Kuwait in just a couple of days, by launching Operation Desert Storm. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Although the Persian empire was at the peak of its strength, the collective defense mounted by the Greeks overcame seemingly impossible odds and even succeeded in liberating Greek city-states on the fringe of Persia itself. The scenario was no different in the year 1990. We hope you enjoy this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. However, due to the rising oil prices and growth of the oil industry post the Persian Gulf War, Kuwait was able to make up for many of its economic losses. The Athenians went on to produce their amazing civilization. The chart will eventually go on page 24 in your notebook. After the War: All Greek city-states were weakened by the war; Many casualties; Farms were destroyed; The war made it difficult for the Greeks to trust each other and made future unification nearly impossible; Sparta tried their hand at ruling all of Greece but more rebellions resulted in more wars. Services, The Greco-Persian Wars: Causes, Effects & Events, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. However, this made other cities jealous, leading to future wars with Sparta. Many other Greek cities began to form democracies. The Gulf War caused a lot of physical and emotional distress to war veterans. Migratory birds were killed and many marine turtles lost their lives or developed lesions. The Persian War had serious consequences for both Greece and the area that today is the Middle East. It owed a lot of money to various countries, including Kuwait. Persia, under the rule of Darius (r. 522-486 BCE), was already expanding into mainland Europe and had subjugated Ionia, Thrace, and Macedonia by the beginning of the 5th century BCE. It had transformed itself during and after the Persian Wars and became a major trading and maritime power. Athens flourished, the Delian league formed. The name Iran derives from the word “Asyran,” and during the first half of the first millennium, the Iranian-speaking people moved gradually into the area of the Zagros Mountains, the largest groups known as the Medes and Persians. The wars with the Persians had a great effect on ancient Greeks. The atmosphere was the worst affected. The Persian War was fought between the Persian Empire and Greece. The Persians condemned the Greeks as invaidng terroists, and wanted to conquer Greece more than ever. The war had a huge impact on the common people too. Looking for … The Persian War had serious consequences for both Greece and the area that today is the Middle East. The wars with the Persians affected ancient Greece greatly. The collision between the fractious political world of the Greeks and the enormous empire of the Persians began when Cyrus the Great conquered the Greek-inhabited region of Ionia in 547 BC. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Despite their successes, however, the spoils of war caused greater inner conflict within the Hellenic world. Even after so many years, the countries that were directly involved are still trying to recover from the losses caused by the Persian Gulf War. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Like every other war, the Persian Gulf War had the same repercussions like loss of life and wealth, common facilities, degradation of life and socio economic circumstances. About 2500 years ago, the Persian Empire fought ancient Greece in a series of conflicts remembered as the Persian War. It was also called ‘Operation Desert Shield’ from August 2, 1990 – January 17, 1991, and ‘Operation Desert Storm’ from January 17, 1991 ― February 28, 1991, which was the combat phase. The Greek triumph ensured the survival of Greek culture and political structures long after the demise of the Persian empire. The Persian Empire was the largest and most powerful empire in the world at the time of the Persian Wars. Who is the protagonist in The Hunger Games? The causes of the Ionian revolt are especially hard to determine because the revolt was a short-term failure. This is where the second reason behind the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait arose. There were two main reasons why Iraq invaded Kuwait. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. A barrier grew between the Near East and Greece, as a result of the Persian Wars. This war is complex to understand because of the sequence of events that were included in the war. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. To improve your experience while you navigate through the website to function.! 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what were the consequences of the persian wars 2021