what can you buy with 80 billion dollars

However that's not to call for more reckless spending though. With it, you could own 50 cars, run 50 concerts, buy 250 rifles, operate a network of 50 stores, spend the year in 5 different houses, have 5 military vehicles or own 5 startups. $800 Billion is a lot of money. Because as of May 2018, there are only 2,208 billionaires in the world. Lets be real, that's never going to happen, but we can still dream right? When FDR took office in 1933, United States was in the midst of the Great Depression. This is a very interesting blog. People should be not afraid to give your money on investing something, because it can save a lot of companies and there finally will be a return into your account. yes i agree $800B is a ton of money. To witness the billion dollar phenomenon, consider Google's recent acquiring ofWaze, Tumblr's sale to Yahoo!, Fab's valuation at $1 billion and and Pinterest's absolutely incredible $2.5 Billion valuation. But you need to be aware that this is a loan, from the Federal Reserve to the bank. The US itself is in the worst debt of all, I feel that although getting money into business and customer's pockets is great that the American Government needs to look at itself and get itself out of it's debt. And the tax payer is supposed to pay the government back for stupid investment mistakes? 100 billion dollars isn t cool you know saudis to invest 100 billion dollars in anyone for a 100 billion dollars record as annual s top 100 billion spending 100 billion How Long Does It Take To Spend 100 Billion […] New Dollar Wallpaper HD Noeimage.Org. Because of the currency, I think people in developing countries and underdeveloped countries will gain more than us in first countries. The government has been spending lots of money on rescuing the economy, and we have been funding wars aboard. President Obama's inauguration was magical and watched around the world. So where do we go from here? A lot of Americans are losing their jobs and homes THIS MOMENT. I hope they choose the pay off every college grads student loans option. Luckily Bernanke can press the magic "Printing press" button. If 800 billion could do all those things, trillions of dollars could do so much more. The bank must repay the debt plus interest sometime (at least, that's what's supposed to happen when the system is working normally). Actually, this is really interesting blog as what we can buy for $800B. John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, paid $1.2 million to remodel his office/bathroom/conference rooms. Thanks Hu Jintao... how much of America does China own now? My great great great great great great great great great great great great *takes breath* great great great great grand children would still be filthy rich. A billion dollars isn’t what it used to be but it’s still substantial. Posted on February 27, 2019 by Darmawan . It is amazing what money has come to in our world today and how much value we place upon it. If you could buy a seat for $10 million, $800B could buy 80,000 US Senators. and the list goes on... Thirty million dollars – that's a lot of money. Posts: 21,891. I dunno about you guys, but I'll be on the next flight to Pakistan! Report Inappropriate Content. You're gonna need some caffeine, but you can afford it, so go for it. Is there a deadline to when the 800B has to be decided on what it’s going to be put towards, and when is this going to start taking its affect? if banks wouldn't have over-lent they wouldn't have went bankrupt. So $800B is $8,247 for every person who actually pays income taxes. At the current median home sale price of $175,000, $800B could buy everyone of them more than five times over. $800 billion is a large sum of money. 1. It seems like a lot of time the government does just throw numbers out there that never seem to mean much. This amount of money really got me thinking about the trillion dollars that our country has in debt and how ridiculous it is. Of course I hope that the package will help the US economy, but with the state of the current crisis it is imperative that the money is put to good use otherwise people can come up with all kinds of hypothetical situations where the money could have been put to good use. If the entire $800B were applied to the US consumber credit card debt, it would completely pay...er...well, it would pay down 85% of it. This article is very interesting in that there is a lot of money out there and yes at this point in the economic state of our country we may need bail outs for the less fortunate but I feel the money could be coming from money already being circulated. Or, used wisely, $30 million could keep you going for your entire life. Menu. Brett Arends Comments. 390.7 million auto-disable syringes. If you play hard and fast, that's one million for each day of a month. Yes it was a great moment in history but did we really need to spend THAT much money on it. but you all have to remember we have a lot to buy. I understand that it was an important day but for a society that is in such economic trouble these expenses can be better used. I know I certainly will be thinking about my money a lot more now. Relevance. 800 billion, in a basic savings account is another 2 billion a year in interest at absolutly no risk. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. For a bit less than a billion dollars, you can buy the A.C. Milan football (soccer) club. Does Obama have a certain number of different avenues he can dip this money into? Answer Save. So while you are still thinking about the richest people on earth and what they own, we have compiled a list of 20 things not even the 100 million dollar man can buy. I personally think that we should put this money into a variety of different uses that would benefit our country rather than just solving one of our problems. so take the time and save you the trouble blame yourself and hold your breath for thhe next few years why we do what we CAN to get ourselfs out of the situation we got our SELVES into. 1 Kudo cherry*135 View Listings. Unfortunately, your half only includes Brandon Bass and all the athletic therapists. You know how long 5 billion dollars would last over there?! You could buy a private island for a lot less than $1 billion, but pour all your wealth into it, you might as well go big. How Gabby Giffords Used Music to Regain Her Speech, 11 Tips for Talking to Someone You Disagree With. Interactive: What A Billion Dollars Buys You. Of course not. What can you buy for $100 million? 800 billion can do whatever I want. Right now, in this part of Connecticut, he said, ''One million dollars doesn't buy you much house. • $21 million to re-sod the National Mall. The $15 billion sum could also buy 1,360 miles of six-lane highways in urban areas. You can try to make these short term bailout plans work all you want, but i just dont buy it. During this time, also the World War II broke out. And how the billionaires live? Get ’em all, hold your own festival, invite ya mates! At a cost of $170 million, we could do it 4,705 more times. Still, something tells us you won't. But my question is where is coming from? A Billion Dollars. Where did that $170 million go and how much of it could have been used elsewhere? 1 decade ago . Provide Medicaid for 1.4 million people Especially when you don't actually have it! Bonds are quite popular in these trobled times, so the Fed will have no problems finding prospective buyers. Cost: $4,150,000. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. 222,000 Palomino Horses. There have been a lot of schemes including Madoff's and Blagojevich that are taking money from people that need it more and that have more to lose. (I have a family of four, that's nearly $10,500.). Does he want one billion dollars because he needs the money? $80 billion is a lot of money and it seems that when put in perspective like this, it seems a little more tangible. You're gonna need some caffeine, but you can afford it, so go for it. $800B is $200,000 per job (where do I apply?}. goal. Registered: ‎01-11-2012. Still, something tells us you won't. Currently, we have a similar situation. how exactly will these things stimulate the economy RIGHT NOW. You could buy 1.178 billion of them, enough to give three of them to every man, woman and child in the U.S. Hey you have to spend money to make money... why not 800 billion? With all this money being dumped into the economy, We had better some positive results.. otherwise I think our nation's taxpayers could use a raise! Build a big park. There were 850,000 home foreclosures in 2008. There has been some talk about a trickle up effect from using that money to help out your average citizen rather than having it sucked up in bonuses. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. A lot! What Can You Buy With 50 Billion Zimbabwe Dollars? That's exactly what I was thinking. Some 15 million Americans are currently unemployed. The economy sucks, just give us a huge party so everyone forgets about it. Its amazing what this amount of money can do. So it seems like the economy relies on the general population being in debt and each and every person pursuing self-interest. On a similar vein At some point, you earn enough money to support yourself, to give, and to buy a few toys. So to think of 800 Billion dollars as a stimulus package just seems like another Trillion dollars in debt that our government will be in to me. Now we will put 90 billion in the context of other things, so you can … For a bit less than a billion dollars, you can buy the A.C. Milan football (soccer) club. Pharmaceuticals (203 million) 389 million de-worming tablets. I also think it's interesting that we are in so much debt, and yet throw down millions of dollars for a ceremony, like Obama's inauguration. Hopefully this 800 billion can actually help the economy in United States today, since the global market depend so much on the United States. We need oversight and regulation over the stimulus money, and we need them after the economy recovers. 800 billion is a hell of alot of money, where is it coming from? Yeah this will create some jobs in the short term if the money is used right, but it is not going to help us out in the long term. I wonder where these will came from are they going to tax or deficit. Bernie Madoff's Ponzi's scheme is estimated to be $50 billion. Message 12 of 17 (3,290 Views) Reply. I certainly would not have thought of it in all those ways. That means that U.S. could build a super highway between Washington D.C and … Motley Fool - the BEST Stock Picking Newsletter. You can let go of the places you know here, the people that you’ve met, and just start fresh where you can make your story anything at all that you would like it to be. the abbott, hockey, pyney and half of a bishop. What Else Can You Buy for $100 Million in Detroit, MI? The average NFL franchise is worth $1.4 billion, thus the entire roster of teams is valued at nearly $45 billion. I would like to see the entire stimulus bill and look at each component which adds up to $800 billion. 21 Luxuries You Could Buy With A Billion Dollars. So the point is if that's what takes for us to get out of this hole, then that's what we'll have to do. And what other things like that are costing the country millions of dollars that don't need to be spent. Congress Needs to Take Immediate Action on DACA, Reinventing How We Select Our Political Leaders. I just hope those huge money will be used for benefit. But if you're notin the market to buy up a social network, there are a lot of other things you could afford with $1 Billion - and we've got the best of them detailed in an infographic. This makes me think of how much could be bought with the amount of debt the United States has. So between rescuing the U.S. out of the Depression and funding the war, we see that the national gross debt as percentage of GDP at the end of 1950s fiscal year ran about 94.1%. Its very interesting to read the unnecessary costs that have occurred. I bet 800 billion dollars could buy a lot of beer. More from the Forbes 400 . What a Billion Dollars Can Buy The RMS Republic was also known as the "Millionaires' Ship" due to the many rich and famous passengers who travelled on-board. I would like to see this $800 billion given to everybody in the world (6,706,993,152) equally. Here are nine things we could buy for $5 billion instead of a border wall: 1. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. Sure, a private jet screams "top 1-percent," however, when you've got a billion dollars, a plane that only seats six simply isn't good enough. The $6.2 billion monthly income figure is for men; because women live longer, on average, $1 trillion would buy a 65-year-old woman a little less. its all a viscous cycle of stupidity. 222,000 Palomino Horses. When the previous baiout plan was released for 700 Billion dollars, I remember reading that 700 Billion dollars can be stacked in one dollar bills all the way to the moon and back, and that 700 Billion dollars can buy each person in the world 80 Happy Meals from McDonalds. It is absolutely unbelievable what you can do with 800 Billion dollars. But thanks to the description it can apparently solve a lot of problems. Unless you’ve been living under a wi-fi-less rock lately, you know that you too can own a little slice of Facebook now. I honestly have no idea what would be the most beneficial way to spend such an amount in our current economy. I wonder how long you could keep the war going for 800 mil. Your first million dollars! i agree. After reading all of the things we as a nation could do with 800B, I was pretty shocked. Is a Company Name Important to Investors? You might wonder, as I did, what else in the world might be worth $16 billion the sum Facebook will pay (unless it pays $19 billion) for WhatsApp. To fully understand what a million, billion or even a trillion dollars looks like you have to understand each bill, starting with the $100 bill. Its scary to think about. I'll be honest, the last point about John Thain made me laugh. A 2.4kg chicken has been costing 14,600,000 bolivars (equivalent to $2.22, or £1.74) in the capital, Caracas. These loans allow banks to function and our economy to function as well. by Quicken Loans. A billion dollars seems like a lot of money, but what exactly would it buy you around the world? Still, if you wanted to, you could hide it in a large closet in your house. Dollar. Typically, the Fed will issue however many bonds are needed to finance any additional debt. It is amazing after reading this article, how much 800 billion dollars really is. Here are examples of what $700 billion, the estimated cost for the government to bail out the financial system, could buy. Ariana Romero | May 18, 2012 4:30 pm. Lets hope that is not the case though. So you could own all 100 Senators for 4,800 years. $800,000,000 can buy you: 300 million Grande Iced Coffee from Starbucks With one million "bucks" you can buy one million things at the Dollar Store! It made me think about how in debt our country truly is and how it will probably never be solved. i think its a little ridiculous that we need 800 billion dollars to get us out of a situation we - (some more than others... but still) caused!!! With $800B, we could fund 16 such schemes. I love the fact that Obama is trying to stimulate the economy and I feel that he can really do alot of good with the plans he has. news Aucun commentaire. All I have to say is this better work because this money could go towards fixing a lot of other problems, as shown above. Wow 800B is a lot of money! California's budget gap appears to be around $30 billion. With the cost of 2 small fleets – each with its own aircraft carrier – coming in at about $50 billion, it’s up to you how much you want to spend on fuel, ammo, and personel. I'm sure they could have put on the inauguration for probably $100 million less, I mean even $70 million is a lot of money. This is how much the government is going to cost you (roughly $3,278 for every man, woman and child in the United States). I would probably concentrate on a particular area, because that money concentrated could have the greatest affect used in that manner. VATreasures. 10 things you can buy with 100 million dollars Reviewed by sariyugurta7@gmail.com on septembre 06, 2017 Rating: 5. 80% of 1,500,000 = 80% * 1500000 = 0.8 * 1500000 = 1,200,000 Your first million dollars! all this extra fluff is nonsense and will do little to help the CURRENT crisis. But still, it seems that money could have gone to better use elsewhere. If you play hard and fast, that's one million for each day of a month. 800 billion dollars, that number almost seems unrealistic its amazing what it can do and how much it could help, but i believe that when it is all dispersed it will be too hard to track where the expenses went and it will not help are economy. In 2014, Steve Balmer of Microsoft bought the Los Angeles Clippers for 2 billion dollars meaning that the billion dollars you have could only buy you half the Clippers. nice numbers! $800B is $123,000 each. From the IRS, there were about 97 million people with 2006 income tax liability. What would you do with 80 million dollars? While these numbers are interesting, by themselves they are far more prejudicial than probative. The 800 billion dollar stimulus package is a large risky investment that may or may not help the economy. It is estimated that the 2008 debt to GDP ratio will be about 72.8%. Favorite Answer. What Can You Buy With 20 Billion Dollars? This vehicle was used in the 1992 classic Batman Returns movie and was retailing for a whopping $250,000. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. This is a lot of money one can only hope that it is actually put to good use and will actually the help US instead of putting us further in a hole thats not going to be to fun for our children to dig out of. Obsessed with travel? What can 800 billion dollars buy? this isn't the first economic cries and it wont be our last if people don't become more educated about the economy. Rather than treat the symptons, which could be identified as excessive debt to name one, perhaps the general public, as well as those in financial authority could be reeducated or better taught those principles, tactics and strategies that would ensure the safety and the perseverance of the hardworking individual. Every single person. But there is now way to make everyone happy so i dont think everyone should worry about it. When weighed in $100 bills, a million dollars weighs approximately 10 kilograms. A.C. Milan is one of the most successful football clubs in the world with 18 international titles. What Does 100 Billion Dollars Look Like. For any of you that have been in a gas station or a shopping center within the last 24 hours you may have noticed the Powerball is now at an estimated 800 million dollars. Illinois Governor Blagojevich has allegedly tried to sell Barrack Obama's senator seat. I would buy up distressed properties and use them to house low income families. About 6.5 million people are receiving unemployment benefits. Buy an AMRAAM missile for medium range. If you were really dedicated, and could spend $20 per second, you could spend $1 billion dollars in 578 days (1 year, 214 days). In this scenario, a nice mango would cost around $200. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. It's also interesting that I heard many complaints from people when Bush gave a stimulus but now that Obama is doing it its a great idea. With $100 billion dollars, you could furnish a real version of the classic boardgame: ‘Battleship’. The real question is if the 800 billion dollar stimulus package fails, then how much will it cost to fix the economic problems of the future? With it, you could own 50 cars, run 50 concerts, buy 250 rifles, operate a network of 50 stores, spend the year in 5 different houses, have 5 military vehicles or own 5 startups. A true real estate mogul with your $ 100 bills, a million dollars and even just one million bucks... Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and a form of nocturnal.... Stay a few extra days ) ya mates remodel it 666,666 more times and 187 million pieces of safe supplies. Buy everyone of them more than $ 1 trillion alot of money can.! Real life, opportunities to gratify wishes, and was a great MOMENT in history but did really. 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what can you buy with 80 billion dollars 2021