The program is enriched through collaboration with colleagues in other UBC graduate programs such You are allowed to repost the same question on the megathread as long as its reasonable (not every 8 hours etc. Books. FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES DOUBLE MAJOR The Food and Nutritional Sciences double major at UBC integrates your interests in science, nutrition, health and food into an undergraduate degree that is comprehensive, rigorous and relevant. But the thing is I kinda don't find like 2 out of the 5 upper level courses I'm planning on taking this year interesting...I'm basically just taking them because they're 300 and above. Students will receive an email communication regarding the process in late May or early June. In addition, we have a final paper about the cloning project we work on the entire term. Press J to jump to the feed. Comments and any advice for BIOL 300? It's limited to just questions, and things that could/should be worded as questions. The Combined Major in Science in housed in the Biological Sciences Building, but the integrated nature of the specialization ensures that you will attend classes and participate in labs in the facilities of other science departments, such as the Mathematics Building and Earth Sciences Building. Many of my classmates, and myself included, found it pretty tough. Research-wise, unless you're lucky to get into some of the marine research being done on the coast or on the island (Bamfield), it's also pretty tough, I'd say. I'd say the most common routes are research or industry lab work. Bc CHEM 121 is now CHEM 120 & CHEM 115 and CHEM 115 is only offered in term 1? The online community of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada! 2nd year is a bit more difficult than usual I’d say but it’s still fine. I recently got into Sauder as a transfer into second year and was wondering on if anyone else has done this and any tips they could give about course load. UBC Bachelor of Computer Science grad (BCS-ICS '17). It's mostly digesting the information you learn in lecture to make sure you understand, doing some research, making some calculations, and doing a quick online quiz. Applied Animal Biology offers opportunities for advanced study and research leading to a M. Sc. So I'm kind of confused if we still put it on our worklist? Suggested sort is set to new, so new comments will always be the most visible. It's a very good idea to go through the practice, as it helped me immensely. I personally found that the TA explained concepts much better than the prof, so I enjoyed going to labs, but the computer lab work was very easy and dull. The online community of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada! I failed Math 103 this term and took a W. Would you recommend retaking Math 103 next year or taking Math 101 or 105 instead? I'd say that Vancouver is a relatively bad place for people to get biology-related jobs. Sauder courseload in general isn’t that difficult. Sorry for the late reply! 47.1k. Insert the course code into Search Term. We were given weeks to work on it, handing in progress every so often for peer and TA marking. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Now that they've updated the first year courses to online, does anyone know why most physics first year courses are only offered in term 1? Students who are entering second year and wish to pursue a biology specialization must apply using the online processadministered by the Faculty of Science. Personally I'd experience a very dark space of my psyche doing all those course in one year/term but then again I have some friends that have done some crazier things. How are the professors? Bc PHYS 101 is now PHYS 131 (lecture) and PHYS 119 (lab) and both are only offered in term 1. It's welcome at government jobs and many others, as it's useful for research. Unlike my BIOL 341 class this year, where it was focused on one continuous project the entire term, we jumped around to test different physiological principles and parts. Courses: Here is a list of all of the subjects offered at UBC Vancouver. I recovered some of it, but I feel like I've lost a whole chunk of my education in an instant. has anyone taken ENDS 110? The final paper was about a neat mechanism for gas exchange in salmon, which was very fun for me, and we got to count blood cells and centrifuge blood. Our final group presentation was super short and sweet (a few minutes) and focused on our findings on the heartbeat / cold water experiment. Combined Major in Biology and Computer Science Students already admitted to the Biology program. Peko Peko is a sad excuse for sushi. 4th year Biology major here and willing to answer questions! These can give you the opportunity to chat with graduate students, industry hirers, and profs about their experiences, as well as give you a chance to check out some of the options you have in the area. Due to the similarity between the major and honours biology specializations in second year, the Faculty of Science only admits students directly to the Major, Combined Major, or the Combined Honours. Honestly, I skipped all the lectures after the midterm since they were pretty much useless. But I'm far from an expert in this subject, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Not OP, but I just finished Biol 300. Tech. Thanks! What specialization are you trying to get into? are fine). This does seem like a lot for a first year. 57,250 of them attend UBC’s Vancouver campus (UBCV), while 10,708 go to UBC’s Okanagan campus (UBCO) in Kelowna. I am an incoming first year science student, and am planning in taking MATH 100, PHYS 106, CHEM 120/115, CPSC 110, and PHIL 120 in term 1 and MATH 101, PHYS 108/109, CPSC 121, SCIE 113, and ASTR 102 in term 2 (34 credits total). ). We actually forgot some of the basic principles we learnt in biostats, whoops, but they didn't mark us too badly on that! Students about to enter second year We only did one presentation for BIOL 341 this previous semester. If you a need a course, speak to the department or sign up for a waitlist. What advice do you have for me? I'd also totally recommend co-op or summer work-learn! If you're looking into popular 3rd (and perhaps 2nd) year courses though, it might be more of an issue. Everything you needed was on the slides and practise problems. The Minor has been re-designed to provide optimal flexibility for students from many different disciplines and backgrounds. The project itself was overall a neat experience, but also a bit of work. (And of course there's CAPS and Pharm which I don't have much hope for...), EDIT: assuming that I don't end up going to med or pharm school of some sort! There's a whole list of lab notebook etiquette to follow. Do we still sign up for the labs for term 1? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Consider taking some CPSC courses and merging those skills with biology, if that's your thing. I think I'm equally interested in biotech, biology, microbio, and biochem but how do I decide? On September 8, join us for our first “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. Biostats was honestly a bit confusing for me, but as Zafird said, everything you need are on the slides and also in the textbook. Like I mentioned to another student above, definitely check out the career fairs or free workshops hosted at UBC. UBC has a total of 67,958 students. Thanks! I'll try my best to help you out. That being said, it might take up to 4 hours for your post to be approved (except when we're sleeping). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So I plan on taking 5 upper level courses as core plus/electives each year from now on till then (in addition to the upper level core courses Ill have to do mandatorily in 3rd and 4th year- hopefully it all adds up to 48 credits before 2023). For those who’ve taken MATH 320, what advice would you give to someone trying to succeed in that course? How was he? Can you give any information on possible careers, or even specific information about BEd after Biology if you know anything about that? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If anyone has taken CLST 301 over the past year, how did you find it and do you think the format will be pretty similar since all classes will be online this term? This information applies to students entering 2nd or 3rd year Biology. Welcome to the Health and Society (HESO) Minor in UBC's Faculty of Arts! Anyone have experience with ASIC 220 (Intro to sustainability). Note that you don't need to post rants and raves, shout-outs, criticism of programs, etc. ), even if you've gotten a response. It will re-open in June 2021. How difficult is it to transfer over and what steps should I take. Program Worksheets: Biology Major Combined Major Computer Science and Biology Combined Major Chemical Biology Combined Major Biology and Oceanography Program Worksheets for Honours Options HONOURS Usually involves intense specialization in a […] Also if anyone has the syllabus from last year and is able to PM it that would be greatly appreciated! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): please review UBC’s general information and FAQs and G+PS's graduate student-specific information. Life at UBC's Vancouver campus. You can easily do it at home, and it's never tested - you just need to know the basics so you can complete your lab report. No linking to Textbook PDFs. The majority of students at both campuses are undergraduates. You basically need to take second year core courses (Comm 203.205 293 294 295 298 etc etc) plus catching up the first year requirements (comm 290 291 292). Don't take advantage of other people's desperation, and don't try to gain the upper hand on other students by being sneaky. during this time of year, all questions about courses, programs, majors, registration, etc. Also, how competitive is the transition into commerce second year. It's true that we have quite a few pharmacological and biotech startups in the area, but it's still incredibly competitive. They required us to complete parts of the report every few weeks (mostly near the end), which actually helped make sure people weren't stuck pulling all-nighters writing the entire thing. Without a megathread, r/UBC would be flooded with nothing but questions that apply to only a small percentage of the UBC population. Fyi I'm a 5th year Science student. Plants. Was it a lot of work compared to your other courses? Back up your work, kiddos. I found it much easier than some of the reports I've written for previous classes, and the statistical analysis was straightforward. I guess it depends on your work ethic and overall interest in the subjects, but just remember that 1st year UBC courses are designed to break you so don't go in expecting straight A's. We got to handle live mice and test their breathing rates in darkened containers, as well as dissect and shock the frog gastrocnemius (leg muscle) to test contractions, dunk our heads into water and record our heartbeats, record action potentials, and run recordings on a biking classmate. I didn't have any trouble getting into any of my classes. Not-as-serious-answer: That one day all of the cats in the world will just decide that they hate me and I will never get to pet one again in my life. The formulas are all provided for you during exams, but it's all put together rather messily without names, so it's good to know them inside out! It will prepare you for graduate school in various biological sciences disciplines as well as for professional schools (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law, journalism, etc. What was BIOL 363 like? How would it work if we wanted to take PHYS 101 in term 2? I'm in BMS (going into my second year) and one of our requirements is to take 48 credits of upper level courses to graduate. Does this course load seem too much for a first year student? BIOL 111: Introduction to Modern Biology Course Description Concepts fundamental to biological issues, such as the genetic basis of biological variation, evolution, infectious diseases, causes of cancer, population growth, and human effects on ecosystems. There's sometimes a lot of pre-lab work, but not a lot of technical skill involved in the actual labs (except for pipetting). The best tip I can give you is to understand what each statistical test does, what formula it applies to, and how to go through the process to get the answer. We will ban you for trying to game the registration system. The fish and chips are alright though. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Any advice from upper years for any of these courses (suggestions/alternatives)? If you don't need a course anymore, drop it. I don’t know what to expect, but reddit tells me it’s one of the toughest courses at UBC. The Biology program is designed to provide you with a strong grounding in several sub-fields of biology and the basic practical skills of the working biologist. Get a taste of the work in these areas, and maybe you can find one that you enjoy more or one that you create great connections in. The Biology Program has one Major, two Combined Majors, eight Honours, and three Combined Honours options. seconding that for biol 341, what's the overall workload like? Serious answer: Not being able to secure a good job after I graduate with my BSc that will give me a good leg up into grad school. Hello, I got into my second choice of BIE but was looking to get into commerce. Best of luck. UBC Science '14 (Biology) grad. I worked in Richmond at a pharmaceutical company for 8 months. The sore point of every conversation with every 4th year ever, haha. There's a bit of work before each lab, but it's less than BIOL 341 and 340 (so I've heard). ("Beyond the BSc", lab tours, career fairs). Due to the overwhelming number of questions about courses, instructors, syllabus requests, majors, what-to-do if I failed, etc. Co-op gives you a good idea about the careers available after you graduate. Stuck in Zoom calls ... Join. Students who are not eligible for entry into a biology specia… No asking for instructors materials (student created notes, etc. Click on a subject code to drill down into the courses offered. Oh, and if you find out who I am from this information, say hi! I plan on graduating in 2023 (4years), and I don't want any holdups. We also handed in a draft, which was marked and handed back for us to improve on - easy marks. In response to the impact of COVID-19 on course and lab delivery, we’ve updated requirements for applying to affected second-year program specializations in 2021. Click on a subject code to drill down into the courses offered. Options include one Major, two Combined Majors, eight … I'm also in the Biology co-op program, and I've also been an Imagine Day leader for two years. How hard is __?, Look at my timetable and course material requests), programs, specializations, majors, minors and registration go here. How do I succeed in MATH 320? There are also cool initiatives in biological research at places like the Vancouver Aquarium. Any course(s) not on these lists that you feel are relevant as Restricted Electives need to be approved by your program advisor, whose name and email is listed within each major.. Students with questions regarding which list to follow can contact LFS Student Services. The primary objective of the Biophysics program is to give students a good working knowledge of one subfield in the biological sciences at the senior undergraduate level. Overall, there was a lot of work, but nothing entirely unexpected of a lab course. Wanting to take this to fulfill the Biology breadth requirement and there is no syllabus or course information I can find online. Labs are also completely optional, except for the labs where you must collect data for your lab report. I'd also say that a field currently in higher demand is bioinformatics. The instructors, Liane and Ehleen, are lovely and approachable. Edit: one of my serious fears happened this summer, actually - I lost almost all of my electronic notes and work on my laptop due to a backup error. A diverse team of people from the psychology community will be responding to your questions from u/UBCPsych.You can also find us at r/UBC.. Biophysics. Also consider if you even need an integral calc course for your specialization. As for careers, it's a good idea to check out the free workshops UBC and other student groups offer throughout the year! Top posts december 23rd 2015 Top posts of december, 2015 Top posts 2015. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Press J to jump to the feed. The primary objective of the Biophysics program is to give students a good working knowledge of one subfield in the biological sciences at the senior undergraduate level. No selling, trading or asking for course seats. We also had to propose a method of testing the function, so brainstorming and going through the viability of several methods wasn't fun for many of us. Once you practice enough, you'll find that the correct formulas for questions are easy to recognize. This was also pretty tough. The UBC Science Second-Year Application is now closed. Unfortunately don't know much about BEd, but if you have specific questions I have a friend I can direct them to. Non-campus food. I take MATH 320 next term, and this will be my first honors course in Mathematics. BIOL 112, 140, 121 / CHEM 121, 123 / ENG 112 / SCIE 113 / MATH 102, 103 / PHYS 101, BIOL 200, 204, 205, 230, 234, 260 / CHEM 233, 235 / SOCI 100 / CPSC 110. We had to digest two plasmids (one containing a GFP gene, and the other containing a T7 promoter), ligate them together, transfect them into E. coli, and run a series of tests to see if we could correlate GFP production with T7 promoter activity. what is the courseload like? The content of each integral calc is slightly different. Oh man. Email: degree in animal physiology, behaviour, welfare, and management of livestock, companion animals, research animals, wildlife species, aquaculture, and on the human-animal relationship. Jobs. Please suggest GPA boosters as a reply to this comment, for people who still believe in the concept of GPA boosters. This will let you search through past megathreads as Reddit search is not the best for comments. That said, it's still easier than BIOL 340, where students have to design their own projects and dedicate much more time in lab. Students already admitted to the Biology program (and only those students) should follow the same procedure as for the Computer Science Majors program, specifying their choice of Combined Majors program on the form. We were given a mystery gene from E. coli that had very little existing research, and using the known domains and similar genes in other species, we made a proposal about the gene function and presented it in groups of 4. Also, since chem labs are cancelled, how would we make up for them? Restricted Electives are courses that are more specific to your degree program and/or career goals. does anyone have experience taking a 6/4 course split? UBC's Biology Program is the undergraduate teaching program of the Departments of Botany and Zoology. The reasoning is simple. honours student so need to hit that 30 credit threshold, but seriously struggling to find interesting electives in term 2 (if anyone has suggestions they are much appreciated). Our class' lab report was about the preference of right and left handedness in our human subjects (our class) and involved a little bit of research. Just talking about purely the bachelor's degree. Warning that content in my first or second year courses may have changed over the years, and I'll admit I can't remember a whole ton about it. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about UBC or if you just want to chat! You can search for past comments and posts about specific courses through You can also try contacting profs to see if you can do some volunteer work in their labs. in the megathread. This lab is pretty strict about keeping a tidy lab notebook. Remember to always write your hypotheses first thing on the exams (easy marks but often forgotten). belong here. I found the Animal Phys Lab to be quite fun! Did you get Craig by any chance? Students graduating in the program will also have an understanding of the basic concepts and quantitative skills of physics. UBC COURSE QUESTION, PROGRAM, MAJOR AND REGISTRATION MEGATHREAD (2019W2/2020S): Questions about courses (incld. The online community of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada! Use standard UBC course codes when searching (CPSC 310, BIOL 324 not CS 310, BIO 324). They give you a lot of feedback and though rigorous, I found it a good experience on writing academic papers. Got questions about your upcoming classes, textbooks, student life, or technical stuff? Since you're near the end of completing your degree, what advice can you give regarding the job prospects of different science majors? So do you think its a good idea, or should I just do the best I can to do as many upper level courses as I can each year but also take courses (for core plus or elective) that actually interest me (even though they might not necessarily be upper level?) The Graduate Program in Cell and Developmental Biology offers opportunities for advanced study and research in cell and developmental biology through a coordinated program of studies leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Based on popular opinion, research is best begun during your university years - you can make connections with profs, and there are options such as summer work-learn programs that can help boost your experience that can lead to jobs after graduation. Other jobs include government research or bioinformatics. Retaking Math 103 would be the most advantageous since you already have an idea of the topics. 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