Sprouts are ready for harvest on Day 7 and baby greens at Day 14. Sunflowers are a great microgreen to start with, even if you’re brand new to gardening. Since these seeds are meant for birds to eat, they haven’t been treated with any chemicals. Your thoughts? 2. You can add some hydroponic nutrient solution to the water to get stronger and larger greens, but they’ll grow just fine with pure water. You can even use old mugs and bowls, but I’d recommend using longer square or rectangular containers instead. But I find the cheapest way to get some uncooked sunflower seeds to use for growing microgreens is actually in the form of bird food! Anita. More on this later. Buy our sunflower microgreens seeds and add a splash of colour, taste and nutrition to your dishes. Start growing your sunflower microgreens now! Thanks for all your info and testing. That is very hard unless you can strictly control your grow environments. The results of the test show that sunflower seeds soaked for 24-hours may speed up germination. Plus growing them is a fun and educational process for adults and kids alike. A microgreen consists of a central stem having two fully developed cotyledon leaves, and usually one pair of the plant's true leaves. But if you’re growing microgreens indoors, all of these extras might kill off your plants before they really get a chance to grow. Microgreens also contain a higher amount of fiber. First off, there are as many ways to grow sunflowers as there are people that produce them. Sunflower microgreens are great for healthy living because of its long list of health benefits. Next you want to make a wick out of a piece of paper towel by folding it until it’s a strip about 1 inch wide. Know more about the plants and discover just how it can positively change your life. I have some evidence that soaking sunflower seeds for a 24-hour period is better than a 48-hour period. Treating Sunflower Microgreen Seeds. ecovoo.com.ua Microgreen seeds. Microgreen kits make great gifts, home school or rainy day projects, and are fun for the whole family. These all have a place in the natural outdoor ecosystem. So go ahead and give them to your dog or guinea pig to try out too. Growing sunflowers is quite easy, and they don't take a long time to mature. The tray labeled 24-hour soak" was just planted. Notice how level and flat the seeds are. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to harvest a second round of microgreens from the early stems that you cut off. Please note that these are unhulled sunflower seeds (they have not had the hard coating of the seed removed). Getting StartedCoursesResourcesMicrogreens PodcastHome Microgreens Store, ©2020 Todd Marsh - Privacy policy - Disclaimer. Sunflower microgreens are non-toxic to every common pet I could think of. So, in reality, it doesn't matter how long the seeds soak as long as they're covered and keep moist (as the blackout period does). The biggest variable is the seed lot and temperature. Can You Grow Sunflower Microgreens Without Soil? Soak the sunflower seed 4-8 hours. Add your seeds on top of the paper towel, and you’re ready to add water. At some point, I’m going to plant sunflowers on 2-hour soaking intervals and see if there’s an ideal soak. It seems to work best for us. As your sunflower microgreens start to grow, some of the seed shells might get stuck on the growing leaves. You can buy sunflower seeds from garden centers or online retailers. Best harvested at 7cm long at cotyledon stage before the true leaf forms. I had never heard of that until now. However, some seeds such as sunflower and pea shoots, need to be cleaned and soaked before planting. Days to harvest microgreens - 15 - 25 days At around $0.50 per pound, these are some of the cheapest microgreens seeds you’ll be able to find. In the between seasons, I’m always chasing the temperature swings. This softens the sunflower seeds’ shell and makes it easier for them to sprout. Soak your sunflower seeds in cold water overnight or for about 12 hours for optimal results. Our microgreen seeds are 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Generally, we soak the seeds overnight and plant in the morning, or soak them in the morning and plant later in the afternoon. All of this enhances the nutritional value of microgreens. If you’re really on a shoestring budget, you can simply go outside to your garden and dig up a bit of soil to take inside and grow your microgreens in. They won’t be developing long root systems or getting large enough to extract large amounts of nutrients out of the soil. The soft and porous seed shell of sunflowers is the ideal location for fungus spores to attach. They’ll thank you for it! Fill it up with potting or garden soil and mix in some manure or vermicompost. If you absolutely have to use your own soil, you can sterilize it by putting it in your oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. We recommend pouring 1-teaspoon of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide over every 25-grams of sunflower seeds. Trays of microgreens also make great gifts! The ebook comes in two versions, one version includes instructions to grow the most commonly grown microgreens. Several different methods and processes are detailed. Just make sure they’re pressed down lightly so they make good contact with the dirt. We recommend pouring 1-teaspoon of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide over every 25-grams of sunflower seeds. I also have never had a fungus issue. If your home has dry air (especially during winter), check on the water level of your container and add more if it’s getting low. Notice that radicles have also grown on the tray planted after a 12-hour soak. Microgreen sunflower seeds produce seedlings that contain about 25% protein. Yes, I play around a lot with different potting mixes but only on a small scale. I find what works best on a small scale and use that for my commercial grow outs. The tray on the left soaked 12-hours prior to planting; the right tray was planted after soaking for 24-hours. After about 24 hours of soaking, you should start to see your seeds beginning to sprout. Notice that the first tray planted and removed from the blackout period (left tray) also has germinated and that the radicles have not only formed but are growing down into the soil media. Plus they’re easy and inexpensive to grow! If you haven’t got a planter tray, you can use a disposable aluminum foil baking tray or any other container of a similar shape and size. Sunflower for Microgreens 750g. What’s The Difference Between Sunflower Microgreens And Sprouts? As you can see in the next two photos, both trays have similar growth. Of course, in the beginning, you will need to make a small financial investment of cash along with time. Grow microgreens as a side hustle, retirement income, or maybe even as an occupation. Sorry for the long answer because of the variables. I store my seeds in the refrigerator in a sealed bag. If you’re using a regular 10″ x 20″ planter tray, you’ll want to soak about two cups of seeds to get the right seed density for growing. We now pre-treat sunflower seeds with the peroxide every time we plant. You can eat sunflower microgreens the same way you’d use baby lettuce, arugula, or alfalfa sprouts. A quarter cup of sunflower microgreens contains about 200 calories. The Home Microgreens Video Course is perfect for the person that wants to grow one or more trays of microgreens for home use. Even like this, H2O2 can kill the fungus and not harm the sunflowers. Growing microgreens at home is a great way to add some additional greens to your diet. If you bring it inside, you might be bringing in eggs of fruit flies, gnats, ants, and other creepy crawlies that can be difficult to get rid of once they establish a colony inside of your home! A sharp blade is key here, as it will cleanly cut through the stems of your microgreens without bruising them in the process. Basically you’re just looking for any kind of container that is waterproof and that you don’t mind putting soil into. Below is a photo of those seeds. Some people grow them exclusively to feed to their chickens or rabbits as a way to cut down on animal feed costs. Cut in 20 days for baby leaf, or grow it for 40 days to harvest mature leaves. Just leave your seeds to grow for a week or two and you’ll have sunflower microgreens! All around, they’re a healthy food to eat that can help boost your immunity and help reduce disease. When your sunflower microgreens are ready to harvest, their shells should start falling off their leaves and they should be about 4 inches tall. They will need to reorient themselves to root into the soil. Perfect for home cooking, dinner parties or for inclusion in smoothies, salads and sandwiches. 3. You can either use microgreens as their own salad, or simply as one ingredient in a mix of lettuce and other leafy vegetables. The peroxide reduces the possibility of fungus or mold growing on the sunflower seeds as they germinate. Grow sprouts or matured vegetables. Decorate your food with colorful flavors Our kit and seed prices are very competitive if not the lowest on the internet. Growing sunflower microgreens from seeds is encouraged as we supply sunflower microgreens seeds with superior germination so the germination rate is high. Helianthus annuus. The microgreen technique can be used for any plant whose roots, stems, and leaves are all edible. From this point on, you can carefully water the soil directly instead of misting your plants if you wish. So eat whichever you prefer if it increases the amount of high quality greens that you’re eating! The second set of seeds continued soaking for 12 more hours before it was planted. Once I uncover them I keep them under regular lights no grow lights (although I am considering it) and keep them under the overhead fan so air is circulating. If you’re cooking them, add them to the dish after you take it off the heat so that they maintain most of their crunch and crispy texture. You can also cut a milk carton in half lengthwise to make a pair of microgreen containers that you can re-use over and over. Cleaning the seeds … That same quarter cup contains about 16 grams of fat. Note: Sunflower green loses its beautiful nut aroma over time, so don’t let it stand for too long! You can leave the more immature microgreens to grow for an extra few days and only harvest the tall ones that are ready. Sunflower microgreens are a great source of calcium and iron. Sprinkle the seeds evenly and densely on the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil. We supply seeds in the perfect quantity for a variety of tray sizes, as well as by the ounce and quarter pound. After 5 to 10 minutes we add fresh water to the seeds until the seeds are covered by an inch of water. In fact, we think it's better to plant them earlier as the radicles on the 12-hour soak have already found the soil surface. The sunflower microgreen is a natural expectorant for chest congestion: In Ayurvedic medicine*, these sprouts are thought to have the ability to encourage clearance of the lungs. Use between 2 and 3 cups to cover 200 square inches. I have always soaked my seeds around 8 hours. It makes harvesting easier, and you’ll be able to grow more sunflower microgreens in a single batch. Take a look at our simple microgreens setup where we grow in rectangular trays. There are a few tricks that make it easier to grow sunflower microgreens, and we'll cover a couple of those tricks in this article. We recommend pre-treating sunflower seeds before planting. They have a surprisingly sweet and mild taste reminiscent of carrots. It self seeds freely and may become invasive if left unchecked. After 4 or 5 days, you can take the cover off your sunflower microgreens and allow them to be exposed to light. The first step in growing sunflower microgreens is to soak the seeds in a mixture of food grade hydrogen peroxide and water. So if you’ve got pets or farm animals, consider growing an extra tray for them too. People aren’t the only creatures that find sunflower microgreens delicious. Like the seeds they grow from, sunflower microgreens are a good source of calories and healthy unsaturated fats. This is where your seeds will sit. Radicles have formed. This video shows a technique I've used a few times to grow hydroponic sunflower microgreens only with water and a tray, and no medium. Sunflower is the crunchiest microgreen. Each day you’ll want to lift your cover to mist your seeds and soil a couple of times to keep them moist. I live in Florida and grow my microgreens inside and keep my A/C set at 75 degrees (cooler might be better but i can’t stand being cold), and monitor the humidity which is around 55. Sometimes I soak 10 hours, other times is 4 hours. Over 100 options to choose from, each trialed by our research team. Of course, it’s even better to eat your microgreens as soon as you harvest them for optimal freshness! My recommendation is to find what works for you and stick to that method and if you change anything only change one variable at a time. Differences in the size and leaf configuration are based upon the specific plant variety. That's just the way it is, and precautions and solutions need to be at the ready when growing sunflowers. They go great in sandwiches, soups, smoothies, and plenty of other recipes. Ideally, you only want organic seed that is labeled safe for human consumption use. If you’re using a round container, multiply the radius squared (1/2 the diameter) of your container by 3.14. Rinse two to three times daily. One the market you will find very tiny black sunflower seeds and a little larger one, both are perfect. If you look wherever wild bird seed is sold in your area, you’ll find bags of 100% black oil sunflower seeds. Most microgreen seeds are simple. You can recycle vegetable or berry containers from the supermarket, like those large plastic tubs that salad mixes come in. Become an urban farmer. If you successfully grow sunflower microgreens and enjoyed the process, why not try branching out in to other types of microgreens? The most commonly accepted ‘best’ sunflower type for use as a microgreen is the Black Oil Sunflower. Both the leaves and stem are delicious. Our seed sheet guide provides details on the key factors for many types of microgreens. They’ll last this way in your fridge for up to five days. Home Microgreens is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Let me tell you a little secret behind sunflower seeds. For more information on how to plant sunflower microgreens, and see how the peroxide reacts when added to the seeds, watch the video in How to Grow Sunflower Microgreens at Home. If fungus does appear on the seeds, spraying it with hydrogen peroxide will kill the fungus and not harm the plants in the early stage of growth. This post shares a detailed set of instructions on how to grow deliciously, tasty sunflower microgreens that are healthy and (more importantly) safe to eat. A matter of a couple of degrees can make a difference. Since these seeds will be pre-treated with peroxide and water, they might as well soak for up to 12-hours. Microgreen seeds to grow and harvest in your own home wth ease. Soil and soak time may have some effect. What is your experience with sunflower microgreens? Days to harvest microgreens - 7 - 14 days. Each lot of sunflowers I purchase have different “needs” if you will. Want to Learn More?If you want to learn in more detail how to start growing microgreens as a business, then check out this free guide from Nate Dodson at MicroGreensFarmer.com. Sunflower Microgreens Nutrition Information Like the seeds they grow from, sunflower microgreens are a good source of calories and healthy unsaturated fats. Latin Name: helianthus annuus Seed Presoak: 4 hours in cold water Days to Maturity: 7 - 10 days Growth Medium: Soil, coconut coir Color: green Flavor: crunchy, nutty, fresh Nutrients: Vitamins A, B complex, D, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus Sunflower microgreens are very easy to grow but only in soil. Even some of the pre-treated seeds occasionally grow fungus. You can easily grow microgreens at home in just about any kind of container. Sunflower germination is very sensitive to temperature. In addition to the bugs you can see, you’ll also be bringing in fungus spores, bacteria, mold, and microbes. Please log in again. Convinient look, remarkable taste. Heres a good place to buy all your microgreen seeds at the one place . Visit Bootstrap Farmer today to learn more! Sunflower microgreens are very popular, and for a good reason, they have a pleasant nutty flavor, are juicy, and add great texture to both salads and sandwiches. Let the seeds soak for 5 or 10 minutes, then pour room temperature water over the seeds until they're covered by an inch or so of water. Sunflower microgreens 8-days after they started to soak. Below is a photo of both sunflower trays. Sunflower Microgreens Nutrition Information. Prepare enough moisture into your soil ahead of time. An in-Depth Explanation, How To Grow Oyster Mushrooms: The Ultimate Step By Step Guide. Using food-grade hydrogen peroxide does reduce the chance of fungus growing. Your microgreens don’t need sunlight while they’re germinating and sprouting. Plus each comes with their own unique nutrition and flavor profile. In the winter, I’m on a 10-day interval with a tight-fitting blackout cover. The course includes short, easy to follow videos and checklist for each step along the way. They are easy to grow. See and discover other items: seed trays, leaf bag, microgreen seeds Unlimited One-Day Delivery and more Prime members enjoy fast & free shipping, unlimited streaming of movies and TV shows with Prime Video and many more exclusive benefits. Do you want to learn how to grow microgreens for profit? We've planted many trays of sunflower seeds, both untreated and treated with food-grade hydrogen peroxide. 'Black Oil' - (Non-GMO) - Sunflower MicroGreen Seeds - New! Also check out our guide on different microgreens growing mediums that you could use, which includes other options such as hydroponics and coir matting. The hydrogen peroxide will break down into oxygen and water, so there's no need to rinse the seeds before adding the water. $15.99. The seeds in the tray labeled "Tully" soaked for 12-hours and have been planted for 12-hours. Kohlrabi, Red. So they’re great to mix in to salads to create a more filling dish. In fact, they do better in the dark since they’d normally be buried in the ground at this point. You can eat sunflower microgreens raw or cooked. Talking about sunflower microgreen there are many varieties available in the market, you can take black oil sunflower seeds which are used as bird seeds and very pocket friendly. Changing too many variables leads to troubles. We treat sunflower seed with a teaspoon of food-grade hydrogen peroxide per 25-grams of seed. After your seeds have been soaked, it’s time to sow them. A comprehensive microgreen ebook that details the principals of growing microgreens at home. Step-by-step video instructions are included for the most commonly grown microgreen varieties. In this article you’ll learn how to grow sunflower microgreens. I have never used peroxide. 4. Check out the articles below to find out more! Most importantly, you’ll learn all the delicious ways that you can enjoy eating them! 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