NBA Basketball Teams Quiz. 1285 Administrator July 13, 2016 Quiz 31.245K. Quel surnom n'est pas affilié à Shaquille O'Neal ? 1 seed in the NCAA men's basketball tournament? Sais-tu tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la NBA? Combien de temps l'équipe qui attaque a-t-elle le droit de rester dans la raquette ? 1/10. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Basketball Quiz Pics. Can you stop shooting hoops for a sec and test your trivia? Basketball Sports Quiz-July 29, 2020 0 Michael Jordan, throughout his career, has been the author of many iconic quotes or statements. This is basketball knowledge quiz. C. Both of the above. QUIZ Basket gratuit. Edit. Quel joueur a gagné le plus de titres NBA ? Basketball Rules 5 questions Very Easy, 5 Qns, coreyandadam, Apr 14 03. Save. Which team has won the most NBA Championships? Ready to shoot some hoops? 2002 2003 2009. - Q1: Qu'est-ce qui te correspond le plus ? Whether you play the game or just love watching your favorite players on tv, check your pro level in this Basketball quiz. Aujourd’hui, place à un nouveau test : les joueurs des années 2000 à 2010. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. 21 Questions | By Evergreenbasketb | Last updated: Nov 2, 2020 | Total Attempts: 13901 . As basketball is one of the most watch sports in the USA, by knowing the importance of this game, we decide to craft basketball trivia questions and answers quiz for our viewers. Merci de désactiver votre Adblock, ou de voir comment nous aider en nous contactant à. Quiz Basket - NBA : Quizz pour tout fan de basket (NBA ). You need to answer the question using the presented image in guess the logo basketball. Parmi ces joueurs, lequel a été champion NBA lors de sa saison rookie ? hoop height. Eurobasket. Are you ready for quiz on basketball.We had NBA quiz and am sure you loved it. Basketball Quiz Questions. Vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers. 54 likes. The NBA is the most important season of basketball, we covered all important quiz questions. The concept is easy, you will see an image and an amount of letters, and you will have to guess the player. Think you know everything about basketball and the NBA? Comment reçoit-on une passe d'un partenaire ? Basketball Quiz. Es-tu incollable en basket ? Name the top NBA players of all-time according to an ESPN poll. Answer: Dr. James Naismith; 2. Play Again! Since choose the degree of difficulty in the mod… Are you a basketball obsessive? Got 100% and I'm only 12 . Was putting 76ers down as 1956 then realised that the it was the Philly Warriors that won it. 24 seconds. Then check how well you understand the teams with basketball quiz games. QUIZ EURO2016 (2/2) Passer le test . Community. 5 per team. 8 Questions Show answers. Come on, test your knowledge! New quizzes emailed daily. We offer you to answer 30 questions related to the guess the basketball team. Pour franchir les différents niveaux, il vous faudra réaliser un parcours sans faute (10 bonnes réponses par niveau) et/ou inviter des amis à participer (si vous atteignez 8 ou 9 bonnes réponses par niveau). QUIZ BASKET-BALL. Quizz pour tout fan de basket (NBA ). Mais aviez-vous bien tout suivi ? Quizz et Tests. Take this quiz and see how much you know about each of these teams. NBA Teams Quiz! Combien de joueurs par équipe se trouvent sur un terrain ? Can You Get 31/40 on This Basketball Knowledge Quiz? Parmi ces joueurs, quel joueur n'a pas de chaussures à son nom ? Recent Quizzes . 46.105 Partidas jugadas, ¡juega tú ahora! Can you name every college to have a No. Take this NBA quiz! A hand check is: A. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Write. Quiz Basketball : Surpasse-toi ! Created by. 2/10. Basket Quizz est un jeu de culture générale sur les règles du basket, aujourd’hui 460 questions sont réparties en 46 niveau. Coupe du Monde (F) Basketball. Venez vous tester sur notre quiz ! Which team has won the most NBA Championships? repondre au quizz. 55% average accuracy. A basketball hoop is how many feet high: (a)6 feet, (b)8 feet, or (c)10 feet? QUIZ: The only major sport invented in the United States, basketball has become a global phenomenon. Eurobasket (F) Coupe du Monde. How many players are there in a basketball team? Quel est le record de passes décisives en un match faites par un joueur ? 250,383: Top 100 Greatest NBA Players. Easy quiz about basketball rules. Basket NBA - A l'aube des demi-finales de playoffs de conférence, il est temps pour vous, de prouvez au monde entier que vous êtes incollable sur la NBA. Lors d'un "All Star Week-end", quel joueur a marqué le moins de paniers lors d'un concours à 3 points ? Parmi ces joueurs, lequel n'a pas joué avec Michael Jordan ? Exercices Quiz: Basket ball. 439,416: NBA MVPs Quiz. Which three initials is the men's professional basketball league in North America known by? Answer: In 1891 at Springfield College, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 3. Ultimate Philadelphia 76ers Quiz! Duke2010 +1. A 3-pointer. As basketball is one of the most watch sports in the USA, by knowing the importance of this game, we decide to craft basketball trivia questions and answers quiz for our viewers. Easy Arr0w Dec 02 02 11778 plays 3. Ultimate Lakers Quiz! Quel numéro portait-il chez les Cavaliers de Cleveland ? ¡Jugar a All Star Basketball Quiz es así de sencillo! Image by NBA. Excellent stuff! Es-tu incollable en basket ? BasketballKing +1. If you like College Basketball, you should definitely take the Bing College Basketball Quiz on the platform of Bing and put your knowledge to test. by whenz. Play our Miami … ESL Kids Interactive Grammar Games and PPT Games. Please rate this quiz after you play it! 0. Basketball Rules And Terms Quiz! This quiz is one of the well-known sports quizzes and it is one of the best ways to increase your understanding of the National Basketball Association teams, players, championships, and awards. Merci de désactiver votre Adblock, ou de voir comment nous aider. The Boston Celtics. Basketball trivia games on Qui est le seul joueur à avoir été élu MVP de la saison régulière à l'unanimité ? Risei Serin Seirin Teiko Découvrez tous les quiz littéraires de Babelio Ultimate NBA Player Quiz! True or false? Basketball Player Quiz Questions. Accueil; Histoire; Sport; Series TV; Quiz Basket NBA. Excellent stuff! La saison 2019-2020 de NBA a été interrompue en raison de la pandémie de coronavirus. Basketball was invented in 1920 by Kevin Durant? Ultimate Curling Quiz. Do you consider yourself to be a true Basketball expert? 1. For the correct answers you will receive bonuses in the form of coins. Prev Previous You can pass this cranial nerves quiz, only if you love Anatomy. Sais-tu tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la NBA? Advertisement. Level 13. Quand on n'est pas d'accord avec l'arbitre, que fait-on ? Qui est le joueur avec la meilleur moyenne de points par match sur une saison ? holding time. K - 12th grade. 0. Quizz et Tests. Download shooting in basketball quiz questions 1 … Grammar games and exercises are packed with fun video games, perfect for students and teachers, who teach or learn English.Play ESL Puzzles grammar games for free and experience the power of video technology in the classroom. Are you ready for quiz on basketball.We had NBA quiz and am sure you loved it. If you are a basketball lover then you should definitely take this quiz! But for this basketball quiz we are based on basketball in general and trivia surrounding it. Test your basketball trivia knowledge with this HowStuffWorks quiz! We have over 500 different quizzes to test your NBA and college hoops knowledge. Qui est le joueur le plus petit que la NBA ait connu ? More stuff. amount of time offensive team has to cross the half court line . 8 seconds. La draft NBA 8561 Coen16 Basketball 76 0 2 4 1er avril 2013; Sport - Culture générale 2 10934 AfricaTopSports Football 133 10 8 3.125 18 juillet 2013; Quiz sur les joueurs NBA 2013/2014 14368 karlon Basketball 234 0 1 3 13 décembre 2013; Stars NBA années 2000 29302 Bearnais64 Basketball 59 0 3 3.3333 18 novembre 2015 Quel joueur mis le plus de 3 points dans un match NBA ? In the same manner, he has also been a … Here is a quiz on the basic rules of basketball, also with a little mixed history! Dribble through history with Britannica and learn basketball’s history and exciting facts. - Q1: Combien de franchises y a-t-il en NBA ? Teste tes connaissances. 1/10. QUIZ: The only major sport invented in the United States, basketball has become a global phenomenon. B. Quiz - Pouvez-vous citer tous les noms des franchises NBA ? 4 years ago. Accueil; Histoire; Sport; Series TV; Quiz Basket NBA. Take few simple questions and check how good you are. Take this College Basketball quiz! Un immense merci à Fabien PESTY qui m'a envoyé ce quiz. How well you know field Basketball game in sports, lets take the quiz on Basketball quizzes, general knowledge GK question answer Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject. Read more NBA Quiz: The Ultimate Basketball Trivia Challenge. Quelle franchise NBA a gagné le plus de titres ? 323,564: Most Popular NBA Jerseys Quiz . SPORTS AVG SCORE: 88% 6.8K PLAYS By: Gavin Thagard. Aux USA Au Cameroun En Australie. Download this game from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. How many players are there in a basketball team? legal way of carrying the ball # of players per team. Test. FOOT Quiz … James Naismith, James Harden, Stephen Curry,... Jouez à des milliers de quizz et créez les vôtres gratuitement se connecter + Créer un Quizz. JessAlMortejo TEACHER. est financé par la publicité, celle-ci permet de vous offrir du contenu gratuitement. Take these 37 Basketball Quiz Questions and Answers to see if you are a true fan. A basketball hoop is how many feet high: (a)6 feet, (b)8 feet, or (c)10 feet? Then test your NBA basektball trivia knowledge with Kidzworld's NBA Quiz! Quiz Le basket ball : - Q1: Qui a inventé le basket-ball ? Our grammar games include eight different game platforms that arm teachers wth fun games to play in the … Quiz Nba For Best Basketball free download - NBA Live 2000 demo, NBA Live 2001 demo, NBA Action 98 demo, and many more programs est financé par la publicité, celle-ci permet de vous offrir du contenu gratuitement. The 2019 NBA Quiz! Vous pouvez faire la même chose... Si vous avez fait une erreur, recliquez simplement sur le bon bouton. FOOT Quiz … Quiz Quel personnage de 'Kuroko's Basket' es-tu ? Parmi ces joueurs, lequel a réussi un quadruple-double reconnu par la NBA ? Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Which three initials is the men's professional basketball league in North America known by? But for this basketball quiz we are based on basketball in general and trivia surrounding it. May 15, 2017. Will I Make The Basketball Team Quiz. Ultimate NBA Jersey Trivia. 3. Gravity. 10 feet. quiz in Basketball. 6 questions - Comment s'appelle le lycée ou Kuroko va aller ? Pour le matériel mis à disposition (ballon...), Merci de désactiver votre Adblock, ou de voir comment nous aider en nous contactant à. Parmi ces équipes, laquelle a fait un "Three Peat" ? Sample NBA Player Quiz Have fun! Parmi ces joueurs, lequel n'a pas de frère jumeau qui joue ou qui a joué en NBA ? Match. NBA Basketball Quiz Challenge is a FREE and funny game in which you will be able to prove your basketball knowledge, and you will also learn all about the players. Ce quizz a été fait le 14 mars 2020, au cours de la saison 2019-2020. Vous avez été nombreux à vous essayer sur notre dernier quiz sur les joueurs qui ont passé la barre des 50 points depuis 2010. QUIZ EURO2016 (2/2) Passer le test . Displaying Powerpoint Presentation on shooting in basketball quiz questions 1 what does beef stand for available to view or download. The Ultimate NBA Quiz Put your basketball skills to the test with this hoop-shootin' quiz! 7 Min Quiz Image: Keith Allison via WikiCommons About This Quiz. Basketball Quiz Question 1 out of 8 What year did LeBron James get drafted? What NBA Player Do I Play Like? Basketball Quiz Questions. Où est né Kyrie Irving ? Ultimate Basketball Team Quiz. Combien de MVP de la saison régulière Michael Jordan a-t-il eus dans sa carrière ? A team is primarily identified by its logo. Take this quiz and find out now! What does this signal indicate to players & officials ? B. Intermittently or continuously using one or both hands on an opposing player. (1 point) v Combien de secondes maximum l’attaquant peut-il rester dans la raquette adverse tant qu’il n’y a pas de tir ? Basketball was invented in 1920 by Kevin Durant? 1. Who invented the game of Basketball? 46. Terms in this set (35) time to score a basket. It's hard to imagine that basketball started with the simple goal of putting a ball into a basket, a literal basket. In USA the College Basketball is a big deal and there is a lot of excitement and buzz around it. The Ultimate NBA Quiz Put your basketball skills to the test with this hoop-shootin' quiz! Spell. Niveau moyen (67% de réussite) 10 questions - 23 joueurs Répondez à quelques questions sur Kyrie Irving, excellent joueur aux crossovers imparables. Quelle est la première franchise NBA a gagné le premier titre NBA ? Dribble through history with Britannica and learn basketball’s history and exciting facts. whenz. A field goal. Juega online en Minijuegos a este juego de Baloncesto. : Es-tu Aomine, Midorima ou encore Kagami ? Je suis le PB, en situation de 2 vs 1, le D monte sur moi, je : Le PB est bloqué par un D, que vais-je faire ? Quel joueur n'a pas remporté de titre NBA ? Tous les quiz sport. Trouvez d'autres cours et exercices de culture générale sur le thème Basket ball: May 17, 2017. Tous les quiz sport. 5 seconds. To be precise that was NBA logo quiz and ad will make other quizzes about NBA players, trivia and other things in NBA. Combien de points au maximum un joueur peut-il marquer en 1 seul shoot ? Take our quiz to see if you can match these pictures of basketball shoes to the players who wear them . But sometimes, fans mistake and make errors when identifying these logos.Not because they don’t know the team, but because some fan-art or reiteration of the home or away jersey, changed the real and original logo of a team. Basketball is one of the most fast-paced games in the world – total blink-and-you'll-miss-it stuff. The Washington Bullets . Auto, motos Cuisine Loisirs Sport Voyages. This quiz will challenge your knowledge and the information you know, but also you can learn a lot more about it too! 160 times. Quiz Basket-Ball : Quizz simple sur les règles, et joueurs de ce sport... - Q1: La ligne des 3 points est située à ? Take this quiz on the players from some of the most famous basketball teams like the Golden State Warriors and Boston Celtics and brag about your high score to your friends! Background history and famous basketball players. Elan +1. Basketball is a global sport, meaning that his country of origin is a true toss up for those taking this quiz. Quel joueur n'a pas été numéro 1 de draft ? A foul. 229,710: NBA Champions Quiz… Basketball Rules Trivia Questions & Answers : Basketball This category is for questions and answers and fun facts related to Basketball Rules, as asked by users of Quiz Basket : Questions générales sur le basket-ball - Q1: Combien de pas sont autorisés sans le dribble ? The NBA is the most important season of basketball, we covered all important quiz questions. QUIZ Basket gratuit. The vocabulary of basketball and the terms we use in talking about it. Basketball is a sport which takes stamina and skill, but how well do you know its ins and outs? Tests Nouveautés Tops Jeux Groupes Forums. We are your number one source for basketball quizzes on the web. To be precise that was NBA logo quiz and ad will make other quizzes about NBA players, trivia and other things in NBA. Would be a boring quiz if you didn't have to match the team by the year. - Q1: Quel basketteur connu est mort en 2020 ? Guess the players who have been named MVP of the NBA. We have trivia games about your favorite players, personality tests, and more. dribbling. Basketball, one of the most famous sports in history. Complete the name of this famous team, the Boston ....? repondre au quizz. For example, try to name the 30 teams that play in the NBA. With vocab, example sentences and quiz. Learn. Can you name the basketball movies in which the following characters appear? Basketball test - a popular subject among existing quizzes. Image by NBA. Chicago Bulls Trivia! Download this game from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. - Q1: Quel basketteur est mort en janvier 2020 ? See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Basketball Quiz Pics. Edit. (1 point) v Combien d’appuis le joueur peut-il faire balle en main ( sans dribble ) ? Physical Ed. Teste tes connaissances. Test your basketball trivia knowledge with this HowStuffWorks quiz! STUDY. Many of those teams have a rich history, while others have been trying to establish themselves over the past few decades. Who is this mega … Culture Générale Divertissements Sports & Loisirs + Tous les Quizz > Sports et Loisirs. What NBA Player Am I? Got them with 1:58 left. 3 4 2. The Boston Celtics. Glenn Robinson Jason Kidd Grant Hill Eric Montross 2 Dans quelle ville jouent les Golden State Warriors? A-t-on le droit de revenir dans son demi-terrain lors d'une attaque ? Combien de pas sont autorisés sans le dribble ? This quiz is incomplete! Sport Basketball Joueurs . 30 NBA teams currently take the court each year in pursuit of an NBA championship. Quel joueur est surnommé "The Killer Crossover" ? "Super Quiz for THE BASKETBALL WHICH KUROKO PLAYS" is the exam from such as manga and anime 1400 questions or more. Apr 23, 2017. So, is your b-ball trivia an epic slam dunk? Stephen Curry Quiz: The Best Way To Challenge Yourself. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. 9. Ce quizz a été fait le 14 mars 2020, au cours de la saison 2019-2020. Lega Basket Serie A. Liga Endesa. The … Level 9. The Texas Mare Wrasslers. Are you a Judo master? Name the NBA's best-selling jerseys for each of the last four seasons. Combien de quarts-temps y a-t-il lors d'un match ? The Harlem Globetrotters. NBA. Basketball - Referee Signals DRAFT. True or false? Basketball Quiz Questions with Answers. Quiz Basket. Related quizzes can be found here: Basketball Rules Quizzes When and where was it first played? Qu'est-ce qui m'oriente pour mettre un panier plus facilement ? How many players are you able to recognize? Name the NBA basketball teams with the highest winning percentage since the beginning of the 2000–01 season. This quiz will sort the knowledgeable from the average fans out there, and answering this right is … Qui est le joueur le plus grand ayant joué en NBA ? 1 Qui était le premier choix de la draft en 1994 ? Merci de désactiver votre Adblock, ou de voir comment nous aider. A fun and interesting quiz on basketball. À quel poste évolue-t-il en NBA ? Basketball is a sport which takes stamina and skill, but how well do you know its ins and outs? Quiz Quizz sur le basket-ball : Une petit quizz sur le basket. You may also like... Basketball Quiz. Are you a basketball obsessive? Chaque semaine, notre rédaction vous propose des quiz sur des différentes thématiques en lien avec NBA. Basketball Multiple Choice Questions and Answers MCQ multiple choice questions and answers on Basketball Trivia Quiz. How much do you know about Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant and other famous basketball players? Certains […] NOM PRENOM : CLASSE : v Quel est le nombre de joueurs dans une équipe ? NBA Basketball Records Quiz Name the players who set these memorable NBA records. Quel joueur NBA a mis le plus de points en un match NBA ? Parmi ces équipes, dans laquelle Shaquille O'Neal n'a-t-il pas joué ? 8. Où s'effectue l'engagement au début d'un match ? Played 160 times. ... An unguarded attempt to score from a line 15 feet from the basket in called: A. 2. 4 years ago. Quiz Index Back to Sport Quizzes. Level 62. Stephen Curry has been one of the best players in the NBA for many years now. New quizzes emailed daily. Parmi ces joueurs, lequel n'a pas été élu défenseur de l'année au moins une fois ? C. A free throw. Basketball - Referee Signals DRAFT. Question 1 En quelle année, la NBA a-t-elle été officiellement créée ? How many NBA basketball teams can you name? Ailier droit Arrière Meneur. Quiz Basketball. PLAY. It is their brand and it is their identity. (0.5 point) v Où se fait l’engagement sur le terrain ? Can you stop shooting hoops for a sec and test your trivia? Are you a basketball fan? Combien de points vaut un panier dans la raquette ? Popular basketball comic "THE BASKETBALL WHICH KUROKO PLAYS" for quiz app "Super Quiz for THE BASKETBALL WHICH KUROKO PLAYS" appeared! 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