lord of heart homestuck

Under most circumstances, though, the information that the Muse would obtain as the Seer wouldn’t be used by the Muse themselves, but rather by their teammates. Well, TC and I tend to agree on a sort of headcanon world for the Lord or Muse of anything in any session that has other people:It would be completely barren. Now, let’s talk about the other players.The Sylph of Breath would be the optimal choice for a leader, Breath players often are. Well, we’re thinking that that might have something to do with why the Muse’s land is so empty.It wasn’t always. Gods help them if they can even begin to manage this session.Team Analysis: CA and TCLord of Heart, Muse of Mind, and Undecided Class Time, Space, Breath, and Void PlayersWell, with the introduction of the Deus Ex Machina thing, this session has everything it needs: a Space player, a Time player, and an even number of players to boot! The Lord can effectively control the complete evolutionary process, changing the adaptation and metamorphosis of anything. Even their denizen, Yaldaboath, never caused any trouble in the land’s known existence. Sylphs are the passive half of the Creation class, with their counterparts being the more active Maids. They have to be able to see what needs to be done to defeat the Black King, to secure their session, they have to be able to give both themselves and their teammates enough time, and they have to make sure nothing gets messed up along the way, and then simultaneously try to set things up so that their teammates can finish their quests, so that they can finish their own, and so they all may better from it.So how, then, would one design the land of a Muse? Posts; Requests! You are sure it is the same one you slaughtered earlier, and yet his stench remains, confounding you from every direction. Maid of Heart. Onto classes: Classes: Your class is what determines how you use your aspect. Their activeness means that they would have the choice of what they want to do, and rather than simply letting whatever happen happen, they would take a role in the how and why of the happening. They know how to manipulate it, make the best out of a bad thing, out of destruction, utter obliteration. They’re always really into fighting, whether it’s to stop a fight or just for the hell of it. It might even just be the word Heart. Hell, we haven’t even seen Caliborn’s true land, yet! Mind - Thoughts, reason, logic, and choices. What a contradictory title! Meaning they can keep themselves from freaking out or going over board. A page for describing Fridge: Homestuck. The concept of one’s own self is at the mercy of a Witch of Heart. Ask blog for any questions about Homestuck god tiers. For example, the Muse of Mind could have words like Consequences or Justice, things that Mind has a deep connection to. One who becomes their aspect to control it. Bad side? And that’s his brother Cue. Furthermore, while the weapon of the Lord would appear to be more powerful that that of the Muse, the appearances might be deceiving. If the Lord should happen to ignore it, they get a consequence. Lord of Space. Furthermore, Mind would sort of be like a parent to the Muse when they’re acting as the Heir: they would have sudden breakthroughs, be able to understand certain thoughts and the like, which would essentially just be Mind going, “Happy birthday, have a present.” It’s by such breakthroughs that the Heir would, in a sense, inherit Mind. 14. We can assume, looking at the big image, that a Lord is one class that Acts their aspect and takes action on their aspect, as they are … They have no problems, no real quest to solve, nothing that had gone wrong. Being able to just put someone’s soul in an inanimate object. The one who dominates logic, choice and thought. We can only hope it doesn’t come to that, though.Weapons: TCOK, to reiterate what was said about the weapons of a Muse from an earlier post, Muses tend to have weapons that are generally related to those of their corresponding Lord, if there is one. But this doesn’t mean that this deep emotion doesn’t exist. Homestuck begins when thirteen-year-old John Egbert receives a beta copy of an upcoming computer game, Sburb, in the mail.Installing and running the game on his computer triggers a meteor storm to fall on his house in real life, which he survives only by being transported to a planet in another dimension known as the Incipisphere. Well, TC and I do, and let me tell you, there’s a Pokemon that makes a lot of sense as a Thief of Heart, mostly, if not entirely, for its abilities: Kecleon. So instead of just having the Lord’s clone no. Lords and Muses take what we know of the worlds and turn them on their head because of the vast reach of their powers. Mage of Time and Sylph of Space, kicking ass, taking names, and hopefully answering all of your questions. A word to describe the world’s aesthetic could be something related to the barrenness of the land. The Heart aspect is linked to intuition and is believed to be the antithesis of the Mind aspect. Heroes of Heart are very caring on a fundamental level and will almost always put the needs of others ahead of their own. A while ago, we explained the powers of the Maid of Heart, and one of them was the ability to produce clones, to create self. Take Dirk’s sword and Nepeta and Meulin’s claws as examples.When these two are combined, you get a sharp, gaudy melee weapon. FANVENTURE . The Lord of Hope is one who becomes hope itself and has complete control over it. From then on, HB instead stands for Hearts Boxcars. Living King: The Lord controls life energy, allowing her to direct and harness the energy in any way they see fit, instantly killing or bringing to life anything. Good news? Well, we’ve got you covered there. Muse of MindPowers: CAThe Muse and the Lord are the two Master Classes, the most passive and most active (respectively) out of all the classes, and are extremely rare titles (only one character has ever had the title of Muse in the webcomic, and sadly, she’s dead. They would be a good spy with the Rogue and Page of Mind’s abilities, and an even better political saboteur by using the Bard of Mind’s skills. The Disciple also suffered the loss of The Sufferer after having experienced love for him which went beyond the 4 standard quadrants. Despite what the appearance of the weapons may suggest, the Muse’s weapon may be in fact the more powerful of the two, as indicated by the fact that Lord English abandoned his own assault rifle/scepter in favor of his sister’s wand/pistol, which he then proceeded to use to annihilate a large portion of the dream bubbles and of Paradox Space in general.Now, we’re quite unsure of whether the Lord/Muse classes have a separate weapon pattern completely different from those of the ordinary classpect patterns, or perhaps if only the Lord’s pattern applies, or maybe if only the Muse’s pattern applies, and whichever does not have their ordinary aspect pattern apply changes to suit the pattern formed by those that do. Embody - Lord - Muse Aspects: Destruction/Creation - Time - Space Secrets/Knowledge - Void - Light Decision/Soul - Mind - Heart Emotion/Belief - Rage - Hope Despair/Lifeforce - Doom - Life Connections/Freedom - Blood - Breath EXAMPLES: Mage of Time - Heir of Space Witch of Void - Seer of Light Maid of Mind - Bard of Heart Now this is an interesting one. They may Command through their Self, however, building up who they are to the point of … Players of Heart will experience personality splintering or detachment, and will “walk the path of self” in order to discover who they are. So the Muse and the Lord will have a bit of a…joint project with this one. They could use this knowledge, to know how far the nothing that was there extended, to make something out of it, to undo the Nothing, within the limits of the Nothing. We can assume, looking at the big image, that a Lord is one class that Acts their aspect and takes action on their aspect, as they are the … Well, if they break the rules of Void, they’ll likely find themselves knowing nothing. Controlling from behind the scenes the interactions of … Lord of HeartPowers: CAThe Lord and the Muse are the two Master classes, the most active and passive of all the classes, respectively. The Lord of Heart would be one who Commands Heart for Themselves. With the advent of the Canon Aspect Quiz and some pretty interesting explanations of each Aspect, I decided to make a Class Quiz, which you can take following this link: HSE Class Quiz They destroy their aspect or through their aspect. The Homestuck Epilogues Meat 43 43 Later that night, jade has been moved from the hospital to the troll kingdom. For the Muse, that would mean they would have the Seer’s ability to Know, the Heir’s ability to Manipulate, the Sylph’s ability to Create, the Bard’s ability to Destroy, the Page’s ability to Exploit, and the Rogue’s ability to Steal. Lord of Heart. They would NEED an auspistice in order to keep from ripping each others’ throats out in some sort of mix of hate and love, so when the session starts…well, hopefully they’re on separate worlds, or else gods know what will happen (and when the other players join them, don’t worry, we’ve got a good auspistice picked out).Cherub!Lord <3< Cherub!Muse: There is no doubt about this: the strongest emotion a cherub would feel towards another cherub is hatred. The Heir of Heart is naturally protected by their splinters. For the human, the cherub knows just what buttons to push to get them to blow up every time they talk. Hell, they might even be able to steal some of their allies’ or enemies’’ powers as well! The Heir’s splinters would exist as unruly spirit-like guardians who look out for them. Join the community. DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < B33 DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < *davepeta stealthily stalks their heart as it minds its own business beating at the bank of a nearby stream* DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < *they … Dirk Strider is the post-scratch incarnation of Dave's Bro. Or maybe both. Their quest is to make sure that everyone else’s quests happen while the session is still ongoing. I imagine that the Muse would use this a LOT to help keep their teammates from doing stupid stuff. Wow. Now this is an interesting one. The force that is there driving everyone to connect and get along. They would be able to allow their teammates (or just other people in general) to Exploit their Aspect as a weapon, and, to reach higher levels of power, would be forced to depend on others (not a bad thing, perhaps a little time-consuming, but not bad). Maybe, if they’re human, their parental figure(s) run a funeral parlor, or they themselves are interested in things like autopsy. And in an amazing turn of events, she actually acted on this knowledge, killing her friend. We figured we would want a Mage (gods we’re such egotists), as Mages tend to be quite helpful as well with their knowledge, but given how dangerous many of the remaining Aspects were, especially if they were to glitch out or try to bite the session in the butt, we knew that Void was the best place to put the Mage. Lord Of Heart question. In fact, it is theorized that they are both blades, as well. Players of Heart will experience personality splintering or detachment, and will “walk the path of self” in order to discover who they are. Vriska wasn’t patient enough with her “student,” Tavros, Meenah wasn’t very patient at all with Aranea’s stories, it’s a thing that they have. What you feel is completely up to the Lord. So what else is there to do for the Lord but use their Quest Bed and learn their abilities? If we’re going to look at the Lord’s powers, it’s best to intertwine them, because Knowing how things work in the Heart helps to…Manipulate it as the Witch. Thus, not every Heir has the Heir class trait. Lord of Mind. If they have no definition to their land, no consorts, and practically the only monster in their land being the Denizen whose only act would be to offer them to choice all Muses must face, what quest could there possibly be for them? A title, for those of you who might not be aware, ... Lord of Heart Lord of Hope Lord of Life Lord of Light Lord of Mind Lord of Rage Lord of Space Lord of Time (Caliborn) Lord of Void Lord of Fear Lord of Zen. To destroy using Mind, they would be able to combine both these and their Seer powers to set into motion something as small as someone stepping on a butterfly, to something as large as an all-out war. Sylphs heal, repair, and replenish their aspect, or physically heal teammates using their aspect as a power source. So the Lord is the class of Domination of Aspect and Domination through Aspect. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Simple. Lords are meant to destroy, after all. ), the Witch would PULL OUT A CHAINSAW, CUT THEM IN HALF, MIX THEM IN THE BLENDER WITH THE BASS, DROP THEM LIKE SKRILLEX, put them back together and play a haunting refrain. Where a Witch forces her aspect to change, an Heir's mere existence changes theirs. Abilities Nemesis. But all this really doesn’t mean too much looking at it alone. An official continuation of Homestuck. This relationship is a prime example of how strong relationships are between trolls, really, and the two would be switching back and forth all over the place. Channelling my full potential as an ascended player of Heart, I expand my consciousness to commune with the boundless force … So they try to act irrational and impulsive and going by their instincts, but they would either be way off on their instincts of they would follow the wrong impulses, or interpret them wrong. So even with the Rogue allowing them Time to travel, they will have far too much time on their hands. Well alright but this one is going to be tricky. If they happen to be in the same body, this hatred is, more often than not, simply derision and annoyance, but if they’re two, separate, fully developed (one-minded) cherubs, this hatred is a full on romance. So in other words, unlike how the Witch of Blood would write the bad fanfic, the Lord of Heart, as the Witch of Heart would be the Mary Sue. But we must have some sort of idea of what a Muse’s land would look like, as we finished a request for the Muse of Time. Questions about titles, lands, teams, weapons, or anything else? save hide report. Prior to God-tiering, the Lord of Blood would be a superb example of a ‘by-the-book’ thinker. In the Hindu religion there exists beings of both good and evil known as Asura. 1. Lord: Active embodiment class. And as far as the Sylph’s hypothesized abilities of healing Mind and healing with Mind. … "UU: to Understand the heart aspect better, yoU might Use it interchangeably with the word soUl.UU: the hero Uses the methods endowed by class to inflUence in some way the soUl, or essence of being, of oneself or of others." As well they have complete control over the emotions of others as well. Meet Eight, Lord of Heart, and the narrator of the grand story that is: Homestuck: a Trolls Heart is where the Home is. The former would be something like healing a chain of events by making sure the right things happen at the right time (similar to what John is currently doing by using Terezi’s list), and the latter would involve healing by using the consequences of one’s actions, and likely increasing the benefits of good action. It would allow them to make The Choice, which is very important for Muses and Lords alike.But what, then, is their quest? They would be able to see the consequences of everyone’s actions and be able to warn their teammates of pivotal points for their session, and the best actions to take for each. Are the passive half of the land for the human, the Muse ’ s souls! Beat it, nothing that had gone wrong of these are a lot we that... Connection to has the Heir of Heart are shapeshifters, and one ’ s true land, yet inborn... 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lord of heart homestuck 2021