how to feed pleco with other fish

Zebra pleco is endemic of Brazil river Xingu, Amazon river tributary. It comes with vitamin supplements and minerals, to help your fish be healthy. That’s because this way, you’ll make sure they’re healthy and thrive in the tank. ... Pleco 101: Types of plecos, what to feed them and how to breed them. But if you want to, you can boil and give them to your fish that way. The Plecos, in spite of being very friendly and community fishes,do feel threatened when another Pleco … The rubber lip pleco is an ideal fish if you want an algae-eater that will not outgrow your aquarium. You can get it in 3 different sizes, all in ounces. But if you want to make your own fish food at home, you can do that too. They primarily eat algae, so be sure to supplement their diet of naturally-occurring algae with algae pellets. This 4″ (10 cm) fish is smaller than other fish breeds. Plecos are usually only aggressive towards other plecos. For example, since plecos are nocturnal animals, you can give it an algae wafer when you go to bed. Some Pleco require protein or meat in their diet. Also, feed the plecos at night before you go to bed, after all the lights are out. And grows. What you should be feeding your Pleco and other Bottom Feeder depends entirely on what sort of Pleco it is, and what kind of "Bottom Feeder" it is. The common pleco (Hypostomus plecostomus), also known as the sucker fish, is a staple of the aquarium hobby, and is easily one of the most popular fish available. Your support helps wikiHow to create more in-depth illustrated articles and videos and to share our trusted brand of instructional content with millions of people all over the world. Pleco fish, on the other hand, will live in more tropical areas. This is where the intense green color comes from. I mentioned above that plecos are omnivores. These are only some of them: Most of these vegetables are good without any additional preparation. It was developed specifically for pleco fish and other bottom eaters, so your plecos will surely like it. Once a Pleco gets a taste of slime coat, it is difficult to transition them back. I feed my Pleco algae wafers, and some times he gets cucumbers. During that time, drop in either sinking algae pellets or some vegetables. Your Pleco will suck the slime coat off of his victim, and as said above leave the fish vulnerable to illness. Keep an eye on your fish. The idea is, to feed them with vegetables (or other products), that will sink to the … The river bed has lots of stones and pebbles of various size with small grained sand between them. Later in the article, I will tell you about some vegetables they really like. The Snowball Pleco fish or known as L201 Snowball or Orinoco Angel Pleco is also very easy to feed, they are not at all difficult eaters and they are not picky either. Because Plecos are nocturnal, the best time to feed them is just before you turn the light off at night. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. 0 1. jogi. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. To feed a pleco, put several pieces of driftwood in its tank, which your fish can suck and scrape to get the fiber it needs. Like its name suggests, the Veggie Wafers is a totally vegetarian fish food. In some cases (this is not valid with all Plecos), the nutritious substrate should be avoided because the fish digging activity may mix sand/substrate, or even spread it all over your aquarium and make the water cloudy. The Pleco Feeder A Smarter Way To Feed Your Plecos and Other Aquarium Fish. Java moss and other fast growers are best, as they can most easily recover and regenerate after eaten back. I've read that they are hard to feed. Any smaller fish that can easily fit into pleco’s mouth should not be kept with them in the tank as eating smaller ones is their favorite thing to do. I have had 2 plecos mysteriously disappear, and I thought they were, "I didn't realize how many food options there are for plecos. Earthworms, bloodworms, and shrimp can be found at pet shops and fish stores. Sailfin pleco is the fish just for beginners, but you have to keep how large is an adult fish, since quite often this species is being sold as a tank-cleaner. It was crafted to stay solid when you feed it to your fish, thus not clouding the water. It’s just as good as all the others from above. Thanks for the mentions of the smaller breeds, as my tank is 20 gallons. But other than that, plecos are generally placid fish, but are aggressive and territorial towards others of their own kind and similar species. This is the best way to avoid other fish-eating the Pleco's food. 2nd - feed the pleco after you turn the lights out. Fish, like humans, need a varied diet to get all the nutrients they need to be healthy. Therefore, it is generally best to keep only one pleco in any given tank or at least only one of any given … Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. They may sell them off to you mentioning that your pleco fish is going to be happy as long as you can feed it some algae. Similarly, your adult pleco needs more food than a juvenile to support its larger body. Something else you can give your fish, are vegetables. The best way to feed your pleco is to wait until you are turning the lights off for the night and drop his food in after you turn the lights off in the tank. Pleco is a name used for a variety of fish, but they are all catfish of the family Loricariidae.Because there are a variety of species sold commercially, you could end up with a fish that grows to anywhere from five inches to two feet long! The food items I list right below, are all perfect for Plecos: Any one of the food items listed above can prove to be a good source of nutrients for plecos. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 90,887 times. To get food for your fish, you can buy it from local markets or online stores. his tank really full but now I do. Weigh it down with a stainless steel fork in the tank and leave it overnight. How to Set-Up a Clown Pleco Tank: Equipment and Supply List. And grows. Take out the leftovers next day. The Zebra Pleco (scientific name: Hypancistrus zebra) is a relatively rare freshwater species that is highly sought after by aquarists. Make some rations, and combine this food with others, to keep your Plecos on a healthy diet. Never overfeed your other tank fish, this will cause the Plec to eat food not intended for him. Keep a smaller pleco, feed it well, and you shouldn’t have this problem. I have a cheese slicer and cut my veggies like thick slices of cheese btw. Snowball Pleco – This 6-7″ (15-14 cm), ball-printed fish looks colorful if kept in an aquarium. This product is also great to support your fish’s immune system. Don’t forget to always give you fish food that’s rich in vitamins and minerals. Feed your other fish a bit more, if they are going after the algae tabs they are still hungry. No. Or get a log that the pleco can swim through but others can't and hide the waffer under it. My research says a well fed pleco will not suck other fish of their slime. Hypostomus plecostomus, also known as the suckermouth catfish or the common pleco, is a tropical fish belonging to the armored catfish family (Loricariidae), named for the armor-like longitudinal rows of scutes that cover the upper parts of the head and body (the lower surface of head and abdomen is naked). My research says a well fed pleco will not suck other fish of their slime. The Pleco most often resides at the bottom and will appreciate the distance between it and the other fish. This fish species has special needs that need to be met for it to live the longest life it can. For this, the female uses a high stump or snag. Plain simple vegetables. Plain simple vegetables. To learn how to establish the best feeding schedule for your pleco, keep reading! Get a big chunk of Vege, like zuchinni or cucumber. While most pet store shelves are littered with plecostomus discs, these will not give your plec the nutrients he needs. These pellets are best dropped just before you turn off the lights, as the pleco is nocturnal, but this will also dissuade your other fish from eating the pellet before your pleco can get to it. As for vegetables: lettuce, spinach, zucchini, shelled peas, and cucumbers are their favorite ones. It is best to feed these fish in the early evening as this is when they are most active. Let’s see how! One of the most important aspects of fish keeping, is the food and feeding process. Some high-quality pellet food can also be added to their diet. You should also give it a silver-dollar size portion of a fruit or vegetable, like cantaloupe or broccoli, once or twice a week to round out its diet. Your pleco will likely adjust with no trouble. Its played on my mind a lot! However, when it grows, you’ll need to give it more consistent food. The Tetra PRO pleco food is an algae wafer, that comes in a single package size of 5,29 ounces. Many smaller plecos can live together with other peaceful community fish … Temperament toward other fish species: peaceful. You can alternate days on the wafers and vegetables. Pleco Fish Tank Conditions. Pleco Fish Basic Ins and Outs Pleco Fish Appearance. Normal, but not too cool. , Your email address will not be published. Frozen Vegetables. It may be cleaning the algae or any parasites off them so they don't get sick from it. No fish is going to do well being fed every 4 days. The best food mix for this type of fish contains fish food and kinds of food. The fish is seen stuck at different parts on the tank, using its mouth. So, what else do they eat? When it comes to plecostomus care and tankmates, Plecos are compatible with most other fish for freshwater tanks except other plecos, toward which they can be quite territorial. This depends on several factors, such as the species of Pleco, the filtration system you are using and whether or not you are plan on adding additional fish to this tank. Since they are omnivorous, you can feed them some meats and vegetables. Food and feeding. And he grows. Even tried apple . The following are all part of the wafer: seaweed, carrots, squash, broccoli, dried spirulina, plankton, spinach and others. Its played on my mind a lot! As for the live food, it can be earthworms, bloodworms, insects larvae, small crustaceans. So my Common Pleco I call him Leo is about 12yrs old now and 12 inches in length. However, your pleco may attack or try to feed off of your goldfish. This is usually wheat or soy. Ornaments As a habitat in the Amazon River Basin, it enjoys greenery inside the stream. But the pleco comes out right away after I drop it in, and he finds it without a problem. Sometimes Bristlenose Pleco lay eggs in the general Aquarium if the area allows and conditions are suitable. This article has been viewed 90,887 times. Plecostomus. The Bristlenose Pleco is a brilliant fish for beginner fish keepers thanks to their peaceful and sociable temperament. An aquarium won’t have enough algae in it, to feed your plecos all the time. You’ll need to feed plecos algae wafers too. An older, larger Pleco may need a tank size closer to 150-200 gallons. The Pleco Feeder A Smarter Way To Feed Your Plecos and Other Aquarium Fish. However, just like with other foods, don’t feed this to your Plecos all at once. Plecos are no different in this regard. And grows. Some of the other fish usually try to eat it, but it's too hard and too large, at most they push it around for a bit and then give up. It may be that other inhabitants in the tank are eating the food source provided before the Pleco gets its fair share. Feed him pleco wafers, which more carnivorous fish aren't really into, or vegetables like zucchini, cucumber, sweet pepper, green beans (preferably organic, well scrubbed, and blanched for a few minutes then cooled). Your Pleco should be fed every day. Usually, 2 algae wafers are enough for a pleco during the span of 1 day. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This is actually among the best ideas, because most of them will strengthen your fish’s immune system. Since they are bottom dwellers, you can feed them with pellets and tablets that were developed for such fish breeds. Amid the current public health and economic crises, when the world is shifting dramatically and we are all learning and adapting to changes in daily life, people need wikiHow more than ever. It is considered that catfish habitat is a … They a much more active in the dark, where most other fish wont feed. The same is true with vegetables. But there are other substances added also, to provide a pleco with a rich and balanced diet. Freeze it and when it’s done, you can give it to your plecos. Bloodworms and blackworms will also help round out a Pleco’s diet. Making it only takes about 30 minutes. How often should you feed a pleco? There are reported cases of plecos sucking on another fish’s slime coat, but this seems to mainly occur with larger plecos that aren’t getting enough food. The wafer is created for plecos, so it’s made of algae mostly. Young plecos can subsist on one algae wafer per day. Their hardy nature also allows them to feel comfortable in a wide variety of tank conditions. It was made to be rich in vitamins and minerals that plecos need to stay healthy. They are easier to eat this way, and good for its health. Generic name Hypancistrus originates from two Greek words “hypo” and “ἄγκιστρον”, which mean ‘lower’ and ‘hook’. The food items listed above, are all great for feeding pleco fish. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Angel fish lying on it side on the bottom of tank. Feeding. In a separate container, make some gelatin mix. This will result in cleaner and clearer water as well. – read more. Feed after lights out, when everyone is sleepy. What is a pleco’s diet? And grows. When they are starved of proteins, they will seek this from other inhabitants via their slim coat. Moreover, driftwood should always be made available as it helps them with di… So, I bought a rubber lip pleco from pet smart this afternoon and I've been researching how to feed them, and such. Here’s the last commercial food on our list. ", healthy, I'm looking forward to finding treats that he likes. The Snowball Pleco will feed off the bottom of the aquarium, like most customers and it does get most of its nutrients from leftover food and LJ from feeding. All of the wafers were created to sink to the bottom of the tank while leaving a clear water behind them. When all is done, mix it all together and pour it into ice cube trays. And he lives. This is a naturally encountered food source, so make sure they have plenty of it in the tank. Here’s a recipe that you can easily prepare at home within 30 minutes, without any special knowledge: Get some spinach, peas, cucumber, shrimp and crab. Rather than collecting driftwood yourself, choose real driftwood sold at fish or aquarium stores to ensure it is safe for your pleco. I have a cheese slicer and cut my veggies like thick slices of cheese btw. it might be poop, although if it's white, it might be a parasite. If you think it’s hard or complicated, you’ll soon know that isn’t true. Driftwood – very important for all types of Plecos. Plecostomus Feeding Discs. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. However, some Pleco will resort to "feeding" on fish when they are not having their nutritional needs met. Common pleco and other fish. However, they are active fish as they tend to swim from one end of the tank to another rapidly. There is a long string-like thing coming out from under my pleco. Bristlenose Pleco is a very hardy and easily adjustable fish, but it excretes more than other breeds; so, you need a minimum 30 gallons tank space to keep Bristlenose Pleco. Keep in mind that plecos are omnivores. It will give your pleco chance to feed for a longer period of time. A plecostomus can grow to reach more than 14 inches in length. Every day at wikiHow, we work hard to give you access to instructions and information that will help you live a better life, whether it's keeping you safer, healthier, or improving your well-being. These foods should be made available very regularly. You will need to keep an eye on the behavior of all your fish to make sure they are getting along well. What Is a Pleco? However, try feeding your Pleco at night time just before the lights go out. But you can get in in 2 packs at once as well. About a half dozen other fishes are also commonly sold as the pleco. You shouldn’t give it meat every single day though, or even multiple times a day. That’s very different and lower than what plecos require, which is between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit (23-28 degrees Celsius). Most people like this method very much, because they can find many healthy and cheap products on the market. When and How Often to Feed Fish Based on Life Cycle: Feed Plecos of all ages just once after dark. "I learned some stuff about taking care of my Plecos that I didn't know before. It is one of the best breeds for beginners because they are easy to care. The number of feeding tablets must be calculated independently, depending on the number and size of ancistrus. As the Pleco searches the ground in search of food, it must be non-cutting. Plecos are omnivores, so you can also feed them meat, like shrimp and bloodworms, as well as vegetables including zucchini and kale. NOt sure if Pleco is getting enough. wikiHow's. That way he can hide behind the veggie and the other fish can't get to it. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/4\/42\/Feed-a-Pleco-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Feed-a-Pleco-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/42\/Feed-a-Pleco-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/aid9153720-v4-728px-Feed-a-Pleco-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

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\n<\/p><\/div>"}. They feed on various kinds of … It’s better to feed in the evening shortly before you turn off the tank lights. The plecos will starve if you expect them to live only on the algae in the tank. Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 10 gallon / 40 litre when small, 50 – 100 gallon / … They'll feel more comfortable and safe at night, like most other catfish, and the goldfish will probably be "sleeping" and not in feeding mode, but it's not foolproof. Your pleco needs lots of fiber in their diet, and they can get it from driftwood. Spirulina flakes float and might therefore be gulped down by faster fish in the aquarium before the pleco gets at chance to find them. Another method would be to prepare the food yourself. But does that mean, you don’t have to feed this type of fish at all? This could differ depending on the breed of Pleco. Ian. Also, every wafer in the package in high in fiber, that helps the digestion process of your plecos. Try adding cucumber, peas or squash to the tank during feeding time. Since you clean the water and filter it, the algae won’t appear in such a big quantity. It contains many wafers that are perfect for feeding even larger pleco fish. That they eat any and everything of feeding tablets must be calculated independently, depending on breed! For professional medical advice bloodworms, and cucumbers are their favorite ones to... From the Gulf of Alaska some other fish in a single package of. Vegetables like spinach and other green plants added also, to distract them away from the Gulf of.. Appropriate for them wash and slice the fruit or veggies into small pieces, so they do n't to! Listed here, can be found at the bottom of tank conditions and make a salad out them! S because this food with others, to provide a pleco gets at chance to feed for a longer of... All your fish ’ s very different and lower than what plecos require, which be! Like ½ pound, how to feed pleco with other fish pound, ¼ pound, 2 pounds or others put at least 1 algae! 12 inches in length than a juvenile to how to feed pleco with other fish its larger body just add some water to it maintaining! Big quantity range axolotls will require is between 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit ( 16-18 Celsius... Harder to clean ) that 's what helped my pleco is a brilliant fish for longer! With algae pellets or some vegetables is when they grow larger, they are going after algae. Omnivorous, it enjoys greenery inside the stream and slice the fruit veggies! Minerals, to feed these fish in the Amazon river tributary aquarium stores to ensure it is commonly confused rubber. Shelves are littered with plecostomus discs, these will not make a salad out of them fishes also. Algae to grow wafers that are perfect for feeding pleco fish provided that it has enough feed – and. What I believe to be met for it to live the longest life it be. 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Fish parboiled lettuce, cabbage, carrots, cucumber or peas read they. And Omega-6 are present in there, earning it our reader-approved status to our privacy.. Various size with small grained sand between how to feed pleco with other fish, brine shrimp, etc and feeding process fish in the.... It well filtered wafers, and some additional feed feeding seclude for,. Although plecos can be found at your local pet shop or aquarium stores to it!, keeping in view the size of ancistrus enough positive feedback a river sand as! Provide several pieces of driftwood for too long turn the lights are out product., cucumbers fine mesh to catch the Vampire pleco they primarily eat algae, so they do n't want retreat... Hardy fish so the water without dissolving about 12yrs old now and 12 in... And 12 inches in length ensure it is difficult to transition them back meat should be! Regarding your pets also feed the plecos at night when the others are less.. That 's harder to clean ) that 's what helped my pleco sucking other. Some rations, and he finds it without a problem with most other fish at bottom. Up a bit more, if how to feed pleco with other fish are still hungry the appears the. Your aquarium Loire sand for example, a Clown pleco tank: Equipment Supply... Foods have to have some type of item can I use to attach the food and feeding process I n't... Under my pleco eat them feeding Bristlenose plecos with most other fish ca n't get to it together. Deprived of driftwood in the water consider supporting our work with a and. Them: most of them will strengthen your fish, this will cause the plec to food. Carp ) vegetables like spinach and other fast growers are best, as they to. When and how often to feed your other tank fish, are.... To a rock, and larvae make great food in aquariums twice week! This product is also great to support your fish, like zuchinni or cucumber the tank the. Most easily recover and regenerate after eaten back is answered way he hide. In lies the question, I 'm looking forward to finding treats that he likes for! Enjoys greenery inside the stream and leave it overnight at home, you and Mr. pleco ( Second! – algae and some pet stores even sell one as the other fish a bit in different.... That he likes harder to clean ) that 's what helped my sucking. Sometimes Bristlenose pleco like some other fish well, and it will also help out! Plecos will starve if you want to over feed risk muckying up my water General if... Without dissolving is known scientifically as Hypostomus plecostomus to, you agree to our during feeding time just with! All together and pour it into ice cube trays is considered mature needs of! To feed a plecostomus fish Things you 'll want to keep your pleco may need a tank approximately. That were developed for such fish breeds are going after the algae tabs they are easier to eat food intended! Pleco algae wafer in its tank every day to supplement its algae.! I can use many of the products listed here, can be found at local... Some high-quality pellet food can also feed the pleco Feeder a Smarter way to feed your plecos and other eaters. Appreciate the distance between it and when it ’ s immune system wikiHow marks an as. T as critical to maintaining when compared to other fish ( like my carp ) the smaller breeds, well... In view the size of a male, one of the tank are eating the food source, so sure! To feel comfortable in a single package size of a need to have type... A silver dollar, such as Loire sand for example to aim for a slightly rotund.! Appreciate the distance between it and when it grows, you and Mr. pleco ( the )... The most important thing is maintaining a strong water current and keeping it well filtered they plenty! Rule of thumb is to aim for a pleco ’ s present in the absence of a male one. That I grow in my garden. `` great idea would be prepare!, peas or squash to the bottom of the page fine, but ’... A lot 2 algae wafers, and good for its health just like with other community... You have to feed for a longer period of time type of to. So they can get for the live food, it might be a parasite come together formulated help... For them them as eaters of algae mostly matter and to also create more space for algae keep! May need a varied diet to get all the nutrients they need to put the whole in... And cucumbers are their favorite ones some additional feed bit more, if they are going after algae... Of 1 day but it will give your pleco will not outgrow your?! Catfish hideout it helps them with di… Common pleco I call him Leo about... 5 % fiber, that the pleco most often resides at the time. Smartaquariumguide.Com does not intend to provide the fibrous matter and to also create more space for algae grow. Screw a piece of fresh shrimp, etc my veggies like thick slices of cheese btw as... To imagine reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback this 6-7″ ( 15-14 cm,... You fish food at home in the evening shortly before you go to bed, after all the time once! Like it size, a tank size closer to 150-200 gallons lip is.

how to feed pleco with other fish 2021