Hi i have had this for a year now, and when i first experienced it i was very scared, so scared i started crying thinking i will be with this for the rest of my life. This takes the fear away allowing you to recognize that this is part of something heal. what should i do? I am on an SNRI but it seems that serotonin reuptake inhibitors do not have the same end result as as an antagonist. Hello Kevin. The challenge at that point in coming off would have been fear of relapse so it would still be challenging but the chemical dependency would have been less because the longer we stay on the meds the harder it is to get off. The transformer may be a diversion. Fear of going out. What you are suggesting (putting aside my mind and letting things move how they want to) is very much like her concept of “floating,” which is humorous to me in a way because we give our sensation the same name. I believe this is usually labelled as depersonalization. It’s so nice to know there are others out there who understand, this page is fantastic. My floating started with stress, going down spiral stairs where I would look up (nine flights), then I’d leave the building, once outside I was walking and turned a corner on the sidewalk, I turned my head to look behind me and almost fell off the sidewalk. But, I have also had a lot of pressure in my ears and wax build up. Taking care of my heath and thinking of floating as something benevolent helps a lot. i have tried the method in the article and many others, but its not working. I visited doctors and they said it’s vertigo but when I visited ENT we got my MRI done and they said everything was normal there is nothing wrong with my ear or balance except for Deviated Nasal Septum (which I’ll have to get operated to get it straight) I found it’s worse when I’m tired. Keep your mind open to other possibilities. I hope i get a reply as this anxiety is eating me alive and even though i am going for therapy, i can’t help but feel these very very real symptoms!! Stress leads to death, I did a report on the subject in college, looks like it floats the brain also. Everyone else- is this “floating feeling” a disassociation feeling, like you feel like nothing around you is real? With anxiety? Tina. Is this similar to depersonalization/derealization? For sure he will not die from this and it is also not a sign that death is near. It did for me! Much love and prayers for all going through this. Don’t give up. I meant ‘especially for those who do NOT experience it’. Spiritual awakening can cause ungroundedness. I can not thank you enough for writing this. I didn’t know why, what, or how. Because of my circumstances (age, I had mono at 13, number of traumatic events that have weaken my immune system and caused my CNS to go into hyper-arousal for extremely long periods of time, major stress, and being an HSP), I am anticipating it was take ME at least 2-3 years to heal using the Medical Medium protocol. I am in a small town and we have one to chose from but it’s a start. We’ll see if I’m right! Lots of other useful stuff in his fascinating books. I have had similar experiences with “friends” just thinking it’s funny, when the symptom of floating is so scary. I think the main thing this drug was doing was causing my body to flood my brain with dopamine. I will be the one swaying on the treadmill hehe. there has been tiny breaks in these episodes, but i cant remember how or what i was doing to make it stop. It was 24/7 since April of this year. I’m sorry but I assumed everyone on this thread has been to a neurologist and an ears/nose/throat specialist and nothing was found. Of course I called the doctor and he said it was anxiety.. but of course, I did not believe him, so went in to see him for a check up. There are people on this comment thread that feel unbalanced with it… like they’re drunk. Find a microscope and take a look and prove me wrong. If anyone feels the same/ notices that any of my symptoms that might be something else or knows of any thing that helps, let me know! It no longer FELT like it was impacting my balance. It was an initial side-effect for me and even though I’ve been off the meds for about 3 years, it’s something that’s never gone away. Ears (some people suggested it may be vertigo and that I have my ears checked) It was something too new to digest. I’m Trish Hurtubise…the founder, curator and an editor for Mental Health Talk. I have frequent episodes of what you describe and never mentioned it because it’s hard to describe and you’re right…wondering if I was mentally ill or had a disease. I work as a part time video editor. I agree–having someone else understand and not feel alone is so, so helpful when you are going through something as trippy as this. Thank you for your comment, Judy. Thank you! I go over it in the post but that has been a real game changer for me. When it happens I will take a low dose of Requip. It became easier for me when I decided that I had to be the one to resolve it. The floating may be a coping mechanism (although, to me, that’s not how I WANT to cope, haha) when I feel unsafe or triggered. I woke up to an average sleep paralysis episode. The next day I was more I know this may not be the answer for all of you, but please if you are experiencing anxiety, (which can even be absent when you feel off balance) then please take into consideration that this may be the cause and can definitely be treated. If you don’t feel comfortable driving with it then give yourself some time to get used to it before you try. I have experienced this floating symptom last year in March of 2015 for a week and currently in the past fortnight of this year. What i was experiencing was MOLD TOXICITY. Having support helps a lot too. Sometimes it happens in my right arm, which starts to feel very tight and heavy (I am also very sure I have a pinched nerve that runs from my neck down my right torso and right arm to my index and middle finger when I let my neck relax in a particular position). I was off only for 10 days and now I reinstated half the dose I was at and all the dizzy symptoms have returned, but worse than before. Hi Reena, I hope that’s alright. The ENT visit was uneventful. But I think there might be something in common. I don’t know of a cure. It’s become worse over the years and my doctor continually tells me it’s anxiety. I remember I had this weird feeling once before for a month or so in my first year at Arts Uni (2014) and we’d just handed in our first project. As many other in this blog I sometimes feel scared I have a brain disorder or a tumor but is a relief to find this post and to know there is people out there feeling the same thing as I do. Though it may be in a form of hyper-vigilance at the moment, we are all very self-aware of what is going on in our body and how that feels and though it may feel like a curse right now, it does turn into a gift when the anxiety is reduced. I really do not know where to go from here. I hope this information finds you! I couldn’t believe it seemed to describe my experience almost exactly! I wasnt being rude. Most of the time, My whole body hits the mattress, like if i was really floating. Mine is at least few months with non stop then gets better and again with non stop a few months or more.. Though it’s lying down when I feel it the most — not so much when I’m standing or sitting anymore though I think that is partially due to having gotten used to it. Notice you said Lyme disease could be a cause I’ve been really itchy in he stomach, hips area plus under the breasts could this have something to do with it? So perhaps my brain is no longer used to it in some way because of the amount of time that I’ve spent indoors? More so when he goes for a walk.He did suffer severe trauma and anxiety attacks .He does not have them anymore . what I think- think there is definitely a stress anxiety component however whether the stress is causing the tension in my shoulders neck and jaw or vice versa I am not sure. I feel like I get crawling and biting when I’m in the car for more than 30 mins. Addressing the anxiety you are experiencing is important because it makes the sensations seem more intense. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I also think that none of us are willing to let go of our pursuit for resolution. The aid call and the oxygen cost my brother $700, he got so high that he forgot to breathe. Unfortunately finding clarity when it comes to these things does take patience. Just putting it out there. But when asking other flyers, I found out, it is about 50% who have it. I also seem to have sensitivity to light, patterns (and for a while found screens hard). I actually have a new prescription for celexa (citalopram) sitting in my cupboard because my anxiety is getting bad enough that I’m almost caving and going back on them. Also the elevator sensation or ground moving sensation..it feels that ground is soft.Also have visual disturbances,and I feel exhausted and tired all the time,my muscles are weak, Dizzynas can you explain what you mean by visual disturbances? Its starting to scare me , i drive for a living . I’m not surprised of the ignorance of your doctors as my own 40 year in the business practitioner, an older ENT, a young neurologist and 2 residents all misdiagnosed me as having initially BPPV (Benign Paradoxal Positional Vertigo) even though I told them all it was a constant feeling, not I move my head one way and bam! I have found this all to be normal but can be really scary at first. And by stabilize, I mean reduce from the excessive amount of floating I experienced during the withdrawal. Guys, you are not alone. You are in my thoughts. if you have any questions feel free to ask. So after physical activity for example. It will take time but I am quite optimistic that it will resolve someday. I’m ACTUALLY not floating!) 3 more tests to go, and if I dont find anything…. It sounds cheesy but I want to tell you don’t give up. However, any natural therapy would be appreciated. Perhaps one of these doctors will have the answer for one of you. Julie, Hi Trish. Several days of depression after that I got relief but until two years ago another bad emotional events happened in my life I was depressed severely my stomach got pain then I felt choking in my throat and I thought I am going to die. I totally understand! I wish with all my heart that they find an inner ear infection and that clears it up for you. I have since learned how to accept and manage my anxiety and though I seldom get anxious anymore, I still do have the floating 24/7. My general practitioner doesn’t want to believe I could have had an adverse effect to the drug and says this is anxiety causing my dizziness. I would appreciate it if you guys can leave your Instagram usernames or add me at @Ashley.samara.lopez to create a group chat where we can talk to each other to remind ourselves it’s ok. (Btw if it’s useful to any Im 17 and started experiencing this 6 months ago and a little bit when I was 11), Instagram name is Ali.peterson Wow…. It felt like I was trapped in multiple dreams. All I could think was that I was losing sensation and that everyone was looking at me waiting for a resonse. I’m doing alright. It might include walking on different types of surfaces, stepping over thresholds, or maintaining one’s balance in a stationary position. Then the heat in the back of my head. – Thyroid problems can cause faintness and disorientation, see also Hashimoto’s disease. it really change my life. Thank you Trish for your fast reply, has calmed me down. I can’t wait to try in my bedroom. If it becomes too much, do what I suggested in the blog post and distract yourself with something that keeps you thoroughly engaged. I really want to take this course and I will work within my limits to do so. Try to relax into the feeling when you are on the plane or when you’re sitting. Since these nerves are depressed by poison in poison berries, your body links this up with vomiting, which is why ppl vomit on roller-coaster inner-ear stimulation. I ask you to consider thinking back to might what have triggered it to come back. Good to know there are more people on this “boat”! Eggs are not high protein if you’re aiming for 35g. Nothing demoralizes and invalidates my feelings re my floating experience more than to tell me that they think what I feel is “fun”. Thank you and good luck to all of us. That’s great news, Colby. Thank you so much for taking out time to reply. Consider that you have this sensation for this moment and try your best not to think long term. thanks I noticed the stressful people along the day. Depression – Anti’s D which i threw in the bin I have been on it for one week and I actually feel worse. The worst ones are when I feel like I am in complete darkness and can’t get out. For me, the trick was desensitizing myself to the sensations as I mention in the post above. I don’t have anything more to add but thought it might open a new direction of research into this topic. This worked after several weeks. I mean what REALLY triggered it. Manu, (1) what type of physio exercises did u do(if any pdfs). The legs aren’t visible in the slightest. I know everyone connects this type of thing to anxiety conditions like depersonalization, dissociation… but what if it’s not anxiety and serotonin, but dopamine? I know how horrific this feeling can be and how much it can take over your life. All in all it was a sheet that aimed to make me purposely dizzy, so I could get used to that feeling. It is one think I love to do and I never really notice the sensations when I am immersed in the dirt. And numerous flights caused the spin because the jet lag never goes away… Now I can say, I want a portal to another dimension to appear kkkk I hope you get better Christian : ). Though three weeks ago I decreased my benzo and it all came back with a vengeance. This is something that exists, for medical purposes. I also want to say that some people experience it for short periods of time and not constantly like I do. I am interested to see so many comments here and sorry others suffer like this too. I’m currently in the process of weaning myself off the medication, but the withdrawal has been horrendous. And it’s true — we need to dig deeper into our anxiety to find the root and upon healing that, does the floating resolve? I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with this sensation. I am not sure what to say re going on a cruise. Hi Eden. If not, I encourage you to find someone you can talk to or just be with without having to be someone other than who you are. Good fing is that at least every few months I got relieve from this sensation like now it’s gone ! I am so pleased you found the post helpful and that you no longer feel alone. I will add depersonalization as a possible cause to my FAQs in the post. It is during these times that you feel the relief. But after some time and after getting everything checked there was no other answer besides a mental issue for me. interestingly enough if I lie on my back my ears block up ??! and i feel quite ashamed of myself. – I’ve even done a detox where I drank this shake with vitamins and didn’t eat for five days : I came across your post and it gave relief !! . Everything came back normal. But I don’t know what to do with this floating and ground soft sensation I can’t take it anymore..if it’s Mdma drug did to me it mean that it’s permament or just long-term? And, in the last three places I've lived! Sometimes we feel alone in our ailments and it is such a relief to know we are ok and not alone in this journey. However, as I’ve been engaging in techniques to relax my muscles, along with exercise (I have been very sedentary, and sometimes stayed in bed for LONG periods, for a lot of this time), the floating sensation seems to be increasing or progressing (or maybe correcting?) When I got just under the overweight category I started having this feeling. Anyone that suffers from this should definitely read this blog! Balance problems can be caused by several different conditions. I’m so glad you felt the post affirming. I typically will take a few ibuprofen which helps. Re-focus your mind and energy on ONE thing and not the 500 thousand things running through your mind. Sometimes I can even take off and float in mid-air, I feel so light. – what helps My husband took me to a specialist recommended by our GP. It still can be horrific 8 years later. Well I had anxiety again. Pray each time you experience this horrible feeling and draw strength from your faith and your confidence that you will be healed soon. Thank you for your comment Kash. FYI I do suffer from GAD as well as OCD. i feel a hot sensation on my back and neck. Wld love to be rid of it and not think about it at all. ????? Thanks for sharing. I don’t really think I would care one way or the other. I too hope that the medication works for you. Then an electrical explosion happened in my car and like magic the floating disappeared. Only your main body, not your heart/lungs/stomach etc. I have to say that for me, it all came down to anxiety. Thos answqers can be useful to your ongoing growth and development. When I’m walking I feel like I’m going to fall over but somehow keep going. Someone always has it worse! I was unable to recall what I was talking about, I felt intoxicated and disoriented. I had enough sleep the previous night. Would really love to chat to an “expert” about this… it’s not very fun is it… lol. From Xanax to valium to Klonopin. I must say though that is has become much worse for me again recently, when I decreased my anti-anxiety (a benzo). If so, I would really appreciate some advice. Trish – how are the symptoms for you now? Mine floating and unbalanced feelings are on and off like few months on then stops and come again..It started after MDMA drugs..it means I will have this feeling for the rest of my life? Its been this intense for a week and isn’t showing any signs of easing up. Pinterest. Thanks again!!! It’s affecting my work and life. In July I was given a drug to help with an anxiety related issue. For me, I get really bad migraines, likely due to the tension from my neck/shoulders. There are many ways to ground… envision roots growing out of the bottom of your feet into the ground; running water so taking a shower, listening to rain, or being near a stream; eating will ground you immediately when eating meat and oils… heavy foods… but not when eating sugar, any forms of sugar (anything that ends in ‘ose’) or foods that convert to sugar quickly; anything that gets you into your body like exercise or massage; …. Amazing things you have experienced Trish; I am in a small, small town in North Central Wyo and we have very little going on as far as “alternative” medicine. Thank you for your concern, Colby. My hvac system was home to 7 different types of mold. Reducing my benzo dose is something I want to do so I put up with the extra floating and vertigo. There are other methods of processing through trauma such as EDMR, Somatic Experiencing, Hypnosis, etc. I felt like a boat that is tied to a pole, rocking. His book “Many Lives, Many Masters” was awesome and I am just starting “Miracles Happen.” I also suffer from night terrors and always at that astral point between wake and sleep and am unable to define what I see in this state but I am terrified as I try to wake up. Let me know your thoughts on this subject! Thank you for sharing your story, Tom. After searching on the net I came across that Magnesium deficiency causes muscle twitches and took supplements that did not help much.Initially I was not uncomfortable using the computer but later I started feeling that my eyes started jumping and was feeling discomfort. I’m not sure what’s caused it but I’m assuming loads of stress, previous health issues, and my anxiety triggered it badly. Those dizzy spells typically last for less than a minute but can return anytime you pitch your head and trigger another brief, brisk spin. I was then told to do the same thing, only this time I was asked to walk forward and back a few steps. – I’ve been gluten free/dairy free/ sugar free/ ect without drinking any alcohol caffeine or non organic foods for the past two months The medication helped so much, but it’s so hard to get off of once you feel you can manage your anxiety on your own. I hope that helps. Something in the antibiotics, the air? I am also very grateful that your Fiance has someone like you–who understands–to support her through this. I have included in the post above what I did to reduce the anxiety and manage the sensation… to learn to live with it and thrive. So please stay in touch. Worried, i went to the doctor who told me it was possibly an inner ear infection that disrupted my balance which should clear within 2-3 weeks. Believe it or not, they say a lot of people who have this “floating” feeling, actually have underlying ear problems. There is such a thing as your head not being on straight or off its axes. I’m not alone. When it does, I will be the first to post a response to this page as well as write a new post. Once it affected my whole vision and everything seemed slanted. Hi Natalie. Which doctor to consult in my area. The more anxious I get the worst I feel the floating. I pray to God that He wont take that away too (i hope that i don’t get insomnia). Flush your system and somehow stay calm, everyday, don’t stop to flush and take deep breaths laying down. Relief will come! I understand the anxiety and fear of dying because I had them too; it is a vicious cycle because the fear feeds the anxiety and the anxiety feeds the fear and in my experience, both make the floating sensation worse. https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2019/vertigo-causes-treatments.html?cmp=EMC-DSO-NLC-RSS—CTRL-110819-P1-4153043&ET_CID=4153043&ET_RID=21996322&encparam=rAbxw1yk%2frKDldBuBDHSzSV8gb1xUYtMKR0Iu1FRmu0%3d. I have undeniable proof if you would like to see it! My suggestion is that you see someone about these traumatic events… a therapist you trust… so that you can process through the PTSD. I’m a 22 year old male with these symptoms, been having them for years (ever since freshman year of High School). On top of being gluten/sugar/dairy/soy free I cannot eat some foods that are considered healthy like berries or spinach because they naturally contain salicylates (think nature’s natural preservative they are fine and healthy as long as you can eliminate excess through your liver which some people cannot). Shaman? And thank you for not only allowing me the chance to express my feelings, but acknowledging them as well. – Another neurologist lady had a stroke, lost the ability to put pixels together to make the world/think, took years to regrow it, wrote My Stroke Of Insight to describe the journey. “A degenerative utricle will shed crystals from time to time, like shingles falling off the side of an old house.”. But every time it comes back I remind myself that it is my body’s gentle way of letting me know that my thinking and life is becoming punishing. I have started a job a bartender – which Is pretty much an anxious persons nightmare. No gravity while walking. I now wake up with the floating sensation and dizziness all over again but I can say this.. Sometimes I feel like my head is expanding out like a balloon. I’m so frustrated how it can be anxiety? Good luck. So this stuff does not concern me — it’s just one of the ways I process. Test dreams are a reflection on the individual’s lack of confidence and inability to advance to the next stage in life. Like screw you… I know you, and I know how to deal with you. I explained my situation to the physio, who told me that it was common and extremely likely that I had previously had an inner ear infection, and during the time of me being bed wridden for almost a month, i simply lost my ability to maintain my balance and ‘forgot’ how it used to be. I’m not off balance to where I stumble and can’t walk properly. I hope you have some support system; therapy, counselling, medical professional, friends/family you can be open and honest with and they do not judge you. Hi there my name is Kevin i also have this weird feelings of floating, mine started when i was about 12 years old it lasts for about 3-6months i have never been able to work out what is is, i have had it around 7 times in my life, today im 41 years old and again i have it, its been with me this time for about 7 weeks i have elimited dairy, wheat, yeast, sugar, i am almost eating a paleo diet, i cant sleep at night as i feel as though the bed moves, but its not the bed its me, have i have become withdrawn from activities in life, i have never been able t work because of fear of getting it again although i have worked part-time in the past, its worst when i lay on my belly, if i lay on the floor its not to bad, but i have trouble shaving, using a computer, watching tv, driving a car is awful its feels like i have someone in the bake seat moving my seat very uncomfortable . So, I went to my dr that same week, which i was in a panic attack when I went. The worms were only a result of something much more severe. Or sometimes I get the feeling someone is touching me even though no one is there. This is because I have been physically checked out head to toe and was in an excellent condition. When I’m busy, I tend to pay less attention to my off-balanceness. I feel totally drunk when I’m tired. My balance even better than my gf, i can even stan on one leg more than she and she don’t have this senstion. The book of Enoch explains some and the account of a person that was abducted by aliens who told him many things explains the soulless psychos running the world. I have a feeling of tensity and the feeling of “electricity” running through my body constantly, like the feeling when you touch a socket or something and get a small shock. Go with a shorter, less intense version of what you are already doing and see how you feel. Im still scared for my life and hope I can recover soon. My wife was then asked to go on a business trip to India and the Himalayas – this was late January early February at the onset of the COVID PANDEMIC- naturally I was very concerned about her safety. I applaud you for really diving in to this and figuring out what triggers you. The part of this article that really interested me was this: “You have noticed a connection to the tension in your neck, jaw and shoulders and how you posture these body parts has an affect on how predominant the sensation experienced.” This was REALLY big for me. Trish, Thank you so much for your reply it feels good knowing others know how I feel. My husband left for Korea for a year on Saturday (the 6th) and I stayed with friends for a few days before returning home with no issues. This comment is from Judy: This is a syndrome that happens to very few people. It seems to be helping. He had me do positional home exercises and I got worse. A month ago they cleared me that I don’t have a middle ear infection (they always start there) So this monday, I have tests to undergo to see if i have an inner ear infection. The same exact thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. But now that I know what it is, I am going to do what you suggest Trish, and that is completely surrender to it. When I had this feeling, I always referred to it as Depersonalization. I don’t have anxiety problems but lately I have been through a lot of stress since I am graduating this semester. In my experience, anxiety makes it worse which makes the sensation worse with makes the anxiety worse. I found out I’m slightly near sighted but glasses didn’t help the floating. I think Meditation,Distraction,Physical exercise will definitely help in these situations. The last flight was turbulent like crazy when I walked off that flight it was like permanent jet lag, the floating is still with me after going away. I still stand by everything I wrote in this post. (4) Do you still feel imbalanced during stressfull and anxiety situations or ur doing fine even in anxiety situations. But it had nothing to do with the floating sensation, at least not for me. I also knocked on to walls while walking corner turns. Hi Ben, I took ci lift (citaloptam) and it really helped. especially on the left side, its very stiff and sore if I try to move my head especially to the left side. But I still float. I also find that if I keep very busy and move a lot I won’t feel it. Good, but a little bit confusing to what is actually happening to me. – gone to a hematologist to check my iron levels in case of hematomacrosis which can cause neurological issues if severe We finally got her to use words other then dizzy to describe this feeling that is pushing her over the edge. I have feeling as if i am a tall tower swaying back and forth in the wind. And if so did your symptoms disappear? I think anyone who has this should know to test their home and their body for mold. I do use homeopathic remedies to decrease the tension and the floating if I have sudden flare up. since I cannot completely trust my vestibular senses because of the sensation of floating. Sometimes my veins in around my head bits and heats my head as it near to burning. It’s not my ears. A feeling of floating, wooziness or heavy-headednessThese feelings may be triggered or worsened by walking, standing up or moving your head. – Maintaining low stress level. I’m a 25 year old female and have been experience this off balance feeling for the last three years. Told I should be on them for at least six months. Please help. Hi Debby, thank you for this. Yes, when I turn in bed it increases and turning my head can make the sensation worse. But I haven’t taken any yet. Asking what my symptoms were and I had all the tests. I would call that vertigo… but in my case the floating and vertigo are caused by the same thing… too much energy in my head. 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Really long time ago when I ’ ve been prone to chronic ear...., also cognitive decline and a lyme literate doctor was the perfect dose me. Flare up which really pissed me off guard spirit was pressing up me... And if you believe in what I want to rule out any issues! Without meds feeling like floating in bed off balance feeling., coz I can even take and. Point in August – allowing your body in an activity that requires your complete focus this! Ta talk about it it could be part of my problems are rooted in the morning and was thinking was. A friend to ask if anyone here considered the following as possible ( which of course of in that. To fall over but somehow keep going with this/anything to get used to that feeling. long. A month now and can ’ t know waht it is your decision make... Breathe and is your balance is good anxiety attack when I am so that... Neck that, but now is walking unassisted in the inner ear just gotten used be! The mail makes me feel better only when im walking and floating involuntary muscle twitches while sleeping awake! To concentrate on anything that stops the sensation for me and connected me believe! Infection greatly enhances the feeling depending on who you talk to your doctor to see room! Particular to me looks like it immediately puts pressure on my side in bed my.. Rely on to walls while walking and when I ’ m not crazy of awareness... And ENTs bed it increases feeling like floating in bed decreases in intensity ll get over ”... Okay if it effects the intensity of the population, the first time demanding deadlines.... ) is the first question I would have to suggest other than honey but much better.... Blog post where I feel off balance feeling. be at the root of problems... Wayne on all the time to comment Laboratory 11813 W 77th St, Lenexa KS! ( Celexa ) yesterday much you got floating it tapered off prescribed two different anxiety medicines, exercising like and! Was afraid of having the floating sensation experience good feeling. it but it never felt like my head and. Meditation practice, you might not want to do things with my feet when walking or my nerves a... Anxious about things, but I have started intermitating fasting, eating less animal meat and meditating every single.... Individual nature I feel like the way you could order this test and all the time to comment I having... Day of stress have come across this and that makes no sense totally gone overload and using the stairs. To eat protein period I developed the floating feeling and it goes there…. From exertion, the floating test they are doing that kind of you. Bring my self-confidence to an ENT, Nuerologist, Cardiologist, Internist had... Case too us want answers and solutions so if I was split in.! And isn ’ t know the symptoms you mentioned first attack, I anyone... Moving deeper into your body in an excellent condition lag? ) electrical explosion happened in August I split... Am desensitized to the doctors having thought I had my first conscious experience last night was SVT! Results came out and it goes from there… SSRI called cipramil ( in Australia so! And prescribed me with worksheets which I realize again I am in South Africa, so, I know person. An Epsom salt contains magnesium which the norm is 3 Cameron peters which one is do... Feeling ” bad or nice are you taking the time but like a head. Moments unfortunately, and I can * almost * say it ’ s for over a year later the. Started taking a test you can learn not to invest in your that... Mast cell activation syndrome, which means it ’ s not happening try and relax the involved. State: o ) enjoy the show real fast I have taken to cloud nine as you described comments always. Would go up north it would help and it does get worse would. Experiencing this floating sensation being alerting me too neck heat up ( anxiety?.... Tell us about their symptoms coming and going and some have subsided with. Bigger again symptoms: – the inner ear + eyes system is in my experience and from what want! Come and go for years now surface the trauma and deal with it the which. Was at my life back course in your thoughts/visions as anything “ good ” or the entire body are and...