This part of the subject, with which he was most competent to deal, was all but completed at the time of his death. The court vetted the defendant’s mental competence and decided that she was sane enough to stand trial. So, it seems that parents are certainly proving themselves quite competent when they choose to take their children's education into their own hands, and with a bit of preparation, you can do the same. In 1748 his father, Benjamin D'Israeli, then only about eighteen years of age, removed to England, where, before passing the prime of life, he amassed a competent fortune, and retired from business. 1524682 Tom is competent. Meaning: ['ɪn'kɑmpɪtənt /-'kɒm-] n. someone who is not competent to take effective action. I'm kind of a new skier, so I don't really feel competent enough to go down a really steep slope. Competence in a Sentence Prev Word Next Word . Has anybody considered it? 1. adjective Someone who is competent is efficient and effective. A competent economist should be able to make predictions which are accurate enough to base policy decisions on.. Unemployment is high right now with the result that many competent workers are unable to find jobs.. Sarah is a very competent manager, and really deserves a raise.. competence; [noun]The ability to do what is needed. Well, this certainly does n't plumb the depths of - say - the ill begotten Families, it's a perfectly competent production. But he was richly compensated, apart from the regular indemnification paid by the German Government, when he was called in by Ludendorff as the most competent expert to 'give advice, to organize the coal and the industrial production of occupied Belgium and to help to set in motion the gigantic production of war material which the German G.H.Q. ling time in the field of marketing to become competent. Linguistic competence is the system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language.It is distinguished from linguistic performance, which is the way a language system is used in communication. Competent definition, having suitable or sufficient skill, knowledge, experience, etc., for some purpose; properly qualified: He is perfectly competent to manage the bank branch. Competent Competence in a sentence. Disadvantages Patient needs a compliant bladder and competent sphincter mechanism. even after entry into the senate. One competent to judge asserts that peace, not war, was the normal intertribal habit. Cultural competence is often used interchangeably with the term cultural competency. Firstly, David Griffiths of University of Bolton talked about conflicting definitions of the term competence in formal learning and lifelong learning context.. rarefyhe rarefied world of self esteem, young people can grow up thinking that they are much more competent than they actually are. Overall, this is another very competent transfer from Universal with only a few slip-ups. Although the surgery is a difficult one, a competent surgeon will have no problem performing the operation. He was a loyal, distinguished and very, 5. The "persecution" had meanwhile produced its natural result: the use of the forbidden vestments rapidly spread; and since there was no central authority left competent to command obedience, every incumbent - intrenched in his freehold as a "corporation sole" - became a law unto himself. Competence in a sentence. Secretary Knox also proposed that a further enabling clause be inserted providing that the International Court of Prize be competent to accept jurisdiction in all matters, arising between signatories, submitted to it, the Court to sit at fixed periods every year and to be composed according to the panel which was drawn up at the Hague. " Like any social study, it can't be conclusive, but the overwhelming evidence is that the outcome of authoritative parenting is happier, more popular, and more competent children. He's not competent to look after young children. Slightly more than a competent journeyman I would say. Competent definition: Someone who is competent is efficient and effective . Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. This verdict of a fair-minded and highly competent Protestant church historian on the most controverted point of Dominic's career is of great value. Measures were taken to instruct her in the genuine traditions and the old language of former ages, the intention being to have the whole ultimately dictated to a competent scribe. 2. 20 examples: Questions still evolve around deciding who will be the competent authority for… It aims to provide an experience of learning from which it's graduates will qualify as competent and responsible practitioners of Jungian analytical psychotherapy. Competence; 1. A French tribunal alone is competent to settle disputes where one of the parties is not a native. But while the king now put forward a minister notoriously able and competent to the task, his opponents put forward a man whose only claim to office was the possession of large estates. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant. Examples of cultural competence in a sentence, how to use it. The campaigning ranged from Appledore in Kent to Exeter, from Chester to Shoeburyness; but wherever the invaders transferred themselves, either the king, or his son Edward, or his son-in-law Ethelred, the ealdorman of Mercia, was promptly at hand with a competent army. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. This produced fresh complications, and an increasing desire among the respectable settlers for a competent civil and criminal jurisdiction. When I first had to use the word 'competence' in a sentence the preposition "over" suddenly came to mind. In general, by showing confidence as well as support in their children's ability to solve problems and overcome adversity, this parenting style raises more competent kids, who are better able to handle future challenges. That this action is a direct and not a nervous one is shown by the fact that if the eye be suddenly shaded the pupil will dilate a little, showing that the nerves which cause dilatation are still competent after the administration of physostigmine. M is much more confident and competent rider because of what she has been taught. The story as found in these two manuscripts has been pronounced by competent critics, especially Professor Gustav Storm of the university of Christiania, as the best and the most trustworthy record. French 161: With this course, the student is expected to have a competent understanding up to leave 5.3 in Deux Modes (their particular textbook). This information is not meant to be used as a substitute for competent veterinary care. Intrusive research is defined in terms of whether consent would be required of a person who is mentally competent. In truth, they often are more competent at an earlier age than their older siblings because they have had their example to follow. … If attacked, however, in a competent manner, they would not stand; and afterwards, in conflict with the British, whole masses of them behaved in a dastardly manner. (adjective) A competent doctor. 4. sufficient, enough, adequate, competent mean being what is necessary or desirable. Competence; 1. We are also competent in major programming languages such as ASP and Java. Examples of Competence in a sentence. Arnaud, formerly in the Egyptian service, was the first to visit the southern Jauf and to report on the rock-cut inscriptions and ruins of Marib, though it was not till 1869 that a competent archaeologist, J. No careful and competent student of his works has ever failed to correct this gross misapprehension. An address delivered to them at this crisis by Ambrose led to his being acclaimed as the only competent occupant of the see; though hitherto only a catechumen, he was baptized, and a few days saw him duly installed as bishop of Milan. Here, wedged in among the ruder Papuans, who reappear at the extremity of the peninsula, a very different-looking people are found, whom competent observers, arguing from appearance, language and customs, assert to be a branch of the fair Polynesian race. Note: Some of the training may take place on the public highway if the trainees are deemed competent to do so. The status of NHER Site Assessor demonstrates that you are competent to undertake detailed energy assessments on existing dwellings. The conditions of saer-tenure were largely settled by the law, were comparatively easy, did not require any security to be: given, left the ceile free within the limits of justice to end the connexion, left him competent in case of dispute to give evidence against that of the flaith, and did not impose any liability on the fine of the ceile. Its purpose was to enable a competent commission, renewable in part each year, to utilize a portion of funds entrusted to it in inquiries on the best methods of furthering the interests of the community, and, when the funds became large enough, to apply their income directly to schemes of betterment. sufficient savings enough is less exact in suggestion than … use competent competence in a sentence competent; [adjective]Properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient; Sergei is a very competent worker, perhaps the best we have. Kept in good condition by a hardworking and extremely competent greenkeeper. What he really meant by observation was a competent natural history or collection of facts. Of the Mexican and Central American sculpture and architecture a competent judge says that Yucatan and the southern states of Mexico are not rich in sculptures, apart from architecture; but in the valley of Mexico the human figure, animal forms, fanciful life motives in endless variety, were embodied in masks, yokes, tablets, calendars, cylinders, disks, boxes, vases and ornaments. His reconstruction of the True Discourse of Celsus (1753), from Origen's reply to it, is a competent and learned piece of work. Definition of Competent . Fortunately, natal chart comparisons, when drawn by a competent astrologer, can alert you to potential problem areas and highlight those areas where you'll be most compatible. shimmy problem is having the tires balanced to a high degree of accuracy by a competent shop. Much has also been done in Prussia, in Brandenburg, in Bavaria, in Hanover, in Wurttemberg and in Baden, and collections of authorities have been made by competent scholars, of which the Geschichtsquellen der Provinz Sachsen und angrenzender Gebiete (Halle, 1870, f 01. CK 1 1524681 Tom is incompetent. EN. The growth of the Catholic population by decades since 1820 was calculated by a competent historian, the late John Gilmary The number in 1906 was 12,079,142 (U.S. Census, Special Report, 1910). Colorado insurance claim attorneys know the intricacies behind the insurance laws of the state, and if you find that you are getting nowhere in an insurance claim it may be time to retain a competent attorney to assist you. Competence to be sentenced is a specific form of legal competence that addresses an individual’s ability to participate in the sentencing stage of trial and to both understand and appreciate the ramifications of the sentence that is imposed. But now the chief use for blister steel is for remelting in the crucible process, yielding a product which is asserted so positively, so universally and by such competent witnesses to be not only better but very much better than that made from any other material, that we must believe that it is so, though no clear reason can yet be given why it should be. The definition of Competent is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. 1 Its methods were stated to be: " To afford information to every country capable of producing cotton, both by the diffusion of printed directions for its cultivation, and sending competent teachers of cotton planting and cleaning, and by direct communication with Christian missionaries whose aid and co - operation it solicits; to supply, gratuitously, in the first instance, the best seeds … The AI seemed to work in only one map so far, but our computer-controlled opponents at least seemed competent. 557) rested on a strong viva voce tradition that was early put into writing by a competent hand. When I first had to use the word 'competence' in a sentence the preposition "over" suddenly came to mind. ), so keep that in mind when you begin to feel sad or depressed. Politician Daniel Moynihan once suggested that the single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence because it's so rare. To charter a yacht bareboat you should be Day Skipper standard and be assisted by at least one competent crew. Examples of competence in a Sentence He trusts in the competence of his doctor. It is true that rotational instability alone is not competent to explain the separation into two components; but the existence of gravitational instability, pointed out by J. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. Spamster 1 3330428 I'm not incompetent. In science and theology, mathematics and poetry, metaphysics and law, he is a competent and always a fair if not a profound critic. The great variety of views amongst competent critics is significant of the difficulty of the problem, which can hardly be regarded as yet solved; this divergence of opinion perhaps points to the impossibility of maintaining the unity of chs. On that side, fortunately, there is no possibility of doubt or difficulty to any competent inquirer. Children with secure histories have been shown to be more determined, enthusiastic, and competent in problem-solving as toddlers. Originally it had been suggested that the ecclesiastical courts in England were competent without recourse to Rome. He believed in the elitism of competence. 1. _Each person can learn to be competent in almost anything. The most competent among those specially trained, whether son or outsider, should succeed to the position and land. Louis was in war and peace alike, the most competent of the descendants of Charlemagne. Johnny Gomez - Voiced by Maurice Schlafer, he's the more competent and polite commentator. Antonym: competent. accordingly, it had become usual to read, in the regular meetings of the churches which were not so fortunate as to possess a competent preacher, the written discourses of celebrated fathers; and at a considerably later period we have on record the canon of at least one provincial council (that of Vaux, probably the third, held in 529 A.D.), positively enjoining that if the presbyter through any infirmity is unable himself to preach, "homilies of the holy fathers" (homiliae sanctorum patrum) are to be read by the deacons. You simply need to procure the services of a competent. The length of the Douro, which is greater than that of any other Iberian river except the Tagus and Guadiana, is probably about 485 m.; but competent authorities differ widely in their estimates, the extremes given being 420 and 507 m. Chancellor James Kent, and others only less competent, paid remarkable testimony to his legal abilities. 4. It's stories like this sick kitten saga that remind us how lucky we are to have access to competent feline health care. No competent scholars now question the existence, hardly any one the relative dates, of J, E, and P. In Numbers one can tell almost at a glance which parts belong to P, the Priestly Code, and which to JE, the narrative resulting from the combination of the Judaic work of the Yahwist with the Ephraimitic work of the Elohist. They are also competent to deal with all disputes as to wages, and letting and hiring, without regard to the value of the object in dispute. the ability to do something well or skillfully. This article breaks down how to list computer skills in a resume using real resume examples. CK 1 73468 Ten teams competed for the prize. She's extremely competent and industrious. First, a competent person can reject life-sustaining care. Yet lom 978 to 991 no irreparable harm came to England; the machinery for government and defence which his ancestors had establshed seemed fairly competent to defend the realm even under a wayward and incapable king. Without his drugs he would not be competent to be executed. The comprehensive syllabus ensures that you become a competent helmsman, leaving you free to enjoy your holiday relaxed and in safety. A competent tax professional can answer questions regarding your specific situation. use "competent" in a sentence In the next election, they chose the competent wunderkind by a 37 percent margin. Hugh is a competent goalie who … If this is ever accomplished it will need the patient investigation of a number of empirical observations by competent students unbiassed by any parti pris - a difficult set of conditions to obtain; and even then no definite results may be achieved. The ability to respond immunologically to bacteria, viruses, or other antigenic agents. I had always considered myself a strong, 29. Firstly, David Griffiths of University of Bolton talked about conflicting definitions of the term competence in formal learning and lifelong learning context. skilfulreas this includes are A Strong Child, A Skillful Communicator, A Competent Learner and A Healthy Child. In order to take a perfect picture, you're going to need a competent camera and you're going to need to know how to use it. Sentence with the word competence. To sue and be sued in all courts of competent jurisdiction. The Asolani attempted to perform the whole duties of editing, and to reserve all its honours for themselves, dispensing with the service of competent collaborators. You know that you are a competent, capable person (hey, you've made it this far, right? ), which extends to forty volumes, the smaller Scrip/ores rerum Prussicarum (Leipzig, 1861-1874), and the seventy-seven volumes of the Publikationen aus den koniglichen preussischen Slaatsarchiven, veranlasst und unterstutzt durch die konigliche Archivverwaltung (Leipzig, 1878, fol. In one of these he said: I have always, as you know looked forward to the ministry, and to such a kind of ministry as you have in America, where a man, for the most part, … That he had a competent acquaintance with Greek is manifest from his translations of Dionysius the Areopagite and of Maximus, from the manner in which he refers to Aristotle, and from his evident familiarity with Neoplatonist writers and the fathers of the early church. Social skills and who are socially aware and perceptive are likely to socially! Self-Care abilities 's the more extended narratives the english Book of Homilies compiled... 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