ofsted grading criteria

Université de Montréal, 2006 Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2011 Hugo Larochelle, Yoshua Bengio and Joseph Turian, Université de Montréal, Montral, Qubec, Canada. Deep Woods Technical Report #1264, Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Greedy Layer-Wise Training of Deep Networks International Conference on Machine Learning proceedings, 2008 Journal papers Ans. Distributed Representation Prediction for Generalization to New Words Zero-data Learning of New Tasks [pdf] Université de Montréal, 2005 Poster presented at MITACS Quebec Interchange, [pdf] Poster presented at the Learning@Snowbird Workshop, Hugo Larochelle, arXiv, 2011 Tara Sainath - Google AI and the Restricted Boltzmann Forest [pdf] San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2007 de la langue [pdf] He is also a member of Yoshua Bengio's Mila and an Adjunct Professor at the Université de Montréal. Then Google asked to pick his brain. Yoshua Bengio, Hugo Larochelle and Pascal Vincent, He continues to work for the university and still supervises some graduate students, but now devotes part of his energy to his new challenge, heading up the Google Brain group in Montreal. Talk and poster presented at the Learning Workshop, Google, which began in 1988 as a concept hatched in a California garage and is a top global brand, is much more than a search engine. Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de psychologie. The multinational has launched a number of projects to diversify its operations, moving into artificial neural networks in 2012. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Hugo’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Hugo Larochelle is a Research Scientist for Google Brain’s Montreal team, Adjunct Professor at Université de Sherbrooke, Adjunct Professor at Université de Montréal… “I knew I wanted to raise my family and develop research projects here in Quebec, so I’m thrilled with Google’s proposal,” he said, referring to his hiring as the California tech giant's man in Montreal for its innovative Google Brain project. Tractable Multivariate Binary Density Estimation Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2011 “Google already had a development group in Montreal for the Chrome browser,” Bengio said, “but Hugo’s mission is to add a world-class deep-learning research team, and I have no doubt that he will be successful.". Third place at poster competition, [pdf] Hugo Larochelle, Dumitru Erhan and Yoshua Bengio Hugo Larochelle. Hugo LaRochelle - Google Brain. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23, 2010 Classification using Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machines [pdf] Board Members. University of Toronto, 2005 Rev. We dreamed of providing our four daughters a stable home environment where they could hear French being spoken.”. Montreal, Canada, 2008 All over the world, great advances in the field of AI are the direct result of the Universite de Montreal professor and Mila director, said Larochelle. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Montréal, 2009 IFT3051 project, Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, 2007 Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Lamblin, Dan Popovici and Hugo Larochelle, Imaginez un étudiant dont le dossier scolaire, du Bacc (obtenu en 2004) jusqu’à son doctorat (obtenu en … [ps] Chandre Dharma-wardana, Role of Interface Suboxide Si Atoms on the Electronic Properties of Si/SiO2 Superlattices , Applied Surface Science, Soumis Others Martha White - U. Alberta. Snowbird, USA, 2008 The Google Brain division, whose goal is to advance understanding of this cutting-edge sector and promote technology transfer, needed a leader in Montreal, a city known as the 'Silicon Valley of the North' in deep learning. Technical Report #1282, Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Non-Local Manifold Parzen Windows Shakir Mohamad - Google. Hugo Larochelle, Yoshua Bengio, Jérôme Louradour and Pascal Lamblin, Neural Computation, 18(10): 2509-2528, 2006 5443: 2010: Greedy layer-wise training of deep networks. Simply put, it’s how computers simulate the type of calculations that human brains perform. In 2011, upon completion of his postdoctoral studies, Larochelle accepted an assistant professor position at Université de Sherbrooke. After several years in the creative wilderness, the 35-year-old whiz kid returns to Quebec, where his AI career began. Journal of machine learning research 11 (12), 2010. Yoshua Bengio and Hugo Larochelle, Thanks to his many publications, Larochelle had no difficulty landing a promotion to associate professor at Sherbrooke in 2016. fbengioy,lamblinp,popovicd,larochehg@iro.umontreal.ca Abstract Complexity theory of circuits strongly suggeststhat deep architectures can be much more efcient (sometimes exponentially) than shallow architectures, in terms of "The Google opportunity also appealed to his paternal instinct. Hugo Larochelle is a research scientist in AI and the lead of the Google Brain team in Montreal. A foodie and video game fan, Larochelle was already a star in UdeM's computer science department even before he started doing research. He aced all his undergraduate courses (with a 4.3 GPA) and showed exceptional maturity. [pdf] An Empirical Evaluation of Deep Architectures on Problems with Many Factors of Variation [pdf][html] [pdf] B, Soumis Pierre Carrier, Zheng-Hong Lu, Laurent J. Lewis, M.W. Pascal Vincent, Hugo Larochelle, Isabelle Lajoie, Yoshua Bengio and Pierre-Antoine Manzagol, Extracting and Composing Robust Features with Denoising Autoencoders [ps] “My wife and I had been living all over the place for quite a few years. [ps] He’s one of the world’s brightest stars in artificial-intelligence research. [ppt] Yoshua Bengio, Martin Monperrus and Hugo Larochelle, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 10(Jan): 1--40, 2009 Title. ICLR 2019 (2019-05-06) iclr.cc PDF. Hugo Larochelle, Ph.D. thesis, Université de Montréal, 2009. Thesis The  information we process travels through various areas of our brain, each with its own function and specialization. Previously, he was an Associate Professor at the University of Sherbrooke. NSERC Internship report at RALI lab, Alexander M Rush - Cornell University. In addition to his academic pursuits, at the start of his career Larochelle joined forces with a colleague to create Whetlab, a start-up that developed software to accelerate data-processing operations. Don’t be fooled by Hugo Larochelle’s youthful looks. After selling his share, Hugo Larochelle joined the Twitter team and worked at their headquarters for two years. Études de techniques d'appentissage non-supervisé pour l'amélioration de l'entraînement supervisé de modèles connexionnistes Professeur agrégé. Some Supervised Models in Disambiguation And Larochelle – a mathematics whiz kid from Asbestos, Quebec,  who had managed to become part of the global elite in his field in less than a decade – was the ideal candidate. Computational Intelligence, to appear, 2011 “It’s a bit surreal,” he admitted with a grin. Université de Montréal PO Box 6128, Centre-ville Station Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3J7 Phone : 514 343-6111, #38492 E-mail : recherche@umontreal.ca Soumis. International Conference on Machine Learning proceedings, 2007 Non-Local Manifold Parzen Windows Journal papers Detonation Classification from Acoustic Signature with the Restricted Boltzmann Machine Yoshua Bengio, Nicolas Chapados, Olivier Delalleau, Hugo Larochelle, Xavier Saint-Mleux, Christian Hudon and Jérôme Louradour, Computational Intelligence, to appear, 2011 pour la détection de termes dans un document Loris Bazzani, Nando de Freitas, Hugo Larochelle, Vittorio Murino and Jo-Anne Ting, Yoshua Bengio - Université of Montreal & MILA. Hugo Larochelle, hugo.larochelle@umontreal.ca [pdf] Raia Hadsell - DeepMind. Notable Paper Award An infinite restricted boltzmann machine. Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Structured Output Prediction [pdf] Université de Montréal, 2006 [pdf] Implantation et analyse d’un modèle graphique de Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Hugo Larochelle, View Hugo Larochelle’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Yoshua Bengio, Nicolas Chapados, Olivier Delalleau, Hugo Larochelle, Xavier Saint-Mleux, Christian Hudon and Jérôme Louradour, Hugo Larochelle and Geoffrey Hinton, Deep learning is so innovative it's often been described as a technological revolution. Neural Computation, 22(9): 2285-2307, 2010 He also co-founded Whetlab, which was acquired in 2015 by Twitter, where he then worked as a research scientist in the Twitter Cortex group. Didactiel sur les réseaux de neurones en traitement Q4. Classification of Sets using Restricted Boltzmann Machines [arxiv] Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2009 Talk at the CIAR Summer School, Classification using Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machines Hugo Larochelle, Christian Jauvin and Yoshua Bengio, “He was involved in the very first article on deep learning that we wrote in 2006, which sparked interest in this growing field,” recalled professor Yoshua Bengio, a leader in the field and Larochelle’s thesis advisor at Université de Montréal’s Department of Computer Science and Operations Research. Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, et non-supervisé MITACS Second Canada-France Congress, “Google wants to partner with state-of-the-art research centres," he said. Learning Neural Causal Models from Unknown Interventions Nan Rosemary Ke * 1;2, Olexa Bilaniuk , Anirudh Goyal , Stefan Bauer5, Hugo Larochelle4, Bernhard Schölkopf5, Michael C. Mozer4, Chris Pal1 ;2 3, Yoshua Bengio1y 1 Mila, Université de Montréal, 2 Mila, Polytechnique Montréal, 3 Element AI 4 Google AI, 5 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, yCIFAR Senior Fellow. MILA is one of the pioneers in the field of Deep Learning and I am fortunate to have Yoshua Bengio, who is one of the leaders in the field of AI, as my guide. Professeur associé. “He was the best, but he never let it go to his head," Bengio recalled. Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2010 January 2017 The Journal of Machine Learning Research, Volume 18, Issue 1. article. Hugo Larochelle Ioannis Mitliagkas Irina Rish Joelle Pineau Marc G. Bellemare Nicolas Le Roux Pascal Vincent Sarath Chandar Siamak Ravanbakhsh Simon Lacoste-Julien William L. Hamilton Yoshua Bengio UdeM UdeM Polytechnique / UdeM Google Brain / UdeM UdeM UdeM Whetlab quickly became a serious player in emerging technology, attracting the attention of industry giants like Twitter, which bought the company in 2015. [site] Hugo Larochelle, Dumitru Erhan, Aaron Courville, James Bergstra and Yoshua Bengio, Detonation Classification from Acoustic Signature with the Restricted Boltzmann Machine [pdf] désambiguïsation à entraînement supervisé, semi-supervisé Technical Report #1316, Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, He said he was “surprised by his own life” and did not expect to be so successful when he started his Ph.D in Artificial Neural Networks in the fall of 2004. What exactly is deep learning? Volodymyr Mnih, Hugo Larochelle and Geoffrey Hinton, “Google represents a new industrial culture. Hugo Larochelle, Dumitru Erhan and Yoshua Bengio, Poster presented at the Learning@Snowbird Workshop, Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2011 Non-Local Manifold Parzen Windows [pdf] ... P Vincent, H Larochelle, I Lajoie, Y Bengio, PA Manzagol, L Bottou. Something positive, he replied: the freedom to concentrate on the fertile ground of fundamental research and commercial applications. Montréal, Canada, 2003. Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle. The Neural Autoregressive Distribution Estimator [pdf] [code] Google IA director in Montreal Hugo Larochelle summarized in two words the reason for this support for Mila: Yoshua Bengio. [ps] Hugo Larochelle. In 2011, upon completion of his postdoctoral studies, Larochelle accepted an assistant professor position at Université de Sherbrooke. arXiv, 2011 Département d’informatique, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Anirudh Goyal Alias Parth Goyal, Riashat Islam, DJ Strouse, Zafarali Ahmed, Hugo Larochelle, Matthew Botvinick, Sergey Levine and Yoshua Bengio. Hugo Larochelle and Yoshua Bengio, Yoshua Bengio, Hugo Larochelle and Joseph Turian, These areas are can be thought of as levels (hence the “deep” part of learning) that need to be tapped to analyze information. Technical Reports Extracting and Composing Robust Features with Denoising Autoencoders Non-Local Estimation of Manifold Structure Université de Montréal, 2004. [pdf] International Conference on Machine Learning proceedings, 2008 Since 2012, he has been cited 7,686 times in the Google Scholar index. Larochelle, 35, recently bought a house in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, an hour's drive east of Montreal, finally settling down after many years wandering the world of technology. Hugo Larochelle and Yoshua Bengio, Larochelle earned three degrees at UdeM (a Bachelor of Mathematics, a Master’s and a Doctorate in Computer Science) before moving on to do postdoc work at the University of Toronto. [pdf] [pdf] Jérôme Louradour and Hugo Larochelle, I am working at Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA), UdeM. What do you like about UdeM? Université de Montréal, été 2002. Jérôme Louradour and Hugo Larochelle, Pascal Vincent, Hugo Larochelle, Yoshua Bengio and Pierre-Antoine Manzagol, [pdf] Yoshua Bengio, Hugo Larochelle and Pascal Vincent, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11(Dec): 3371--3408, 2010 Previously, he was assistant professor at the computer science department of the Université de Sherbrooke. Université de Montréal, 2006 Hugo Larochelle and Yoshua Bengio, International Conference on Machine Learning proceedings, 2011 Hugo Larochelle. Stacked Denoising Autoencoders: Learning Useful Representations in a Deep Network with a Local Denoising Criterion [pdf] Previously, he was an Associate Professor at the University of Sherbrooke. Université de Montréal, Montral, Qubec, Canada. Par Johanne Gilbert Hugo Larochelle a été fait diplômé d'honneur du département lors de la collation des grades de la Faculté des arts et des sciences qui a eu lieu le 30 août 2019. Chandre Dharma-wardana, Laurent J. Lewis, Core-level spectroscopy of Si/SiO_2 quantum wells: evidence for confined states , Phys. Aaron Courville - Université de Montreal & Mila. "I see myself as a facilitator in meeting that objective.". Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Lamblin, Dan Popovici and Hugo Larochelle, Non-Local Manifold Parzen Windows [pdf] Bio: Hugo Larochelle is a Research Scientist at Google Brain and lead of the Montreal Google Brain team. Hugo Larochelle, Dumitru Erhan and Pascal Vincent, Treasurer. [ps] Hugo Larochelle is a Research Scientist at Google Brain and lead of the Montreal Google Brain team. So, what does the future hold for him now? Simply put, they came up with a tool that provided access to advanced methods of artificial intelligence. Michael Mandel, Razvan Pascanu, Hugo Larochelle and Yoshua Bengio, [pdf] Verified email at google.com - Homepage. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): We introduce the problem of zero-data learning, where a model must generalize to classes or tasks for which no training data are available and only a description of the classes or tasks are provided. Learning Attentional Policies for Tracking and Recognition in Video with Deep Networks [pdf] [youtube] Ian Goodfellow, the research scientist who pioneered generative adversarial networks (GANs) got his PhD in machine learning at the Université de Montréal, rising AI star Hugo Larochelle … The artificial intelligence-research division is a good example of that.”, is the responsibility of the Office of Communications and Public Relations (BCRP), 3744, rue Jean-Brillant, bureau 490Montréal (Québec) H3T 1P1, Denis Coderre: My life as an undergrad at UdeM in the '80s, Global consultation on the ethics of AI begins in Montreal. Google Brain & Mila. Larochelle had just returned to Montreal when Google announced a $4.9-million investment over three years to benefit eight local researchers. Autotagging music with conditional restricted Boltzmann machines [arxiv] Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18, 2006 Pascal Vincent, Hugo Larochelle, Yoshua Bengio and Pierre-Antoine Manzagol, My main area of expertise is deep learning. Greedy Layer-Wise Training of Deep Networks [pdf] I am also co-advised by Hugo Larochelle from Twitter Cortex Lab. Yoshua Bengio and Hugo Larochelle, Conference Papers Marie-Victorin office C-369 pierre-louis.bellec@umontreal.ca Exploring Strategies for Training Deep Neural Networks Hugo Larochelle and Iain Murray, Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence. Learning to combine foveal glimpses with a third-order Boltzmann machine [pdf] [supp] [faces video] Larochelle earned three degrees at UdeM (a Bachelor of Mathematics, a Master’s and a Doctorate in Computer Science) before moving on to do postdoc work at the University of Toronto. I currently lead the Google Brain group in Montreal. Hugo Larochelle and Philippe Langlais, Hugo has 10 jobs listed on their profile. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2008 Pavillon André-Aisenstadt 2920, chemin de la Tour Montréal QC H3T 1J4 514 343-6602 E-mail About. Hugo Larochelle and Yoshua Bengio, Pierre Carrier, Zheng-Hong Lu, M.W. Hugo Larochelle University of Sherbrooke Yoshua Bengio University of Montreal Pierre Antoine Manzagol University of Montreal Authors: Pascal Vincent. My previous work includes unsupervised pretraining with autoencoders, denoising autoencoders, visual attention-based classification, neural autoregressive distribution models. Having been the recipient of many scholarships and research grants, he now finds himself on the side of the investors. Technical Report #1284, Département d'informatique et recherche opérationnelle, Generalization to a zero-data task: an empirical study [pdf] [ps] Efficient Learning of Deep Boltzmann Machines [pdf][code] He is also a member of Yoshua Bengio’s Mila and an Adjunct Professor at the Université de Montréal. Articles Cited by Co-authors. Étude de la pertinence de métriques statistiques Talk in the RALI-OLST seminar series Snowbird, USA, 2005 [pdf] Classification of Sets using Restricted Boltzmann Machines [pdf] [supp] [arxiv] Recall Traces: Backtracking Models for Efficient Reinforcement Learning. [pdf] Deep Learning using Robust Interdependent Codes [pdf] Université de Montréal, 2008 "He became a hotshot in deep-learning research, which is the spearhead of today’s tangible progress in artificial intelligence.” He’s also a team player who loves to share knowledge, Bengio added. , upon completion of his postdoctoral studies, Larochelle accepted an assistant professor position at de... 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ofsted grading criteria 2021