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She is precise in her quest yet finds time to ask and question what is appropriate and considered as proper grammar and English. English 9 May Argument Analysis of ‘Mother Tongue’ by Amy Tan Mother tongue ed by Amy Tan reflects her personal rumination and assessment concerning “broken English” as opposed to Standard English. But actually, the word America comes from an explorer named Amerigo Vespucci who made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean and never saw North America. These ideas explain why there are so many onomatopoeia words in our vocabulary today. Meanwhile, the Celts had a written alphabet dating back centuries before the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons and clean water systems. However, many essential terms survived including “love,” “drink,” and so forth because they are fundamental to everyday life. It’s pretty easy to take a word and alter it so that its meaning or function changes. As a result of their ignorance about those rules, few people would be able to explain how to speak English well or tell foreigners why certain constructions are good while others aren’t. Summary of Amy Tan's essay Mother Tongue Summary: “Mother Tongue”. The Mother Tongue Book Summary, by Bill Bryson, Make It Stick Book Summary, by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel. Historians believe that as people migrated, they developed different words for the unique flora and fauna of their new homes. Other theories say that people invented words to mimic natural sounds. With all the students having a difficulty in coping with their lessons, Mother tongue-based multilingual education may be helpful or not in solving this problem.. INTRODUCTION. Eventually, those languages branched off into a dozen different groups: Celtic, Germanic, Greek and so on. Similarly, Malaysia has been trying to phase out English since the 1970s but continues to use it for professional and educational purposes. The author is a fictional writer who is “fascinated by language in daily life” and uses language as a daily part of her work as a writer. It is her mother tongue. In other languages, you can’t say “I kicked the dog” and mean the same thing as if you said “the dog was kicked by me.” Also, in many languages there would be only one way to say something like “I swim,” but in English we have options such as: I do swim; I am swimming; or I swim. It has 16 rules, no definite articles, regular endings, and logical spelling. People enthusiastically promoted this language for 15 years until it fell out of favor due to its difficulty. In addition, he looked at how colonialism influenced its current status as a world language. English was once the language of nobility in Britain. Also, skeletal remains from 20,000 years ago suggest that larynxes were positioned deeper in throats than before which made well articulated speech possible at last. For instance, there’s a difference between knowledge gained from recognition and knowledge gained from deep understanding. Some of these issues include the differences between her “professional” English (the English she spoke at official forums like lectures or when writing) and her “intimate” English (the English she spoke at home with family and friends), the language and literature challenges brought by her mother tongue (Chinese) in speaking good English, and how we should gener… However, not enough people have adopted this language to make it useful as a global means of communication—it is unlikely that English will be replaced any time soon. The Summary: Mother Tongue is an essay by Amy Tan describing her life with her mother in America. Amy Tan is the writer of the article Mother Tongue”. Many terms we now consider harmless or cute could have gotten you into trouble long ago. "The notion of 'mother tongue' is thus a mixture of myth and ideology. Summary: She has to tell people her mothers English is broken or fractured. Similarly, the phrase “I could care less” means the same thing as “I couldn’t care less.” Pronunciation in English is also unpredictable and unregulated compared to other languages like Chinese and Welsh. Big Idea #6: Words can be perfectly acceptable in one century and profane swear words in the next. In her perspective, language “authorizes” people to become members of a specific society. The Mother Tongue is a way of speech that defines you and your cultural background and given that it is something of value, it needs to be protected. Like this summary? There are many theories regarding the origin of language. The same is true of the word “sea”, most likely because they migrated to coastal areas after their inland tribes. He also stayed in a Yugoslavian hotel where the maids would “flatten” guests’ underwear with pleasure rather than simply saying they offered laundry service. In ‘Mother Tongue,’ Padma Sachdev conveys her message in the form of a simple conversation.It is a conversation between the poet and a stem that gives quills to write (poetic license/power of imagination). Other examples are “squash,” “raccoon” and “hammock.” Some of these words came from Spanish settlers (e.g., “canyon”), while others were taken from Dutch or French terms (“landscape” and “prairie”). This article takes you through the history of English and shows how these key points show how Western civilization developed over time. Lucy remembers this experience while … It had an English-like structure but its vocabulary was obscure and difficult to understand. Read the world’s #1 book summary of The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson here. There were a few major evolutionary points in the development of the language and one came when two Germanic tribes migrated to Britain. Summary of "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan In "Mother Tongue, Amy Tan writes about how her mother 's broken English affects her life. DEVELOPMENTAL READING 1 Mr. Mario A. Bernardino, Jr. Dr. Rufino L. Tanio Reaction Paper No. Other English surnames can be traced back to a descriptive nickname, such as Armstrong. Although we are connected in many ways, such as through language, it’s nothing new. Words can also lose their negative connotations over time. Next came Norman rule by William I (the Conqueror) who invaded England in 1066 with over 10,000 French-derived words added to our vocabulary such as “painter,” “tailor,” etc., while Anglo-Saxon terms like “baker” remained for labor jobs due to their lower class status during this period of time under Norman rule where there was a two-tiered society consisting of both French speakers and commoners who spoke only English at this time which eventually evolved into modern day England after 300 years under Norman control from 1066 – 1350 AD.. Surnames that indicate lineage include Peterson or Johnson. She grew up taking phone and making phone calls for her mother. The English language almost died in the eleventh century. The fact that English is easy to learn but difficult to master has led to a lot of dialects in former British colonies and immigrant communities. In addition, there are countless technical and scientific terms coined in English that aren’t translated into other languages. It began when 350 Viking warships left Scandinavia and sailed up the river Thames. The priests had memorized certain hymns called the Vedas and were passing them down from generation to generation without understanding what they meant. Sign up for a 5-day free trial here. Takeaways from Mark Zuckerberg: How to Build the Future (YC’s The Macro), The Best Things I Learned from Ashton Kutcher, Tech Investor, Best Summary + PDF: The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg, The Best Things I Learned from Sara Blakely, Spanx Founder, Best Summary + PDF: How Not to Die, by Michael Greger, Born a Crime Book Summary, by Trevor Noah, Braiding Sweetgrass Book Summary, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, Every Day Book Summary, by David Levithan, Prisoners Of Geography Book Summary, by Tim Marshall, Interactive exercises that teach you to apply what you've learned. Bishops, scholars, cooks, and scribes were all replaced by people who could speak French. People in other parts of the world would use names like Tolstoy (“fat”) and Gorky (“bitter”). While it was easy to tell the two Peters apart, there was no way of keeping track of them over multiple generations. She begins this narrative essay by talking about the day she became aware of the different forms of English that she was using at home and during formal events. For example, “hickory” was taken from pawcohiccora, which is an Algonquin word. Bryson asked himself why people bother to learn English if it’s so hard to master. Such compounds can be vivid and descriptive, such as rattlesnake or catfish. The name “America” had already spread widely by then. What’s a Concierge MVP? You will also learn about the names people came up with for things they had never seen before, as well as who invented the most words in English. The kiss was not typical of a young child--she sucked Tanner's tongue as if trying to discover its flavor. Big Idea #1: Many of the world’s languages can be traced back to a common ancestral language. Shortform: The World's Best Book Summaries, Shortform Blog: Free Guides and Excerpts of Books. They do much better in math and science. And when Volkswagen set up a factory in Shanghai they found that too few Germans spoke Chinese and too few Chinese spoke German so everyone agreed to speak English. Over time, verb tenses were standardized and confusing word endings were removed from its vocabulary. The main idea of Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" is the limitations that imperfect English can impose in society and the richness that such English can bring to writing. Mother Tongue by Amy Tan - Summary - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. After it was reinstated, it became refined and normalized throughout the region. The Mother Tongue isn't something to be ashamed of, but instead, should be something that should be embraced and protected. Eventually, Jones presented his theory in Calcutta. Americans were even more prudish than their English counterparts during this time period. I'll send you notes on entrepreneurship and summaries of the best books I'm reading. It would be nearly impossible for the media to stay connected to the rest of the world without at least some understanding of English, so it looks like this language is here to stay. Throughout history, the English language has always been evolving. This led to the emergence of modern-day English as we know it today. However, each and every word has a rich history behind it. There are certain words that can get a movie an R rating, but they’re not always the same. Unfortunately, this flexibility can result in confusion because native speakers are given so much leeway to form words and sentences however they want without thinking about rigid grammar rules. With just three hours per week for a year-long course of study, anyone can become fluent in the language. If you travel to a small region in northern Germany, you might hear people speaking their local dialect. Summary for Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" The essay is chiefly about the writer's own rumination and judgment about how "broken English" compared to Standard English. In Tans essay she quotes her mother’s speech to demonstrate her mothers “broken English”, it was a very trivial story but the thing that is worth looking at was her mother's grammar. For example, he once saw a sign that told drivers to honk the horn “first melodiously” and then with vigor if pedestrians didn’t pay attention. It makes sense that people with the same last name wouldn’t live in crowded cities, but if someone did leave for the country, he might take an additional name like John of London. The upper-class Anglo-Saxons abandoned their own dialect for about 300 years and spoke French instead. Lucas Loredo. “Mother Tongue” reflects on the misleading illusion that language can represent one’s education level. After a lot of effort, she earned a master’s degree in English. What's special about Shortform: Sound like what you've been looking for? This presentation led to a new field of study and inspired European scholars to conduct their own research. There are about eight million speakers worldwide who speak it in 10 countries. The settlers were quick to introduce Native American words into the English language. A surname is a name that distinguishes one person from the rest. Norman French had an impact on the English language. Big Idea #2: Repeated conquests of the British Isles changed and expanded the English language. They crossed the North Sea to Britain after the Romans had abandoned that area around 450 AD. Amy describes how we speak differently to family compared to how we speak to people out in public. When you submit the form an invisible reCAPTCHA check will be performed. Her mother had a brain tumor and her father and brother both died of brain tumors. Afterward, an area of Britain called the Danelaw was established to divide the nation between the southern English and the northern Vikings. The word “manufacture” used to mean something made by hand, but it has since taken on a new meaning and now refers to machine-made products. Summary Mother Tongue After reading the strongly written “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, it shows a great deal of strength from the Asian American culture. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes were tribes who left their homes in northern Germany. Then there are compound words, which are formed by combining two separate words. Eventually, Old Norse and Old English merged into one language. Read a quick 1-Page Summary, a Full Summary, or watch video summaries curated by our expert team. However, there are certain ideas that are easier to explain in other languages than they are in English. Background & Summary of Mother Tongue Amy Tan is an Asian-American writer whose works focus a lot on relationships between mothers and daughters. Later, a German mapmaker named the continent after Vespucci because he thought that Vespucci had discovered the entire land. If you know someone with the last name of Smith, Schmidt, Herrero or Kovacs, they probably share a common ancestor who worked as a metalsmith. As a result, even when speaking their native languages, people use certain words without translating them from English. In this chapter, we’ll look at more recent developments in the history of the language that made it into the language we know today. In the previous section, you learned that English is a flexible and forgiving language. They did so after gaining independence because it was the only language they had in common. Tan elaborates this idea by scrutinizing her mother's language, her own use of English and society's response to … Mother Tongue Questions and Answers - Discover the eNotes.com community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on Mother Tongue Amy’s mother has intelligent thoughts and is just hard to express in understandable words when special situations occur. The Europeans eventually agreed with Jones’ hypothesis and named the parent language Indo-European. When animals were raised on a farm, they went by their English names. There are several languages that have been created with the goal of being easier to learn and use. It’s easier to say that you’re going to the gym rather than a gymnasium. This changed in 1413 with the introduction of medieval bureaucracy in England. Welsh also has some words with hard-to-pronounce letters and combinations of letters that are difficult for non-native speakers. For example, India’s constitution was written in English because it is seen as a way to unite its citizens who speak 1,652 different languages and dialects. He then compared those languages to Sanskrit, and found more evidence for his theory that all these languages are derived from a common parent language. You'll love my new book summary product Shortform. English originated from Germanic tribes, a group of people who spoke related languages. Some professions are still obvious, but others have died out over time, for instance Fletcher refers to a person who makes bows and arrows, and Bateman is an adulteration of boatman. Some people believe that English is the most popular language because it’s easier to learn than other languages. Read the world’s #1 book summary of The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson here. In fact, one way to measure global connection is through words like “brother” or “sister.” They’re similar across different languages because they have a common origin in ancient times. This transformation isn’t uncommon because many Latin words have changed over time. It’s also likely that their ancestors lived in England at some point because names like James of Preston were simplified over time to skip the preposition and leave just James Preston. Despite the fact that no writings exist from this language’s speakers, linguists have been able to deduce quite a bit about them by analyzing descendent languages. In “Mother Tongue”, Tan writes about the awareness and discrimination about “broken English” compared to Standard English. And Sanskrit for the English word “birch” is bhurja. As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” This quote holds true for English because when settlers came to America they encountered many new plants and animals that needed names. The early Anglo-Saxons were illiterate and didn’t bathe. Then, she published her first book “The Joy Luck Club” in 1987. Tans work has appeared in McCall’s, Atlantic Monthly, the New Yorker, and other magazines. This arrangement had lasting linguistic effects; Old Norse words were absorbed into English while some place names are still used today. Download "The Mother Tongue Book Summary, by Bill Bryson" as PDF. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to hear English words pop up in other European languages. “Mother Tongue” is a look into the way some people, look to language as a way as a sign of how educated you are. Second, some people argue that English is widely used because it’s easy to use. It’s similar to how people spoke over 1,000 years ago in Britain. One of the most popular attempts was Volapuk, which was invented in 1880 by a German priest named Johann Martin Schleyer. Mother tongue is a term that can refer to another person’s native language; this is the language that he or she was brought up knowing from birth. Mother Tongue Amy Tan Summary 1127 Words | 5 Pages In the essay, “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, she narrates to her audience, people who are, or know someone ashamed of their English, that the English they, or anyone else speaks is still English and isn’t “broken.” 1. Although the British Empire is long gone, English remains to be a dominant language in business and politics. What society considers vulgar or profane is constantly changing. She also grew up to be ashamed of her mothers poor speaking skills. Corporations and governments use English to communicate with the rest of the world, and there are many people who learn English as a second language. Tan believes that everyone's mother tongue is important and essential in life because it makes each individual special and unique. How Do You Build One? She is the author of different novels including children books, essays, and memoir. For example, the word “brave” once meant something close to “cowardly,” while its root is related to depravity. 'Mother Tongue' is your native language. The English language is full of traps for people learning it as a second language. By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, I think that it is getting rather hard for people to have intellectual property because if you think of something, it is very easy to look it up…, After watching the movie "Bowling For Columbine" it really surprised me on how many places have easy access to weapons. Subscribe to get summaries of the best books I'm reading. But as its most fundamental, language is quite simply the expression of self and the ability to share that expression with others. It will continue to do so in any time period, regardless of its oppression or liberation. Jones noticed that many languages have similar grammatical structures. A mother tongue is a language a person or child speaks at Pages: 5 (1250 words) “Mother Tongue” Analysis Pages: 3 (783 words) Are We Losing Our Mother Tongue Pages: 2 (311 words) The Importance of Mother Tongue in Psychotherapy Pages: 9 (2590 words) Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education in Elementary School Pages: 4 (1104 words) Want to get smarter, faster? Thus began a battle that would rage for almost three decades, until the English finally settled things in 878 AD. But the most widespread case of extreme primness began in the 19th century, when morality censors tried to sanitize language. One such language is Esperanto, which was invented by Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhoff in 1887. The learning of one’s mother tongue will provide an individual the right to study their culture and will also preserve family bonds and lessen cultural conflicts between generations. Adrian's Literacy Narrative Essay.docx Summary of Mother Tongue Amy Tan is a writer whom parents are from China. It is the first language you heard or spoke when you were a child. Whether you like it or not, English is extremely important in today’s world. Tan encountered numerous situations when she felt like she was being judged based on … Volapuk did not feature the letter “r” because he thought it was too hard for children, elderly people, or native Chinese speakers to pronounce. Now everyone has a legal name and documents that give their names, occupations and places of residence. However, once they were cooked and served as food, their names changed to French ones like “beef” or “bacon”. And then there are all of these new words that people create to describe things that didn’t exist before. This nonfiction piece is a collection of thoughts on the English language, its history, and its place in the world. But this wasn’t always the case – historically, English was the main adopter of foreign words. For example, the US and UK have different versions of English, which are drifting apart so rapidly that residents of those countries won’t be able to understand each other in two hundred years. There are many explanations for why English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. The words for snow and cold are similar, implying that the Indo-Europeans lived in places with a moderate climate. Therefore, we can gather from this vocabulary study that they didn’t live near salt water. We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on The Mother Tongue, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Bill Bryson. Read a quick 1-Page Summary, a Full Summary, or … First, some people believe that it’s because of its rich vocabulary and precise words, which make it easier to communicate with one another. Lucas Loredo’s stories have been twice named as distinguished by Best American Short Stories, and his essay “Mother Tongue,” originally published in the Oxford American, will be anthologized in Best American Travel Writing 2019.He earned his MFA at the Michener Center for Writers in Austin, his hometown. In the past, calling someone a puppy was considered offensive because it referred to young people who were arrogant. Amy Tan tells the story of how she becomes to have a strong natural love for language. Big Idea #3: As English evolved, new words were added and old ones took on new meanings. Most suggest that people made spontaneous noises based on feelings like alarm, joy, and pain, which evolved into words. Many countries that were colonized by the British Empire adopted English as their official language. For instance, “set” has 58 definitions as a noun and 126 definitions as a verb! For example, words like heard/beard are spelled similarly but pronounced differently; five/give; early/dearly; road/broad, etc., have different pronunciations despite being spelled almost identically. He explored the history of English and how it evolved into what we know today. Mother Tongue-Based-Multilingual Education. Summary Of Amy Tan's 'Mother Tongue' 1495 Words | 6 Pages. Nobody really knows, but it’s believed that humans didn’t say anything for 100,000 years. For example, in Cantonese you need to change your tone when saying a word or else you could be using an offensive word. Essay on Essay Summary of Mother Tongue Jeffrey Michel Prof. Natalia Sucre ENG 1101 Tues, September 10, 2012 Essays #1: Rough Draft Language & Power in “Mother Tongue” A higher level of How the broken speech of her mother has had an influence on her life. This nonfiction narrative essay was originally given as a talk during the 1989 State of the Language Symposium; it was later published by The Threepenny Review in 1990. Then came the Viking invasion of 850 AD. The word “fly” can mean an insect, a way of traveling, or a part of pants. These branches then subdivided further to become scores of modern languages spoken today. In the end, Bryson’s research shows that there is no real way to measure which language is best; therefore it can’t be determined why English has become so popular. Big Idea #5: Our last names can reveal information about our family’s past. Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" Summary In the article “Mother Tongue”, Amy tan emphasizes the idea that we all speak different languages unconsciously and that we are categorized by the way we speak. In brief, the essay is a literary account given by Amy Tan about her life and how she gradually learned various aspects of the English language. One of the changes in the basic curriculum of education brought about by the new K + 12 program is the introduction of Mother Tongue – based Multilingual Education. When companies from France, Italy Germany and Switzerland formed a joint truck making venture called Iveco they chose English as their working language because it put them all at an equal communication disadvantage. People have tried to create a new language that is more logical and neutral than English. As a result, we borrow some of our words from other languages. Sir William Jones learned Sanskrit in India, even though it was long dead. For example, in Latin, “king” is “rex”, and in Sanskrit it’s “raja”. By the end of their rule in England, some scholars estimate that 85% of pre-existing Anglo-Saxon words died out. The Saxons were one such tribe that lived in Britain for centuries and merged with other tribes over time to become the Anglo-Saxon people. When were the first words spoken? Short summary of Mother Tongue. This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson. Posted by Unknown at 4:18 AM. There was a time when some of today’s most offensive swear words were used in casual conversation and even on display in public places like London’s Gropecuntlane street (which means “prostitute” lane). Summary Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan 883 Words | 4 Pages In “Mother Tongue”, Amy Tan reflects on her childhood to describe how her mother contributed to her understanding of language. Want to get the main points of The Mother Tongue in 20 minutes or less? The Celts had already been living there for a while, so they displaced them and began developing English as we know it today. She discovers that Asian-American students don't do well in English classes in school. Here, Tan alludes to the concept of the “mother tongue”: a child’s earliest language, often used with a primary caregiver, who in many instances is the mother. I don't think that there is any way anyone and accurately say that music is the…, Bowling For Columbine... finished reflection, Is Violence Reflected in Music-Bowling for Columbine. Sometimes, words will take on new meanings while keeping the old ones. In Amy Tan’s ‘ Mother tongue ’, we are taken through matters of linguistics as we join Tan in her description of ‘broken English’; this she further compares to the standards English. English is a language that we use every day, but most of us don’t think about where the words come from. In 1623, the English Parliament made it illegal to swear and threatened to fine people who used words like “Jesus” and “hell.” The laws grew even stricter in 1668, when swearing at your parents could lead to a death sentence! Read, so you can make your life better and considered as proper grammar and English piece. Time to become the Anglo-Saxon people alter it so that its meaning function! 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