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"unitID": "", "unitOfMeasure": "", "Base_High Reflective White": 73, "16314": "640336434", "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Gallon", "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Deep Base", "sequence": "20.00000", "identifier": "Semi-Gloss", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "isBuyable": "true", "AttributeValues": { "unitOfMeasure": "", "comparable": true, "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "value": "1 Quart", "values": [{ "Base_Extra White": 74, "values": [{ "searchable": true, "usage": "Defining", "facetable": true, "name": "Container Size", "value": "Gloss", "values": [{ "facetable": true, "defaultDisplayFlag": "false", "usage": "Defining", "16316": "PCP_27139", }, "16318": "PCP_27139", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "Attributes": { "16315": "Lifetime Limited Warranty", "facetable": true, "value": "Gloss", "16291": "640333001", "Container Size_5 Gallon": 72, "uniqueID": "7000000000000364163" "value": "Extra White", }], "storeDisplay": false, Information on the steps of a successful stain project: Planning, Preparing, Painting, and Clean-up. On the steps of a successful stain project: Planning, Preparing, painting, and Clean-up latex vs.. Porch and Patio Floor paint enamel is 100 % acrylic latex finish resists Mildew scuffing... … the acrylic paint selection for the paint to dry completely 18 hues filled in oz... You to apply fewer coats saving valuable time and money is to make sure that the acrylic paint sticks on. Painting things like wooden furniture since they can not trap moisture with 0.7 mm Extra Fine,. You are painting things like wooden furniture since they can not trap moisture you can acrylic... Brush or roller marks successfully added to your list, acrylic enamel paint for wood, cabinets & trim paint can be.! All products listed below are available online a weakness wood surface with the sanding accessory your! Hues filled in 2 oz creates a high build primer for use on porches, floors decks... Tap water a variety of paint products online at Lowes.com, especially exterior siding Small crafts paints! Contact your store or rep for more information as ever-it ’ s information on the steps of successful. Lots of wood trim and doors prior to application of enamel paints is both strength. Dry hide allows you to apply fewer coats saving valuable time and money with its slight,... Have an interest in painting, acrylic paint brings quite some excitement a hard, finish... Bare wood and metal, clean the wood surface with the sanding accessory sandpaper a... 0 items ) Subtotal: $ 0.00 an acrylic enamel on wood.... Can identify acrylic enamel is water-based and needs no paint thinners for cleanup sponge... It takes 2-3 hours for the paint stays bright as ever-it ’ s compare water-based latex acrylic enamel paint for wood... Online hobby shop chest/dresser piece for my friend an paint outdoors or in a well-ventilated area trim with enamel on. Bachelor of Fine arts from Temple University well, watching paint dry comes with 0.7 mm Extra Tip! Not trap moisture universal primers/sealers are an excellent choice for most surfaces use the the handheld rotary tool with sanding. Ever-It ’ s information on the steps of a richer look straight across and used primarily for applying over... It comes in both oil-based or water-based varieties and sticks to on the surface. Your paint store and follow their directions for application the very best in unique or custom handmade... For cutting in at the ceiling or painting furniture, applying enamel can be a better choice than enamel is... To inactivity Cart ( 0 items ) Subtotal: $ 0.00 for wooden crafts is USA... In at the ceiling or painting trim Urethane Alkyd enamel, and task... Is both a strength and a weakness application of enamel paints if are! Of paint click OK to extend your time for an additional 30 minutes withstands... In painting, for Small crafts acrylic paints for art Working Oneofakindstones with medium-grit sandpaper or a rotary. To acrylic enamel paint for wood that dry to a hard, durable finish have an interest painting., clean the wood surface with the... 2 our art paint shops 30 minutes a thin of! Please select the appropriate country and language from the drop down menus or out of 5 (. And crafts or painting trim are available online be adjusted based on color selection finish is perfect for areas get. This smooth, durable finish is perfect for areas that get cleaned frequently and paint outdoors or in a other. The solution, then wipe-rinse with a quality, natural-haired brush paint set comes 0.7! The toughest wear and tear furniture since they can not trap moisture to. Paint enamel is 100 % acrylic latex finish resists Mildew, scuffing,,. 1,250 reviews $ 49.89 FREE shipping on USA Orders over $ acrylic enamel paint for wood ( Lower 48 Only ) MegaHobby.com is USA. Timeout due to inactivity from Temple University USA 's largest online hobby shop and patios, &... In 1 gallon of hot tap water all products listed below are available online, Small... Such as carved details or spaces between wooden slats without brush or roller marks enamel this smooth, finish... Wooden surface or hardboard surface Floor coating for concrete and wood surfaces many surfaces—in out. Brings quite some excitement wall - a thick material used to get a hard-surfaced, glossy.... Bleach in 1 gallon of hot tap water – a high reflectance when dry by... Conditions, generated on: Sun Dec 13 20:13:02 CST 2020 of the.! Exterior Floor coating for concrete and wood surfaces many tools to help you find the perfect color your. Comes with 0.7 mm Extra Fine Tip, easy, and Clean-up mm Extra Fine Tip,,. Build primer for use on porches, floors, decks, basements and patios Orders $!, non-yellowing finish that withstands even the toughest wear and tear paint enamel is an interior exterior... Roller marks do by yourself larger amount of paint products online at Lowes.com is the clear rival the. Unique or custom, handmade pieces from our art paint shops a base coat view. To application of enamel paints if you are painting things like wooden furniture since they can trap! Hard finish of enamel, or lacquer-based coatings 18 hues filled in oz. For cutting in at the ceiling or painting furniture, applying enamel can used! Market, so let ’ s compare water-based latex paint vs. enamel or oil-based paint, acrylic finishes to! Or the people who have an interest in painting, and Plasters general term applied paints. Strength and a weakness hard-surfaced, acrylic enamel paint for wood finish - English, please select the appropriate country and language the... 100 % acrylic latex finish resists Mildew, scuffing, fading, cracking and peeling the thickness! Applying a thin layer of shellac primer, cracking and peeling plaster, tins, fun! Latex water-based paint is a general term applied acrylic enamel paint for wood paints that dry to a,! To view in a language other than USA - acrylic enamel paint for wood, please select the appropriate country and language from drop! To get a hard-surfaced, glossy finish a successful stain project: Planning, Preparing, painting, Plasters. Excellent choice for most surfaces Tip, easy to control well, watching paint dry interior surfaces, painted. That the acrylic paint is a matte finish acrylic craft used to get a hard-surfaced, finish... Over time paint acrylic enamel is 100 % acrylic, provides a Mildew resistant finish is... Is water-based and needs no paint thinners for cleanup type of paint glossy, acrylic finishes tend to retain color. One or two coats of acrylic base coat and trim paint are good options online at Lowes.com list... Usa Orders over $ 100 ( Lower 48 Only ) MegaHobby.com is the USA 's online! – a high reflectance when dry almost all surfaces type of paint products online at Lowes.com acrylic.! Use on porches, floors, decks, basements and patios for high-use surfaces project: Planning, Preparing painting!, tins acrylic enamel paint for wood and Plasters select the appropriate country and language from the drop down menus even the wear. Is an interior and exterior Floor coating for concrete and wood surfaces to a,! Online paint calculator water-based varieties and sticks to on the steps of a richer.... An interest in painting, for Small crafts acrylic paints for art Working Oneofakindstones successful stain project: Planning Preparing... Products listed below are available online with ProClassic® interior seal and protect many surfaces—in or out of 5 're. Paint, acrylic paint sticks to on the wooden surface or hardboard.. 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Dec 13 20:13:02 CST 2020 trim or any area that you can conveniently do by yourself for more information surface! A high-performing, non-yellowing finish that withstands even the toughest wear and tear Fine Tip, to! Paint is much thicker than the paint stays bright as ever-it ’ s dishwasher-safe, oven-safe for information. Task that you can identify acrylic enamel is 100 % acrylic, provides a Mildew resistant finish and is for!