Labor induction is the process or treatment that stimulates childbirth and delivery. 3. stripping Biochemistry A term of art referring to the hydrolysis of an amino acid from an aminoacyl-tRNA. Vein ligation and stripping is a surgical approach to the treatment of varicose veins. Chief Marketing Officer; Chief Medical Officer; Cranio-mandibuläre Osteopathie, Knochenerkrankung des Schädels bei gewissen Hunderassen; Chi Mei Optoelectronics, taiwanischer LCD-Panel-Hersteller; Collateralized Mortgage Obligation, englisch für eine Zusammengefasste Hypothekenanleihe; Current mode of operation, beschreibt den IST-Zustand eines … A focal cancer is limited to one specific area. 2 Anatomie. b. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Asphalt Anti-Strip Market Booming Trends and Forecast Assessment for the Period 2018 -- 2027, NovaJet 3000 - Environment friendly and chemical free Rotary Screen recycling system, Repairing and maintaining weather stripping, Toshiba, Shibaura Mechatronics, Chlorine Engineers Announce First Practical Application of Electrolyzed Sulfuric Acid Method, At risk of losing your home? The goal is not to break the water but to … Membrane stripping isn’t as effective as other types of induction, such as using medications. Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word stripping. Synonym (s): milk (4) . Ligamentum Flavum Definition - Glossary . Weather strip definition is - a strip of material to cover the joint of a door or window and the sill, casing, or threshold so as to exclude rain, snow, and cold air —called also weather stripping. Hop on to get the meaning of DSEK. You may receive either: General anesthesia, in which you will be asleep and unable to feel pain. La veine est sectionnée à ses deux extrémités. This helps treat varicose veins. Subcutaneous excision of a vein in its longitudinal axis, performed with a stripper. c. To remove an exterior coating, as of paint or varnish, from: stripped the cabinets. Search to strip the bed and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. 3. to excise lengths of large veins and incompetent tributaries after subcutaneous dissection. b : to remove furniture, equipment, or accessories from strip a ship … d. To remove the leaves from the stalks of (tobacco, for example). c : to divest of honors, privileges, or functions. 1 Definition. The vapor phase enters in the bottom of the column and exits out of the top. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. To remove clothing or covering from: stripped the beds. Vein stripping usually takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Inside of the column are trays or plate But is that constitutional? Strip definition: A strip of something such as paper, cloth, or food is a long, narrow piece of it. The technique involves placing a finger inside the opening of the cervix and separating the membrane (amniotic sac) from the uterus. Varicose veins most often appear in the legs, but they may also develop in other parts of the body. See more. A chemical product for removing a surface covering, such as paint or varnish, from furniture or floors. Vein stripping usually takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Membrane stripping isn’t as effective as other types of induction, such as using medications. Stripper definition is - one that strips. Varicose vein stripping is a surgical procedure that removes varicose veins from the legs or thighs. The procedure typically takes 60 to 90 minutes. to dispossess, rob, or plunder: to strip a man of his possessions. ping, strips per (strĭp′ər) n. 1. Bare-naked galaxies: in cosmic slam dances, some galaxies run out of gas. strip [strip] 1. a thin, narrow, comparatively long piece of material. to separate the leaves from the stalks of … b. What does stripping mean? (erotic performance: taking off clothes) ( espectáculo ) estriptis nm nombre masculino : Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. Medical Definition of Focal. The director stripped down her style of filmmaking. The horizontal axis shows time and the vertical axis… This helps treat varicose veins. Smaller tributaries of these veins also are stripped with this device or removed through a series of small incisions. Stripping (or sweeping) of membranes is a manual technique used to start labor. This releases natural chemicals that help soften the cervix. Strip definition: A strip of something such as paper, cloth, or food is a long, narrow piece of it. Definition of stripping in the Dictionary. One that strips, as one that strips photographic negatives or positives. 1. a. Stripping ratios aren't often discussed, but they can be an early and important indicator for mining projects. The rise in foreclosures has led to equity-stripping scams targeting Blacks and Latinos, Naked power grab: Christian Coalition plots to strip federal courts of their authority to hear church-state cases. stripe definition: 1. a strip on the surface of something that is a different colour from the surrounding surface: 2…. Stirp definition is - a line descending from a common ancestor : stock, lineage. Courts closed? c. To remove an exterior coating, as of paint or varnish, from: stripped the cabinets. How to use stripper in a sentence. Public safety It’s generally only used in situations when there really isn’t a pressing medical reason to induce. Asset Stripping Dr David Schleich has written extensively about the dangers of our modalities being cherry-picked; and, in a sense, the methods we use can certainly be co-opted. During the procedure, a doctor will use a gloved hand to sweep inside the cervix. The use of adhesive tape or firm bandages to maintain the desired relationship of parts of the body or to rest an injured or inflamed part. Die Vena saphena magna ist die größte oberflächliche Vene der unteren Extremität.Sie kann sehr variabel ausgeprägt sein. 2. 2. What does DSAEK stand for in Medical? This stripping method has been used since the 1950's. ping, strips Molecular biology Separation of ribosomal proteins from ribosomes. by Stripping: Surgery to treat varicose veins. STRIPS, an acronym for separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities, are special issues of US Treasury zero-coupon bonds. strip definition: 1. to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something: 2. to remove your…. Learn more. Other more generalised mistreatment was also alleged at this school. How to use strapping in a sentence. One who performs a striptease. They stripped down the car to reduce its weight. If you work in the medical or legal field, you’ve probably already seen an EKG strip and you know what it looks like. The Medical & Science Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang DSEK means Descemet`s Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty. Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR; Focal: Pertaining to a focus which in medicine may refer to: 1. To remove clothing or covering from: stripped the beds. You may receive either: General anesthesia, in which you will be asleep and unable to feel pain. To remove or take off (clothing or covering): stripped off his shirt. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012. strip. Vein stripping is used to remove or tie off a large vein in the leg called the superficial saphenous vein. To remove or take off (clothing or covering): stripped off his shirt. Learn more. Varicose veins are the puffy and twisted veins that you can see under the skin. strip (down) to sth definition: 1. to remove everything except for a particular piece of clothing or above a particular part of the…. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In Western countries, it is estimated that one-quarter of pregnant women have their labor medically induced with drug treatment. Synonym Discussion of outstrip. It’s generally only used in situations when there really isn’t a pressing medical reason to induce. Strip definition, to deprive of covering: to strip a fruit of its rind. Stripping: Surgery to treat varicose veins. Stripping is mainly conducted in trayed towers (plate columns) and packed columns, and less often in spray towers, bubble columns, and centrifugal contactors.Trayed towers consist of a vertical column with liquid flowing in the top and out the bottom. QUESTION What causes tooth decay? Pathology The removal of the renal capsule at autopsy to evaluate the renal surface, which may demonstrate hypertensive lesions. Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR; Dialysis machine: A machine used in dialysis that filters a patient's blood to remove excess water and waste products when the kidneys are damaged, dysfunctional, or missing. To clear of a natural covering or growth; make bare: strip a field. See additional information. ©1996-2020 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. ©1996-2021 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples b. 2. CONTINUE SCROLLING OR CLICK HERE FOR RELATED SLIDESHOW. (graphic arts) … 1. a. STRIPS. Strapping definition is - having a vigorously sturdy constitution. Medical Definition of Dialysis machine. There are background scenes of the school including the dormitory, and a brief shot of a student's bruised buttocks receiving medical treatment. In dentistry, to smooth or polish proximal surfaces of a restoration using a plastic or linen ribbon. 3. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. The health care provider puts her or his finger into the cervix -- the mouth of the uterus -- … Membrane stripping is a method of inducing labor. 2. Striping definition, the act of decorating or otherwise providing with stripes: The striping of the boat proceeded slowly. To remove or take off (clothing or covering): stripped off his shirt. We spoke to Lucy Xu, lead therapist and director of London Premier Laser Clinics, to find out more about skin stripping and … Congress wants to prevent judges from ruling in favor of same-sex marriage. home/medterms medical dictionary a-z list / stripping definition. Stripping the membranes. Varicose vein stripping is often done on an outpatient basis, which means you’ll be able to go home the same day as the surgery. How to Read an EKG Strip – The EKG Paper: What Does it Mean? Those veins that connect to the deeper veins are then tied off. The problematic veins are "stripped" out by passing a flexible device through the vein and removing it through an incision near the groin. Background: Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) surgery offers a more standardized approach and reliable method to create corneal grafts with an instrument such as a … This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical… Outstrip definition is - to go faster or farther than. They usually have a red or bluish-purple color. ping, strips The reporter claims that some of the girls were bleeding. Terms of Use. 2 a : to remove extraneous or superficial matter from a prose style stripped to the bones. Having only essential or minimal features; lacking anything extra: a stripped-down stage setting; a stripped-down budget. Learn more. Medical DSAEK abbreviation meaning defined here. Terms of Use. Une sorte de sonde est introduite dans la veine de haut en bas, et fixée à l'extrémité inférieure. The dialysis machine itself can be thought of as an artificial kidney. How to use outstrip in a sentence. Le stripping se fait sans qu'une hospitalisation soit nécessaire. One of a series of bands of elastic tissue that runs between the lamina from the axis to the sacrum, the ligamentum flavum connects the laminae and fuses with the facet joint … d. To remove the leaves from the stalks of (tobacco, for example). ( strip) 1. The EKG tracings are recorded on grid paper. Inducing (starting) labor can be accomplished with pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical methods. Asset-stripping definition is - the practice of buying a company that is not successful at a low price and then selling its property (such as buildings or land) to make a profit. stripping n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. What does Medical & Science DSEK stand for? iŋ] (chemical engineering) In petroleum refining, the removal (by flash evaporation or steam-induced vaporation) of the more volatile components from a cut or fraction; used to raise the flash point of kerosine, gas oil, or lubricating oil. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Skin stripping happens when, through the skincare products you're using and your beauty regime, you strip your skin of its precious natural oils. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005. To remove clothing or covering from: stripped the beds. Ligation refers to the surgical tying off of a large vein in the leg called the greater saphenous vein, while stripping refers to the removal of this vein through incisions in the groin area or … In this procedure, your doctor or midwife will use a gloved finger to gently separate the amniotic sac from the wall of the uterus at the cervix. Stripping membranes, sometimes called membrane sweeping, is a method used to try to start labor. Il ne suffit plus qu'à tirer dessus et toute la veine est peu à peu retirée. 1. a. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment., [Middle English, perhaps from Middle Low German, It should not have been omitted that previous to completely, Hydrated lime and liquid anti-stripping agents are majorly used asphalt additives to reduce moisture sensitivity and resist the, Business Systems International (Private) Limited highlights the hazards of chemical used in, First, the basics: Learn to use both your, It's good preventive maintenance to treat all the weather, Tokyo, Japan, Feb 27, 2007 - (JCN) - Toshiba, Shibaura Mechatronics Corporation and Chlorine Engineers announced that they have succeeded in developing the industry's first semiconductor resist, Even though California has extensive foreclosure equity, In the 1970s, for instance, school busing was the reason to push court, That finding, says Keel, is directly linked to the. See more. Nobody has an exclusive ownership of nutrition. The problematic veins are "stripped" out by passing a flexible device through the vein and removing it through an incision near the groin. to remove varnish, paint, wax, or the like from: The wood should be stripped and then refinished. Vein stripping is used to remove or tie off a large vein in the leg called the superficial saphenous vein. The point at which rays converge as, for example, in the focal point. It is also sometimes called phlebectomy. Here's what investors should know about them. Meaning of stripping. Top DSAEK abbreviation related to Medical: Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty Cosmetic surgery See Lip stripping. The vapor phase enters in the bottom of the column and exits out of the top. Striping definition is - the stripes marked or painted on something. Ein Interstitial (engl.= in den Zwischenräumen liegend) ist eine variable Form der Online-Werbung, die auch im Mobile-Bereich Anwendung findet.Interstitials werden als Unterbrecherwerbung bezeichnet, da sie sich im aktuellen oder in einem neuen Fenster öffnen, sobald der Nutzer eine Seite lädt, einen Link oder einen anderen Bereich der Website anklickt. Spinal anesthesia, which will make the lower half of your body feel numb. The punishment also included being made to run across the playground 50 times. Information about stripping in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. They're created and sold by brokerage firms, not by the government. L'anesthésie se fait sous anesthésie locale ou anesthésie loco-régionale. The other day I was stripping a JP drain and it didnt seem like anything was moving down into the bulb even though you could clearly see drainage in the tubing.Can someone give me some advice on the best way to strip a JP drain? 2. to press the contents from a canal, such as the urethra or a blood vessel, by running the finger along it. strip definition: 1. to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something: 2. to remove your…. Die Abkürzung CMO steht für: . 4. A localized area of disease. Stripping is mainly conducted in trayed towers (plate columns) and packed columns, and less often in spray towers, bubble columns, and centrifugal contactors.Trayed towers consist of a vertical column with liquid flowing in the top and out the bottom. Learn more. Smaller tributaries of these veins also are stripped with this device or removed through a series of small incisions. c. To remove an exterior coating, as of paint or varnish, from: stripped the cabinets. 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