What do you think you might lose by having to make this choice? The best way to do so is by emphasizing what appeals to you about being a physician more than anything else. How might your ideal medical school achieve this outcome? Give an example of a situation in which you had to use effective interpersonal/communication skills. You may also want to mention especially compelling volunteer work or clinical experiences, unique skills like speaking multiple languages, any additional certifications or degrees you bring to the table, or a story that showcases an exceptional level of compassion, empathy, or another key personal quality. First, write out the guiding principles that you apply in ethical dilemmas. Describe how you deal with someone in crisis. A difficult question I was asked recently was how I would respond if my first patient passed away and how I would tell the family. Last edited: May 19, 2019 Reactions: 3 users It's a pretty damn big commitment and there's really no easy way out without leaving a black mark next to your name. r/medicalschool: Welcome to /r/MedicalSchool: An international community for medical students. Q: What is one thing you want me to convey to the admissions committee about you? Best Journalism Schools: 20+ Schools for Media Pros! Press J to jump to the feed. What skills do you hope to gain from medical school? For instance, you wouldn’t want to say that you struggle with empathy or that you freak out in stressful situations. If you come from an economically disadvantaged background, how do you think this adversity has shaped you? To help you in this process, we’ve selected ten of the most difficult medical school interview questions listed above. Medical school interview questions about medicine and your career goals. What new opportunities will this present to your students? If you’re truly stumped by a question, don’t panic or throw out a random (and potentially disastrous) answer. Reddit's home for wholesome discussion related to pre-medical studies. Share on LinkedIn. If you’re sitting across from an interviewer, you’ve successfully completed two application rounds. just say where you're from, where you went to school, etc. Premedditors. What have you done since then to investigate the field and confirm your choice? After 20 years in the medical field, what sort of “success” would you like to have achieved? How do you think the U.S. should address the physician shortage, especially primary care doctors in rural areas? Note that this list is unlikely to include. Tell me about some books, films, or other media that have been important to your non-medical/non-science education. Asking questions about the interviewer e.g. How would you handle working with a terminally ill patient? What is your impression of this university from our open days? What made you decide? So I guess my answer was good enough? Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the secondary prompt is posted. When asked, “Why medicine?” start by sharing these uniquely personal stories. 871. Medical school interview questions you MUST have an answer to. I have seen these types of questions appear during panel/traditional type interviews, modified personal interviews (MPI) and even multiple mini interviews (MMI) . Print. Need help with medical school interview questions? It depends on the school, but most programs have 2-3 MD interviews (or a panel if a school does that), 1-2 interviews with the MD/PhD director(s), and 5-6+ PhD interviews depending on how many PIs they can find to speak with you. Acknowledge that being a doctor is very competitive, and all physicians will experience failure or setback at some point in their career. 5. Share an honest experience you’ve had with failure (but not an extreme mistake that might make a school hesitant to admit you). Good evening, I have my virtual interview at LECOM SH later this month and was wondering if anyone had any advice. Do. What have you learned from these experiences? Some questions will be similar to what you’d answer in any other interview (i.e., "tell us about yourself"). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. What are some ethical issues that our society considers in relation to teenage pregnancy? Been thinking of this for like 5 minutes, and I literally have no answer for this. Is there a moment where you’ve seen medicine change someone’s life? You may find more research or clinical experiences, retake the MCAT, etc. Is there anything we have not covered in this interview that you would like to share with us? Good luck to everyone applying! Does your academic record reflect any major challenges? Make sure you’ve done your research on the school and can name unique opportunities, experiences, professors, or even courses that this school offers. Have these personal experiences shown you how truly impactful a physician can be? I'm an older application (30 y/o) and this will be my first med school interview so I'm not entirely sure what to expect especially with it being virtual this year. ", Correct Answer is always: The curriculum. Name anything you witnessed that made a lasting positive impression on you. and the "what is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?" Do you see any of those other 5 at your program? Why did you choose your undergraduate major? Most importantly, your questions should indicate that you’re sufficiently knowledgeable about the school and genuinely interested in attending. The hardest medical school interview question. For each of the ten questions, we’ve put together a list of helpful tips that will help you compile an eloquent and effective response. Now they want to learn more about you, evaluate your communication skills, and get a better sense of your personality. How will it impact your practice? Creating notecards with bullet points can help you avoid this fate. Your interviewer may say something along the lines of, “So, you want to help people. What was the situation and how did you handle it? Focus on some of your good qualities and how they are related to medical school and a career in medicine. Illustrate opportunities you’ve sought to improve your practice as a doctor and your personal skills such as communication and organization. The worst time I got this question was when the program director took 6 applicants into her office (including myself) and asked us each that question. The one question I've gotten at every single interview has been "Why this school? How have the jobs, volunteer opportunities, or extracurricular experiences that you have had better prepared you for the responsibilities of being a physician? Do you have a role model or family member involved in medicine? The last thing you want to think about during a medical school interview is the possibility of not getting into medical school, but this is a commonly asked question. Q: What is one thing you want me to convey to the admissions committee about you? COVID has changed alot about our lives, so we shouldn’t be surprised that it is also changing the medical school admissions process! 10. This question is deceptively simple. What would your best friends say about you? "Tell me about yourself." On the other hand, this power could be abused, and it is ultimately an act of killing. There’s no way to prepare for every single question that will come your way during the interview. Medical school interview questions about the application process These questions have a lot of overlap with the “Why X school” question we discussed earlier. Traditional Medical School Interview Questions and Answers Medical School Letters of Recommendation – The Process Explained Medical School Application Timeline Euthanasia, for instance, can help relieve a terminally ill patient from suffering and pain. Whether you are preparing for a multi-mini interview (MMI) or a traditional one, a lot of the questions can be quite similar. Why? Can you think of a physician who embodies these qualities? What qualities do you look for in a physician? Tell me about a time you were disappointed in a coworker or teammate. Depending on how you define “harm” or “suffering,” your answer may vary, but the interviewer is especially interested in seeing how you think critically and arrive at a decision. 2019-2020 Med School Impressions Thread. Press J to jump to the feed. How have you tried to achieve breadth in your undergraduate curriculum? What will you do if you’re not accepted to medical school this year? Whatever weakness you choose, you will also need to explain how you’re actively working to better yourself in this area and have made some improvement. What makes [this medical school] desirable to you? How do you feel about medically assisted suicide/euthanasia? If you are not part of a minority group, how do you plan to meet the needs of a diverse patient population? The interview consists of six questions and is a combination of: Medical school journey questions, which ask you to describe your journey and/or the experiences that led you to pursue a career in medicine.. Getting specific eliminates the possibility of being cliché, because specific details are unique to you. 44 Medical School Interview Questions (With Sample Answers and Tips) December 8, 2020 All aspiring healthcare professionals must apply to and be accepted into a medical school program before they can begin studying medicine. Make it clear that you would be thrilled to attend this school and that you plan to be actively involved on campus, taking full advantage of available resources and opportunities. When did you decide to become a physician and why? What do you think is the most important social problem facing the United States today? Brainstorming potential responses to this question now will keep you from panicking and drawing a blank during the interview. I need to learn more about that.”. Press J to jump to the feed. Tell me what you know about current trends in our healthcare system. But at medical school interviews, you’ll often be asked to discuss both. 172k. If the United States adopted universal healthcare, would your plans to be a physician change? Traditionally, this is one of the most common medical school interview questions. And unfortunately, saying that you don’t have any questions about the school can make you appear uninterested. Post the most common and/or most difficult interview question you have faced. If you are considering applying to the for-profit Caribbean medical schools, please read this first This question is about your personal “why”—your motivation or inspiration for choosing a career in the medical field. We’ve grouped some of the most common medical school interview questions into several “buckets” or categories. How do they demonstrate these qualities? As in the previous question, it’s important to avoid criticizing other candidates when you answer this question. Answering this question the right way can make you an even stronger candidate. You can also explain that you’d like to learn more about these specialties before making a decision. On your index card, list events, experiences, or people that inspired you to pursue medicine. Like asking about weaknesses, this question is designed to give the interviewer insight on your ability to reflect and learn from mistakes. If you could go back and start your college career again, what would you do differently? Describe the moment and your desire to create similar moments for others. Do you know other students or family members who have attended this school? We recommend thinking through your answers to these questions. If you haven’t already, we recommend taking our Free Practice VITA to familiarize yourself with the format, time constraints, and type of questions.. Please read this while building your school list, especially to determine out of state friendly public schools and class sizes. Simply helping others can’t be your sole motivation for becoming a doctor, because there are many other helping professions. After all, anyone can rattle off a list of impressive strengths. Advertisement. The interviewer wants to see you think through an ethical dilemma and make a choice. Has medicine changed the world in a way that intrigues or inspires you? Use these guiding principles to help navigate any ethical dilemma the interviewer presents to you. Tell us your opinion of the medical school curriculum. Thanks! Practice saying, “That’s a great question. This question is not asking what you like about medicine or what skills you have that are related to medicine. What reservations do you have about working in the medical field? For questions that you find challenging or that are especially complex, create a notecard. This demonstrates that you’re a reflective, introspective individual who consistently works toward self-improvement. Why did you decide to choose medicine over other fields that involve helping others, such as nursing, social work, education, or psychology? Discuss a book that you’ve read for pleasure. On your index card, list a few strengths you have related to the medical field (empathy, integrity, problem-solving, working under pressure, communication skills, and so on). Questions about the school? It's also something you should think hard about if you're considering MD/PhD. This isn’t some big secret you’re exposing. For instance, you might describe your dedication to both personal and professional growth. The key is to choose 2-3 strengths (unless you’re only asked to name one) that will help you be successful in the medical field. His name is zezima look him up noob. Would you share your religious beliefs with patients? Assessing your specific interest in their medical school. Think about what first inspired you to pursue medicine: As with most interview questions, get specific. In that case, why not nursing, social work, education, or psychology?”. And it should be one of the easiest questions to answer — because you can anticipate and prepare for it — but, just as commonly, it’s one of the most anxiety-provoking and confusing questions. Describe a situation in which you demonstrated initiative. You don’t have to know your specialty now—medical school will help you determine that, but you can list a general idea such as surgery, family practice, pediatrics, or internal medicine. ... Reddit's home for wholesome discussion related to pre-medical studies. How did you handle it? If you haven’t thought about this before, now is the perfect time. Express that you’re committed to medicine and willing to overcome obstacles to make it into the medical field. It is not exhaustive, but will give you a good idea of the style of questions asked. Explain your guiding principles and how they relate to the dilemma, discuss the pros and cons of both issues, arrive somewhere in the middle, and explain that you would observe the law, regardless of your personal beliefs. Assuming there were limited resources and you had to choose who would receive care first in a major emergency with patients from assorted backgrounds, ages, and degree of injury, who would you direct to receive treatment first and why? Say something like, “Of course, I would have to take the law into account and act accordingly.”, Finally, avoid giving an answer that is overly black or white. What will you do if you don’t get into medical school this year? Brainstorm a few questions beforehand and write them on your index card, and be open to inspiration that may occur during your interview. What would you discuss at the dinner? One Time at a job interview this caught me off guard and I said "my favorite color is blue. Don't walk in unprepared. To help you prepare, we’ve put together a list of 75 of the most common medical school interview questions. Filomeno Maldonado The interview is very important in getting accepted to medical school. Be sure to review our blog on how to prepare for your med school interviewfor the best strategies a… But if you’re ready to talk about the topics listed above with honesty, poise, and enthusiasm, you’ll greatly increase your chances of earning an acceptance letter. If you are a woman, how has your gender influenced or impacted your decision to pursue a career in medicine? 3. Provide examples from your recent past. So your answer had to be sufficiently unique and personal so as to stand out from the rest. Perhaps you’ve taken multiple personal development workshops annually, or you’ve taken advantage of any chance to gain exposure to other cultures and backgrounds. For example, a guiding principle might be, “Do no harm,” or, “Minimize the suffering of patients.”. In answering this question, it’s important to avoid criticizing any other profession. Did you witness an excellent physician help you or a family member through illness? Online. The Best Biomedical Engineering Schools: 40+ Schools For STEM! questions to answer. Discuss some of these. What is your greatest strength? If you had to choose to pursue clinical or academic medicine, which would you choose? Effective physicians are reflective in their practice and able to learn and grow from mistakes. Demonstrate that you’ve spent time imagining yourself on campus. Share via. This question often stumps students because they don’t want to sound cliché. How will it influence your practice of medicine? Why did this book interest you? What do you feel are the social responsibilities of a doctor? Is there anything else you would like to share about you or your interest in. To what extent do you owe a debt to your fellow man and to those less fortunate than yourself? Who has been influential in your decision to work in medicine? Interview Feedback: Georgetown University Secondary Prompts 2020-2021: Why have you chosen to apply to the Georgetown University School of … What are some current controversies in the area of medical ethics? If you’ve visited campus before, mention your experience. Due to the lack of in person interviews in the 2021 cycle, AAMC has created the Video Interview Tool for Admissions (VITA) in order to add a way for medical school admissions to better understand their applicants. Do you have any questions for me? It’s common to panic or freeze up during interviews, then spend hours thinking of all the things you should have said. The last thing you want to think about … The fewest number I had was 2 MD interviews, 2 PhD interviews, and 1 director interview. There is a fantastic post on the StudentDoc Medical School Interview Forum with over 140 sample questions and advice on the interview. Brown PLME: The Ivy League BS/MD Admissions Guide. Check out these questions that students struggle with. These were the top Qs my friends and I received: What kind of community service have you done? However, it is a good idea to be aware of the points you would like to mention. 4. Can you tell me more about [insert any activity you mentioned in amcas or secondary]? Yet it also becomes the pitfall of many otherwise competitive applicants. Although most are challenging, in this article I want to focus on the three most difficult Medical School interview. It’s everything you need to get going on an interview, or revamp your interviewing process. However, most questions will fall into these categories. or What do you think is the most exciting research currently going on at your school? By: Savvy Pre-Med Staff In case you didn’t know, the AAMC’s Video Interview Tool for Admissions (VITA) is right around the corner. 9. Land somewhere in the middle with a more nuanced response. "It was a 2-day interview process, the first day being a day where interviewees were able to shadow in the clinic and have a full tour of the medical school and its hospital and the second being the actual day of interviews + tour of the apartments in the area. What are some of today’s most pressing health issues, in your opinion? By Ilana Yurkiewicz ... Share on Reddit. Interviews are the third and final component of the medical school application process. Introduction. Are there any specific features of our medical school that interest you? Then be prepared to talk about the curriculum (example: if the school is PBL based, then talk about how PBL is amazing). Strategies for answering ethical questions in the medical school interview: Get updated with the news and current events. What’s important is how you respond to these setbacks. Why do you want to be a doctor? Where have you traveled, and what exposure to other cultures have you had? Always expect to answer "Why MD/PhD and not one or the other?". You should already know some of the courses and activities that you’d like to participate in and how this school can uniquely prepare you for a successful career in medicine. Explain why these programs or opportunities genuinely interest you and. (Have like 3 questions ready). BS/MD Programs: Everything You Need to Know, extracurricular activities, volunteer experiences, and jobs, name unique opportunities, experiences, professors, or even courses, why you would want to participate in them, The interview is the only thing standing between you and. By brainstorming other questions or topics related to these categories, you’ll cover all your bases and enter your interview feeling confident and prepared. Do you have alternative career plans? The interviewers want to find out more about you and whether you are suited for their medical school. From what you understand of medical school, what part of the program will be most difficult for you? As you describe where you see yourself in 10 years, be sure to smile—show that you’re excited about your future as a physician, despite the time and hard work it will take to get there. Now, what about discussing your weaknesses? After answering far more complex questions successfully, however, it often throws candidates off guard. Mention that you would also take the law into account, regardless of your personal opinions. 1. Choose a real weakness (not, “I’m a perfectionist!”) that will not destroy your ability to be an effective physician. Discuss the failure itself only briefly, then focus on. On the other side, make a list of bullet points that you would like to mention in relation to the question. Although you should describe what interests you about the school, make sure you don’t sound like a brochure. You might say, “I’m in favor of euthanasia in certain circumstances, like when a patient is terminally ill and mentally capable of making a decision about assisted suicide.”. Using an anecdote is a great approach to this question. Why did you apply here (basically, do know their mission statement)? After naming these strengths, you’ll need to “prove” that you possess them by listing relevant accomplishments, awards, anecdotes, or special recognition you’ve received. The answer to that is: don't make me get my main. We’ll also share tips on answering 10 of the most difficult. Write common interview questions that you find complicated or challenging on index cards. Students often panic when asked for their opinion on controversial issues like medically assisted suicide/euthanasia, abortion, cloning, or stem cell research. If you could have dinner with any four people, who would you choose? What would you do if you got in everywhere? Tell me about a time when you were angry with another person or faced a conflict. Google “medical ethics questions.” When you’re thinking through these questions in preparation, think out loud. What was the most memorable achievements of your college career? What do you think you will need to give up to become a doctor? There are two major questions you should have some kind of memorized answer to, they are the "who are you" question, often posed as, "why do you want to be a doctor?" Again, specifics are key. This was a one-time failure that you’ve learned from, and you’ve taken steps to prevent similar mistakes from happening again in the future. Preparation is the key to putting your best foot forward. Here are the five medical school interview questions I'll be covering in detail: Tell me about yourself. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Double Major vs. Dual Degree: Which One Is Better? Create the impression that you’re confident, friendly, and enjoying the conversation, and you’ll go a long way toward making a positive and memorable impression on the interviewer. Although intellectual ability and record of achievement are important factors, the personal interview gives the admissions committee another dimension by which to evaluate and understand other traits necessary to foster the development of a competent, compassionate, and responsible physician. Often applicants will not put the necessary time into preparing for the interview, opting to “wing it” and treating it … The only thing more uncomfortable than talking about your strengths is talking about your weaknesses. What does “success” mean to you? Why should we offer you a spot at our medical school? What are some of the types of questions you should be asking? What do you feel is the purpose of medical school, and what do you hope to gain from this experience? What are your ultimate goals as a physician (advancing medicine, contributing to the improvement of global health, making patients and their loved ones as comfortable as possible)? You can find even more ethical questions with our Medical School Interview Question Generator. Read over these questions and bullet points in the weeks leading up to the interview, and even give the cards to a friend or family member to conduct a mock interview. 2019-2020 TMDSAS Rank List Thread. Since you’ve made it this far, you can feel confident that the medical school is impressed by your qualities and credentials. If you have not dealt with someone in crisis, how do you think you would handle this situation? Some ideas include: Did you always want to practice X specialty? Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult and/or important decision. Tell me about a current event that interests you and why. What experiences have you had in a medical or clinical setting, and what have you learned from these experiences? How has your undergraduate research experience, if any, better prepared you for a medical career? Set a foundation for a successful career and pursue the best professional opportunities. A decent amount of my interviews started this way and I think it's important to have an idea of an answer in your head so you don't babble or not know what to say since that starts off the interview on a bad foot. What experiences have you had working with diverse populations? They’re also honest, so don’t respond, “I’ve never really failed.”. Do you have role models or family members in the medical field? Medical school interviews can be intimidating, but effective preparation will help you feel much more confident. Before going to your interview, think through a few specialties that intrigue you and why you find them interesting. Think about the medical school interview as a conversation to determine whether you and the school are a good fit for one another. When I got asked this it was clear the guy hadn't even looked at my app. Today, I’ll offer insights for successfully answering some of the most common medical school interview questions encountered during the medical school interview. What is your typical decision-making process? Oh and, for what it's worth, I'm now a G1 at the school where we all had to answer in front of each other. For each strength, list as many pieces of evidence as possible. Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years? Tell me about why you are interested in our program? In your answer, acknowledge the pros and cons of each side to show that you’re open-minded and willing to consider other perspectives. What is it about being a doctor that is more appealing to you than any other career? This is a crucial quality for any physician, so be clear on this point. Then, record a list of points you’d like to mention in your response. Answering, “I like science and helping people,” is an extremely generic answer that is probably true of every medical school hopeful. Why? Emphasize that you’re certain medicine is the career for you and that you will reapply if you don’t get into medical school this year. Tell me about a time when you were not as dependable as you would have liked. Do you have a specific anecdote you can share that cemented your decision to work in medicine? On one side of the card, write the question. What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid? Long story of how I got into contact with them etc. As you answer this question, be sure that your excitement and passion for the school resonate with the interviewer. The interviewer already knows you’re not perfect. What do you do for fun? The question is this: How should you prepare for moral and ethical questions that may arise during the medical school interview? Ultimately, it is not your stance on the issue that’s important. Why do you think some doctors are unhappy practicing medicine? How do you envision using your med… Is business administration a good major? Sample: Why did you decide to pursue a career in medicine? Here’s a list compiled over the years of commonly asked questions encountered during medical school interviews. Below we’ve put together some common interview questions and given our tips and even sample answers to get you started. I was excited when I learned that you have clinical rotations in X field, since I’ve had some experience and exposure in that area. If you are a minority, how do you feel your background uniquely prepares you to be a physician? How would you assess your compassion and empathy? Eliminates the possibility of medical school interview questions reddit cliché, because there are many other helping professions the moment and your personal such! 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