She has amassed 1.6 million followers and takes everyone’s favorite meals and turns them into healthy, guilt free options to enjoy. Use Branded Hashtags. Avoid comments like "nice pic", "great shot", "yummy" etc. Required fields are marked *. Don’t Be Afraid to Explore Do I interact with hashtags? Thank you very much! Nine months later, we had nearly 5900 followers. I look forward to more in the series :). Be authentic. But rather than dwelling on what's not working with Instagram, we took to our FBC Member Facebook group to ask our members what is working for them on Instagram right now. consider targeting #nationalrandomfoodday (insert your food day of choice for "random") for additional engagement, don't always post sponsored content - mix it up. These are incredible tips! Since then it has been growing pretty quicky. Rachel amassed over 300,000 Instagram followers in just a couple years and is using it as a tool to fuel her blogging business.. She is using Instagram as a way to get traffic to her blog and make serious money (over $10,000 per month)! Food Porn Alert! Show your followers that you're a human being. I try to post on my Instastories at least once a day but out of my 280 followers, only like 5 look at them! We'll be covering topics like hashtags, improving your photos, engaging with other instagrammers and brands, defining your content, how to leverage your account to benefit your food blog and create other opportunities for yourself. Here's some ideas: But, as one member pointed out, make sure you share the poll results! We find polls work really well because they’re easy – people just click a button. Are they other food bloggers? This is what's working now but don't be afraid to tweak, experiment and test different strategies and see what kind of results you get. Today we start the first in a series of posts on growing your Instagram account to complement your food blog. There were lots of tips on using hashtags: Another great tip we just learned for hashtags is that by clicking on your followers in your profile, you can not only see the people you follow but you can toggle to see the hashtags you follow. Over 100 relevant hashtags, including the 10 most popular food hashtags on Instagram PLUS hashtags for food sharing groups. I hate posting pics of myself but receive so much engagement on those posts! The age old "raisins in butter tarts - yay or nay?" IG stories and IG live are other great ways to show people the “real you” by chatting and getting in front of the camera. Leave a thoughtful comment that only a real human who has looked at the photo or video could make. Instagram can be your best companion on the journey! Try the rule of thirds.. Start thinking like a food stylist. Just make sure the background is the same in almost all of your photos. Having said that, there are days where it does drive decent traffic! Today, we have a guest post from our student Rachel at The College Nutritionist about how to become a successful Instagram blogger. But give yourself a framework to work in! Your Instagram journey starts when you set up your account. We don’t use the platform specifically to drive traffic to the FBC site (but we do try to make it as easy as possible for people to check out a post if it piques their interest). I feel like my audience appreciates the candor and sometimes craziness that happens in my life/kitchen and that just because the cake may look perfect now, it wasn't a painless journey to get there. Following other foodie accounts on Instagram is a great way to explore and gain foodie friends online. You can even add this to your rate card as an additional service. At the Blogger Event (Vienna Fashion-Camp) I had the pleasure to attend a presentation from Instagram Germany giving valuable recommendations for Bloggers. If you already have an established blog name, you might want to stick to that in order to be consistent across all platforms. All you need is to follow good old fashioned (!) How do you find it affects your blog traffic? Are you using hashtags? you can follow hashtags now - this is a great way for people to find you right in their feed!!) Once you’ve started taking note of all these bits of information you’ve gathered, you can start to develop a strategy. ❤️ One I would like to add is to post more pics of yourself to your feed. They make money mostly from ads and sponsored content, but have other avenues for revenue from Amazon partnerships and their e-book. Our first post is on creating and implementing an overall strategy for your account to help you build your following. Thanks for sharing! Instastories are definitely on the rise and users are engaging with them! Ahh! Thanks for the helpful tips and check out my progress over at @theminimalistpalate, Your email address will not be published. Bookmarked this page. This was some great tips. If you want to critique other’s work then you need to go out and eat. Pick a colour ... 2. Use natural lighting and do not “over-filter.”. Are they more effective in the caption or the comments? Define your niche. how often we would post and the time of day we would post, creating a unique FBC hashtag for ourselves and our followers, a strategy for interacting with our members, other followers and our hashtag users. Post about … If, like Lyndsay mentioned above, you've got a great tutorial or a story that's getting lots of engagement, highlight it so that new people can view it when they click your profile. Sometimes I'll just post a funny story in the caption and then be like, oh btw, here's a new cake too. This was mentioned multiple times so it's worth noting! 5. - and they can also now report images that don't fit the hashtag by letting instagram know they are not interested in a particular image (see photo above - and NO we did not report Oh Sweet Day's post - we love her!). As food bloggers we often allow the food to steal the spotlight but people like to see the person behind the account as well. (so did "should pineapple be on pizza? I’ll be honest, the first year we were on Instagram, we didn’t really know what we were doing. Wonderful tips for food bloggers. Otherwise, think of something professional and catchy. foodloverheaven1. I have gained about 1000 genuine news subs in 2-3 weeks and my likes have gone from 40 to over 200 per post. The pictures you post on Instagram should be well shot and relevant. Not sure if it's right but it's definitely been helping me grow pretty fast at the moment. Hi Tisha These filters are good to make a bright, clean, white Instagram feed. The hashtags drive me crazy! And putting dots before them never works for me? Make people laugh - don't take it all so seriously. Replying to comments quickly shortly after posting does seem to make a difference! As another member mentioned, it doesn't have to be super personal. Look at your audience. 1. While Instagram now supports vertical and horizontal photos, the medium is still very much square. I don't know that I'm *great* at Instagram, but I find the posts with the odd comments or silly stories do best. © 2021 Food Bloggers of Canada, all rights reserved. Once we had figured out who our audience was and what they liked, we came up with a strategy that revolved around these key points: We'll go into each of these points in more detail in coming posts but suffice it to say we're pretty vigilant (but not militant) about following these four points and it has worked really well for us! Your email address will not be published. I often talk about various baking fails or issues in my photo captions. While we will be publishing more in depth future posts on each of these pieces, start paying attention to all these factors and see if you notice different levels of engagement or more new followers after you post certain photos or use certain hashtags. Melanie McDonald of A Virtual Vegan shared this with the group: My Instagram has always grown frustratingly slowly compared to my other social media, then about 6 months ago I started making stories every single day. I receive questions about the subject fairly often, so I sat down to compile my best tips for food bloggers and ended up with an even twenty. This approach lets you become a Chip and Joanna Gaines style of blogger. Do I follow new people? Today we start the first in a series of posts on growing your Instagram account to complement your food blog. @skinnytaste 1.6M followers; Food blogger and author Gina Homolka has taken the Instagram food community by storm. Ask questions - sometimes the sillier the better! And, how exactly, we did we then manage to jump to 5900 followers just 9 months later? How many likes, comments and engagement did the photo get and what was the photo about? How to Be Successful on Instagram in 5 Steps. Keep your actual image feed clean and curated if that works for you and then let loose with real life in Instagram Stories. This is another great way to find new hashtags to use that fit your niche! I am new to figuring out Instagram and had no idea about this. I want to engage more with my followers but I can’t if they’re not looking at my stories. If you use a large batch of hashtags it can be hard to determine which ones are getting you traffic so start trying out one at a time and seeing how images do and if a particular hashtag is worth using. I guess it's more relatable. Check out their profiles. My DMs were blowing up, and I responded to each one. Pick a good username. People want to find you relatable. Some awesome tips. Post, like, a lot. There are lots of ways to share snippets of real life and they don't have to be food related (these work particularly well in Instagram Stories): Don't post and run! Pick a color theme and style for all of your photos. Great post! This information was very enlightening for me. Facebook, Instagram, and/or Pinterest, being the most visually-oriented platforms, are a typical choice for food bloggers. I make sure to engage a few times a day with new people. Check the "requests" section of your DMs regularly. If they dig sweets over savoury, focus on those and work harder at responding quickly to any engagement on those types of posts. If your photos of your dog don't do well, post less of them (although how could anyone not like doggy photos?!?!). Like all social platforms, Instagram is constantly evolving. Using my Wolf Millionaire InstaWealth Growth System, another successful student has grown their delicious foodie based Instagram account FAST.Let’s see how FoodistSocial has integrated my strategies to get ahead! People love people who can poke fun at themselves. Do I interact with commenters? Keep the story on your profile page for a week instead of 24 hours. know your audience and what they respond to. Here's a collection of the many other tips we received from members that have helped them: Another great resource we've found for Instagram is the blog. We'll be covering topics like hashtags, improving your photos, engaging with other instagrammers and brands, defining your content, how to leverage your account to benefit your food blog and create other opportunities for yourself. In that section, Instagram will also share popular, related hashtags that you might like based on your account activity. Silly polls work the best. In the ever changing world of social media it can be hard to keep moving forward while negotiating all the changes. Here are 5 essential tips that will help you start strategizing your account and learning how to become a food blogger. If your’s is a food- blog… Really appreciating. 2. They'll be much more tolerant of sponsored content if you throw in non-sponsored content too. Respond to comments and likes – pay attention to people who like or comment that don’t follow and engage with them – does that convert them into followers? From pretty pasta to artfully decorated cakes, these accounts are sure to fill your feed with inspiration. ok we gotta say it... puppies. Now that Instagram has announced they will allow social media tools access to their API so that you'll be able live schedule posts, this is especially important - if you use a scheduler make sure you schedule images when you know you can respond to comments! 1. Although, I have been known to screw that up and post, in error, on my blog account what was meant for my personal (usually end up deleting them). Does someone have a template I use that actually works? 1. For example, if your blog focuses on restaurants, maybe your main account should just focus on your dining out activities and consider creating a separate, personal IG account where you post photos of your camping trips and your pets. ️ One I would like to add is to post more pics of yourself to your feed. (actual poll I made)... More recently I just posted two Stories that are now Stories highlights which are like short little cake decorating tutorials shot on iPhone. allow social media tools access to their API, have your readers choose your next recipe, ask them what they need help with in the kitchen, ask them something mildly "controversial" but fun. I haven’t listened to it yet, and I’m not sure I’m ready to make the time to do what he suggests :-), but we’ll see. Don’t be afraid to switch things up or experiment! Get everything you need for a delicious week in your inbox! At least that’s what we’ve noticed is working for us! Post pictures of junk food. People like the more casual vibe and the behind the scenes, real life snippets that influencers share in these snappy videos and images. Poll Pro Tip: You can see who voted for what in your polls by going to the bottom left of the story of the poll. Before we start we’d like to note that FBC has never, to our knowledge, been featured on any large media lists as an account to follow. Learn how to set up your account, tricks and tips for making posts, how to increase followers on Instagram and almost everything you need to be a successful food blogger. The cake and photo were terrible, but got a ton of engagement. ☺️. While this may not be the best solution for everyone, you may find that if you’re working hard to create a standout brand for your blog, that it’s better to have a separate instagram account for it and focus on photos that have direct relevance to what you blog about. You’ll be more likely to develop a successful food blog if you follow these guidelines. Do you get more engagement when you hashtag? (this is not available to all business accounts at this time). Who are they? the weather - be it beautiful or miserable. I am a food blogger just starting off and have been trying to engage with my followers and gain more views. As food bloggers we often allow the food to steal the spotlight but people like to see the person behind the account as well. always gets a heated response for us. FBC members are seeing engagement as a result of this. Managing Your Food Photography Client Expectations, SUBSCRIBE TO GET YOUR FREE SPICE BOX EBOOK. These are great tips! Collaborations with other food bloggers and influencers If you want to gain exposure in your niche, the best thing to do would be to collaborate with others in your industry. There are some really great tips here – thank you (although, I still have to get on the ‘get myself in front of the camera’ train). make sure your hashtags are in the original caption, make sure that if your post is sponsored that #ad or #sponsored appears as the first hashtag (or even appears, video in feeds is working well right now and seems to encourage new followers, posting multiple times a day seems to help with growth (2-3x a day was the recommended amount), others with more established accounts found they could get away with fewer posts as long as the quality of the post was high and they practiced genuine engagement with their followers. Why Instagram Hashtags Are Important For Food Bloggers The number of photos shared to Instagram on a daily basis is mind-blowing. It doesn't matter! So set aside some time a few times a day to making sure your followers know how much you appreciate their interaction with you and to get to know other instagrammers in your niche! I have just been posting with a loose affiliation to my brand. 2. On January 1 of 2015 we had 1700 followers after being active on Instagram for a full year. Highlights is a new feature and it's early days yet for coming up with creative ways to make it work for you - check out what other bloggers are doing with theirs! 3. Don't be afraid to get real with your followers. If you want to have a highly curated feed, add a real life element to it by making the caption a silly story or sharing a kitchen fail. You probably already know it’s not enough to post a few photos or videos, and wait for the audience to come rushing ... 2. 3. So let me share the Top 15 Tips for Bloggers to grow your Instagram account….. These are incredible tips! Responding to the people who comment there (who may be some of your biggest fans) is where you can get some of your best engagement! Before you begin pursuing your own food blog, it's helpful to weigh the pros and cons. Wow! Before adding hashtags to your posts, you should check the usage of those hashtags. Do you LOVE food? People love to complain about the weather collectively, what you're reading or watching or listening to, have a little rant if it makes you feel better (try to keep it humorous though). How to Make Money as a Food Blogger Mallory told Yahoo she’s very active on all four social media platforms, posting multiple times every weekday, as well as posting two to three new blog posts per week. Did I use hashtags or put it out there with no help? Take a moment to frame the image. Share your pets being cute, naughty or sleeping. So the first step is to start paying attention to the results you get when you post a photo. Feel free to roam around and follow any food accounts that you find interesting as you start to build your own foodie network. Will be using some of these for our instagram page – Desires_of_the_foodaholics. How to become a food blogger on Instagram. Having used IG for years on a personal level, the blogging/business approach is a whole different ball game! "), get silly like Lindsay did with the "do you like this turd brown colour?" Baby steps. Doing so will help your … The same with tagging a brand or publication - these might help you get noticed or regrammed. They always somehow unalign. We've certainly noticed that posting stories consistently and frequently does result in more views for us! It was noted by several FBC members that Instagram really doesn't seem to like it if you post a photo and then come back hours later to respond to comments (or worse, not respond to comments at all). While we're still not a "big" account by most standards, it was still a big milestone for us - in part because of how quickly we got there. So, why did it take us a year to get to 1700 followers? Instagram has become a challenging platform for a lot of food bloggers in recent months with algorithm changes, figuring out Instagram Stories, new features that only roll out to small groups and the disparity between business accounts and personal accounts. Have patience. I have some points to ponder. Use appropriate hashtags. About a month ago ago, FBC reached the 5000 follower mark on Instagram (@foodbloggersca). Grow your instagram organically and use it to drive traffic to your blog. Very simple – start by engaging with a ton of other people in your niche! Polls in Instastories were mentioned by multiple members as being a great tool for follower engagement. For example, if you have a food blog, you can see that fellow food bloggers on Instagram use hashtags like #EasyRecipe, #FamilyDinners, #InstagramFood, #RecipeIdeas, and more. There are a few ways you can approach your path as an Instagram food blogger. As more people engage, it seems to move you further up in the stories queue. I have also been using Jarvee, it is a paid program but a safe one to gain subscribers. But if there's one big item to take away from all of these tips and tricks we collected from members, it's that genuine, immediate and frequent engagement is a big key to getting others to engage with you which, in turn, will get your photos in more feeds. Article updated January 2020: I will update this post probably every few months since the IG changes keep coming at us, so you might want to bookmark this page and check in periodically!. Look forward to the next instalments! If you only focus on one thing on this list, focus on photography. Learn how your comment data is processed. The very first step before you even begin posting is to strategize what your profile and platform will look like. Your followers don't want to feel like they're following an ad billboard all the time. So for those of you who feel this is something you need to have happen in order to grow your following quickly, it’s not. Gonna use them for sure. You are subscribing to the FBC Food Lovers Newsletter. When I started I spent hours commenting and liking other peoples posts. Don’t be afraid to get goofy or real in your stories – it helps make people feel more connected to you. How engaged am I with the platform outside of my own posting? Find your blogger personality The most important step is to identify what your personal brand is — and you do this by understanding yourself and … Plan Out Your Content Strategy. This is especially important now that users can follow hashtags in their feed (yes! After all Instagram is a social platform. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ethan and I argue over the square but I like to think I win . While there are over 800 million monthly active accounts, being an Instagram success story is still possible. Social media evolves quickly and you need to keep tinkering and adjusting. It’s okay. Good points – need to create a strategy for sure. Have a Call to Action. So, you want to know how to be successful on Instagram? Your email address will not be published. Instagram 101 For Food Bloggers: Creating a Strategy, SUBSCRIBE TO GET YOUR FREE SPICE BOX EBOOK. This is where Instastory comments (and DMs) from people you don't follow back hide. I am a big supporter of separate accounts to keep the personal/private, just that. Love that you guys are doing this series. Engagement on your photos: If a photo does really well make note of what it was about – you might notice a theme. If you want to create your own recipes and instigate a lifestyle type following then you need to shop, prepare, photograph and detail your recipes. Amazing post. Other things that have done well is posting my very first cake in IG stories. social media rules. Just show the odds and ends of your day. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'foodbloggersofcanada_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',106,'0','0']));Remember - a strategy isn’t carved in stone. by Jesse Szewczyk. I love Stories because I can keep my feed "clean" and pretty (I'm anal about this, ha) but share who I am in good old Stories...I've done a few polls and yes, people LOVE them even if it's "do you like this turd brown colour?" Focus on Photography. Long live the square! Here are some basic food styling tips that you can use to take your Instagram or Blog food photography to the next level...instantly! How exactly food bloggers make a living has long felt like a mystery, but thanks to the Ostroms we can see precisely how they function as a business. I have found that following the #nationalfooddays gets quite a bit of traffic, especially if I can link back to a #ontheblog or #comingsoon post. But keep in mind that their job is to sell their scheduling tool!). Famous Food Instagrammers Reveal 21 Tips for Getting More Followers. Other bloggers are using the Highlight function to create portfolios of their work. That’s a great idea Trudy – especially if you’re a nutritionist or dietician or have any kind of client based practice that puts you at the forefront. I've heard that when you create stories regularly you get shown first in people feeds. Background: Don’t want a white background? The next step is to begin following other famous food bloggers. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'foodbloggersofcanada_com-box-4','ezslot_5',117,'0','0']));I know it sounds very analytical but, you can't create a strategy without starting to gather information about what's working and what's not. The very first step before you even begin posting is to strategise what your profile and platform will look like. After being successful food bloggers for over 5 years, here we are sharing the most useful tips on How To Be A Successful Food Blogger. You can now highlight instagram stories for longer than 24 hours on your profile page. Let people see who you are! Apparently there is a great SPI podcast by the guy who started Foundr magazine about how to grow your IG following. It’s no secret that photography makes a food blog. If you do sponsored content, you can also offer a highlight of any Instastories you do for your client as an added value. Thanks again. Interact with other foodies. Tags: food photography, social media, Instagram, instagram 101. Interacting with comments as quickly as possible was my greatest takeaway from your post! © 2021 Food Bloggers of Canada, all rights reserved. Good luck! Food and Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas A food and lifestyle blog gives you more flexibility to write about a wider range of topics than just food. Food blogs are popular and can be easy to monetize. Stories seem to work best when you’re consistent and post to them every day. 4. We got some really solid tips and suggestions so we thought we'd compile them in one spot for everyone to benefit from! She's an Instagram traditionalist and believes the square should be respected. Get everything you need for a delicious week in your inbox! Using Social Media for Public Relations. This week we update you on what's working on Instagram for food bloggers with lots of instagram tips from FBC members. We didn’t have a focus, our posting was all over the map and we broke what we have since come to recognize as our number one rule, far too many times. If your photos of your breakfast do really well start posting more of those! While we didn't get any hard evidence of this, the feeling amongst many who responded was that posting to Instastories consistently every day got your stories bumped up closer to the front of the Story queue and resulted in them being seen more often. It became very obvious to us that if we wanted to grow, we needed to have some kind of strategy. But like all other work-at-home options, it takes planning, follow-through, and persistence to be successful. You grew your IG account by around 500%, that’s impressive! One key question to ask your self at this point is if it would be in your best interest to have two accounts – one for your blog and one for yourself. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Over 500 million people go on Instagram each month. Also I think being a bit of a mess in real life resonates; I get a little intimidated by the beautiful food art instas, but I tend to interact more with the people who seem like they'd be fun to hang out with in real life. Your email address will not be published. Great tips! They make you sound like a bot and nobody wants to engage with a bot. There was consensus that not only does real life resonate with followers and encourage engagement but, it was also what most of our members enjoyed seeing from other bloggers too. 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