gematria - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. In Jewish mysticism, words that have the same numerical value are believed to bear an underlying relationship that links them together. a weaned child; to bear; requite, reward, recompense, benefit; to mature, ripen, wean; bearer, carrier, camel; the letter Gimel. There are no numeric characters. according to need of; as, as soon as; when. Theology // Philosophy // Science // People // False Terms. father; benefactor, cherisher, sustainer; teacher or adviser;
22-ago-2019 - Explora el tablero de Alina "Hebrew" en Pinterest. hebrew gematria. to be curved, crooked, bent; to dig; to be convex, high. knowledge; carnal knowledge. Definitions are short excerpt from the labor or work; business or administration. to drive, thrust; to shoot; the reins (kidneys). Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, or phrases. Gematria How it Works All creation, from the largest to the smallest, can always be reduced to num-bers. to let go or set loose, to release; to leave, to forsake or abandon. pr.n. Various numbers are supposed to have spiritual meanings. to cover, hide; to go out, be quenched; to perish. to gather together, store up, hide; treasurers; chests for keeping valuables, treasure-chest; coverings. Gematria or gimatria (Hebrew: גימטריה, gēmaṭriyā) is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to … The number usually associated with the Beast is 666. Gematria is the study of the numeric equivalents of Hebrew and Greek letters in order to find hidden meanings in the words. gematria. to be in front or present, to be manifest. terror, sudden ruin; pr.n. In Hebrew, each letter possesses a numerical value. to move to and fro, to swing, wave; to draw, draw out; hanging down or pendulous thing; thread work; weaver's thrum; locks. or gimatria (Rabbinic Hebrew he. to bind together, fortify; pr.n. "God is God" or "God is Yah" or "El is God" or "Mighty God" or "Mighty He is"; "Elijah" ---. force, might; exceedingly, very; energetically, quickly. pr.n. Notes. to be bright, good; to be happy, to rejoice. Value of the gematria dictionary in Gematria is 1042, Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases values search and words. a weaned child; bearing, deportment; behavior, benefit, punishment, desert. to be honored, renowned; to be great or chief, to be noble; excellency, preciousness. A Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on the values of their constituent letters. to be sick; to menstruate; to be sad, languish; to spin; to clothe; sickly, weakly, menstrous; a menstruous cloth; sad, wretched; to drive or push away; rinse, cleanse. to surname, give a title of respect; to bite or sting; a plant or shoot; pr.n. 138 > 12 > 3 - … to make a circle, mark out with a compass; circle, vault, arch. a depression, valley; hollow; body; person; a people; troops; swarms. a part or portion; a disk or joint (of food). to daub, smear over; to plaster; besmear. Donate . What does gematria mean? "Gog" = prince of the land of Magog, "To be High" or "Gigantic". thought, plan, plot; counsel; mischief, crime; lewdness, incest; revolt, apostasy. (776 w/f); pr. pr. a strong or mighty one; a hero; strength, power; God --- divine name associated, to be clear, pure, faultless; to gain or win. "Mother" --- an alternate name. noun. fasten in; to cover over; to shut fast; to take out. one alone, an onely one; an only son; only daughter; lonely, desolate; forlorn, wretched. gematria ( countable and uncountable; plural gematrias) English-Hebrew dictionary. Pronouns, prepositions, etc. the brightness or fiery splendour of Yahweh upon Sinai, in the tabernacle, in the temple. See more. to be salted or bathed in salt water --- said of newborn infants. These entries have been obtained from a 19th century Hebrew Lexicon (Davies' Student's-Hebrew Lexicon) devoted to study of the Torah and the balance of the Old Testament. Ancient Hebrew Dictionary 2 3. they; themselves; hither, to this place; lo!, see!. round plate or disk; midwife stool; potter's stool or wheel. pr. A Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on the values of their constituent letters. Tools. to shine or gleam; to cause to shine; to enlighten. oh!, ah!, alas! *final form is the form of the letter found when it occurs at the end of a word. 3:17). to breathe, to live, to be or exist; to breathe after or desire; to expire, die; ruin; desire, cupidity; calamity; mischievousness. to wrap together, to thicken or curdle; to be hot, to burn; to heat, anger, wrath. 4. "Beloved of Yah" --- a name of Solomon the Son of David. to cut, strip off, flay; to tear, snatch away, seize; to rob, steal, plunder; evaporate water; peep, twitter. --- variant spelling of the name of the ninth Sephira, Yesod, but not generally used in Qabalah. "Job", "Greatly Injured", "Greatly Hated". Gematrija je kalkulacija numeričnih enakovredjih črk, besed ali fraz. a filling up; a rampart; fortress, citadel. [1685-95; < Hebrew gēmaṭriyā< Greek geōmetríageometry] [E]xplanation of the sense of a word by substituting for it another word, so that the numerical value of the letters constituting either word is identical [Klein] if not; whether not; perhaps; fearing, doubting or hoping. ‘A rundown of the Hebrew gematria can be found here.’ ‘Jewish gematria is an old and well respected magickal tradition, and of course Hebrew letters are equivalent to numbers in the first place, so that's not so controversial.’ ‘I've been looking for someone who can help with my gematria!’ Origin. the royal title of the Amalekite princes. 1 : a cryptograph in the form of a word whose letters have the numerical values of a word taken as the hidden meaning. to creep, glide; to slink away, be timid. to hide, conceal; to be sticky or tough; a covering or veil; pr.n. A state of being complete. Gematria calculator, finds match to Biblical verses (in Hebrew) The Gematria Database at Esoteric Delights is a large online gematria database (over 235,000 translations) of the Hebrew–English dictionary, along with tools for transliteration and translation, … Dictionary of Jewish Usage: A Popular Guide to the Use of Jewish Terms, by Sol Steinmetz (Lanham, MD, 2005). to be glad, rejoice; pr.n. to fall; to droop; to languish; to be withered; to mourn. In Hebrew, each letter possesses a numerical value. You can check any number and see more parallel results for this number gematronic value. a burning or branding; pr.n. A Kabbalistic method of interpreting Hebrew words, based on numerical values of letters. to cut into, to hook fast; hook; thorn, thornbush. a loving; love; a love, a beloved or a darling. Classic | Blog. "Myrtle" --- Jewish name of Esther. LATRIA • latria n. (theology) the highest form of worship, named adoration, properly given to the triune God alone. to be heavy, weighty; to be a burden; to be wealthy; to be severe; to be dull; to be in honour; to be glorious; sore, grievous; abundant, numerous; sluggish; difficult; the liver; glory; violence; a multitude. to burn, to flame; a flame; a flashing or glittering; sword blade. to cover, a set time, festival; the new or full moon; a chair, throne; seat, labor; work or business; tillage or husbandry; service, sacred ministry or employment, to droop or wither; to fade or pass away, to perish. Definition of gematria in the dictionary. pr.n. n. "Circle" or "Compass", the giant-king of Bashan. "Mighty" ---
to hum; to growl; to snarl; to coo; to be internally stirred. "Fortress". to forgive or pardon. Interpretation Translation gematria n. גימטרייה (נומרולוגיה עברית) * * * (תירבע היגולורמונ) היירטמיג English-Hebrew dictionary. to fold, cover up; to embrace, to love, imbosom, caress, cherish; the numerical adj "one", a, an; indicator of multiplication. Gematria is the study of the numeric equivalents of Hebrew and Greek letters in order to find hidden meanings in the words. blooming freshness; blossom-time, blooming age, bright verdur; fruit. to strengthen, to make firm or mighty; to be or become strong. The numeric values of these names are 1554 (222 x 7). to be separated, removed; removal, behind; near, by the side of; amidst; all around; while yet, within. brother; friend; kinsman; one of the same tribe; a fellow countryman; a confederate, an ally, a neighbor or fellow man; a fellow or match. In both Hebrew and Greek (the languages in which the Bible was written), there are only alpha characters. Mother-city, metropolis; a foundation; fore-arm. Therefore, when a Hebrew would want to write a number, he would use the corresponding Hebrew letter. to stick on, smear over; to be sticky, greasy, fat; to be white; milk, fresh milk; fatness; the best part. "her tent" --- symbolic term for Samaria. Of these 21, seven are named in the New Testament: Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, and Joel. to pain; to labor, toil; to be weary; labor, wages; weary, exhausted; weak, flagging. Gematria uses the numerical values of the Hebrew letters to derive insights into the sacred writings, to obtain interpretations of the text, and to illustrate secular matters. to cleave, to dig; till, plow; to cut off; locusts. to shear off, crop off, cut off, sever; pr.n. to languish or faint; to wander or err, to act or speak rashly or foolishly. "Who Like Yah? to present with, to endow, pr.n. the king --- reigning monarch of any country, to divide or portion out, to count or allot to, to appoint or prepare; to cause; to number. naught, of no value; nothingness; idols; vanity. to scatter; to cast away, reject; to dissipate, evaporate. to bind or combine; to set fast or determine. In both Hebrew and Greek (the languages in which the Bible was written), there are only alpha characters. Show declension of gematria. wisdom, skill, proficiency; piety; science, knowledge; the name of the second Sephira, Chokmah --- usually considered the masculine or active potency. Discord Chat King James Bible Gematria Database Memes Page Download Calculator Excel Application. to cut out, hew; pr.n. life; peerless or unique. 944. completeness, totality, all; the whole; every; any one; wholly; altogether. stretch, measure; middle; extension, greatness; tribute; garment, carpet; measure. Yehudia, the highest soul in Qabalah, associated with the Sephira Keter. to murmur; have a deep tone; coo; sigh, moan; to mutter. to shine, gleam; to sprout, spurt, shoot forth, flourish, abound; move to and fro, range about. to be bright or fresh; to thrive, to bloom. Hebrew numbers. Searching by value will also work. pr.n. "El Chai" --- divine name associated. Chokmah is. • gematria n. A cabalistic method of interpreting Hebrew words, based on numerical values of letters. to be great, much, numerous; magnitude or multitude, a number or amount; a hundred; before. Interpretation Translation gematria n. גימטרייה (נומרולוגיה עברית) * * * (תירבע היגולורמונ) היירטמיג English-Hebrew dictionary. to sink, press into; to impress; to go deep. the moon; the white or pale; a brick or tile; whiteness, brightness or luster; the storax tree; frankincense. that; because; for; when; where fore, that; but. There are many Gematria relationships found in both the Old and New Testament writings. "Dance". Gematria definition: a system of assigning numerical values to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet , esp when... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Log In Dictionary pr.n. removal or separation; what is removed, uncleanness or impurity. to burn or flame; to conceal, to use secret arts or sorcery; a flame, flashing sword blade. "Praised" --- Judah, Tribe of Judah; Judea, the Jews. The word “fish” in Greek is ‘ixthus’ which has a numerical equivalent of 1224, or 8 x 153. Free offline Hebrew dictionary with pronunciations, example sentences, and more. to be weary, faint; to be feeble, dim; dull of sight; feeble, expiring; depressed; pale, faint; mitigation, healing. accustomed to or familiar with; a disciple or adherent. pr.n. --- the divine name associated. * Save unlimited bookmarks and quickly view your favorite words. splendid, gorgeous; important, precious things. Old versions: Basic. thriving vegetation; reed, bulrush. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, or phrases. ; whether-or; no, not; if. to pass, to go or come; to pass away or perish; to be abolished; to depose. A numerological system used in kabbalah and other forms of Jewish mysticism that assigns numerical values to words based on the fixed numerical values of their letters. a fish; to be crushed; depressed, anxious, despondent; pr.n. to be vaulted, curved, bowl-shaped; to be arched, hilly; pr.n. to will, wish; to be dull, foolish; to be wry; to be in front, to begin. destruction; lack, nought, nothing; without. noun /ɡɪˈmeɪ.tɹi.ə/ A Kabbalistic method of interpreting Hebrew words, based on numerical values of letters. Gematrinator Blog Gematria Effect News Dan Behrendt Extra-Capsa Chigozie Archaic Reality. Clicking the Gematria Dictionary option opens the Gematria Dictionary Window. All to separate; to go away; to divide, part, distinguish. signing, lamentation. to be slack, to leave off, cease, desist, rest, fail, let alone, abstain; failing, frail; forbearing; destitute, forsaken; resting-place; the grave. Ver más ideas sobre abecedario hebreo, gematria hebrea, letras en hebreo. to break in pieces, beat small; oppress; crushed; small; broken. still, while, yet, again; further, longer; besides. Here are a few examples: There are some amazing numeric patterns found in the Bible. his or its unions; together; alike; all together; pr.n. to be violent, cruel; to oppress; to mourn, to coo. geometry)). to wait for; testing; a bait, a hook, an angle. to fall or sink down, to droop; to wither, anguish. a servant, a slave; minister or messenger. "Intelligence", Binah ---the third Sephira, considered the feminine or passive potency. to be desired or fitting; to wish or crave for, to strive after. "Yah Keeps" --- a chronicler to King Josiah. completeness, totality, all; the whole; every, each; to hold or measure. to glide; move away; to depart; to flow off or ebb; to vanish. Build your vocabulary and save unlimited bookmarks. signing, lamentation. Information and translations of gematria in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Gematria. "Firm". pr.n. to spread wide; to stretch out; to cause to stretch; to make to grow; to nurse; the spread hand, palm, hand-breadth; a corbel. Gematria (/ ɡəˈmeɪtriə /; Hebrew: גמטריא or Gimatria גימטריה , plural גמטראות or גמטריאות , gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. ‘Another important aspect in gematria are the numerical values of letters: A = 1, B = 2…’ 2 : the cabalistic method of explaining the Hebrew Scriptures by … gematria: translation /geuh may"tree euh/, n. a cabbalistic system of interpretation of the Scriptures by substituting for a particular word another word whose letters give the same numerical sum. gematria. want, need; sufficiency, enough,; who, which, that. to bend, turn, to incline; to settle down in, to dwell in, encamp; to be pointed, to pierce; compassions, mercies; pr.n. to knit or twist together; to be strong, mighty. pr.n. Skip to main content. to shout, cry, roar, sing; be powerful, strong; pr.n. Visit our contact page to learn more. limit, bound, edge, margin; a bounded district. to haste; to be alarmed, to tremble; to flee; to hasten after; to perish suddenly. The number usually associated with the Beast is 666. wearied; labor, toil; a work done; gain, earnings; pain or labor. "Languid". to speak; tattle; slander; to be hairy, shaggy. "Cane" or "Reed". "Concealment", the name of Lot. to absorb, drink up; swallow; bulrush; absorbent. turning, rolling; ring; circuit, region; circle. to be weak, feeble; to be sick or ill; to feel pain, hurt; to soothe, stroke; to be sweet, comely; to adorn; a cake; sacrificial cake. a Syrian god "Hadad" or "Adad". marsh-grass, sedge, bulrushes, Nile-grass. ; fire; fire-stove or pot; howlings; owl. In Jewish mysticism, words that have the same numerical value are believed to bear an underlying relationship that links them together. According to this ancient system of ciphers (called gematria), the meaning of the Hebrew word for "serpent" matches that of another word: "messiah." a leather bottle; vessel, earthen pitcher. Also, 153 people received a blessing from Jesus in the four gospels (not counting the 5000 and examples like that). A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used. better at it. to spice, to season, flavor; to ripen; to embalm. to hide; to dig; pr.n. son; king's son, a prince; boy, youth; grandson; descendants, posterity; a young one. to collect, snatch up; to take out, to remove. Gematria or gimatria (Hebrew: גימטריה, gēmaṭriyā) is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to … "Endower"; gift, dowry. to cover; to put on or wear; to wrap or fold up. to gasp or pant; to be tired or faint; pr.n. pr.n. languor, illness; what is sickening, loathsomeness; faint, sick at heart. Discovering Gematria: Foundational Exegesis and Primary Dictionary | | ISBN: 9780981890104 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Dictionary Format Below is an example entry, followed by an explanation of its contents. n. "Strong Place". good, a blessing; welfare; goodness; bounty. a streaming, rain; produce, increase; bough; what is produced. --- ancient name of the city of Jerusalem, to wear out or decay; to be worn away, to vanish. to sip or suck in, to keep drinking, to tipple; a drunkard. to deliver or bring forth --- use for birth. ge•ma•tri•a. (The value of the letters of Eliezer in Hebrew add to 318!). "An Incline". salt; to take or eat salt; to eat the salt of someone, be a friend or dependant; to take salt with one, to feed at someone's table. n. "Blooming", Siwan, the third month of the Hebrew Year from the new moon of June to that of July.--- (776 w/f); to lie down or rest, to dwell.--- to move or agitate, to twinkle; to wave or bubble.--- sin or wrong; punishment; misery.--- suffering or oppressed. * 13,000+ Hebrew words, all available offline. Gematria is a type of numerological study that may be defined as one of more systems for calculating the numerical equivalence of letters, words, and phrases in a particular Hebrew text. "Cavern of the Defile", "A Defile". "Flowing Waters" --- of a city in Reuben. gematriya, from Gk. dumb beast; cattle; tame beasts; beast of burden; wild beasts. HYPOGASTRIA • hypogastria n. plural of hypogastrium. to low, to roar; to burn, to parch; a flame; the heart. to be similar or like; to become like, to resemble; to liken or compare; to use similitudes; to think or deem; to meditate; to remember; to make oneself like. ; have sex! pr.n. "Hod" the eighth Sephira. 1680s, from Heb. to take, receive, hold; to be strong, firm. his or its unions; together; alike; all together. Centuries later, Jews would repay the compliment by appropriating the Greek word geometry and creating the word gematria, which is Hebrew for. cubit, ell; pr.n. breathing; the nose; anger; the nostrils; the face; two persons. to breathe, to live; to speak; to wind, coil, encircle; life --- name of Eve; a round tent or encampment, a hamlet or village. thought, planning; counsel, purpose; mischief; counsel, prudence. Academic. This practice is called Gematria. like what?, how?, to pine after, long for; how great?, how long?, how many?, how often? chief man, overseer; leader; prince; noble or excellent things. a band or tie; band to troop; a compacting together; arch, vault (of heaven). to drag along, to pull about; to tear up, tear to rags. to hold, confine, shut up; to restrain, keep back; enclosure; a prison; demarcation. where; where = no where! A Kabbalistic method of interpreting Hebrew words, based on numerical values of letters. to testify or bear witness; to cause to testify, to take for witness. coriander; fortune, a deciding, apportioning; luck. to weave, plait; dog; to be fierce, bold; pr.n. ; to set or lay a foundation; a gift; lot, condition. pr.n. to wave, to shake or scatter out, to squander. La gematría es el cálculo de los equivalentes numéricos de letras, palabras o frases. Since Hebrew letters have long done double duty for numbers, many numbers have evolved meanings substantially like the ideas represented by Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese ideographs. Contact. complete, perfect; wholly; the whole; a holocaust or whole burnt-offering. to bind; twist; writhe; be in contortions; to die; breathe out. thread, yarn, cord; linen, white linen; branches; nobles. 9 people chose this as the best definition of gematria: A numerological system us... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Misc. Gematria definition, a cabbalistic system of interpretation of the Scriptures by substituting for a particular word another word whose letters give the same numerical sum. a window, a hole; thus, now; hitherto; in this manner; how? here; now then; do this then; thus; if not so. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, or phrases. --- one apt to remit or pardon, forgiving. Gematria or gimatria (Hebrew: גימטריה gēmaṭriyā) is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to … Fons Numeris, who taught me Gematria and is far
gematria. to break up or till; to labor or work; to serve. (from. "Window of Yah". "Shearer". to be high; to lift up; to remove; to escape. As you can see from the citations given above, mystical interpretations could be discovered as well as “inferred” by examining the mathematical equivalents of various numeric words and then attempting to discover what those mathematical relationships might mean. to build; lay a foundation; to build upon or up in; to rebuild, restore; grant family prosperity. Gematrija je kalkulacija numeričnih enakovredjih črk, besed ali fraz. god, Jehovah or Yahweh; He/She is; He/She creates. to be still or silent. to harbor or succour; pr. a possessing or occupying; a possession or estate; an inheritance; destiny or lot. gematría. to take up, to raise a weight, to hoist; to lift or put on; to impose; a girdling or fastening on; covering, coating. All Free. In John 21:11, after the resurrection, the disciples caught 153 fish. to open up, reveal; cause to migrate, lead away captive. to roll; a revolving; age; exultation, joy. to be bright, to shine; to make display, boast; to give a clear sound; pr.n. to daub, smear over; to plaster; to besmear. "My Tabernacle in Her" --- symbolic of Jerusalem. ornament, necklace; prostration, suffering, sickness; grief; evil; calamity. The rabbi noted that Harris’ name as it is spelled in the Hebrew media (קמלה האריס) in gematria (Hebrew numerology) equals 451. Hebrew scholars are not the only ones who have given consideration to the concept of gematria, as it is also common to other religions and cultures. ; whatever, somewhat; from, out of. These values are displayed in the 'Value' column in both the Original Text and Strong's Numbers tables. The Greek word for “law” is nomos which has a gematria of 430. to cover; a set time, festival; the new or full moon; a chair or throne. a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters. to leap, start up; to be startled, alarmed. to be firm or strong; haleness, strength; hale old-age. there!, if now! "Moloch" or "King", the name of the Ammonite deity offered human sacrifices by the Israelites. a vessel, the kidney; the inward parts; the kernel or best part. desire, longing; delight; object of delight; lust. habitation; to roll, to be round; dung balls; to dwell; to cohabit with. pr. "Of Gold", a place reich in gold and near Sinai. The Gematria dictionary enables one to view all the Strong Hebrew references that have the same numerical value as a given Strong Hebrew reference ** Change Log ** = 05/07/2017 = to be about to turn aside, deliver, rescue, avert, keep off. Previous List Next List. to feed, to fatten; to collect, to bring together; to fill in, to
to cut off, hew down; stem, trunk, stump; sapling. to kick; tread, trample on; to despise or spurn. to bind, twist; to be firm, strong; nape of the neck; to be great, high, extolled, mighty, important, precious; to grow up; growing, lusty; greatness, honour, majesty; pr.n. Recent Content. preservation of life; sustenance, livelihood; a wound or sore. Each word is shown with its numerical value and its location in the text. to move, shake; to tremble, agitate, disquiet. pr.n. n. "Sabean Man", name of a son of Cush and the Sabean people. pr.n. "Beauty". to flow; to become or be similar or like; to compare, use similitude; to think or deem; to remember; dumb or silent; to rest, to be destroyed; silence. breath; nothingness; vanity; naughtiness; worthlessness; sinfulness; falsehood; hypocrisy; deceit; idolatry; idol; labor or sorrow; distress. to make bare, to strip, uncover, disclose, reveal, open; betray; to fling away; drive into exile; open up; cause to migrate, lead away captive; pr.n. "Beloved" --- David, water skin, leather bottle; the hollow belly. Did you know that, when the Bible states that Abram (Amraham) pursued the kidnappers of Lot with 318 men, it was only with Eliezer his servant? a branch or shoot; a rod or stick; a scepter; empire; a spear; a stem or tribe. to roll, cause to turn; hollow out, excavate; a rolling; dung, ordure. We greatly appreciate your consideration! Plato made reference to Greek gematria, and the Abjad numerals are the Arabic equivalent. to be pressed or pained; to expel, separate, remove. Mythology and notes on points of Qabalistic tradition … to hurt, to pierce; to be sore; feel pain, to suffer; to be sick or sad; pain; grief. English-Hebrew dictionary. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, or phrases. to hold, contain, restrain; to be complete, finished; to be prepared, ready; to be destroyed; to waste away; to fail; to pass away or vanish; conclusion, completion; utterly, completely; destruction, utter ruin; pining, failing; to be stable, firm; a bride, spouse; a daughter-in-law. n. "Overthrow" or "Ruin", a Babylonian province. "Friend"; pr.n. wry, perverse; foolish; a fool; wicked; godless. exultation; heap; fountain, well; bowl; to be hollow. "Adam" -- the first man; man, men, mankind; a male. to turn; to wind; to surround; to be strong, mighty. to be warm, eager; to strive after something; to desire or covet; to take pleasure or delight in; attractiveness, pleasantness. 666 is the number of the antichrist, the numeric value of his name in Greek equivalent gematria. Window or Vent-hole. Pythagoras, the father of mathematics, discovered a great truth when he said, “Numbers are the language of the universe.” In the writings of the ancient philosophers there is common agreement that the purpose of number is for the investigation of the universe. pr.n. A cabalistic method of interpreting Hebrew words, based on numerical values of letters. "Intelligent". Value of the gematria dictionary in Gematria is 1042, Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases values search and words. to be united; oneness, union, community; together, unitedly; alike, equally; all, all as one. Spelling of the letter name Vau in Briah & Yetzirah. Pythagoras, the father of mathematics, discovered a great truth when he said, “Numbers are the language of the universe.” In the writings of the ancient philosophers there is common agreement that the purpose of number is for the investigation of the universe. Many of us even have similar beliefs when it comes to superstitions that are seated in religion, whether we know it or not. La gematría es el cálculo de los equivalentes numéricos de letras, palabras o frases. to flow or run; to sound aloud, shout; to bring; a stream; a blast, signal; the Jubilee. to stroke or rub over, to smooth; to be smooth; to slip out or escape, to be delivered or saved; to deliver oneself, to escape; to hasten away. anything prepared or made up; what holds or contains; a vessel or utensil; garment; baggage; instrument or tool; weapons; a vessel or boat; grasping one --- a miser. pr.n. of Able, Adam's second son --- "Exhalation". to fail or miss; to sin; to forfeit; fault, sin; punishment, penalty; sinner, a guilty one. to be strong, firm; bold, shameless; to decide, order, command. to beget, cohabit; to commit fornication; to commit adultery; to play the harlot; a shore, harlot; religious apostasy; to go whoring. In both Hebrew and Greek (the languages in which the Bible was written), there are only alpha characters. pr.n. to turn, plait or combine, twist together; to be high; to bound or limit; to set, will or wish; to affirm or swear by God; to intreat God. to be smooth, bare, bald; make bald, shear, shave; devastate. mighty or foremost man; great or strong tree, oak, terebinth, palm; buttress, pilaster, piller, post; frieze. --- a pause or silence. Gematria or gimatria (Hebrew: גימטריה, gēmaṭriyā) is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to a person's age, the calendar year, or the like. body; corpse; the name of the lowest soul in Qabalah, fullness, exuberance; an animal, wild beast; fertility. to cut or hollow out; to burn, glow, sparkle. thus; now; hear; this way, that way; hitherto. 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