General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. I would say, sir, that there were something dreadfully wrong somewhere. The whole point of the doomsday machine is lost if you keep it a secret! I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. General Jack D. Ripper quotes. General Jack D. Ripper Quotes: General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war? Lionel Mandrake: Well, I'm afraid I'm still not with you, sir, because, I mean, if a Russian attack was not in progress, then your use of Plan R - in fact, your order to the entire Wing... Oh. Lionel Mandrake: Uh, yes they did. Group Capt. I was laying train lines for the bloody Japanese puff-puff's. And for this reason, men, I want to impress upon you the need for extreme watchfulness. You see, if a Russian attack was in progress, we would certainly not be hearing civilian broadcast. Back in Ripper's office with gunfire sounding in the background, General Ripper puts a comforting - and menacing - arm around a worried Mandrake's shoulder, revealing his completely paranoidal, psycho-sexual, psychotic lunacy. We are given a glimpse of his psychosis when he repeatedly refers to the fact that he only drinks "grain alcohol and rain water," and the quote … Gen. Jack D. Ripper. Let's be Reasonable. General Jack D. Ripper: No, I mean when they tortured you. Group Capt. Annihilate! # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NEW RANDOM. — General Decker, Mars Attacks! I want this flashed to all sections immediately. Lionel Mandrake : No. With Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn. In the two years it has been my privilege to be your commanding officer, I have always expected the best from you, and you have never given me anything less than that. in Movie Quotes. We must not allow him to gain entrance to this base. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence. Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper is the main antagonist of the 1964 black comedy film Dr. Strangelove (or how I learned to Stop Worrying and Love … Group Capt. Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Well, no, I can't say I have. Ripper: I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Luckily I-I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. #General Jack D. Ripper, Quote from the movie Dr. Strangelove Free download (17) You know, I happen to believe in a life after this one, and I know I'll have to answer for what I've done. Group Capt. [Mandrake snaps to attention and salutes]. Quotes / General Ripper. Jack, if you must know; not a pretty story. It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? ~ Robert Schlesinger The enemy may come individually, or he may come in strength. Throughout this nightmare comedy, U.S. President Merkin Muffley is the voice of reason, often butting heads with the hotheaded, warmongering Gen. Buck Turgidson over how to deal with the crisis caused by the psychotic Gen. Ripper. When did you first... become... well, develop this theory? How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? General Jack D. Ripper: Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face. . And for this reason, men, I want to impress upon you the need for extreme watchfulness. "King" Kong Multiple Characters Narrator President Merkin Muffley. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. General Jack D. Ripper: Yes, a uh, a profound sense of fatigue... a feeling of emptiness followed. He launched his wing of B-52's on an irrevocable attack mission because of a paranoid delusion involving Communists, fluoride, and his "precious bodily fluids". Lionel Mandrake: I'm afraid, sir, I must ask you for the key, and the recall code. General Ripper. Named for Air Force General Jack D. Ripper, the patriotic madman who triggered World War III in the film Dr. Strangelove. In a departure from our usual behind-the-scenes-type operations, the Consent Factory announces today its endorsement of USAF Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper for President. Group Capt. Quotes 10 photos. Literary. Quotes /. I'm what you might call a water man, Jack - that's what I am. But however he comes, we must stop him. Given the recent and ongoing series of relentless attacks on America, and democracy itself, being perpetrated more or less around the clock by the Russians (hereinafter the "Rooskies"), Wikileaks, Trump, and… Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream. Lionel Mandrake: [very nervous] Lord, Jack. Lionel Mandrake: Erm, what about the planes, sir? Your commie has no regard for human life, not even his own. Any variation of these rules must come from me personally. Did you talk? He may even come in the uniform of our own troops. General Jack D. Ripper: Did they torture you? General Jack D. Ripper: Now why don't you just take it easy, Group Captain, and please make me a drink of grain alcohol and rainwater, and help yourself to whatever you'd like. I don't, Jack. Lionel Mandrake: Oh, hell. Lionel Mandrake: Oh, well, I don't know, Jack, difficult to think of under these conditions; but, well... what happened was they got me on the old Rangoon-Ichinawa railway. No wonder he was so convincing as Gen. Jack D. Ripper in Dr. Strangelove . Strangelove quotes visions of america. Lionel Mandrake: No, I don't think I do, sir, no. Lionel Mandrake: Not an exercise, sir? They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. Lionel Mandrake: No, I don't think I do, sir, no. Ripper quotes the character quotes dr. Strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb quotes. Group Capt. But I do deny them my essence. General Jack D. Ripper: Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face. Lionel Mandrake Major T. J. I... first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love. Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? My attack orders have been issued, and the orders stand. Lionel Mandrake: Is it that bad, sir? I was. Ripper orders Mandrake to put the base on red alert and tells the Captain that war with the Russians has started. Lionel Mandrake : Hmm. Loss of essence. Women, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. Lionel Mandrake: Oh, I'm absolutely positive about it. Ice cream, Mandrake? The enemy may come individually, or he may come in strength. General Jack D. Ripper: Nineteen hundred and forty-six. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I was tortured by the Japanese. The General also orders that all the radios on base be confiscated so that saboteurs can't try to make contact. He may even come in the uniform of our own troops. Lionel Mandrake: No, I don't think I do, sir, no. Group Capt. Colonel 'Bat' Guano Dr. Strangelove General "Buck" Turgidson General Jack D. Ripper. in TV Shows. General Jack D. Ripper: You know when fluoridation first began? Somehow this straight man is still hilarious—probably because he's one of the three characters played by Peter Sellers.. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. And for this reason, men, I want to impress upon you the need for extreme watchfulness. General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war? I do not avoid women, Mandrake. "Every madman has his agenda." Group Capt. In the 1964 movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, General Jack D. Ripper launches a nuclear strike against … 59 total quotes. Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper is the main antagonist of the 1964 black comedy film, Dr. Strangelove (or how I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb).He was Captain Mandrake's supervisor and the Strategic Air Command General who blamed the Russians for contaminating his "precious bodily fluids" and ruining his sexual performance and was convinced they were planning a sneak attack. Gen. Jack D. Ripper: "I-I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love...Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Discover and share General Jack D Ripper Quotes. Quotes about Hayden Sterling Hayden — working under the assumed name John Hamilton — parachuted into Croatia and was strafed by German planes. Browse more character quotes from Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964). It looks like we're in a shooting war. General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals. ~ Ripper revealing his true nature to Mandrake. Group Capt. Your commie has no regard for human life, not even his own. Have you got them handy, sir? Mandrake: Hmm. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. Loss of essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. Group Capt. Discover and share the most famous quotes by Dr. Strangelove. Lionel Mandrake: Well, if you'll excuse me saying so, sir, that would be, to my way of thinking, rather... well, rather an odd way of looking at it. General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals.When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. KILL! "We have to strike now, sir! Group Capt. Now, men, in conclusion, I would like to say that, in the two years it has been my privilege to be your commanding officer, I have always expected the best from you, and you have never given me anything less than that. The doomsday clock is ticking. Group Capt. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. General Jack Ripper Quotes Quotesgram. A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Could he press the button in the middle of the night? Today, the nation is counting on us. General Jack D. Ripper: I shouldn't tell you this, Mandrake, but you're a good officer and you've a right to know. Loss of essence. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. I do deny them my essence. General Jack D. Ripper: The base is being put on Condition Red. Are there enough adults watching Trump 24 hours a day? —General Jack D. Ripper "General Turgidson, I find this very difficult to understand. General Jack D. Ripper: Were you ever a prisoner of war? But however he comes, we must stop him. General Jack D. Ripper: Well, what happened? I don't think they wanted me to say anything. General Jack D. Ripper: Are you certain of that, Mandrake? How i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb 1964 general jack d. How i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb 1964 sterling hayden as brig. General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals. If you'll excuse me, sir. Surely we must issue the recall code immediately. Group Capt. 1946, Mandrake. General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water? “General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war? Today war is too important to be left to politicians. General Jack D. Ripper: I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. General Jack D. Ripper initiates global nuclear devastation as a result of his sexual dysfunction, which, in his paranoia, he blames on a communist conspiracy. Strangelove is a perfect spoof of political and military insanity beginning when general jack d. Communist subversion and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. Group Capt. General Jack D. Ripper: And what if it is true? Essential to a full appreciation of the satire of Dr. Strangelove is an understanding that the nuclear devastation results not from any political disagreement, but from the desperate attempt by a crazed member of the U.S. military to explain away the loss of his sexual power by any means necessary. View Quote. General jack d ripper quotes quotesgram the famous General Jack D. Ripper: Your Commie has no regard for human life, not even his own. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life … I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Group Capt. But however he comes, we must stop him. Lionel Mandrake: Well... yes I was, matter of fact, Jack. Strange thing is they make such bloody good cameras. KILL!!" Group Capt. Mandrake: Hmm. Group Capt. (3) I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist … I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Not a thing, Jackie. I would sooner accept a few casualties through accidents rather losing the entire base and its personnel through carelessness. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? General jack d ripper quotes quotesgram the famous. Group Capt. Certainly without any choice. General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war?. Group Capt. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love...Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. An insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust that a War Room … It was just their way of having a bit of fun, the swines. And I can swear to you, my boy, swear to you, that there's nothing wrong with my bodily fluids. General Jack D. Ripper: Looks like it's pretty hairy. I... first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. Lionel Mandrake: Ah, oh, no... well, I don't think they wanted me to talk really. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. General Jack D. Ripper: Group Captain, the planes are not gonna be recalled. Are the Russians involved, sir? The enemy may come individually, or he may come in strength. Group Capt. General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals.When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. Directed by Stanley Kubrick. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Lionel Mandrake: General Ripper, Sir, as an officer in Her Majesty's Air Force, it is my clear duty, under the present circumstances, to issue the recall code, upon my own authority, and bring back the Wing. General Jack D. Ripper: Group Captain, I'm afraid this is not an exercise. Lionel Mandrake: Condition Red, sir, yes, jolly good idea. Good luck to you all. He may even come in the uniform of our own troops. Lionel Mandrake: I... no, no. Lionel Mandrake: Uh, Jack, Jack, listen... tell me, tell me, Jack. Trump is Gen. Jack D. Ripper incarnate. Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. General Jack D. Ripper : I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. That keeps the men on their toes. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. Group Capt. We must not allow him to gain entrance to this base. Group Capt. Now, I'm going to give you THREE SIMPLE rules: First, trust NO one, whatever his uniform or rank, unless he is known to you personally; Second, anyone or anything that approaches within 200 yards of the perimeter is to be FIRED UPON; Third, if in doubt, shoot first then ask questions afterward. Loss of essence. Ripper: Yes, a uh, a profound sense of fatigue... a feeling of emptiness followed. Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper Quotes Women sense my power and they seek the life essence. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. We're not going to let them down. „. in Literary Quotes. I … Two can play at that game, soldier!...That's nice shooting soldier! 1946, Mandrake. Any variation on these rules must come from me personally. Group Capt. Movies; TV Shows; Books; Authors; Blog; Dr. Strangelove Quotes. I was under the impression that I was the only one in authority to order the use of nuclear weapons." 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