]; probably alteration of earlier goofus in same sense; compare goof. ' 1917 in Niles Singing Soldiers 5: Why, Oley, you rum-befuddled goovus, I'll bet you don't remember your orders. He claimed the all-round "championship" of the the 27th Division as a detail ducker. An incompetent, foolish, or stupid person. n., pl. he doesn't seem to have fallen i… Doo-doo, of course, is baby talk for excrement, and Chapman & Kipfer says that that term has been in use since the 1940s. Where does the word “humbug” originally come from? Both Dufus and Doofus seem to be common on the web, so I'm not sure which is the correct spelling, if either. The Singing Soldiers book appears to be from 1927, rather than 1917, judging from several other sources. slaverin doof; it sets him weil/To yoke a plough where Patrick thought to till./Gif I were Meg, I'd let young Master see—. [origin obscure: perhaps alteration of goofus ‘foolish person’; compare German doof , stupid, dopey] “Goofus,” however, is not in this dictionary, though “goof” is ( 1 a foolish or stupid person, or 2 a mistake, a blunder). slaverin Doof. Goofus has bad manners and is absent minded. The word dufus I am sure comes from the doofi that cannot spell. 1966 C. Cooper. orignally means "deaf" (akin to English deaf). Where does 'doofus' (or perhaps 'dufus') come from? :) im hoping to make a very special halloween sculpture soon too :D. See All. noun doofuses. In fact, Joseph Wright, The English Dialect Dictionary, D–G (1900) correctly identifies that first citation for "slaverin doof"as coming from three years earlier, from Allan Ramsay, The Gentle Shepherd (1725): Mause. Should a gas Aga be left on when not in use? You would use them mainly in a lovable way now. by RC59 January 16, 2019. It is mainly the context in how they were used back in the day. Gif Pate forsakes her, Bauldy she may gain;/Yonder he comes, and wow but he looks fain!/ Nae doubt he thinks that Peggy's now his ain. -fus•es. Even if Steve was a doofus, Nichols and Rand were quite willing to work for … Doofus is a rather dim-witted and clumsy character with a positive attitude that is just as insatiable as his appetite. ]a foolish or inept person. Was the storming of the US Capitol orchestrated by the Left? My brother-in-law is a dufus. Also dufus. Means that you do stupid things, not necessarily that you are dumb. a doofus often thinks they are a bit smarter then everyone else. Means somebody that is quirky, different, maybe a little spazzy. doofus. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. So, a quick Google search for "etymology doofus" produces: Perhaps from German doof (“stupid”), from Low German where it 1. a fool; dolt; oaf.—often attrib. A gadget, device, or object whose name is either unknown or forgotten. The tone of voice is usually affectionate and endearing. The word goofus and doofus are different. the terms goofus and doofus have different meanings in the US. doof n. {of Scots orig. He get her! It is definitely doofus, just like it is not duf, but doof, when say "Ya doof.". A doofus is a dummy or a simpleton — in other words, a goofy person who's not very smart. Do we have any idea where/how it originated? Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says former Vice President Joe Biden is a “doofus” who will become a “very radical Democrat” by the time of the general election against President Trump. According to the Wikipedia article on the comic strip, "Goofus & Gallant" debuted in 1940 in Children's Activities magazine, moved to Highlights for Children in 1946, and continues to appear in the now-renamed Highlights: Fun with a Purpose. ‘a doofus who paid an inflated price for a tatty house’. A stupid person. Bad boy goofus. A doofus views defeating a 6 year old at a game of tic tac toe. dolt. JUST NOT THEIR DAY; Hathaway and Sturgess fail to make courtship believable Shreyas Talpade lives it up as the dufus in uniform. It's intriguing that an English word might have descended via separate routes from words in two different languages which mean the same thing [that is, stupid]. 1964 N.Y.C. Here, in case Hugo's comment disappears for some reason, is the quotation from J. Lardner's 1955 New York Times Magazine article: Doofus lost every round from the third, but they give him the duke! Gingrich weighed in on the 2020 presidential race and Biden’s chances during a Thursday appearance on “Fox & Friends,” assuring that Trump is set to win re-election. alter. informal North American. (slang) A person with poor judgment and taste. Do you have to see the person, the armor, or the metal when casting heat metal? A person who lacks intelligence. es Slang. And again from Lighter, the entry for goofus: goofus n. a fool; idiot [First references:] 1917 Wadsworth Gas Attack 19: Joe Goofus, of the 105th Infantry was a Wise Guy. But goofus is not necessarily a doofus. high-school student: Man, you're such a doofus!...Hey, doofus! doofus 228 GIFs. schoolboy: You doofus! He exhibits hero worship for Launchpad, which frequently borders on the delusional (the relationship between Doofus and Launchpad, in many ways, mirrors that of Launchpad and Scrooge). How do you access an external USB hard drive and empty its Trash folder? Doofus doesn't appear in Partridge's [abridged] Concise Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (1989), suggesting that the word originated in the United States. Doofus definition is - a stupid, incompetent, or foolish person. I don't get that chart when I search Google (but do get plenty of other useful results). Informal Terms[Slang. In his first band, Dufus, Seth led what was possibly the most creative and well-loved underground band in the anti-folk/freakfolk communities of New York and beyond. If you heard them on TV they were both considered very harsh words at the time. @J.R. And note goofus would not have worked or made sense there. Where did the term “fickle mistress” come from? You will find both in movie quotes starting in the 60s (maybe in the 50s but would have been heavy language then) and throughout the 80s. Here is part of the entry for the word in Chapman & Kipfer, Dictionary of American Slang, Third Edition (1995): doofus by 1960s (also doof or doofis or dufus) ... A fool; idiot = AIRHEAD, BIRDBRAIN, BOOB ... [probably related to doo-doo and goofus]. It's kind of a cool word. when a doofus makes silly comments at the dinner table and everyone rolls their eyes they think everyone got something in their eye at the same time. ; prob. Can I bring a single shot of live ammunition onto the plane from US to UK as a souvenir? He conquered his Earth and became the richest and most successful man there, but with no sympathy or regard towards others. doofus (plural doofuses or doofi) 1. First, for doofus: doofus or dufus n. {prob. of GOOFUS but cf. It only takes a minute to sign up. DOOF; not, as sometimes claimed, of Yid[dish] orig.} Is italicizing parts of dialogue for emphasis ever appropriate? slang. He is a power-hungry man who is unable to accept rejection, beating his version Jerry up when he refused his offer to trade lives. Then the other kid has nothing else to do but throw a punch because those were fighting words. rev 2021.1.15.38327, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. . 1. a fool; dolt; oaf.—often attrib. COP COMEDIES And when he marries the spoilt Sylvie (Romola Garai), poor old Emma settles for a fellow restaurant lackey and all-round dufus Ian (Rafe Spall). Sort: Relevant Newest # dummy # homer simpson # episode 11 # season 11 # garbage # blind # police # cop # twirl # nypd # doofus # season 3 # bart simpson # episode 10 # stupid # what? doo•fus1 (do̅o̅′fəs), USA pronunciation. Domain usage: colloquialism (a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech) What are the criteria for a molecule to be chiral? Hi Noji: the question is focused not on the meaning or usage of the word, but its origin. I'm not persuaded by the proffered etymology here, though it's certainly possible—especially if the word was coined by children in the United States. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Nichols had called Bonilla a doofuswho was too damn stupid to realize that he was being taken by a hooker with a convincing sob story. Also playing: Seth Faergolzia TOWIE'S resident dufus Arg denies he's jealous of best pal Mark Wright's bromance in … More example sentences. goff Apparently < French goffe awkward, stupid, < Italian goffo (Spanish gofo), of uncertain origin. Stocks Genius or Dot-Com Doofus?– Wired News 1.2. 1960–65, [ American. Goofus: Has the modern iteration of goofball. [First references:] 1960 N.Y.C. Where did the term 'moral fiber' come from? Hypernyms ("doofus" is a kind of...): simple; simpleton (a person lacking intelligence or common sense). How to use doofus in a sentence. Boris Johnson is a wolf in sheep's clothing - his sheep shirt scruffily untucked from his sheep trousers, to further promote the loveable, Shame he got fired at the end of the episode though as he, while admittedly a, He's developed a particular persona - and the suspicion is that it's very much a persona - of a fun-loving, good natured, A dingus is like a goof, but not an idiot and not to be confused with a, But it's understandably hard to convince anyone that the growly, scary-looking dog is actually a big, friendly, "Any adult who puts on a cap risks looking like a clueless, But if you truly, ultimately value a large bank balance over meaningful experiences, you're what's known in the psychological literature as a, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, bevan on the box; casts a critical eye over the week's tv. Both terms kind of died down but not out in the 90s. These are both slang terms. 1788 in SND: A bigger doof was never seen. 1.1. A person who lacks intelligence. I Dream I Am Walking the Streets of an Unknown Metropolis with Anthony Bourdain and He Thinks Me a Bit of a Doofus, 'Pokemon Go' Developer Teases Next AR Game, Away from me: absence absolutely does make the heart grow fonder, but it can also teach you a few things about your dogs, A&A art print: respond and connect: Albrecht Durer, The Young Hare, 1502, Doof Bleibt Doof, da Helfen Keine Pillen Und Keine Kalten Umschlaege, Doof Bleibt Doof, da Helfen Keine Pillen Und Keine Medizin. In view of the facts that doof (with the meaning "dolt, doofus") has existed in Scots English since at least 1725 and that goofus (with the meaning "fool, idiot") has been around since World War I, it seems not at all far-fetched to suppose that doofus (which Hugo, in a comment below this answer, traces to a first occurrence in the New York Times Magazine of December 25, 1955) was derived from a mashup of doof and goofus. fool. What's the source for the chart (presumably when click More)? Find more words! [Perhaps blend of doof, fool (from Scots) and goofus, fool (from goof ).] Where does the phrase “fair do's/dues/doos/does” come from? "Dictionary of American Slang" says "probably related to doo-doo and… See definitions of doofus. You might decide not to buy a top hat and suspenders after trying them on, looking in a mirror, and realizing you look like a doofus. An incompetent, foolish, or stupid person. I'm [suffix] to [prefix] it, [infix] it's [whole]. Origin of doofus Perhaps from German doof (“stupid”), from Low German where it orignally means "deaf" (akin to English deaf). Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names Our camera work leaves a little to be desired but we’ll try and do better in the future. Danny is such a doofus! imbecile. Yes - I still love the highlight picture search. doofus Origin uncertain: perhaps an alteration of goofus n.1 Perhaps compare German doof stupid, dopey, goof Apparently a use of dialect goof, goff n.2. Lighter's excellent Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang (1994), I decided to add some of the details of its coverage of doofus and goofus to my earlier answer. Working my way through the commissions list at the moment <3 no new makes to show at the moment as so many are gifts for christmas :D we have new tutorials coming up soon though! What does a faster storage device affect? of GOOFUS but cf. [origin obscure: perhaps alteration of goofus ‘foolish person’; compare German doof , stupid, dopey] “Goofus,” however, is not in this dictionary, though “goof” is ( 1 a foolish or stupid person, or 2 a mistake, a blunder). The Wadsworth Gas Attack citation is from the December 15, 1917 issue of that periodical, in an article titled "The Detail Ducker and the Terrible Teuton": Joe Goofus of the 105th Infantry was a Wise Guy. Flag. What should I do when I have nothing to do at the end of a sprint? Noun. Dads of the world unite! [First references:] 1728 in [Grant,] S[cottish] N[ational] Dictionary]: He get her! What prevents a government from taxing its citizens living abroad. I see that J.R. and RyeBread have already weighed in on this U.S. cultural landmark. Like if you had two kids fighting on a playground one might say "You are a doofus." Want to improve this question? Doofus,as commonly used in my various cicles back to the 60's, is an amiable and likable person who can't help but "goof"up. Explain for kids — Why isn't Northern Ireland demanding a stay/leave referendum like Scotland? Source: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/feb/27/robert-macfarlane-word-hoard-rewilding-landscape, [from the excellent Cambridge academic Robert Macfarlane]. Interesting, do you have any sources that reference the 'harsh' usage? DOOF; not, as sometimes claimed, of Yid[dish] orig.} But maybe the point was to anesthetize children before they got into the dentist's chair. ‘So I'm not saying that you're wrong, exactly, that we shouldn't portray men as doofuses as often as we do; I just think that the cure is probably worse than the disease.’. alter. After all, dads need funny stories just to get by. high-school student: Man, you're such a doofus!...Hey, doofus! I was surprised to see how late the term doofus arrived in American English. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Se usa el artículo masculino (el, un) o femenino (la, una) según el caso. Update the question so it's on-topic for English Language & Usage Stack Exchange. less common spelling of doofus. doofus noun (also dufus) (pl. The plural form of doofus is doofuses or doofi (humorous). Aside from the mildly entertaining (but usually already circled in pencil) hidden pictures feature, I remember nothing fun about Highlights. Author Mark E. Johnson, a.k.a, Doofus Dad, writes funny stories for dads. DUFUS means Stupid Person (see also DOOFUS). Doofus: Has the modern iteration of big-dummy. D… What was wrong with John Rambo’s appearance? Unlike most other of his counterparts, this Jerry was cruel, sadistic, ruthless, selfish, greedy, violent and psychopathic. –uses) a stupid or inept person; an idiot. Dufus is an alternative form of doofus. No discussion about the etymology of Goofus would be complete without at least a mention of. The word expresses frustration without harsh or souless criticism. Goofus and doofus were slang terms used in the black and white days of the US. This page explains how DOOFUS is used on Snapchat, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as in texts and chat forums such as Teams. How to ask to attach the plots vertically in the given code? doofus or dufus n. {prob. … What will happen if a legally dead but actually living person commits a crime after they are declared legally dead? Dufus definition: → doofus | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 6. # spongebob squarepants # season 8 # episode 11 # mermaid man begins # … doofus noun (also dufus) (pl. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. 1998, Ann Rule, In the Name of Love, in In the Name of Love and Other True Cases: Ann Rule's Crime Files Volume 4, page 185, 1.1.1. Get a dufus mug for your fish Manafort. 1966 C. Cooper site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Now they are mild at best. Doofus or dufus is slang for a person prone to stupidity or foolishness, and may refer to Dufus (band), an American anti-folk band; Doofus, an alternative comic by Rick Altergott; Doofus Drake, a character on DuckTales; See also. You can access all of our videos on our very own YouTube Channel. idiot. Example My brother-in-law is a dufus. Madge. This page explains how DUFUS is used on Snapchat, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as in texts and chat forums such as Teams. The same reference says that goofus (in the sense of "stupid person") goes at least as far back as 1918. 1.1. Are you saying that it originated in the 1960s (if so, a source for that would be helpful), or that you used it then (in which case, you aren't addressing the question)? Is Rob Gronkowski going to be the next American action hero? Sci-fi book in which people can photosynthesize with their hair. Dofus, a 2004 fantasy MMORPG; Doof (disambiguation) This book does have an entry for doof, but it is identified as a Northumberland teenager term meaning to strike or punch. He admitted it. [First references:] 1960 N.Y.C. schoolboy: You doofus! 1.1.2. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. doofus, dufus n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Once he heard of multiple dimensions, he jumped at the idea of conquering the entire multiverse. Since I now have access to J.E. doofus or dufus is slang for a person prone to stupidity or foolishness, and may refer to Dufus (band), an American anti-folk band doofus (comics), an alternative comic by Rick Altergott doofus Drake, a character on DuckTales: 12. OED has an interesting chain of etymology. American children who visited dentists' offices in the 1950s and 1960s are likely to have been exposed to a feature in the magazine Highlights for Children called "Goofus and Gallant," which illustrated proper (in the line-drawn person of a neatly dressed boy named Gallant) and improper (in the person of a budding slob named Goofus) etiquette. dufus. : a stupid, incompetent, or foolish person. DOOFUS means Stupid Person (see also DUFUS). 1964 N.Y.C. What would cause a culture to keep a distinct weapon for centuries? US, pejorative, informal (fool) tonto, tonta nm, nf nombre masculino, nombre femenino: Sustantivo que varía en género. a clueless person, most always lacking even the most basic social skills. –uses) a stupid or inept person; an idiot. As nouns the difference between dufus and doofus is that dufus is (colloquial) an inept or stupid person while doofus is (slang) a person with poor judgment and taste. An imbecile or idiot. A dumb person. I don't know if this is correct, but it may be related to 'doofers', Scots for 'horse shit' which also doubles up as an insult. [closed], The Detail Ducker and the Terrible Teuton, http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/feb/27/robert-macfarlane-word-hoard-rewilding-landscape. DOOFUS Meaning: "dolt, idiot, nerd," by 1960s. related to G doof 'dense, stupid, dull-witted'; ...1. a dolt; DOOFUS. When was the phrase "sufficiently smart compiler" first used? 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Se usa el artículo masculino ( el, un ) o femenino ( la, )... Term doofus arrived in American English attitude that is quirky, different, maybe a little to the..., '' by 1960s TV they were both considered very harsh words at the idea of conquering the multiverse. Try and do better in the sense of `` stupid person ( see dufus...