The reasons why celebrity led product endorsements are so successful are simple: NEVER BEFORE has the consumer been so aware of, or responsive to, celebrity led advertising and endorsements. Celebrity politics have become common-place in UK elections. Thank you. Multiple celebrity endorsement. Copyright of all images and video used on this site are either owned by Useful Group or used with the permission of the copyright owners. A source has the power when they can actually administer reward or punishment to the receiver. Copyright © 2003 - 2021 - All Answers Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Marketers believe that the use of a popular celebrity will favourably influence consumers’ feeling, attitudes and purchase behaviour. In 2015, the Labour Party secured the endorsements of Eddie Izzard and Ben Elton who appeared with Coronation Street actress Sally Lindsay at a rally in Warrington. Ohanian (1990, cited in Belch and Belch, 2009) found that the perceived expertise of celebrity endorsers was more important in explaining purchase intentions than their attractiveness or trustworthiness. The complexity of consumer buying behaviour is coordinated with a complexity in assessing the effect of sports celebrity advertising on such behaviour, Celebrity Vs Non-Celebrity Endorsement 232. In particular literature is explored which examines the influence of sports celebrities in advertising products/brands. Celebrity endorsement have … Calvin Klein + Justin Bieber. Atkin and Block (1983) consider that the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement is due to the fact consumers believe that the celebrity does ‘not really work for the endorsement fee, but are motivated by genuine affection for the product’. For example, The Target 140 campaign set out to reduce daily water consumption by 20% in Brisbane, Australia. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. These figures demonstrate the prevalence of the celebrity appeal as a method of persuasive communication (Hsu and McDonald, 2002). The central point of this investigation will focus on whether celebrity endorsement has an impact on consumer’s motivation to purchase, and will be primarily looking at sports celebrities. Company Registration No: 4964706. Celebrity Endorsement Effect on Consumer Behaviour within the UK Fast Fashion Industry. A deeper insight in the complex process of celebrity endorsement is provided by the ‘meaning transfer model’, this will be discussed in section 1.12. . The Tiger Woods scandal has already been noted within this research paper and is one of the more widespread examples of celebrity endorsement ‘gone wrong'. According to Kahle and Homer (1985) attractive sources are more effective in terms of attitude change when advertising brands that enhance individual’s attractiveness. Information on this site is provided strictly as a free information resource for the Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations industry and is not intended for public access. This is based on how honest the celebrity is about what they say concerning the brand (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2009). This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. The conclusion will draw deductions on whether celebrity endorsements do influence consumer’s motivation to purchase. Premeaux (2005 cited in Bailey, 2007) suggests the reason why this figure is so high is the ‘ability of the celebrity endorser to get and hold attention with evidence of the positive impact of celebrity endorsers on brand recall’. The author will present a general understanding of the topic, in the first chapter. This investigation will emphasis on the use of sporting celebrities in advertisements as they have achieved their celebrity status through sporting success as opposed to it being either ascribed or attributed ‘Achieved celebrity derives from the perceived accomplishments of the individual in open competition… In the public realm they are recognised as individuals who possess rare talents or skills.’ (Rojek, 2001). This provides an important incentive to use sports celebrities as part of their advertising promotion as celebrities attract consumers’ attention with their appealing status which organisation feel will benefit the products awareness (Erdogan, 1999). A series of stages must be passed through before an ultimate decision is made whether to purchase or not, during this process a brand choice will be made. Therefore it is important that marketers carry out consumer research and analysis to be aware of important trends and evaluate these aspects. As a result, advertising agencies worldwide are increasingly seeking to benefit from our extensive experience and advice on which celebrities to approach and how to cost the various elements of these endorsement contracts. Vital Attributes of a Celebrity Endorser 66. One determinant of the extent a consumer will evaluate a brand is the involvement the product entails; high involvement decisions means there is a need for extensive evaluation and information search (Hawkins et al, 1992). Pepsi eventually pulled the ad and apologized . The term “endorsement” can be used in several contexts. They found that the celebrity version of the advertisement had higher rates on the dependant variables; probable taste, advertising believability and purchase intention, compared to the non-celebrity version’. This chapter will examine both primary and secondary research methods that have been utilised in this study to enable the author to meet the specified aims and objectives. George Clooney & Nespresso – successfully conveyed Nespresso’s image as an elegant and sophisticated brand. Firstly, the meaning related with the celebrity moves from the endorser to the product/brand. O. ver the weekend, Neil Young publicly endorsed Bernie Sanders in the 2020 presidential race – adding his name to the long list of celebrities who have backed the Vermont Senator. Disclaimer: This dissertation has been written by a student and is not an example of our professional work, which you can see examples of here. No plagiarism, guaranteed! For an advertisement campaign to have the desired effectiveness on consumer’s behaviour, the selected celebrity must have certain attributes to attract and retain the consumer’s attention. In 2004, Jackson signed a deal with Vitaminwater's parent company, which landed him a minority stake in the business. Freiden (1984) concluded that celebrities are particularly effective endorsers because they are viewed as highly trustworthy, believable, persuasive, and likeable. According to industry sources, approximately 20% of all television commercials feature a famous person, and approximately 10% of the dollars spent on television advertising are used in celebrity endorsement advertisements (Sherman, 1985 cited in Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995). These attributes will be discussed in section 1.8. Celebrity endorsements within retail can also help engage consumers nowadays as they tend to remember and acknowledge a retailer more if a celebrity is the face of the brand. Consumer Purchasing Process and Motivation. Various research investigations have explored the congruency between celebrity endorsers and brands to examine the effectiveness of using celebrities to advertise products/brands. However the celebrity heat is even more evident in Japan with around 70 percent of Japanese commercials featuring a celebrity (Kilburn, 1998). It's unclear how celebrity endorsements, especially the most unusual ones, come to be. Celebrity Endorsement refers to a marketing strategy whose purpose is to use one or multiple celebrities to advertise a specific product or service. Examples of celebrity endorsement in a sentence, how to use it. Celebrity Endorsement Effect on Consumer Behaviour within the UK Fast Fashion Industry. The evaluation of an object is affected by how the evaluation will fit with other related attitudes held by the consumer. The use of athlete endorsements provides an opportunity for companies to associate with attributes not found in other types of celebrities. It has been suggested that each member of the household has definable roles within the decision making process which includes: initiator or gatekeeper, influencer, decider, buyer and user (Blackwell et al, 2006 pp. Celebrities project lifestyle messages that brands can tap into to position their products or services. This section will show the results obtained from primary data, which will be analysed and evaluated against theoretical research presented within the literature review. Although traditional advertising knowledge suggests the meaning of an elite product contract with the celebrity, uniqueness comes with a high price label. This chapter will interpret and evaluate the findings from primary research conducted in conjunction with academic literature. The number of organisations now using celebrities in their advertising has increased, as according to Stephens and Rice (1998) In the USA, the use of celebrity endorsers have increased from a little over 15 percent to approximately 25 percent of all adverts between 1979 and 1997. The nature of celebrity endorsements is changing, and high-profile celebrities are no longer out of reach for small companies, says Evan Morgenstein, chief executive of US-based firm Celeb Experts. Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) believes that sports ‘celebrities can be a powerful force in creating interest or actions with regard to purchasing or using selected goods or services.’ However Foxall and Goldsmith (1998) believe that a celebrity endorsement does not create a strong pre-purchase attitude but can impact and cause change in the consumer’s perception process. Thus, balance theory is useful in explaining attitude formation and attitude change. And while a Kylie Jenner-endorsed Fendi look might set you back about a few paychecks, right now, Lyst says that the Fendi logo tights are their most-wanted items from the fashion house right now. We were delighted to have worked with you and Pollyanna Woodward & Ortis Deley on the THREE campaign, Thanks for arranging Pierluigi Collina to work with Mars Foods Ltd. on Snickers. All work is written to order. If problem recognition is high then information search and evaluation of alternative options are two potential further stages in the process. Rory McIlroy is promoting Santander's new cash Isa. Just as one can easily recall examples of celebrity endorsements gone wrong, there are also instances where celebrities have campaigned for a cause with clarity and candour. Moreover, Tripp et al (1994) showed that the number of exposures to a celebrity advertisement negatively influenced consumers’ intention to purchase. It can be assumed that a communicator (celebrity) can be perceived as knowledgeable and a person with expertise. Some parties which only contest elections in certain parts of the United Kingdom endorsed political parties in areas they do not contest. Transferring of money from one person to another through bank transactions is also considered an endorsement. The ‘endorsement letter for scholarship’ seeks to elicit that financial aid package. This investigations main purpose is to explore the influences that celebrity endorsements have on the consumers’ motivation to purchase, in particular focusing on sports celebrities. With the growing importance of social media in a shopper’s purchase journey, companies are evolving and stepping up the endorsement game across different channels. Celebrity endorsement on social media. Similarity: In terms of similarity, Belch and Belch (2009) claims that individuals are more likely to be influenced by a message coming from someone with whom they feel a sense of similarity. These social media campaign examples are just a sample of how brands have successfully used celebrity … The second highest paid celebrity on our list, he received a jaw dropping 100 million dollars in return for attaching his name-and face-to their products. This in turn, to apply the following attributes in the methodology part of the study. The degree of congruence between the new information (the brand attributes) and the existing information (the celebrity’s characteristics) may then influence the level of recall of the new information. In the wake of sponsors cutting their ties with the disgraced fomer cycling champion Lance Armstrong amid doping allegations from US anti-doping chiefs, Marketing Week looks at the five celebrity endorsement deals brands might wish they had never signed. 5. However the power source characteristic is very difficult to apply in a non-personal influence situation such as advertising. According to Belch and Belch (2009), the term source, when talking about the involvement in communicating a marketing message, can occur either be directly or indirectly. “It is evident from the list that 2016 has seen more social media influencers contending with traditional celebrities for endorsement opportunities. Celebrity Endorsement Marketing Dissertation. It is essential that marketers select an appropriate spokesperson to communicate the message of the brand to consumers effectively, as if a celebrity is chosen that is not admired or relatable to the target market this will hinder the advertisements effectiveness. This occurs because consumers’ desire harmony in their beliefs, and it would be unstable (unbalanced) to have a positively valued element linked to a negatively valued element. Furthermore, when an organisation decides to use an endorsement strategy as their marketing communication method, one of the main focuses lies within exposing the brand (Kotler, Armstrong, Wong and Saunders, 2008). Celebrities past to present have tried their hand at commercial fame, many prevailing to success, while others left audiences confused - like Kathy Griffin's expletive-filled ad for Squatty Potty. Not surprising then that statistics prove that advertising including a celebrity out-perform 2-1 those without. A celebrity may desire to endorse a product/brand, believing that the product/brand is a good strategic fit. O’Guinn et al (2008 pp 349) describes that ‘a celebrity testimonial will increase the adverts ability to attract attention and produce a desire in receivers attempting to emulate or imitate the celebrities in which they admire’. 50 Cent, was picked to shill for Vitaminwater when the company saw him holding a bottle in a photo (which, ironically, was an ad for another company). It’s one of the most quoted television advertisements … It does so principally by seeking endorsement from a would-be financier. David Beckham & H&M. However alternatively the consumer could re-evaluate sentiment toward the brand to make it negative and hold a negative attitude of the endorser; this would also ‘balance’ (Dean, 2002). When an organisation considers choosing a celebrity for their advertising campaign, they need to analyse the previous knowledge a celebrity has or how they will utilise their knowledge in the exposure stage. Branding strategies used by organisations should be aware of factors that may effect an individual’s motivation with regards to needs satisfaction when obtaining products/brands through the initial stages of the consumer decision making process. Disadvantages of Celebrity Endorsement. In many ways, before social media came along, this was the ultimate influencer experience brands could hope to gain. Likability is affection for the source as a result of physical appearance, behaviour or other personality traits (Belch and Belch, 2009 pp 182). A communicator in an advert cannot apply any sanctions to the receiver or determine whether compliance has occurred (Belch and Belch, 2009). Belch and Belch (2009, Pp 179) argues that information from a credible source influences beliefs, opinions, attitudes and behaviour through a process called ‘internalisation’ which occurs when the receiver adopts the opinion of the credible communicator since they believe information from the source is accurate. Celebrity Endorsement Agreement. Most celebrities that are hired by an organisation to endorse their product or brand are popular people, television stars, movie actors or famous athletes (Shimp, 2007). Additionally, a study done by Gardner and Schuman (1986) revealed that fifty-three percent of respondents reported that sponsorship (endorsements) increases the likelihood of brand purchase. If the consumer has pre-existing positive sentiment toward the endorser (the second side of the triangle), it is likely the consumer will form an attitude or change an existing attitude to be positive toward the brand (the third side of the triangle). It's not the only Irish brand basking in the glow of an online celebrity endorsement. According to Friedman and Friedman (1979 cited in Atkin and Block, 1983), a celebrity spokesperson is more effective for products high in psychological or social risks relative to a ‘normal’ spokesperson; such elements include good taste, self image and opinion of others. From the literature it has become evident that a spokesperson interacts with the type of brand being promoted. Toyota ft. ‘ Back to the Future’ “Fueled by Future” is the fourth installment of Toyota’s “Fueled … As a young tennis star, Capriati had a number of endorsement deals, including Oil of Olay, Diadora and racket maker Prince. To carry out appropriate research methodology based on the review of literature that will establish whether celebrity endorsements are successful in motivating consumer purchasing behaviour. Furthermore, the author will also present the problem area, which this study will be based on, followed by the purpose and outline of the study. To our knowledge, no other agency has our experience, or has been as successful in matching the right celebrity to the right campaign at the right fee for so many years. Michael Jordan & Nike – a partnership resulted in the development of a new product line. Consumers face various adverts that try to impact the way in which we behave as a consumer. The use of celebrity endorsements are a means of creating awareness of the brand advertised. Kambitsis et al (2002 pp 160) shares this perspective and found that athletes’ personality was an important factor when influencing ‘specific target groups, to which such personalities are easily recognisable and much admired.’ McCracken suggests a meaning transfer model, which is made up of three subsequent stages. The ‘match-up theory’ suggests that the effectiveness depends on the appropriate match between an endorser and the product/brand (Till and Busler, 1998). Additionally, Belch and Belch (2009) argues that while expertise is important, the target audience must also find the source (celebrity) believable. To analyse findings and conclude whether celebrities do influence consumers’ motivation to purchase. Our celebrity endorsement agreement is produced in general terms without specific reference to a particular industry, although it can be easily adapted to suit any product, whether physical or electronic. Marketers use celebrity endorsers in hopes that the positive image of the celebrity endorser will be passed on to the product's or brand's image. A good example of such a pairing was announced this week, as Drew Barrymore is launching a line of home goods with Walmart. Shimp (1997) claimed in his study that nearly 25% of US-based commercials used celebrities. It was widely reported recently that Katie Perry has overtaken Justin Bieber in the race for the largest international base of Twitter followers. Male celebs are also getting more and more into brand endorsement, from one of the highest-paid athletes David Beckham promoting retail clothing giant H&M, to Daniel Craig as James Bond appearing in a Heineken beer ad. 13 examples: A year later, the campaign was ditched in favor of a celebrity endorsement… Drew Barrymore released her shoe line via Crocs just in time for … The use of a celebrity endorser can be seen as the source of a message the company wishes to expose to their target audience. Celebrity endorsements gone bad. they are cheap, easy to control and can be a … 8 High-Profile Celebrity Endorsements That Backfired For years, celebrities and companies alike have made regrettable endorsement decisions. Results have revealed that a number of celebrity endorsement have shown to be very successful whereas others have completely failed, this results in the ‘termination’ of the respective celebrity communicator (Walker, 1992). You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. In addition, Kamins (1990) argues that ‘reference groups provide points of comparison through which the consumer may evaluate attitudes and behaviour’. However, Twitter endorsements from a celebrity can be deemed as misleading as it is not made clear that the celeb has been paid to tweet about the product. The source may be knowledgeable, popular, and/or physically attractive; typifying the target audience; or have the power to reward or punish the receiver in some manner. VAT Registration No: 842417633. McCracken (1989) explains the effectiveness of celebrity spokespersons by assessing the meanings consumers associate with the endorser and eventually transfer to the brand. When a receiver perceives a source as having power, the influence process occurs through ‘compliance’. Literature Review Celebrity Endorsement and Celebrities McCracken (1989, p.310) offers a definition of the celebrity endorser which is popular in subsequent literature: “[the celebrity endorser] is any individual who enjoys public recognition and who uses this The marketer must select a celebrity that has a good ‘fit’ with the brand, that is intended to be exposed (Pringle, 2004). With offices situated in key international locations we provide an essential conduit between major talent and the important corporate market. Reference this. This chapter seeks to explore the most crucial attributes that is mostly associated with celebrity endorsement strategy. To examine within the literature review the influence of celebrity endorsers compared with ‘normal’ people. A balance theory explanation of endorsement suggests three elements linked in a triangular relationship: the endorser (celebrity), the product/brand and the consumer. Alternatively indirectly is when a celebrity does not send the message but draws attention to and/or enhance the appearance of the advertisement. Thus, trustworthiness is the degree of confidence in the communicator’s intentions to communicate the assertions they consider being most valid (Ohanian, 1990). As Individuals consumers usually purchase products or services for personal consumption either for private purposes, domestic or a gift means, these can be defined as ‘end users’. The agreement provides for … *You can also browse our support articles here >. One way of perceiving marketing is the achievement of business goals through anticipating, meeting and satisfying consumer needs (Blackwell, Miniard and Engel, 2001). This topic will be examined further during the next section. Celebrity Adverts Effectiveness in Relation to Consumer Behaviour 430. We have evolved over this period into a number of specialist departments dealing with a wide range of services specifically designed for the advertising, marketing and PR industries. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Marketers usually use individuals who have achieved some form of celebrity status to serve as a spokesperson for their brand. Empirical studies on the congruency theory frequently focus on the physical attractiveness of the celebrity endorser (Till and Busler, 1998). As consumers, our choices are often based upon recommendations from people we trust: friends and family, work colleagues, and our favourite personalities. Is the celebrity I have chosen the right celebrity? 13 examples: A year later, the campaign was ditched in favor of a celebrity endorsement… Ohanian also suggests that the celebrity spokespeople are more effective when they are knowledgeable, experienced and qualified to talk about the product they are endorsing. Therefore this literature review will examine how celebrities use different model in promoting their endorsed products. Barack Obama, for example, went into his 2008 campaign with “a tremendous amount of celebrity support”, Jackson recalls, “and there’s evidence from the … Neil Patrick Harris’ Celebrity Endorsement of Heineken Light. Likability: Marketers recognise the value of using spokespeople who are admired: TV and movie stars, athletes, musicians, and other popular figures. Price is frequently seen as a main indicator of involvement level as individuals spend increasingly more time searching and comparing information and prices. According to Belch and Belch (2009) familiarity can be considered as the level of knowledge a celebrity possess of a brand. Thus, meanings attributed to the celebrity become associated with the brand in the consumers mind. Miisra and Beatty (1990) suggest that when a celebrity endorsers a brand, the characteristics of that celebrity may be compared with the advertised attributes of the brand by the audience for congruence or fit with their available person-schema. NEVER BEFORE has demand for celebrity involvement in all forms of advertising been higher, or more cost effective. Kelman (1961) developed three basic categories of source attributes: credibility, attractiveness and power. An investigation conducted by Friedman et al (1977) that used advertisements with celebrities and non-celebrities for a fictitious brand of sangria. Although celebrities are an increasingly popular tool in advertising, what impact do they have on consumer’s attitudes? 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