Try multiplying the focal length of your lens by your camera sensor’s crop factor. a video recording system worn on the body, especially by police officers. Stairsteps on what should be a smooth diagonal line are an example of spatial alias. All the hues of the rainbow encircle the cone's perimeter. The ratio between useful television signal and disturbing noise or snow. J-cut is not short for jump cut. An amplifier with input circuitry and output circuitry designed to eliminate the effects of changes made at either upon the other. For more information, check out our lesson on Video Compression . A global organization, based in the United States, which, among other things, sets standards for baseband visual communications. An electronic filter that attenuates audio frequencies below a certain level and allows them above that level. The total of the resistance, measured in ohms, that a circuit presents to the flow of alternating current at a given frequency (Columbia University). Disturbance to the normal or expected operation electronic devices, equipment and systems. Detects the absence of chrominance information in a color encoder input. Like a j-cut, an l-cut has its name because of its appearance in the timeline of your editing software. See also, the Motion topic for video quality requirements considerations.[3]. b) Used to implement the physical combination of the coding and decoding circuits. Foley is when you reproduce and/or create sound for a film. [See cut, edit.] See also, the Target Size topic for video quality requirements considerations.[3]. The signal level at the output of an amplifier or other device. VBR compression can take better advantage of the overall available bandwidth of a video transmission or DVD player by allocating the available bits intelligently to the difficult parts of a sequence. STUDY. Enter any letters to see what words can be formed from them. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 30 2010 . photographer. In a progressive scanning system, all of the scanning lines comprising a frame also comprise a field. It is calculated by dividing the focal length of the lens by its diameter. A generalized use class aspect that specifies what discrimination level you need to recognize a target of interest. Found 826 words containing photo. Enter a word to see if it's playable (up to 15 letters). An image which persists in a fixed position in the output signal of a camera tube after the camera has been turned to a different scene or, on a monitor screen. a DVI. content creation. It reduces the light entering a lens, thus forcing the iris to open to its maximum. [1], Nearly identical to HSI except Intensity is called Lightness. Close ups are shots that frame the subject tightly. Those dimensions are expressed through a ratio. During video recording and subsequent playback, several factors can conspire to cause a loss of definition. Related words. b) Half of the horizontal lines (262.5 in NTSC and 312.5 in PAL) needed to create a complete picture. The combined picture signal, including vertical and horizontal blanking and synchronizing signals. Hi there! 3D Photography, Abnormal, Abrupt, Absorbing, Abstract, Absurd, Abundant, Academic, Acceptable, Accessible, It is a unit of frequency. Supply voltages, imperfect synchronizing signals, circuits, frequency pulses, etc. Also called RCA connector, it is a widely used cable connector for home audio and video equipment. [8], Follower Pots are installed on lens that allows feedback to the controller information relevant to zoom and focus positioning allowing the controller to quickly adjust to a preselected scene and arrive in focus at the proper focal length automatically. a) The process of electronically processing a digital video picture to make it use less storage or to allow more video to be sent down a transmission channel. The higher the definition of an image, the greater the number of details [that can be discerned by the human eye or displayed]. Intertwined in this list, there are some broad video editing terms that refer to videography as a whole as well as video editing terms specific to the process of editing footage. One megabit is equal to one million bits or 1,000 kilobits. This signal produces a black-and-white picture on a standard monochrome receiver. Related Words. Variations in value from white, through shades of gray, to black on a display. The transmission of a signal wave which represents the brightness values in the picture, but not the color (chrominance) values. A color term defining the hue and saturation of a color. A lumen per square foot is a unit of incident light and a footlambert is a unit of emitted or reflected light. There are a variety of compression schemes that can be applied to data of which MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are called lossy since the data produced by compression is not totally recoverable. Videography refers to the process of capturing moving images on electronic media (e.g., videotape, direct to disk recording, or solid state storage) and even streaming media. To learn more, click here! To enlarge or reduce, on a continuously variable basis, the size of a televised image primarily by varying lens focal length. The carrier may be modulated in three fundamental ways: by varying the amplitude, called amplitude modulation; by varying the frequency, called frequency modulation; by varying the phase, called phase modulation. A plane (through the focal point) at right angles to the principal point of the lens. A compression scheme in which each unit of input material can be compressed to different sizes. B-roll can also provide more details to support the scene like in the news, wedding films, or interviews. The range of frequencies that a piece of equipment can process and is directly related to the system's ability to uniformly transfer signal components of different frequencies over the entire video spectrum without affecting their amplitudes. After you feel comfortable with these 30 video editing terms, you can continue to learn video editing terms at the following link: This includes film as well as video standards. RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. The act or practice of making videos. Last edited on May 16 2011. Electrical disturbance at the power supply frequency or harmonics thereof. photogenic. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. “They can assist in the initial production phase, which typically includes scripting, story-boarding, and videography .”. The C-mount description applies to both lenses and cameras. b) The speed at which bits are transmitted, usually expressed in bit/s (sometimes abbreviated "bps"). a) A bit stream duplicate of the original data. Wide angle lenses have short focal lengths with respect to the body of the lens. The camera is focused on the chart, and the pattern is viewed at the monitor for fidelity. The range of light, e.g., sunlight to moonlight, over which a TV camera is capable of automatically operating at specified output. The inhibition or prevention of clear reception of broadcast signals.[6]. The smallest piece of binary digital data and is represented by either 0 or 1. Also, the entire range of such frequencies. The range of light to dark values in a picture or the ratio between the maximum and minimum brightness values. A loss of vertical synchronization which causes the picture to move up or down on a receiver or monitor. The effective diameter of the lens that controls the amount of light reaching the photoconductive or photo emitting image pickup sensor. industry. Memory banks often use natural sounds, rather than foley, are set to music, document travel, or importantly, they can simply record moments in daily life. A combination or array of electromechanical or electronic switches which route a number of signal sources to one or more destinations. filmmaking. It is used to measure high data transfer speeds of connections such as Ethernet and cable modems. c) The amount of data transported in a given amount of time, usually defined in Mbit/s. Sometimes, clipping is performed prior to modulation, and sometimes to limit the signal, so it will not exceed a predetermined level.[1]. Check out our library of tutorials and video walkthroughs. Gamma correction is always done at the source (camera). Heavy noise is sometimes referred to as snow. The digital equivalent of analog bandwidth. a) General term for standards pertaining to consumer high-resolution TV. Here is a list of words that describe Photography. and the title is going to be a play on words like.. "through my lens" or "point of view". I'm looking for a category name for people that use cameras (photo or video), drones, different kind of equipment, to take photos, make movies, or VR or 360° experiences. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! By planning shots ahead of a shoot, you can be more efficient with your time and gear you may be renting which will save you time and money. The direct light that falls on an object. A technology of CCD design, where rows of pixels are output from the camera. A method of displaying widescreen video on a screen with a different aspect ratio by leaving a space, usually black bars, above and below the image. A chart especially prepared for checking overall performance of a television system. An acronym for Digital Audio Tape. Cut-in is a type of shot that most often shows the objects the subject is in contact with or manipulating. [1], The aggregate of fine details available on-screen. This technique is used to develop functional requirements by specifying the system's behavior through scenarios. In TV system use, a device having a bandpass greater than the band of a single VHF TV channel. b) An analog signal that has been converted to a digital form. This glossary was compiled from various industry sources. Both serve the same function b) A TV format capable of displaying on a wider screen (16:9) as opposed to the conventional 4:3) and at higher resolution. One kilohertz is equal to 1,000 hertz or 1,000 cycles per second. A full video signal measures one volt peak to peak. For more helpful information like these video editing terms, check out the Intro to Video Editing blog series! For instance, cooler color temperatures often have a bluish tint and hotter color temperatures tend to appear more red or orange. video domain. The difference between the maximum acceptable signal level and the minimum acceptable signal level. Extraneous colors appearing at the edges of colored objects, and differing from the true colors in the object. The details that can be distinguished on the television screen. White balance’s formal definition is the process of gathering the accurate colors for the light that is available. Sudden variations in picture presentation (brightness, size, etc.,) independent of scene illumination. Tilts are vertical movements made with your camera that are fixed. A video signal containing all information except sync. Use up to two "?" C-mount lenses can be put on both, C-mount and CS-mount cameras; only in the latter case a 5 mm (.19 inches) adaptor is required. Vertical resolution refers to the number of horizontal black and white lines that can be resolved in the picture height. Synonyms for video include vid, film, recording, tape, flick, reel, videotape, tape recording, music video and promotional film. Special test pattern for adjusting color TV receivers or color encoders. It has a wide range of application in safety and security to examine video for specific data, behavior, objects or attitude. After processing, the video signal either remains in the digital domain for recording by a DVR or is converted back into an analog signal for recording or transmission. Stair-Stepping — stepped or jagged edges in diagonal lines or the diagonal parts of a letter.[1]. A defect or distortion of the video image, introduced along the sequence from origination and image capture to final display. The characteristics of a system component that determines the type of transmission cable to be used. A change produced in or on the target which remains for a large number of frames after the removal of a previously stationary light image and which yields a spurious electrical signal corresponding to that light image. The transmission of a signal which represents both the brightness values and the color values in a picture. While it does take time to compress your video, we recommend it because of the time you’ll save late and leave you with more storage for more videos! A camera raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of either a digital camera, image or motion picture film scanner. The 3 lights are commonly called fill, key, and backlights. . Hi there! Ability to control the integration (of light) time to the sensor to less than 1/60 second; e.g., stop motion of moving traffic. The portion of a composite picture signal that lies between the leading edge of the horizontal blanking pulse and the leading edge of the corresponding sync pulse. The f-stop also is a factor in more areas of focus in the image known as Depth of Field. NewBlueFX makes great Lower Third titles for your production in all of their titling plugins. The first standard for CCTV lens screw mounting. See the Discrimination Level topic for video quality requirements considerations. photograph. Take a look at English vocabulary with pictures! In television, generally considered as any frequency below the 15.75-kHz line frequency. Streaming files match the encoded bit rate to the connection speed of the user, so the remote viewer can play audio or video with minimal stoppage without first downloading the entire video file. That portion of the NTSC color television signal which contains the luminance or brightness information. V is 22th, I … a set of DVDs containing one or more series of a TV programme that can be bought or rented for watching at home. What are some descriptive words for Photography ? The term includes methods of video production and post-production. In system use, a measure of the voltage ratio of two signals, provided they are measured across a common impedance. What is a DIT and what do they do? repeating section of audio or video material, or of cartoon cells. Find more similar words at! Just like pediatrician is a specialty of being a doctor. those arent great, which is why i need your help. Developed by Sony in 1987, it looks similar to an analogue audio cassette but contains professional quality digital information. Artifacts may arise from the overload of channel capacity by excess signal bandwidth. A CCD imager where an entire matrix of pixels is read into storage before being output from the camera. Converting analog audio and/or video into digital form. The deviation of the received signal waveform from that of the original transmitted waveform. A lens that automatically adjusts the amount of light reaching the imager. Aliases are cause by sampling and can be reduced or eliminated by pre-filtering, which can appear to be a blurring effect. A unit of frequency equal to one million hertz or cycles per second. The point at which a lens or mirror will focus parallel incident radiation. Equipment in the video system that can change the video signal, thereby affecting the quality of the delivered video. Raw files are so named because they are not yet processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor. White, black, and grays have no chroma. Follower pots are installed on pan/tilt unit to allow feedback to the controller and provides information relevant to horizontal and vertical positioning, allowing the controller to quickly adjust to a pre-selected scene automatically. The uncompressed D1 format has a bit rate of 270 Mbit/s. 4:3 for standard systems, 5:4 for 1K x 1K, and 16:9 for HDTV. Video postea multo intolerabiliorem futuram tyrannidem quam unquam antea fuisse. Each field contains one-half of the lines required to produce the entire picture. It contains various combinations of lines and geometric shapes. analogue camera noun. Video uses higher frequency than audio, thus requires a wider bandwidth.[2]. An undesired signal from a different channel interfering with the desired signal. It is then processed for signal separation, bandwidth settings and signal adjustments. wildcard characters to represent blank tiles or any letter. The name actually comes from the shape a j-cut makes on your editing program’s timeline. Pixels are the thousands of tiny squares (typically squares) that make up each image in your video. Luminous intensity of any surface in a given direction per unit of projected area of the surface viewed from that direction. A generalized use class aspect that specifies the level of motion you anticipate in a scene of interest. Say you were shooting footage of a person walking in a park and you wanted to shift into a new view of the subject. b) The process of removing picture data to decrease the size of a video image. Cinematography 101 — Telling stories visually. For every second in the video, the Bit Rate, or Data Rate, is the amount of data used each second. These video editing terms are part of the Intro to Video Editing blog series. The electronic representation of a sequence of images, depicting either stationary or moving scenes. Corresponds to colors such as red, blue, etc. The imager records the view received from the camera lens. photographic. CCDs are the most commonly found type of image sensor in consumer camcorders and video cameras. A transient of short duration, comprising part of a pulse, during which the amplitude considerably exceeds the average amplitude of the pulse. It is one million bytes (in the context of computer memory, sometimes used to mean 1,048,576 (2 to the power 20) bytes). The Most Common Video Editing Terms You Should Know | NewBlue The two fields are composed of only odd and only even lines, which are displayed one after the other but with the physical position of all the lines interleaving each other, hence interlace. Make sure to get one of these if you want to work from a larger screen or you want to share your production! These losses occur because fine details appear in the highest frequency region of a video signal and this portion is usually the first casualty of signal degradation. a) The determination by any means of the individuality of persons, or of objects such as aircraft or cars. b) A complete picture composed of two fields. Amplitude variations in the output voltage of a power supply caused by insufficient filtering. It is seen as color fringes or halos along edges and around every point in the image. Study up because these video editing terms are important to know! A device used to divide single video signals, while boosting their strength for delivery to multiple video devices. The purpose of the glossary is to inform the reader of commonly used vocabulary terms in the An increase in voltage or power, usually expressed in dB. A slide show or a series of video clips can be synced to the beat on an audio track. A memory bank is surprisingly not the same as a memory card or disc. The method by which color and black-and-white sideband signals are interwoven within the same channel bandwidth. A device that converts analog signals into digital signals. To learn more, select the “Intro to Video Editing” category and find more articles like this one! A rectangular cutting off of image edges. All aging videography aside and cheesy post-production aspects ignored, the images here look great. That portion of the NTSC color TV signal that contains the color information. In reference to the operation of a tri-color picture tube it refers to the production of pure red, green or blue illumination of the phosphor dot faceplate. See also, the Generalized Use Class Aspects topic for more information. [1], Color space system based on the values of Hue, Saturation, and Intensity. Defects are typically seen as jaggies on diagonal lines and twinkling or brightening in picture detail. The term pixel comes from the phrase picture element. In television, a factor expressing the incident illumination upon a specified scene required to produce a specified picture signal at the output terminals of a television camera. The Rule of Thirds suggests that points of interest line up with the lines or intersections on the grid. responsible for the day to day operation of the station. In monochrome television, a signal wave for controlling the brightness values in the picture. A list of words that contain Video, and words with video in them.This page brings back any words that contain the word or letter you enter from a large scrabble dictionary. Your press kit will provide information about your production to the press so as to promote it. In the PAL system, 625 interlaced horizontal lines of picture information in 25 frames per second. A device upon which a camera can be mounted that allows movement in both the azimuth (pan) and in the vertical plane (tilt).[7]. Saturation is directly related to the amplitude of the chrominance signal. A fast lens transmits more light and has a larger opening than a slow lens.[7]. This concept can be expanded to apply to video systems that are used to perform specific tasks. Display scan pattern where each line of the frame is scanned sequentially. A proper white balance is characterized by the whites in an image truly being the color white. The extent to which an electronic device such as a stereo system or television accurately reproduces sound or images. All three serve the same function.[1]. moviemaking. [3], A generalized use class aspect that specifies the timeframe in which a video be used. video information, in a digitized image for example, is transferred, recorded, and reproduced through the production process at some bit rate appropriate to the nature and capabilities of the origination, the channel, and the receptor. This parameter is also known as gain/frequency distortion or amplitude versus frequency response. Scrabble; Words With Friends; WordHub; Crossword An adjective describing any signal that varies continuously as opposed to a digital signal that contains discrete levels representing the binary digits 0 and 1. The cable used must have the same characteristic impedance as the component. 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