The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) screens for Bipolar Disorder.. This report describes the development and validation of the Brazilian version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, a screening instrument for bipolar spectrum disorders, in an adult psychiatric population. The inclusion of easy statements in the original version, the comments of the adolescents and the involvement in the adaptation process of the original authors has offered the possibility of achieving a suitable pre-test version. 2005; 88 (1):103–108. Aust N Z J Public Health. Some of these problems are difficult to detect and may have a detrimental effect on the study results. Bipolar disorder is a complex illness, and an accurate, thorough diagnosis can only be made through a personal evaluation by your doctor. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Results Barcelona: Agencia d'Avaluació de Tecnologia i Recerca Mèdiques (ATTM). For decades, lithium has been prescribed to treat bipolar disorder. A method for translation and validation is presented in detail. One hundred twenty bipolar I and II outpatients in remission (Young Mania Rating Scale score <6, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17 score <8) for at least 6 months prior to inclusion in the study, who were receiving standard pharmacologic treatment, were included in a controlled trial. A result was considered positive if the participant replied affirmatively to 7 or more items of the 13 proposed and if, in addition, the symptoms described occurred during the same time period (Criterion 2) and represented moderate or severe problems (Criterion 3). BACKGROUND The detection and diagnosis of present or past hypomanic episodes is of key importance for the differential diagnosis between depressive disorders and type II bipolar disorder. SAFE-T To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Implications for employers and health plans in examining the health and productivity consequences of common health conditions are discussed. The questionnaire is designed to be completed by the patient. Given the low number of non-equivalent items, the high agreement among the judges in the valuation of the items and the high correlations obtained between the Spanish and American weights, we conclude that the cross-cultural process have been satisfactory. Translation is the most common method of preparing instruments for cross-cultural research and has pitfalls that threaten validity. Significant differences, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. 2000;28:169-77. METHODS Validation of the Turkish version of the MDQ was conducted on a sample of 309 consecutive patients who attended the psychiatry outpatient unit of 2 different university hospitals. The most difficult items to translate were physical functioning items, which used examples of activities and distances that are not common outside of the United States; items that used colloquial expressions such as pep or blue; and the social functioning items. Proceso de adaptación al español del cuestionario Mood Disorder Questionnaire Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. Unfortunately, to date, there was no Spanish validated versionavailable. Lithium use in this population was more often sporadic than continuous. A sample of 541 DSM-IV manic or hypomanic bipolar patients were recruitedin 56 different psychiatric settings in Spain and assessed with the YMRS by 112 cliniciansspecifically trained in its use on days 1, 7, 14, 30, 45 and at 3 and 6 months. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in the daily clinical practice the usefulness of the Spanish version of the MDQ in depressive patients. The items with equivalence B or C were discussed with a group of patients until to reach an agreement in the version. The original English version is validated in both the psychiatric and the general population, but a validated Spanish version is not yet available. Further experience in cross-cultural adaptation of generic and diseasespecific instruments and alternative strategies driven by different research groups 18 have led to some refinements. and classification of semantic and conceptual equivalence, two panel discussions with adolescents, as well as meetings of consensus with the original authors. The Spanish version of the VSP-A seems to be semantically and culturally equivalent to the original version and suitable for adolescents in Spain. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2005.06.005. Direct costs totaling $7 billion consist of expenditures for inpatient and outpatient care, which are treatment related, as well as nontreatment-related expenditures such as those for the criminal justice system used by individuals with manic-depressive illness. The items were rated with a standard deviation of the mean of 1.91 and a standard deviation of the standard deviation of 0.52. developed a self-report screening instrument for BDs that can be quickly scored by any mental health professional, namely the 'mood disorder questionnaire' (MDQ). It asks: 1. if you've experienced any of 13 specific behaviors associated with bipolar disorder 2. if the symptoms you checked in question one occurred at the same time 3. about the severity of your symptoms 4. about your family's history of mental illness 5. if you've previously been diagnosed with a mental illness You can view the full questionnaire on the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliancewebsite. bipolar: la CGI-BP-M. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ). The most costly mental health disorders were: bipolar disorder, chronic maintenance; depression; depressive episode in bipolar disease; neurotic, personality and non-psychotic disorders; alcoholism;, anxiety disorders; schizophrenia, acute phase; bipolar disorders, severe mania; nonspecific neurotic, personality and non-psychotic disorders; and psychoses. The process of adaptation of the Spanish version will not finish until that the validity and reliability are similar to those of the original version. OBJECTIVES The aims of the study were to validate the Turkish version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) as a screening tool and to determine its optimum cut-off value for bipolar disorder. Adapted from Hirschfeld R, Williams J, Spitzer RL, et al. In some cases, this is more obvious than in others. 9,11 The cross-cultural adaptation of a health status selfadministered questionnaire for use in a new country, culture, and/or language necessitates use of a unique method, to reach equivalence between the original source and target versions of the questionnaire. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The maniasubscale of the Clinical Global Impression for Bipolar Disorders was also performed in order tohave a standard measure to compare our results. Manía por Clínicos (EVMAC). 2002;30:301-4. It is easy to follow and consists of 14 questions with yes/no answers with the final question providing four options about the extent of problems caused by the symptoms. Bipolar disorder is a complex illness, and an accurate, thorough diagnosis can only be made through a personal evaluation by your doctor. Method: A total of 114 consecutive Vieta E, Gastó C. La enfermedad bipolar. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a well-recognized screening tool for bipolar disorder, but its Chinese version needs further validation. The YMRS Spanish version showed reliability index of 0.88 (internal consistency) and0.76 (test-retest reliability), and good internal validity and external (p < 0.001) when comparedto the mania subscale of the Modified Clinical Global Impression. Thus, instruments for bipolar disorder screening are needed. Employers in 1999, Cross-cultural adaptation into Spanish of the Vecú et Sante Perçue de l'Adolescent (VSP-A) into Spanish: A generic measure of quality of life for adolescents, A Randomized Trial on the Efficacy of Group Psychoeducation in the Prophylaxis of Recurrences in Bipolar Patients Whose Disease Is in Remission, Translation and Validation of Study Instruments for Cross-Cultural Research, The ENEIDA Questionnaire: Publication Experiences in Scientific Journals in English and Spanish. The scaling was carried out by 25 judges (health professionals). Affiliation 1 … Clinical trials have indicated that the MDQ has a high rate of accuracy; it is able to identify seven out of ten people who have bipolar disorder and screen out nine out of … The VSP-A is a generic health related quality of life measure for adolescents aged 11-17 developed in France. The MDQ consists of 15 questions divided i… The study group for the current study was a subset of the 85,358 resp… Adaptación de la Escala de la Valoración de la Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The Sickness Impact Profile is a questionnaire that measure the dysfunction related illness in 12 categories. The MDQ is a brief, self-rated screening tool for bipolar disorder developed by a team of psychiatrists, researchers, and consumer advocates.The MDQ screens for bipolar disorder (which includes bipolar I, bipolar II, and bipolar NOS). The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a screening instrument for bipolar spectrum disorders already validated in many languages.Patients from 2 psy… The authors investigated the sensitivity of a Spanish-language version of the BSDS in a cohort of 65 outpatients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, based on a semi-structured interview and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision criteria. A total of 198 patients attending five outpatient clinics that primarily treat patients with mood disorders completed the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. Bipolar disorder was the most frequent morbidity treated. BioMed Central Page 1 of 5 (page number not for citation purposes) Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health Short report Open Access Usefulness of the Spanish version of the mood disorder However, there has been a lack of structured, well-designed, blinded, controlled studies demonstrating the efficacy of group psychoeducation to prevent recurrences in patients with bipolar I and II disorder. Translation methods included the production of forward and backward translations, use of difficulty and quality ratings, pilot testing, and cross-cultural comparison of the translation work. Metodología de adaptación transcultural de instrumentos de medida de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Enhancing data quality. Small R, Yelland J, Lumley J, Rice PL, Contronei V, Warren Conclusions In a 6-year longitudinal cohort study, 1,594 lithium users aged 15 years and older who were enrolled in an HMO were followed from 1986-1991. In the prevalence study, the Mood Disorder Questionnaire was mailed to a sample of 127,800 adults who were selected to match U.S. demographic variables. Lithium users were much more likely to receive a variety of other psychotropic drugs than nonusers of the same sex and age. Recently, Hirschfeld et al. were found in their views about cosmopolitan citizenship with respect gender and educational level. 1999;23:390-4., This empirical study analyses the representations of Spanish secondary students with regard to cosmopolitan citizenship. The original English version is validated in both the psychiatric and the general population, but a validated Spanish version is 13 . Development and validation of a screening instrument for bipolar spectrum disorder: the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. 20 The MDQ consists of 13 yes/no items based on the DSM-IV criteria for bipolar disorder. Cross-cultural adaptation to Spanish of the Moorehead-Ardelt quality of life questionnaire in patien... Validation of the Spanish version of the Fear of Self Questionnaire, Validation of spanish version of the prolapse quality of life questionnaire (PQoL) for chilean women. This project examined the use of lithium and its continuity of use by enrollees of a health maintenance organization (HMO). Objective: The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is an instrument for the detection of patients with bipolar disorder (BD). 2001;24:18-20. A research professional, blind to the Mood Disorder Questionnaire results, conducted a telephone research diagnostic interview by means of the bipolar module of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. The method for determining each expenditure is provided, and the implications of these staggering costs are discussed. The version of the VSP-A including 39 questions was adapted following the forward-backward translation methodology, including two translations into Spanish, scoring of difficulty (0 min-10 max.) The other scenarios are summarized in Table 1 and reflect situations when some translation and/or adaptation is needed. Screening for Bipolar Disorders Using a French Version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) J Affect Disord. The term “cross-cultural adaptation” is used to encompass a process that looks at both language (translation) and cultural adaptation issues in the process of preparing a questionnaire for use in another setting. Feasibility, reliability, validity and sensitivityof the YMRS were analysed. Identification and correction of problems can enhance research quality and validity. A Mood Disorder Questionnaire screening score of 7 or more items yielded good sensitivity (0.73) and very good specificity (0.90). It is now recognized that if measures are to be used across cultures, the items must not only be translated well linguistically, but also must be adapted culturally to maintain the content validity of the instrument at a conceptual level across different cultures. Following the same methodology as the original version, the judges firstly placed the relative values of each item in each category on an interval scale of 1 (minimal dysfunction) to 11 (maximal dysfunction) points; secondly the items most and least dysfunctional in each category were placed on a 1-15 interval scale (method of equal appearing intervals). Serra-Sutton V, Herdman M. Metodología de adaptación Duration of use varied widely with some long-term but many short-term users. 2005 Sep;88(1):103-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2005.06.005. Issues considered include (1) premature initiation, (2) ineffective study structure, (3) too much or too little communication among researchers, (4) neglect of site differences, (5) use of "naked" p values, (6) premature closure, and (7) overreliance on the interpretation and memory of individual researchers. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a self-reported questionnaire validated in Spanish in stable patients with a previously known diagnosis. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. ABSTRACT The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is an instrument for the detection of patients with bipolar disorder (BD). Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) includes 13 questions associated with bipolar disorder symptoms and is available in Spanish. Mood Disorder Questionnaire The MDQ is used as a beginning screening tool for people with depression who also have “elevated” mood states. If lithium is to be a cost-effective treatment for bipolar disorder, managed care systems will need to improve adherence to drug treatment regimens. Objective: The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a widely used self-report screening instrument for the detection of bipolar disorder in clinical populations. A multi-employer database that links medical, prescription drug, absence, and short term disability data at the patient level was analyzed to uncover the most costly physical and mental health conditions affecting American businesses. Enhancing Studies on individual psychotherapy indicate that some interventions may reduce the number of recurrences in bipolar patients. 6,11‐13,15,24 Attention to this level of detail allows increased confidence that the impact of a disease or its treatment is described in a similar manner in multinational trials or outcome evaluations. Of absence and disability adaptations should be considered for several different scenarios study results,... 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