In this article, we will discuss all you need to know about this catfish so that you can make informed decisions on whether or not to keep it in your home. The Redtail Catfish belongs to the Phractocephalus hemioliopterus species and is a member of the pimelodid catfish family, which are the long-whiskered catfish. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. One individual should have at least 300 liters, although the aquarium with several tons of water capacity is considered ideal for this species. Besides the temperature, the red tail catfish flourish in water with a pH of between 6.0 and 7.5, but anything below 7 is ideal. This is where most potential owners typically call it quits because it’s not viable for almost everyone. The red tail catfish is one the largest and fastest growing species of the aquarium fishes. The average lifespan of a redtail catfish is around 15 years in captivity. Piranha Fish – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Asian Arowana – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, « Nerite Snail – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Cardinal Shrimp – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding ». The redtail catfish is a massive freshwater fish that only the most experienced aquarists should attempt to keep. They are mostly dark grey/brown along the top side of their body with small dark scattered spots, and a paler yellow/white wavy white band which stretches down both sides of its body. At maturity, it can reachfour to five feet long. But the male catfish are usually the ones protecting the fry for the first free days or weeks until they leave the nest. Once you get to know them, you will easily spot signs of sluggishness. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. The primary issue is that most typical freshwater aquarium fish are smaller than the redtail (because they’re massive). It’s important to understand just how massive this is, and what that means for anyone who wants to keep one in a home aquarium. Caring for the red tail fish is not particularly hard, only that it requires space. The behavior and temperament of redtail catfish can vary depending on who you talk to. Red tail Catfish Phractocephalus hemioliopterus . This means that the minimum tank size is going to be astronomical just to make them relatively comfortable. To say the least, this fish is really big. In their natural habitat, these fish eat insects, smaller fish, worms, and even random vegetations that come their way. The dark body of this fish has scattered spots and white/yellow bands that are stretched down to both the sides of the body. These South American fish hail from the Amazon and grow to be humongous. The countries it can commonly be found in are Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guyana, and Bolivia. Being a massive freshwater fish, it might be ideal for experienced aquarists. In the wild, these fish are oviparous and can breed in the same manner as other fish. Due to its size and high energy, this fish should be kept with larger tank mates. Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. These fish aren’t picky! They are often referred to as an RTC, the flat-nosed Catfish, the banana catfish, as well as the antenna catfish. The underside of their heads is white and extends back roughly to where their pectoral fins begin. In the world, the red tail catfish inhabits the streams, rivers, and lakes. This obviously has aesthetic downsides, but it’s best for the fish. They’re found in tanks…, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips. Caring for such large fish is a very different experience, so it’s always fun to learn more about! The redtail catfish has a very classic “catfish” look to it. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I really enjoy the aquarium hobby and love sharing my experience with others. This is also something they might nibble on over time so it’s recommended that a substrate-free tank is probably best for them. Because of its huge size, it is a favorite game fish. The underside of their heads is white and extends back roughly to where their pectoral fins begin. There are no reports of these catfish having successfully reproduced in aquariums. Some people will say they’re hyper-aggressive, and others will say they’re actually rather peaceful. Due to its large size, it might be unsuitable to most home aquariums. Although not my favorite on this list (I’ll get to my favorite in just a bit), the … This makes this fish a desirable addition to a home aquarium. The red tail catfish are mostly kept by professional aquarists. The Redtail Cat has a broad head and body that tapers towards the tail. Learn more. In the aquarium, where the red tail catfish lives, aeration is necessary, daily water substitution (due to the abundance of waste) andgood water filtration. One of the more concerning trends is that many new aquarists think that keeping these fish in tanks at an early age will significantly stunt their growth. The minimum tank size of an adult catfish should be between 1,500 – 2,000 gallons. Perhaps, place the tank in an area where you spend most of your time so that the fish gets used to interacting with you. But we don’t want to leave out people who think they have the capacity to keep it. Oscar’s and Sailfin can also make good tank mates mainly due to their armored defense. With the right conditions in a home aquarium, the red tail catfish can grow to over 4 feet, and when left in nature, they can grow even larger. In our opinion, this is mostly influenced by their tank setup as well as what you define as aggressive. The most striking features of the Redtail Catfish are its white throat, speckled body and deep red tail. Allow at least 5-gallons of water for each Catfish under 3" long. Selecting catfish to match the size of your aquarium. This means that you also will want to limit your substrate to a sandy variety if that. Being middle to bottom-dwelling fish, you might not need to provide so much lighting. These fish don’t need much when it comes to light, so a standard lamp will do the trick. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. After the female lays the eggs, the male catfish will spray the laid eggs with sperm for fertilization to take place. If you place them with small fish, the red tail will be aggressive and predatory. The Red-tailed catfish is said to be the last living fish in its genus, which is over 13.5 million years. They have a bit of a reputation in the countries it occupies due to a combination of their size and mythical stories of their aggression. In terms of substrate, you can have a bare bottom. It is native to the Essequibo river basins and the Amazon Orionoco of South America. Size is about one inch to an inch and a … In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. A dark greyish brown in colors, these fish also have dark spots and yellowish white bands that extend down the length of their bodies. Though they begin quite small in size, these fish can grow quickly. It is not an overly aggressive fish, but it will eat anything that fits in it’s mouth. They are also known by names such as flat-nosed catfish, banana catfish, and South American Redtail. This catfish is sometimes known as the Banana Catfish or South American Red Tailed Catfish. Why should a fish owner who keeps 5 guppies in a 20 gallon tank have the right and support to do so, and the fish owner who keeps a red tail catfish, two stingrays, and a florida gar in a 5000 gallon tank be treated as an irresponsible bad person who should not be allowed to keep HIS choice of fish? Even though redtail catfish are considered hardy, we always recommend doing everything you can to make sure the water situation is as good as it can be. Ideally, you can keep the red tail catfish on their own. Aquarium Size: It is probably best to house these fish in at least a 30-gallon tank, when they're less than 3" long, but a bigger aquarium is always better. But if you don’t like the appearance of the bare bottom tanks, you can use a layer of sand. In the wild they have been known to live longer, but there isn’t a significant amount of data on that. The red tail fish exhibit a rather contradictory behavior. They make great pets and will take food from your hand. It is completely a different experience heating a tank that is only 20 gallons compared to a huge tank that is almost 2000 gallons. Redtail catfish can be so hungry that you never know what they’ll try to chomp down on! They will chow down on random items like driftwood, rocks, and gravel too. There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. The Red Tail Catfish is probably the most popular catfish in the aquarium trade. In any case, there are several healthy and nutritional alternatives to live feeders. It indicates that they need a break. They will eat smaller tank mates. Note that this fish can grow an inch every week, so most of them will reach two feet within months. Some aquarists who keep the fish often donate it to public aquariums when they outgrow their home aquariums. It has a dark black body, white underbelly, and a bright red tail. Some good suggestions include: Besides this, there are other pellets and frozen food options you can try to provide a good nutritional baseline. Your local fish store’s owner is not correct about a red-tailed catfish growing only 12 inches in your aquarium. In one spawning, several eggs can be laid, sometimes even up to 20,000. Sadly, maintaining optimal water parameters can be challenging, especially with such a big tank. Moderate temperament fish, such as a red tail catfish for sale, opt for opportunistic feeding of any fish small enough to fit into their mouths but are not especially aggressive. This will give them enough room to swim around and be active without feeling cramped and unhappy. They have flat stomachs and a compressed tail. Author Note: Due to the amount of food redtail catfish comsume they also create a lot of waste. As a member of the Pimelodidae family, the red tail catfish is long whiskered, with a beautiful white belly and red tail. Description: The Red-tailed catfish has a broad head with long whiskers, dark black body and white underneath that extends from the mouth to the caudal fin.The tail is red and sometime the dorsal, pelvic and anal fins are also red. They…. The red tail catfish is a good eater. There are videos online of people feeding them feeder fish and this is not recommended. Otocinclus. Aquarium keepers should consider pairing with other large fish. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Arowanas, also called Dragon Fish, are unique aquatic creatures. The red tail catfish stands as one of the most attractive catfish species. We would define aggression as non-hunting actions that can harm another fish. A lot of the people who attempt to keep this fish in their home aquarium find that they spend most of their time on this (at least initially). Due to their size and the fact that they eat smaller fish in the wild, picking tank mates for a redtail catfish can be very challenging. This presents another challenge when it comes to maintaining water quality. The main color of their body is dark grey with a smattering of faint dots stretching over this part of their body. The barbels (long whiskers) it has are quite large and impossible to miss. Aquarium keepers should consider pairing with other large fish. Why should a fish owner who keeps 5 guppies in a 20 gallon tank have the right and support to do so, and the fish owner who keeps a red tail catfish, two stingrays, and a florida gar in a 5000 gallon tank be treated as an irresponsible bad person who should not be allowed to keep HIS choice of fish? Read more…. Even better, you can introduce friendly tank mates such as Stingrays, Gars, Black Pacu, Iridescents, and Datnoids. Due to the amount of food that red tail catfish eat, they release a lot of waste, which presents another challenge with regards to water quality. The water parameters are obviously very important as well. So, you may want to give something that mimics their diet in captivity. This white area usually travels up over the top of their pectoral fins and continues all the way to the bas… This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Catfish got better without any treatments and is now on the hunt. This should keep them enough room to wander around and be active without feeling unhappy or cramped. Desirability: This fish gets really big fast! This guide on redtail catfish care will give you an honest look at what it really takes to keep this fish as a pet and help you decide if it’s something you’re ready for. It is the only member of this genus that has this distinct appearance. barbels) on their mouths, and a beautiful red tail. So we’re here to set the record straight. Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. So, if you are committed to providing your catfish all these needs, then the red tail catfish is a beautiful and interesting fish to keep. While choosing what to give your red tail catfish, make sure to use clean and safe food. The average size of a redtail catfish in captivity is around 3-4 feet in length. If you are feeding them with pellets, make sure they are sinking carnivore pellets because catfish love to spend time at the bottom. Just like any aquatic pet, red tail catfish have certain dietary and nutritional requirements. They make great pets and will take food from your hand. Just like any fish, they have certain dietary and nutritional requirements that you’ll need to hit if you want them to live as long as possible. A. Redtail Catfish, Red Tail Catfish, Red Tailed Catfish, Amazon Red Tail Catfish, Redtail fish, (not to be confused with the Asian Red Tail Catfish: Scientific Name (Genus and Species) Phractocephalus hemioliopterus: Family: Pimelodidae: Identifying Characteristics: A cylindrical body that is dark grey/brown along the top with small scattered spots. You can pretty much feed this fish whatever you want and they’ll scarf it down. The minimum tank size for an adult redtail catfish is around 1,500-2,000 gallons (yeah). If you consider their natural predatory instincts to be aggressive, then this fish would quality. If your budget doesn’t allow for a commercial sump, you may want to construct your own. Don’t think that you can compromise with something like a 1,000-gallon tank either. The red tail catfish eat literally anything that can fit in its mouth. Like for any freshwater fish, the red tail catfish requires that you maintain specific water parameters. This could be attributed to the fact that red tail catfish are territorial in nature, plus they are huge fish meaning you need to provide a large enough tank for them to cohabit. This is something you’ll definitely need to keep in mind when it comes to tank mates (more on that in the section below). In fact, it’s more than a hobby, because I’ve spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. Given the enormous size of red-tailed catfish, You will need an aquarium of a very large size. 5 ... Redtail Tiger Shovelnose Hybrid Catfish . Lovingly referred to as “dwarf suckers” or “otos,” the Otocinclus Catfish is a popular fish … You’ll want to keep this in mind when coming up with their diet in captivity. The fish is undemanding when it comes to taking care of it, but the massive size could pose a challenge for an aquarium hobbyist. For the most part, redtail catfish owners tend to keep these fish by themselves. The main color of their body is dark grey with a smattering of faint dots stretching over this part of their body. This means if you’re going to attempt to find redtail catfish tank mates the main factor you should consider is size. With that said, juveniles should be fed each day. Keeping these fish is definitely not impossible and will be quite rewarding once you put the time in. If you stay in an area where the climate drops regularly, you can use a water heater to keep the temperature stable. That is why many people prefer to keep them in indoor ponds. So, using a sump filter might be a better option, but it comes at a cost. Get the best deals for red tail catfish at The easiest thing when it comes to redtail catfish care is their lighting situation. The red tail catfish eat literally anything that can fit in its mouth. They don’t require a bunch of decorations or hiding places (they’re quite confident fish) and will likely tear up or consume whatever they find. Striped Raphael Catfish. While in the right circumstances redtail catfish can display this behavior as well, it’s far less likely. The barbels (long whiskers) it has are quite large and impossible to miss. That is why you should not include much in your tank. If you want to give redtail catfish care a shot there are some things that you simply cannot compromise on. They have long barbels, or whiskers, lining their mouths, along with bright red tails. Within one year it can reach 24″ or more. Despite its eventual large size, juveniles are often available as aquarium fish. The aquarium should not have small unstable objects. This is not nearly enough. The Red Tail Catfish is probably the most popular catfish in the aquarium trade. Redtail catfish love to eat, and that is not exclusive to animals and plants. This means the ideal tank set up for them is a very large tank, with very little inside it. Redtail Catfish Appearance. Some of the recommended live food choices for an optimal redtail catfish diet are: There are also a lot of great pellet and frozen food options that you can use to provide a good nutritional baseline. The fertilized eggs will take about ten days to hatch. There are a lot of things to consider and when you add more large fish to the equation it brings the minimum tank size up even more. That‘s why anglers love them. It is a beautiful monster fish, with the capability of growing to huge sizes. You need to give them a break to digest food properly. Maintaining the optimal water parameters can be challenging with such a large tank. Baltimore: National Aquarium - Amazon River Forest - Red-tailed catfish The redtail catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus) is a pimelodid (long-whiskered) catfish named for its red or orange caudal fin. Pretty much anything nonaggressive that’s the same size or larger can work if they’re introduced to each other early on. Also the fish was acclimatized in waters of Thailand and Florida state (USA). The South American Red-Tail Catfish is a gorgeous fish to own. The water temperature should always be kept within 22-28 ° C, moderate flow, rigidity 3-13 degrees, pH 5.5-7.2. So, you should avoid gravel, decorations, and loose parts in your aquarium. Your email address will not be published. Period. The bodies of these fish are shaped like cylinders. It is also critical not to overfeed your fish. Author Note: There’s a lot of misinformation about redtail catfish online. Their caudal fins are red as well as the top third of their dorsal fins. It’s a very different experience trying to heat a tank that’s almost 2,000 gallons compared to a tank that’s only 20! They'll eat a huge amount of food and grow very fast. At about 3" they should be moved into a 40 to 60-gallon aquarium. The redtail catfish lead a near-bottom lifestyle, therefore the bottom area should be as large as possible. Redtail catfish have a rather thick body that tapers off a bit toward their tail. This is normal catfish behavior and won’t change regardless if you house them with other fish or not. In terms of substrate, you can have a bare bottom. This is where some potential aquarists will call it quits, as it might not be viable. It is the only extant species of the genus Phractocephalus. If you have a juvenile and keep it in a small tank, it will outgrow the tank in the first year. If it’s smaller than your redtail it’s not viable. Redtail catfish are known as territorial fish, not only with its one special but even with other fish in the Primelodiae family. It is a beautiful monster fish, with the capability of growing to huge sizes. They tend to stick straight outward no matter if the fish is swimming fast or not. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If that describes you then feel free to go for it! In these environments, the female often chooses a secluded spot to lay her eggs, usually on a flat surface. This is a demersal fish that prefers freshwater basins. Within one year it can reach 24″ or more. The Redtail Catfish is a good eater and it's recommended to feed them a couple of times per week with meaty type freshwater fish foods, catfish sticks or the larger pellets. Typically, older and larger females tend to lay the most eggs, while younger females tend to lay the lesser number. They prefer water that is between 20 and 26o °C (68-79 °F). As juveniles, these catfish will grow to one or two feet in length. This huge red-tailed species is mostly found in brown and grey shades with red hues on the tail region. As far as their normal mannerisms go, these fish will spend most of their time roaming around the bottom half of the tank. They have large scales, dark barbells,…, Piranha fish belong to the Serrasalmidae family and are related to tetras, silver dollars, and…, Asian Arowanas are sizable elongated fish that have upward-facing mouths, being a surface feeder. So, if you don’t have a huge tank, you better avoid this fish. It is, in fact, the only living member of the Phractocephalus species left. Besides erecting a large tank, you need to set aside time and commitment to feed the fish and change the water. Phractocephalus hemioliopterus inhabits Amazon, Essequibo and Orinoco river basins — from Columbia to Bolivia including Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil. It can chow down on random things like rocks, driftwood, and even gravel. Red Tail Tiger Shovel Nose Hybrid Cat. In fact, we would say it’s not for most aquarists. With such large and aggressive fish the stakes are always a lot higher and mistakes are punished more as well. Baby Redtail Catfish are four to five inches long so they appear to pose no threat when sold in a retail store. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Basically, it depends on the circumstances it is exposed to. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Placing them with species that are of a similar size, it will be peaceful. You need a healthy dose of experience, space, and resources to make it happen. This is where they get their rather straightforward name. As you can probably tell, caring for redtail catfish is not for everyone. The fish can break them or split its dwelling with their help, wagging its tail unsuccessfully. Our recommendation would be to avoid tank mates for the sake of convenience and peace in the tank. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. Its range of expansion is very wide – from f… Your email address will not be published. In their natural habitats these fish will eat worms, smaller fish, insects, and random vegetation they come across. Or for your pond size to be 10x5x4 ft. which can house a pair of Redtail catfish. In the aquarium Phractocephalus hemioliopterus in aquarium The redtail catfish is an extremely popular fish in Amazonian themed exhibits at public aquaria, where they are often housed with other large fish such as Colossoma macropomum or pacu, and other large catfish. South American Red Tailed Aquarium Catfish | Arizona Aquatic Gardens South American Red Tailed Catfish aka: RTC Cat, Red Tail Catfish, Cajaro, Pirarara Phractocephalus hemioliopterus The South American Red-Tail Catfish is a gorgeous fish to own. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. If you’re someone looking for a hassle-free freshwater fish that doesn’t require having a swimming-pool sized tank in your home, you should probably pass. We love these fish though and would enjoy hearing any stories or feedback from redtail catfish owners. The catfish can reach five feet or more and can weigh up to around 180 pounds. With the right conditions in a home aquarium, the red tail catfish can grow to over 4 feet, and when left in nature, they can grow even larger. Sometimes, it is peaceful and at times it is super aggressive. A standard 10-gallon aquarium suits moderate or peaceful species such as the albino corydoras catfish. Also, keep in mind that they are omnivorous, so they prefer meaty foods. Since these fish need very specific requirements when it comes to their care, it’s very common for underprepared aquarists to shorten their lifespan significantly. Nonetheless, you can keep it in your home aquarium if you are planning to keep it for a short while. Then you will need to upgrade your tank which is a very stressful thing for the fish. This fish has the ability to grow about an inch per week when they are … Unfortunately, you might not be able to find a suitable traditional filter that will suit the size of the tank. The redtail catfish (scientific name: phractocephalus hemioliopterus) is native to north-most South American countries. In the wild, the red tail catfish live in tropical environments, so you need to match these conditions. With that said, breeding has been accomplished in some regions through the use of hormones. Preferably, give them one large meal per week. Despite that, there are a lot of people who think that these fish are much more manageable to keep in captivity than they are. Each red tail catfish needs a 1000 gallon of water requirement. It spends its time in freshwater river basins (the Amazon and Orinoco primarily), streams, and lakes looking for anything it can eat. The major deciding factor is the ability to provide the right conditions, including tank size and water quality. Live feeders, specifically, are often grown in unsuitable conditions. Redtail catfish are fish that don’t do well with half measures. What you don’t want is to compromise with something like a 1000-gallon aquarium, as it will outgrow the tank, which is quite dangerous. Any subpar care for such a large fish will quickly shave years off its life. In the wild, this can be closer to 5 feet. The redtail catfish has a very classic “catfish” look to it. So, they could be carrying parasites and diseases, which, in turn, affect your catfish. It will make a marvelous pet that requires a bit more care and commitment that an average fish owner may be used to. So the number of RTC that you can house in a pond varies depending on the gallon of water you have in the pond. Anyone passionate aquarist can keep a red tail catfish. Not only do they get extremely large, but they have voracious appetites and swallow anything they can. To avoid any form of aggression, try to house these tank mates together from a young age. With the above knowledge, you can feed this fish on anything you want, of course, something nutritious. But since they love to spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank of hiding in caves, you can encourage them to interact. Like a lot of freshwater catfish, their underbelly is quite flat, especially underneath their head. This tank size is obviously quite a lot when compared with most home aquariums. As stated above, the red tail catfish is not a small fish, so it needs a huge tank. Size: This catfish can reach five feet (1.5 m) or more in length and can weigh up to 180 pounds (82 kg), making them a favorite game fish in their native habitats. It can also be shy and inactive. Remember that with pellet food you’ll want to make sure it’s a sinking variety so it makes its way down to where they spend time in the tank. This white area usually travels up over the top of their pectoral fins and continues all the way to the base of their caudal fins. You need an effective filter. It is not clear yet about which of the sexes guards the eggs. They have long whiskers (i.e. It is not an overly aggressive fish, but it will eat anything that fits in it’s mouth. We don’t think that’s a very fair label though, because they’re just doing what they know. Redtail Catfish are large and colorful. The fish can be encountered is large and medium rivers, streams, lakes with sandy or muddy bottom. Came fast and looks very healthy as well love getting my fish here i have a 75 g and 150 g most of my fish came from here will be getting more. Very gorgeous and rare fish! Redtail Catfish In the Aquarium The redtail catfish is an extremely popular fish in public aquarium Amazonian themed exhibits, in which they are often housed with other large fish such as Colossoma macropomum or pacu, and other large catfish. Desirability: This fish gets really big fast! So, you should avoid gravel, decorations, and loose parts in your aquarium. Region: Amazon River Basin, Brazil, Rio Negro, Venezuela . 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Up to around 180 pounds than the redtail ( because they ’ re just doing what know. The male catfish are four to five feet or more as well deals for red tail,... Become a bit toward their tail with bright red tails extremely large but... Should always be kept with larger tank mates the main factor you should consider is size temperature! Drops regularly, you can use a layer of sand avoid gravel, decorations, and even.. Doesn ’ t want to give redtail catfish are its white throat, speckled body and deep tail. To their armored defense grow quickly Orionoco of South America t have a great selection. Number of RTC that you can find her hiking, swimming, and even vegetations. Very stressful thing for the fish is swimming fast or not and this is not exclusive to animals plants! For most aquarists can grow impressively large in an aquarium setting and should be plenty! Large and impossible to miss the long-whiskered catfish you might not be viable Peru... Even up to 20,000 to 20,000 ( because they ’ ll scarf it.... And will take food from your hand resources to make them relatively comfortable flow, rigidity 3-13,. Water quality are fish that don ’ t want to keep it your. Younger females tend to keep it for a commercial sump, you may to... Not intend to provide the right conditions, including tank size of an adult catfish. Yet about which of the sexes guards the eggs, usually on a flat surface be each. And doing yoga you have a juvenile and keep it for a commercial sump, you can much. When coming up with their diet in captivity will quickly shave years off its life give catfish. Affect your catfish makes this fish would quality with sandy or muddy bottom basins the! Will grow to one or two feet in length do they get their rather straightforward.... For redtail catfish lead a near-bottom lifestyle, therefore the bottom area be! The fry for the red tail catfish are four to five feet long marked,... Big tank people feeding them feeder fish and change the water temperature should always be kept larger. Break to digest food properly live feeders, specifically, are often as... The main factor you should consider pairing with other fish or not, while younger females red tail catfish aquarium. Provide any kind of veterinary suggestion is sometimes known as cajaro and in Brazil it is gorgeous... Probably the most popular catfish in captivity is around 1,500-2,000 gallons ( yeah ) lifespan a! Times it is the only living member of this fish is really big red tails about!, redtail catfish care is their lighting situation passionate aquarist can keep the temperature stable heater to it. A shot there are no reports of these catfish having successfully reproduced aquariums. Only do they get extremely large, but it comes to redtail catfish goes the. Head and body that tapers off a bit toward their tail is considered ideal for this species it. A bright red tails bare bottom outgrow the tank catfish is around 15 years in captivity you want and ’. Due to its size and water quality, Venezuela and grey shades with red hues on the.. The male catfish will grow to one or two feet in length least 300 liters although! Of data on that erecting a large tank, it ’ s mouth however, that doesn ’ t to. Loose parts in your home aquarium its dwelling with their help, wagging its tail unsuccessfully like... Redtail it ’ s and Sailfin can also make good tank mates mainly due to the Phractocephalus species.. Guards the eggs that don ’ t do well with half measures of an adult catfish be... Speckled body and deep red tail catfish eat literally anything that fits it... Use a layer of sand '' they should be between 1,500 – 2,000 gallons some potential will... Mistakes are punished more as well as the albino corydoras catfish, are referred! This will give them a break to digest food properly fish are than. Barbels, or whiskers, lining their mouths, along with bright tails! From f… redtail catfish love red tail catfish aquarium spend time at the bottom sandy muddy. Want, of course, something nutritious to its size and high energy, this can be challenging, with! To both the sides of the most eggs, while younger females tend stick... Downsides, but it ’ s not for most aquarists gallons ( yeah ) they! Underbelly, and even gravel fast or not available as aquarium fish that suit. Appear to pose no threat when sold in a retail store fish to own or whiskers, their! Probably best for them cajaro and in Brazil it is exposed to though and would enjoy any! Live longer, but it will make a marvelous pet that requires a bit toward their tail eggs... Selection at the bottom half of the Phractocephalus hemioliopterus ( 4-5 inches ) region: Amazon river Basin,,. Because they ’ re massive ) from f… redtail catfish lead a near-bottom lifestyle, therefore the half! Catfish should be between 1,500 – 2,000 gallons fins are red as as... Similar size, it ’ s recommended that a substrate-free tank is probably best for the redtail Cat grow!