So, basically, the Heir of Void would manipulate destruction, secrecy, the concept of “nothingness,” and obfuscation passively, most likely for the protection of him/herself and others. 16 The Tower = Bard of Light/Maid of Void. That small info is taken from the MSPA Wikia ITSELF due to English's mysterious nature and origin. Ask blog for any questions about Homestuck god tiers. But that isn’t what we’re talking about, we’re talking about a Lord of Void. Analysis Of Homestuck's Mythological Roles. As a Bard, you’ll exist in a constant state of rivalling duality, one side that lacks the nothingness of your Aspect - or rather, the emptiness of it, so I imagine being very satisfied and fufilled in life - or, a state of your aspect, where you feel empty inside. Finally on the combat side the Lord of Light would be able to use light to burn their enemies to the ground. "CG: SHE AND DAVE RAN INTO JACK, WHICH I'M SURE HE MUST HAVE SAW COMING BECAUSE I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE EXPLOIT TIME TRAVEL SO SHAMELESSLY AS HIM, NOT EVEN ARADIA." Classes There are 14 Classes in Homestuck… Ask. Yeah I know, unoriginal. Lord- one who commands and leads their aspect. … A blank page, an empty canvas, that’s what the Void-bound live for. He has a prominent widow's peak and his hair extends down to his back. The Lord of Blood has a uniquely active class paired with a very group-oriented aspect, making for an interesting balance. The pool balls that appear together on each frame of his eyes are paired like Quarters' coins; 1 and 11, 2 and 12, 3 and 13, 4 and 14, 5 and 15, 6 and 9, 7 and 10 and finally, two eight balls. ... Lord - One who has complete control of their aspect, such as Caliborn, ... Lord of Void Lord of Fear Lord of Zen. In addition, the stuff we see in Homestuck is also a doing of Andrew Hussie, someone I believe to be apotential Lord of Space. Issue with the Lord of Void is the sheer range of powers Void awards, and the immense power behind the Command action of a Lord. The Rings of Life and Void are two legendary rings that make appearances throughout multiple fables and myths, each time being referred to by different names. All posts. An unofficial subreddit for Homestuck, Hiveswap, and the works of Andrew … I imagine a state of Depression or Melancholy will allow you to kick major arse. The Void symbol is described by Hussie as a hollowed out Space symbol. The Witch Of Void, the one who controls secrets, the furthest ring, darkness, and the Horrorterrors, and shall exact a great change in these things. After all, he (through convoluted plot shenanigans) composed part of Lord English. 13 Death = Lord of Space/Muse of Time. Even though sloppy is fine, it might be a bit of a good idea to arrange this particular page because, to be quite frank, as it is right now, it is just absolute garbage. Seer-Seers are shown knowledge of their Aspect through its symbolic manifestations, like visions, persons, or magical objects. Lords seems to have a knack for their Aspect without really knowing it. Roxy seemed to cause blackouts in Calliope viewing her session, Darkleer was able to hide a magic cue ball from Doc Scratch, and Equius tried to hide Nepeta from Gamzee before he went to seek him. Or in other words, the LORD OF FRIENDSHIP…. The largest centralized Homestuck fan community. He howls and rears up, throwing Meenah off his back with a force that sends her hurtling out into space. Or just, you know, chucking a sun at them. Alright here it is, the last Lord and second to last Classpect all together. By not giving him this quest, Caliborn is left without an understanding of his Aspect, without Direction, with plenty of power, none of Skaia’s “growing up”, and also with only the barest instinct on how to succeed using his Aspect. Rage-major themes of anger, fear, falsehoods, pain, passion, and negative emotions. You will be similar but your state will focus more on how empty you feel inside. The story contains foul language, violence, gore, and other adult themes. For the most part, my biggest expectation of the Lord of Void is that they will be able… To enlist the aid of the Horrorterrors and I have no words to describe how terrifying that is. The Midnight Crew Intermission introduced English as the leader of The Felt. Analysis Of Homestuck's Mythological Roles - Lord Of Void. CanonDubiously Canon Equius Zahhak,also known by his Trollian handle “centaursTesticle”, is one of the trolls. So the Witch class means this person will create a large multi-session affecting change involving their aspect. Hard to tell about their Personality just like that. The wildcard of nothingness and the Furthest Ring. We can assume, looking at the big image, that a Lord is one class that Acts their aspect and takes action on their aspect, as they are the … Seer-Seers are shown knowledge of their Aspect through its symbolic manifestations, like visions, persons, or magical objects. While often having to endure a lot, the Muse is a Commander of their Aspect just as the Lord is, and while they bear through and grit their teeth when something happens to them, they will move mountains to aid that which they care about. The power to force and create absolute faith and trust. The wildcard of nothingness and the Furthest Ring. Minor themes of temper, spite, and base instincts. Then you have the meaning of Irrelevance, and Nonexistance- Both things the Lord would Command, choosing and dictating what is actually Relevant and what doesn’t Exist, this power would pretty much allow the Lord of Void to erase someone’s existence entirely just by willing it. Since Void has to do with secrecy, it makes sense that secrecy might surround an Heir of Void for his/her protection. Lord Of Void. The Strife Specibus of Mages is out of examples (Sollux used his psychic powers, but he had some throwing stars). Sorry I just really wanted to say that. Powers: Shadows are able to form into tools and weapons, can melt into the darkness and form areas of blackout, can exploit the horror-terrors; tricking them into helping. Lord of Rage personality. Lords possess the combined powers of all of the active basic classes (Knight, Mage, Thief, Witch, Maid, and Prince). Void-Doom Void-Doom is one of the less intuitive pairings of the WGT. 67.1k members in the homestuck community. Your complete counter is a Muse Of Blood who may rally the session against you, yet your compliment is a Muse Of Void who could create a great canvas for you. He howls and rears up, throwing Meenah off his back with a force that sends her hurtling out into space. On to serious matters. They value mystery and the unexplained, and are not particularly bothered by not having all the answers. Your actions will likely cause great harm to the furthest ring or perhaps the Furthest Ring will enable you to fell great foes like a heavy prototypes Black King. \"Equius\" was suggested by Angetaro. The complimenting aspect is Breath, while the opposing aspect is Light. Lord: Active embodiment class. Witch Of Void. Pretty important, even if nobody realizes or remembers it. Void aspect analysis < > Most recent. Lords as a Master Class are very powerful but are distinctly different in mental faculties than that of a normal person, thus making it tilted towards Cherubs and for it to be on a Human or Troll, something in the brain has to be messed up. They are an embodiment of creativity itself. Bards. Muse of Blood Muse of Breath Muse of Doom Muse of Heart Muse of Hope Muse of Life Witch Of Void. The unknown doesn’t scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. As Mages, these players will deny their aspect and will not like secrets or puzzles, they refuse their call and even if they know the thurth or the solution, they could not act to make it happen. The Void aspect is speculated to be the antithesis of the Light aspect, because whereas Light represents knowledge, Void represents the concealing of knowledge and information, and is about secrecy. The Rings of Life and Void are two legendary rings that make appearances throughout multiple fables and myths, each time being referred to by different names. At low levels the Knight has a … Think the typical idea of divine judgment. Okay, so the Lord Of Void, the one who dominates their Aspect of mysteries, insignificance, the Furthest Rim, and the Horrorterror, and through these things, Dominates those around them. A Void Leprechaun set could be substantially more difficult to deal with than the Time ones we see Caliborn make use of, for the sheer Virtue that the Void aspect thrives on secrets and mystery and this will likely make for some information based abilities and hiding abilities. Abilities Nemesis. View entire discussion ( 9 comments) More posts from the homestuck community. Knight, for its leaping, is fire. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Master Classes are always tricky. Anonymous said: could a lord of void go full-on BHMK Answer: Don’t see why not! Light is the opposite of Void, as it focuses on reality, information, and fortune, where Void is all about lies, secrets, shadows, and misfortune. r/homestuck: An unofficial subreddit for Homestuck, Homestuck^2, Hiveswap, ... Lord of Hope. The Lord rules negative feelings. 20 Judgement = Seer of Light/Witch of Void 17 The Star = Rogue of Light/Knight of Void. The unknown doesn’t scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. Homestuck is the fourth and largest story of MS Paint Adventures, with 8,123 pages (out of 10,030 MSPA pages). Likely you won’t stop anyone who tries to kill them anyway. Minor themes of temper, spite, and base instincts. They rule over the hidden information in the session. Lord: Active embodiment class. Heart: Control over emotions and the soul itself. One who becomes their aspect to control it. We also have an unofficial Homestuck Discord at if you want to … 14 Temperance = Muse of Light/Lord of Void. "UU: to Understand the heart aspect better, yoU might Use it interchangeably with the word soUl.UU: the hero Uses the methods endowed by class to inflUence in some way the soUl, or essence of being, of oneself or of others." You can only assume the worst. Everything they believe in would be riding on the Lord of Hope. Lord Of Doom. The Muse. Lords are the active half of the two Master Classes, and their counterparts are the more passive Muses. She raises her trident and jams it into the back of Lord English’s neck. Possible Ability Names: Under Cover: The Knight exploits deception. According to myth, whenever one of the rings goes missing, the other will be miraculously found. 1.2k. Helping … The Heir of Void is probably a secretive person by choice, choosing to isolate themselves either because of their dislike of people, fear of being judged, or whatever else. Let me tell you about Homestuck What is This? Commanding Void, first of all, means the Horrorterrors would definitely do the Lord of Void’s bidding. They can reshape anything they want. In Void players we have seen bowkind, riflekind and the most representative: the fistkind. Text. You’d probably have a very interesting relationship with a Muse of any sort, assuming there was one. They are able to control fear, rage, spite, and pain. Well, only because you’re so polite. 19 The Sun = Sylph of Light/ Prince of Void. Posted by 3 days ago. Metaphorically it represents one’s inner self. Often seen as a Martyr, many believe the Muse is completely incapable of using their powers in a Direct way, but this is not true. Every thought, every action, every idea, everything that makes up a person’s mind is at at the fingertips of the Lord. Lord of Space. Controls breath, controls through breath. So, a Mage of Void is one who knows about mysteries, darkness and secrets and knows through uncertainity, ignorance and the irrelevance of information. The Lord of Blood is a curious Classpect. The largest centralized Homestuck fan community. Lord of Rage personality. Void is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Roxy with her drinking problem, and Equius with his deal about the haemospectrum. We also have an unofficial Homestuck Discord at if you want to … Now this is an interesting one. An unofficial subreddit for Homestuck, Hiveswap, and the works of Andrew Hussie/D-Clussie. The Lord of Void, one who is the personofication of the mysteries and the obscure. The Muse is intrinsically paired with the Lord as both a complement and a opposition and Passive equivalent. Not much is known about Lord English. The King is analogous to Lord. Lord of Rage aesthetic. Audio. Lord Of Doom. I’ll answer any and all questions you have about Homestuck titles, and all of their consequences! They are simple gold bands, less powerful than a fully-prototyped Queen's Ring and far more obscure. Lord of Heart, Muse of Mind, and Undecided Class Time, Space, Breath, and Void Players Well, with the introduction of the Deus Ex Machina thing, this session has everything it needs: a Space player, a Time player, and an even number of players to boot! Prior to God-tiering, the Lord of Breath would be a very take-charge kind of person, but when they weren’t leading anyone they would be incredibly hard to predict. One more Homestuck Mythological Role analysis blog. A Sburb player's assigned title consists of 2 parts - the aspect, and the class, the latter indicating the intended role of the player, and how they may use their aspect. Okay, so the Lord Of Void, the one who dominates their Aspect of mysteries, insignificance, the Furthest Rim, and the Horrorterror, and through these things, Dominates those around them. While several class mechanics are explicitly explained throughout Homestuck, others are only implied. A blank page, an empty canvas, that's what the Void-bound live for. The significance of this (if any) has yet to be seen. They embody the idea of bonds and friendship. Its likely the Horrorterrors will fear you due to the constant risk you present to them as a Destroyer of the Void they call their home. This includes, but may not be limited to, powers of a certain god tier, weapons a certain god tier may be proficient with, how well a team might do in a session, potential land names and quests for titles, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Lords as a Master Class are very powerful but are distinctly different in mental faculties than that of a normal person, thus making it tilted towards Cherubs and for it to be on a Human or Troll, something in the brain has to be messed up. Knight of Void. The Lord doesn’t have that handicap of “near” full control though. So as I’ve said before, personally I think a Lord class lacks a grand majority of powers that are natural to themselves for the most part but do tend to make up for it by having access to their aspect themed Leprechauns and leadership of their team mates. She raises her trident and jams it into the back of Lord English’s neck. One who becomes their aspect to control it. The Lord rules negative feelings. What is it with you and Bards? The Prince of Life, one who destroys the lifespan and health of others, thus eliminating eagerness and excitement in the session. One more Homestuck Mythological Role analysis blog. To have people place all their hopes in them without question. Analysis Of Homestuck's Mythological Roles. 15 The Devil = Heir of Light/Mage of Void. Space: Control over size, speed, and placement within space. \"Zahhak\" was suggested by nextian. Most popular Most recent. They serve two different purposes, depending on the demeanor of the player in question: ... Lord of Void Lord of Fear Lord of Zen. Powers: Shadows are able to form into tools and weapons, can melt into the darkness and form areas of blackout, can exploit the horror-terrors; tricking them into helping. You can only assume the worst. Another theory I’ve been thinking about is the potential theory, that because Caliborn’s session was so messed up, it meant he wasn’t informed and developed as he should have been. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. So if you agree with this theory, consider what kind of session your Lord is going into and how that might affect the way their powers work. In line with the Bard and his music - Gamzee and his Horns, Cronus and the guitar - you however, will lack an instument - Void and all - so either: hambone, sing, whistle, clap or perhaps even air guitar your way to musical mastery. All known Void players have created a "void" around themselves to distance themselves from the world; Roxy and their drinking, Horuss and his "happiness" and Equius and the hemospectrum. Yeah, no offence but I wouldn’t want to be in a Session with a Lord Of Breath. Lord of Life. Nothing personal but Bards are fucking evil. Your complete counter is a Muse Of Blood who may rally the session against you, yet your compliment is a Muse Of Void who could create a great canvas for you. The Lord of Heart becomes Heart itself. They are able to control fear, rage, spite, and pain. A title, for those of you who might not be aware, are given to each player of S***B by Skaia. -Karkat Vantas, on Dave Strider, Knight of Time 1 As a Class 2 Game Info 3 Powers 4 Class Features 5 Aspect Powers A Knight increases their own associated aspect and starts with a lot of it. Knight of Void. True Canon: “Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe’s secret-keepers. The symbol of Void “Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe's secret-keepers. You can’t track her into the void with your eyes, she’s flung so far and so fast. The Witch Of Void, the one who controls secrets, the furthest ring, darkness, and the Horrorterrors, and shall exact a great change in these things. Generally, a void player is shrouded in some way, such as being blacked out on viewports (Roxy on Calliope’s viewport) or by creating a ‘void’ around themselves, making them difficult to reach, i.e. They … Chat. However, 111 is an arc number for Act 6, while 6 and 9 h… One who becomes their aspect to control it. If it were up to me, I’d want the Bard dead as quickly as possible, in any session. Caliborn’s session didn’t give him a planet, it didn’t give him a quest, it gave him a challenge that shouldn’t have been possible but Caliborn managed to accomplish it anyway because that’s what Lords do. Icon made by indegoseahorse MOBILE USERS, PLEASE GO TO YOUR BROWSER IN ORDER TO CLICK ON THE LINKS. English reacts as if he’s been stung by a bee. … Generally, a void player is shrouded in some way, such as being blacked out on viewports (Roxy on Calliope’s viewport) or by creating a ‘void’ around themselves, making them difficult to reach, i.e. 18 The Moon = Page of Light/Thief of Void. ... because of similarity to the Enochian tablet and can be used for divination will be overlooked as it’s not to do with Homestuck. Metaphorically it represents creativity. Maybe it could also have a lot to do with Grimdark players - which I think I’m going to produce a Theory post about later on. Lord: Active embodiment class. Ask blog for any questions about Homestuck god tiers. Well, only because you’re so polite. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Master Classes are always tricky. Lord English's tooth poison was from the ring of void THEORY The gold tooth poison was one of the more controversial parts of the epilogues even among people who enjoyed reading them, with many believing it to essentially be a writer copout to bypass godtier immortality. A giant ray of light striking the ground and vaporizing anything that was standing there. The unknown doesn't scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. Filter by post type. yo check this. 436 votes, 137 comments. He also has broken sunglasses and broken teeth. According to myth, whenever one of the rings goes missing, the other will be miraculously found. Their challenge is to be able to translate their insight and knowledge into action and decision.A Seer of Void might struggle with the idea of everything being meaningless, of everything eventually slipping away into obscurity and nothingness. The one who dominates death, misfortune and eventuality and dominates through these things. As we see in Gamzee, he appears to be very powerful, a force to be reckoned with when he Rages, but laughably lousy during times of stoned ragelessness. Lord of Rage aesthetic. Band with the Rogue of Breath, who will share Freedom with you to fully maximise the ability of your emptiness. Its Opposite is the Aspect Light. The passive destroyer of Void, or passive Void Destroyer. Oh boy. Void is the aspect that governs literal nothingness, lacking, and the obfuscation or destruction of knowledge. Yeah, no offence but I wouldn’t want to be in a Session with a Lord Of Breath. The Void aspect is speculated to be the antithesis of the Light aspect, because whereas Light represents knowledge, Void represents the concealing of knowledge and information, and is about secrecy. Video. Lord- one who commands and leads their aspect. Even if everything the Lord has promised or told them is a lie they will still trust in it absolutely. Its Opposite is the Aspect Light. Beware the Knight Of Light, who will light up the dark. Rage-major themes of anger, fear, falsehoods, pain, passion, and negative emotions. Grid View List View. They rule over the hidden information in the session. At low levels the … Eurhg. You’d probably have a very interesting relationship with a Muse of any sort, assuming there was one. You can’t track her into the void with your eyes, she’s flung so far and so fast. Caliope had a much different experience and I’m even more lacking in ideas about her - particularly the version of Caliope that did win over Caliborn - because she’s so passive and symbolic in her role. Abilities Nemesis. He brings hope into a world void of democracy! Or y'know. Homestuck Title Interpretation Extravaganza Wanting to know what awesome new powers your shiny new title gives you? The Lord of Life is one who has total dominance over life energy and the growth of others. They are simple gold bands, less powerful than a fully-prototyped Queen's Ring and far more obscure. A blog all about clearing up misconceptions about the Webcomic Homestuck, and to a lesser extent, the Game Hiveswap and other HS-related media. Life: Control over life itself and natural energy. Link. This would explain Equius' almost unhealthy obsession for anything relating to \"hoofbeasts.\" \"Equus\" can also be a variation of \"calm\" in Latin, which would be ironic for the fact th… True Canon: “Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe’s secret-keepers. It started on the 13th of April 2009 (4/13/09), 413 becoming a recurring number in-universe. Here's some detail: sources should be added to more statements, speculative statements should be cleaned up and made more objective, and subjectivity should be avoided. That is the Lord of Hope. They have absolute control over the minds of others if they so wish. This includes, but may not be limited to, powers of a certain god tier, weapons a certain god tier may be proficient with, how well a team might do in a session, potential land names and quests for titles, and pretty much anything else you can think of. As the Lord of Void themselves… Well its tricky. The name Equius takes its root from the Latin Equus, or \"horse.\" It may also be in reference to the play \"Equus,\" in which a boy discovers his sexual affinity towards horses. An unofficial subreddit for Homestuck, Hiveswap, and the works of Andrew Hussie/D-Clussie. Void is the aspect that governs literal nothingness, lacking, and the obfuscation or destruction of knowledge. I can see the Lord of Light being able to do that to. So the Witch class means this person will create a large multi-session affecting change involving their aspect. The Lord of Void, one who is the personofication of the mysteries and the obscure. Just kind of accidentally managing to get through their game. At least one of them will be able to go invisible under weird circumstances. There are 14 known classes, consisting of 12 "normal" classes and two "master" classes. As described on the MSPA website, Homestuck is "a tale about a boy and his friends and a game they play together." Yeah I know, unoriginal. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Using their bare hands to be badass is something Void players often do, but also they had secondary weapons, wich can be anything for now. When you are truely void inside, you will be a destructive force to be reckoned with, whatever route you take, but remember you will destroy. English reacts as if he’s been stung by a bee. Photo. Let the Knight paint the walls in bardy dark blue colours and red/whatever. we got mad at classpect analysis blogs and decided to make a aspect circle thing, but much different than ur usual aspect circle. The Lord would have absolute mastery over where everything was, it's scale companies to everything else, and the form it took, his ultimate power cause all of reality to become 'paradox space' where everywhere loops back into itself, becoming it self as it travels through position and scale, and this paradox space would necessitate his existence. Oh boy. The Prince of Life, one who destroys the lifespan and health of others, thus eliminating eagerness and excitement in the session. Void is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Metaphorically it represents growth. Meaning they become the soul, their own inner self. Lord of Breath. The passive destroyer of Void, or passive Void Destroyer. The Lord of Space is one who becomes space and controls it completely. Commanding Void, first of all, means the Horrorterrors would definitely do the Lord of Void’s bidding. Their challenge is to be able to translate their insight and knowledge into action and decision.A Seer of Void might struggle with the idea of everything being meaningless, of everything eventually slipping away into obscurity and nothingness. No session with a Muse or Lord could be called typical, but the role of a Lord of Blood in an Sburb session is a active one; creating, destroying, and altering bonds and responsibility. At first glance it seems like a pretty nice one. Quote. So, the Lord of Blood. The one who dominates death, misfortune and eventuality and dominates through these things. No session with a Muse or Lord could be called typical, but the role of a Lord of Breath in an Sburb session is a active one; creating, destroying, and altering freedom and change. Possible Ability Names: Under Cover: The Knight exploits deception. FANWORK . His associated zodiac sign is Sagittarius (♐), and he has one broken and one arrow shaped horn. 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