She was known to be a skilled slicer, breaking into secure files with relative ease,[15] though she was not on the same level as Zakarisz Ghent. He also informed her of numerous threats in the Unknown Regions, which the Empire of the Hand was supposed to guard against. Jade Skywalker refused to be admitted to a medical center, noting that that was their only chance to escape arrest. [92] Zahn stated that she was a complex character, but not difficult to write. Shrike was a prototype starfighter produced by Incom Corporation, and was privately owned by the smuggler Talon Karrde. the handwork is very fine with incredible detailing. His esteem for her was such that he actually allowed her time for relaxation, atypical of Palpatine's usual style. When a New Republic fleet led by the Rejuvenator arrived, the Skywalkers followed the fleet to the Helska system, where they flew cover for Solo's iceborer while the New Republic fleet was badly mauled by the Yuuzhan Vong. [21] That same year, again uses the alias Arica Pradeux while investigating the motives of Imperial Councilor Raines and General Egron on Chibias. Skywalker called a meeting of the Jedi on Zonama Sekot and announced the construction of a new academy on Ossus, where the Skywalkers planned to move. The rescue mission ended in disaster as the three encountered both Lumiya and Rar, in addition to the station's security, while Jacen fled to the Galactic Alliance Guard Star Destroyer Anakin Solo. She is also available as a unit if you create a map using the scenario editor. [42] During the First Corellian Insurrection she piloted the Jade's Fire alongside the Lady Luck and Millennium Falcon at Battle of Centerpoint Station. She stunned the guards and made a deal with Madine to let her and Barkale escape. She was barely able to defeat the infiltrator. However, even though her illness appeared to be in remission the Jedi were unsure if the tears were something which would prove permanent relief. She helped Horn trick Kun into returning to the Praxeum to use fellow apprentice Streen against Skywalker, leading to the Sith Lord's destruction from the combined Force power of the students there. [59], Hamner informed them that Fey'lya had just put out a warrant for their arrest. His attempt was unsuccessful, but she was interrupted before she could stop him and the commodore. In an effort to knock out its superlaser, she and Calrissian made their way to the core of the prototype in environment suits, planning to plant thermal detonators along the reactor core, but they were attacked by a group of spacetroopers. She was constantly worrying over Ben and his actions within the GAG, and even up until her death, her love for her husband and Ben was present in her mind. [46], Leaving the spa, Jade went to get her gown from Jari'kyn and was impressed by its appearance. "Who?" First, she went to the auction house where the paintings had been sold, but gleaned little information. They had been on the planet for a few weeks when they discovered the Yuuzhan Vong had landed on the planet. the record about her. Knowing full well the leverage she had over them, LaRone agreed to her terms reluctantly. became the queen of the heaven, the goddess in charge of the happiness and the Around that time, Karrde started helping her set up her own small trading company. In the Prosperous East, there are port cities like Phoenix Gate. Jade then pulled Axlon and Ferrouz into the governor's private exit along with LaRone and Marcross, escaping the palace through the exit and storm drains. Jade Skywalker became estranged from Jaina as she succumbed to her grief at the loss of her brother, taking on the mantle of the Yuuzhan Vong trickster goddess. [77], Using a Coruscant Security Force forensics droid, Shevu and Ben were able to investigate Caedus' StealthX and discovered one twenty-nine centimeter long hair of Jade Skywalker, with a tag and blood on it, confirmed by comparison with one of her hairs that Luke Skywalker still had in his possession. After she and Leia escaped from the Human League, Jade Skywalker flew her ship through the enemy forces, and eventually managed to rendezvous with Han Solo on Selonia. [94] However, according to author Jonathan W. Rinzler, Lucas does not hold a positive opinion of the Mara Jade character because her and Luke's love contradicts the Jedi Code from the Star Wars prequel trilogy;[95] hence why Lucas disregarded Mara Jade's marriage to Luke from the story of Star Wars in a 2008 interview. She put an end to him when he tried to shoot her and she redirected the bolt into him with her lightsaber. [26], Fortune finally struck when Jade saved the smuggler baron Talon Karrde from an ambush on Varonat that took the life of Karrde's second-in-command, Quelev Tapper, and almost killed Karrde as well. [37], Outside the fortress, the two realized that they needed to return to the fortress, to obtain data on the threats Parck was referring to earlier. All the while, she was still haunted by the Emperor's last command: "You will kill Luke Skywalker. However, Karrde also warned them that the original message had been stolen by a man formerly in his employ named Dean Jinzler. [25], Jade then went to the governor's palace, where she confronted Raines about the absence of any record of him in the governor's personnel files. Over the years, she continued to work for Karrde and interact with Skywalker intermittently, training at his Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 for a short period of time. Until someone pinched their cheeks! Her keen danger sense provided her warning of imminent danger and saved her life on numerous occasions. Even Skywalker relied on his wife's danger sense more than his own, since Jade Skywalker had required it to survive as an Imperial agent. During the outbreak of the Confederation-Galactic Alliance War, Jade Skywalker's son Ben would brag about her abilities as a spy to Jedi Knight Nelani Dinn. Once she was returned to the slave barracks, Jade used her skills as a saboteur to mix the chemicals into weapons. Jade took the startled Ghent back to her hotel room, informing him that his trip to the hall had been a set-up. Jade made contact with Sansia, though Sansia told her that her father only wanted an experimental, heavily upgraded SoroSuub 3000 luxury yacht that had also been stolen. Jade Skywalker did not contribute much to the meeting, preferring to sit and observe, quietly supporting her husband from the sidelines. The Jade Emperor's wife is a Fujoshi! While on Coruscant, Skywalker saw the anti-Jedi Appeasement Vote fail by a two-to-one margin, but was still concerned that a third of the Senate voted against the Jedi. The two then received an encrypted message from Han and Leia requesting to meet them on the Errant Venture. They pretended to surrender; the airspeeders landed, and their assailants announced their intentions of killing them. The mission was a partial success: although the rogue Jedi had all been partially assimilated by the Taat nest, most of them were persuaded to return to Alliance space. After the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Mara Jade entered a brief but unique mutual-apprenticeship[35] with Kyle Katarn, with Kyle initially taking on the role of master, and Mara that of the apprentice. For once, Jade Skywalker agreed without argument, but even the middle of the refugee camp was not safe for her as she sensed and engaged three Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators in ooglith masquers with the aid of Leia and her Noghri bodyguard Bolpuhr. In his palace in heaven, the Jade Emperor lives with his wife the Jade Empress, Tianshang Shengmu or Mazu (Yu-huang sheng-mu or Ma-tsu) and their large family. Jade Skywalker fought Lumiya to a standstill, and the two women were both left severely wounded. [37], Realizing that they needed more information, Jade went down to talk to the inhabitants of the fortress, where she encountered a group of ysalamiri and the leaders of the fortress, Voss Parck and Soontir Fel. Using her passwords to slice into the computer, she and Skywalker reached the detention block and freed Karrde. On Belsavis, Jade helped round up the last of the insane guards, many of whom she had once known, though Roganda Ismaren and her son Irek escaped. Not realizing that it was in fact a physically real Force projection of Ben, Jade Skywalker caught him off guard with a kick to his midsection. Despite a sticky and officious greeting from Commander Keten and Moff Kurlen Flennic, they managed to meet with Pellaeon's protégé, Captain Arien Yage, who was more welcoming than the Moff and Keten had been. [24], Barkale took her back to his home, but Jade noticed a sculpture that he had reported stolen or destroyed years ago, along with many other pieces of artwork. Realizing that the water had trapped them inside, Skywalker told Jade of a vision he had of her lying facedown in water and also confessed his love to Jade, which she had completely realized when they had joined minds. Jade Emperor The Jade Emperor is one of the most important gods of the Chinese Taoist pantheons. Instead, he made Jade and Lando Calrissian "an item," saying that they seemed to share a lot of the same interests. She would also help Karrde deliver a pair of ysalamiri to Han Solo over Almania when he went in search of Kueller, the mastermind behind the bombing who was attempting to kill Skywalker. [80], Mara Jade Skywalker in her descendant Cade's hallucinations, While they were inside the Maw Cluster, Skywalker and Ben were led to an out-of-body experience that took them both to a place called the Lake of Apparitions. Jade Skywalker obtained such a chance at Hesperidium and ended with herself gaining a bruised eye, split lip, burned neck, and bleeding forehead while Lumiya suffered severe lightsaber wounds. She came to the conclusion that the assassination was too easy and that any number of the guards present during her attack should have easily been able to stop her. As the water roared through the newly created outlet, Skywalker put her in a hibernation trance, and they both flew through the water unconscious. Jade requested a pair of crewers for the ship, and Colonel Vak Somoril gave her a pair of ISB men to accompany her. [42], Jade entered the palace under the pretext of bringing a gift to Praysh, supposedly unaware that she was the gift. Though Anakin was prepared to defend those present by killing the spy with his lightsaber, Jade Skywalker yelled at Anakin to stop—the Yuuzhan Vong chose to slit its own throat with its claw, rather than be a prisoner of the Jedi. [14], During the mission at Grand Moff Tarkin's estate in 3 BBY, Mara was referred to as countess. [13] She was also talented enough to secure a number of odd jobs while on the run, including as a hyperdrive mechanic. They decided that the man could not have been Nom Anor, and decided to continue finish their journey to the planet's surface. Jade replied that she had once wanted nothing more than to kill him, though the incident apparently didn't seem to cause much consternation between the women. Although her sister-in-law Leia Organa Solo was supposed to deliver her eulogy, Leia and Han were prevented from arriving by a Galactic Alliance Guard squad seeking to detain them. [11], Using the Hand of Judgment's modified Suwantek TL-1800, Jade and the Hand of Judgment flew to Poln Major. [76], As the Second Galactic Civil War continued to escalate, Ben decided to find proof of Jacen's involvement of Jade Skywalker's death, as he still retained nagging suspicions that Jacen was the culprit. Refusing aid from Skywalker or other Jedi, she then set out on her hunt for Lumiya, looking for an opportunity to end what she viewed as the Sith menace to her son. Jade suspected that the kidnappers had used the safe room built into the governor's private exit and investigated it. However, their pleasant leisure time was interrupted by the visit of Jedi Knight Kenth Hamner. [82], Mara Jade's ghost later interacted with Luke Skywalker when he returned to the realm beyond shadows to stop and destroy Abeloth, although she was at a loss as to how to defeat Abeloth when Skywalker asked her. The two Twi'leks escaped on board the ship Nebula Chaser, but were eventually discovered by a Yuuzhan Vong search party using newly created voxyn creatures that hunted Jedi. [32] During the Yuuzhan Vong war, the Skywalkers traveled to the ExGal-4 outpost on Belkadan and began an investigation into what had occurred there. He decided to retreat in a mountain cave and cultivate his Tao. Emerald green[6] Numa was killed by one of the beasts, while Alema managed to escape aboard an escape pod. However, they were attacked by a former Imperial Royal Guardsman seeking to derail the wedding. Following her successful mission, she was contacted mentally by Palpatine after she returned to her private Lambda-class shuttle. famous goddess in the moon flied to the moon. Jade lobbied the Emperor unsuccessfully to be allowed to be the one to end Kuro, but instead Vader was sent. Adding to the tensions brewing between the trio, Jade Skywalker would also confront Jacen about performing a memory wipe on Ben, but ultimately accepted his false explanation that he did it for Ben's own protection: in reality, he had done so to conceal the fact that he had fathered a daughter with Tenel Ka Djo. Their damaged Dreadnaught then jumped to hyperspace, its mission successful, until the conclusion of the battle and the withdrawal of Yuuzhan Vong forces. Skywalker helped fight off the guards while Jade freed Ferrouz's wife and daughter. She also was able to reveal that he had been hired by the governor for computer work, rather than that the governor needed Ghent's services, which was what Markko had originally told her. Jun 21, 2019 - The Jade Emperor and his wife Xi Wangmu (Queen Mother of the West) ensured the deities' everlasting existence by feasting them with the peaches of immortality. In order to escape, the pair identified themselves as Jade (Luke Skywalker), a bounty hunter in the employ of Talon Karrde, and Senni Kiffu (Mara Jade), a thief who had a falling-out with Karrde's organization. The group slowly advanced on his citadel, though Hamner and Veila detached from the group to assist the Shamed Ones, a pariah caste of Yuuzhan Vong who believed redemption had arrived for them and were revolting in a desperate struggle against the warriors. [23], After the assassination, Jade reported to the Emperor that the mission had been successful. Killing the warriors quickly, Jade Skywalker then sent Leia off to find Danni Quee, who was Force-sensitive and could detect Yuuzhan Vong, to hunt for more similarly clad infiltrators. She disguised herself as the dancing girl Arica, and set her plans in motion while she awaited the arrival of Skywalker. [37] By the time of her ascension to Jedi Master, Jade Skywalker had became a powerful member of the New Jedi Order. Taoism raises her to a very high [46], Skywalker and Jade just prior to their wedding on Coruscant, As part of the preparations, Jade had to deal with a number of dress designers competing for the design of her wedding dress, ranging from a masked dress to a black dress reminiscent of Imperial agents' attire to a minimalist dress that Jade refused to step out of the dressing room in. Skywalker had been investigating a vision the Force had given him of Jade lying facedown in water when he met Karrde, and the vision had disturbed both of them. However, Egron and Markko managed to intercept her before she could escape the palace. Chu Jiayi felt his soul float like it was in a hot spa, the water was fragrant and he felt great, but he kept sleeping for a long time. [46] A small way in which she showed Skywalker her love for him was through the playful nickname which she constantly called him—Farmboy. Subsequently, she adopted a militant stance, urging without hesitation UnuThul's assassination, and leading a StealthX flight into the Utegetu Nebula, in an attempt to sneak through the blockade imposed by the Galactic Alliance. She was determined to be a loving mother, and to protect her son's childhood innocence. Working with New Republic Intelligence on Mon Calamari while Skywalker went to recruit the aid of Garm Bel Iblis and his fleet, Jade Skywalker helped carefully leak information to Yuuzhan Vong spies, giving them knowledge of the bait—Jedi Knights and government officials—that were alleged to be in the isolated Deep Core system. Presumably, this is where Dirgeis located. It was eventually decided that Anakin would investigate the claims while under the watchful eye of Jade Skywalker. It would not be the last time Jade encountered these types of ships, however. [31], In 4 ABY, Mara introduces herself as Litassa Colay, Director of Offworld Special Events, to Imperial Councilor Raines on Chibias. In that position, she provided cover for the Lusankya during Operation Emperor's Spear, which saw the command ship successfully ram a Yuuzhan Vong worldship. Skywalker picked them up and Jacen used his tears to heal Skywalker, much as Vergere had done for his wife earlier. Jade then carved a hole into the ceiling and escaped into an abandoned wing of the palace, seeking a way to approach Ferrouz. [74], Upon returning to the Jedi Temple, the Skywalkers were informed by Kyp Durron of Cal Omas' and Cha Niathal's request that Jacen be made into a Jedi Master. In response, she had him promise to take care of Ben if anything should happen to her. Skywalker and the Jedi realized that the meeting could be a trap—but they also recognized that that information may be the only way to cure Jade Skywalker. She eventually caught up with Lumiya on Hesperidium and another lightsaber duel took place involving the two women. Before the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, she accompanied Ambassador Leia Organa Solo and Jaina Solo on their diplomatic mission to the planet of Rhommamool, which at the time was waging a civil war with its sister planet, Osarian. Skin color Undaunted, she quickly took over the ship, captured Tannis, and signaled the Reprisal via the Happer's Way's communications relay to assist her and the freighter. [62], Mara Jade Skywalker wielding a lightsaber, Due to her upbringing under Darth Sidious, and also to the training she received from the Sith Lord, Mara Jade Skywalker learned how to maintain a calm and collected composure in almost every situation. Jade located a secret passageway that led there and followed it to an underground area that was heavily guarded. In the Return of the Jedi radio drama, C-3PO speaks with Arica, voiced by Samantha Bennett. [23] His last command reverberated through the Force to her: YOU WILL KILL LUKE SKYWALKER. Shortly after Jacen found that their communications to Mon Calamari had been cut off, the crew of the Jade Shadow sensed a disturbance in the Force from Zonama Sekot. Family holos described the important events of her life to those who came after her. Her duties shifted though, when Calrissian and Karrde agreed to help out with Omas's campaign and she began using YVH-M droids to detect Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators who had bribed some people for information, finding pleasure in her work. Despite her misgivings, she convinced Skywalker to go with her to rescue Karrde from Thrawn's ship, the Chimaera, in the Skipray blastboat that she had used to reach Jomark. Ultimately, the Skywalkers and Veila were able to defeat Nyax with relatively little injury, even though Nyax easily slaughtered the Jedi-killing voxyn that the Yuuzhan Vong sent after him. They then left Imperial space for Chiss territory, accompanied by an Imperial frigate, the Widowmaker, under the command of Captain Yage, to support and escort them. Jade, acting as Ghent's broker, agreed to bring him to the palace to slice the computer, which Markko had informed her was captured from the Rebel Alliance, after charging him an exorbitant fee. [41], On one occasion, while commanding on the Wild Karrde in Karrde's temporary absence, Jade and the rest of the crew were captured by Ja Bardrin, a wealthy industrialist whose daughter Sansia had been captured by the slaver Chay Praysh. Jade also got Bardrin to reveal that the entire abduction was a set-up, designed to help him take out Praysh and capture some stolen prototypes. While Skywalker and Lumiya dueled each other, Jade Skywalker and Rar entered into a deadly fight—Rar shot at Jade Skywalker with a poison dart, but Jade Skywalker was able to defeat the Twi'lek, knocking her unconscious. For his part, Skywalker still felt grief and guilt over having not seen Jacen's fall and preventing her death, which motivated him to accept his exile in order to perform his search. These novels featured Mara Jade extensively. She lived in Kunlun Mountains, but in fact, she was a tribe's Knowing that Krayt had returned to corporeal planes, she told him that he couldn't give up yet as long as the galaxy needed him to help him fight the Sith. Instead, Anakin Solo sneaked off the planet and Jade Skywalker recruited Karrde's help to get the trainees away from the beleaguered academy. [69], Moreover, as the Jedi returned to Alliance space, a Gorog assassin stowed away aboard the Jade Shadow. The contest for Ithor ended when Corran Horn challenged and killed Shai in single combat, but his subordinate brutally destroyed Ithor anyway. She lurks on the edge of the map, and when discovered, is only there for a moment before walking offscreen. [23], Mara Jade while being hunted by Ysanne Isard, Her hatred of Skywalker for destroying her master burned deep within her and she vowed to kill the Jedi Knight. The Skywalkers traveled as honorary guests aboard the Chaf Envoy. [6] In order to accomplish her mission, Jade, posing as a guest at a formal event at Tarkin's residence, feigned illness in order to get away from the other guests. The Skywalkers both opposed using the weapon, as it would represent the slaughter of an entire culture and escalate the war into a further bloodbath. During the Thrawn Campaign, she flew a Z-95 Headhunter and flew at the Battle for the Katana fleet, though she was disabled by an ion cannon. Don't miss out this chance to get it. She alone was privy to his plans going into the meeting. 21-06-2019 - The Jade Emperor and his wife Xi Wangmu (Queen Mother of the West) ensured the deities' everlasting existence by feasting them with the peaches of immortality. [6] While they often disagreed, the Skywalkers trusted each other explicitly and supported the other half of their union. [15], By that time, Jade Skywalker had been the captain of numerous ships, but had never owned a ship which was registered in her name. The native Ferroans let them know that they were not welcome, but Jabitha bade them to come and explain their journey at the village. [9], Jade's second mission was on a Republic Corellian Corvette guarding a Jedi holocron, when they again came under attack from Kaerobani's pirates. The month-long recuperation period for her wounds meant that she would not see any more action during the Swarm War. Jade Skywalker replied that she knew very little about the woman, but that they should avoid her. Emperor Jade Pagoda: Pagoda hopping with my wife - See 1,161 traveler reviews, 1,116 candid photos, and great deals for Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, at Tripadvisor. The Z-95 was a dependable and reliable fighter which was able to pack both speed and firepower into its small package. Species She has also been to numerous conventions in the United States and in other countries such as Japan and Mexico. During that mission she discovered that Glovstoak had been skimming the top off tax returns to the Imperial Center. He described her, even as an Emperor's Hand, as "definitely willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, and let the chips fall where they may." On their third jump towards the system, they were able to reach a clear path through hyperspace and they arrived to find Zonama Sekot orbiting a gas giant and in the final stages of repelling a small Yuuzhan Vong war fleet. The immortals residing in the palace of Xi Wangmu were said to celebrate an extravagant banquet called the "Feast of Peaches” celebrated on earth in honour (birthday) of Xi Wangmu on the 3rd day of the 3rd moon month. Her origin is quite surprising. Deciding to turn the tables, she lost her pursuit and followed them back to their hideout. Once the spy and Vergere had defected, they provided valuable information on a number of things—most notably intelligence pertaining to an upcoming attack on Ord Mantell, and also information which revealed that that Yuuzhan Vong had released a deadly virus into the galaxy long before their invasion. She managed to obtain her lightsaber and quickly kill the remaining Nebula members, though not before they killed Drig and Jorshmin, a patron whom Jade had befriended. It was just for eating the elixir of life that the Little did she know that Ghent was hired by the smuggler Talon Karrde shortly after she and Ghent parted ways. While Han, Leia, and Nom Anor went in search of Jacen and Jaina, who had themselves gone after Shimrra's familiar Onimi, Jade Skywalker and Veila brought Skywalker back down to the lower levels and out from the citadel. Finally she found Katarn totally immersed in the dark side. Gamgalon found out what Karrde knew, though Jade Skywalker also was disturbed by a who. Was quite impressed with her newly drafted stormtroopers, she deactivated her weapon and beat him down with punishing combat! From mining glitterstim on Kessel as Esva 's forces and an Imperial assassin, Jade Ghent... Brain and prepared to use explosives to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong jade emperor wife craft Table of Contents Chapter. A desire for people she can trust, even though being near her obviously his! Ultimately, though they learned little from the ceiling and nearly hit Luke Skywalker `` you WILL kill Luke and... Had survived the attack and was able to plot the destination of the Yuuzhan Vong war their was! 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