work from home questions to ask employer

Kat Boogaard. By using The Balance Careers, you accept our. Is the pay an hourly rate, or piecework, or commission? I can communicate with my colleagues quickly, through email and texts if I have a question, and then get right back to work with no distractions. As employees begin to return to their workplaces after weeks under COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, they will have questions. If the answer is no then you need to find out why, as this isn’t good for morale. … Are there set work hours or is the schedule flexible? In this article, we offer examples of COVID-19-related questions you can ask employers during interviews so you can understand the steps they’ve taken in response and learn about any gaps or shortcomings. 3. It can improve morale and therefore retention, plus prove attractive to prospective employees when you’re recruiting. This is an unprecedented time and employers may not have good answers to all of your questions, but asking them can at least illuminate exactly what you can expect when you start your … One-on-one virtual meetings can garner the best results. Copyright © 2010-2020 Snap Surveys Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide. Consider preparing a list of 5-10 questions to ask ahead of time. This is crucial. 1. Your employees may be working hard on a specific task at home only to later learn you were waiting for something different. That's easy. This will set the tone for the rest of the questionnaire. If deciding whether or not an employee can work remotely, there are a variety of things an employer will want to take into consideration – especially the person’s emotional capacity to work in a different or solitary environment. Often, employers will request that an employee who wants to work remotely on a permanent basis fill out an assessment form to determine if the person is a good fit or … The employer asks the question to help decide if you're the right fit for the position. For many HR professionals, these are trying times, with the workforce asking more questions every day. Prior to granting out-of-office status, Gilbert suggests asking these 5 questions: 1) Does Your Employee Have The Self-Discipline? Ask employees to flag any confusing instructions. If you have any contacts who are familiar with the company, ask them for information they think might pertain to your interview. So, employees who are part of the chain likely will be unable to work from home. What interests you about working for this company? Are you ready for loneliness? The top 20 questions to ask in your employee survey. Ask how and where the candidate plans on working. Remaining isolated has been known to cause depression in some cases. Surveys can be a helpful tool to monitor engagement, morale and productivity, but where do you start? The employer will also try to determine if you are flexible, self-motivated, and able to manage your time and projects working without supervision. At the end of an interview, the tables are usually turned, and you get to ask the questions. Do you have a dog? We use cookies to improve your experience on our website and to show you personalised content. SHARE. Here are some typical interview questions for work-at-home job candidates and how to answer them: You want to answer this question in a way that shows you're productive and independent. Be flexible. The scale and scope of what we’re seeing, with organizations of 5,000 or 10,000 employees asking people to work from home very quickly, is … Luis Alvarez/Getty Images. Give employees the chance to ask questions about expectations. This allows me to be much more productive because I am not worrying whether or not they forgot their lunch or arrived home safely. 9 Employee Engagement Survey Questions to Ask By Dom Nicastro | May 21, 2020. Here’s 12 questions for your working from home survey – we’ll also post a link below to a free WFH survey. It’s also an entirely new experience for most employees around the world. Employer Resources; Changing Jobs 70 Get-to-Know-You Questions to Ask Your Co-workers (That Don't Involve Desert Islands) by. Are there any other questions I can answer for you. It’s colloquially called the “barbecue test” – would an employee be proud to tell someone where they worked if asked at a barbecue? What are the deadlines? 1. In turn, that can help you determine if management truly has your safety, job security, and financial interests in mind, and you’ll be able to gain insight into the future of the company post-COVID-19. That’s not news to you, but how you gain those insights might seem less straightforward. If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start? What You Should Ask the Employer. This question, unsurprisingly, gets at an employee’s pride in the place that they work. Have you personally written to your employees about your company’s mission, vision, and objective during lockdown? Privacy Policy  • Legal Statement • Software Legal and Service Agreements. They generally only have cats or household rodents running on a wheel inside of a cage. You can’t just walk up to employees and ask if they like their manager, can you? I would love the opportunity to use my 10 years of experience in marketing to support the community along with you. By Sophie Choukah Dec. 31, 2020. The Balance Careers uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. It’s important to get fresh air – whether it’s a lunchtime walk, a break in the garden or exercise after work. Their homes … Having a written list of pre-prepared questions will help in the instance that you get nervous and don’t remember what you wanted to ask, or questions don’t arise organically during the interview. Here’s 12 questions for your working from home survey – we’ll also post a link below to a free WFH survey. Ask: How will training proceed, and what tools will you provide if I have to work from home? At the end of an interview, the tables are usually turned, and you get to ask the questions. Think about how you’re going to show your presence in the office, be responsive by phone and email. 6 Working from Home Alone Questions. Or, maybe you’ve been around for a while, but you’ve realized that you really don’t know all that much about the people you work with. Working from home surveys can help ensure a smooth transition from office working to remote working. Communication is more important than ever when remote working – both from a productivity standpoint as well as team-building. Do they self-start, or tend to procrastinate? If it’s a new experience for an employee then they’ll need extra support to ensure they can adjust to this new way of working. Have you established a good work … You describe in the job listing that you're seeking a coder who can learn new software languages quickly. You have to work alone in a remote job and that can be challenging for many in the long run. Scores on this question reflect levels of brand and mission affiliation and can give you insight into how your external brand is viewed by people internally. Some employees will have been working from home while others may have been home on furlough. This will set the tone for the rest of the questionnaire. How would you describe the responsibilities of the position? All you have to do is ask these eleven simple questions. Feedback Questions to Ask Employees When: Quarterly. I like the flexibility in hours, as I'm an early riser, and can get a lot done before most people are in the office. Here is a list of remote work questions to ask the interviewer so you can make sure the job is what you are looking for: During your interview, the hiring manager will ask questions that help determine how successful you will be in the position. If it’s a new experience for an employee then they’ll need extra support to ensure they can adjust to this new way of working. Match your skills to what the employer has asked for in the job description and interview. [Greeting] I’d like to request the ability to work from home while local officials assess the ongoing situation with Coronavirus. CBC Hamilton spoke, during a Facebook Live event Wednesday June 3, with employment law expert Adam Savaglio about returning to work or working from home … There’s no question that employees need to be self-motivated to … Editor’s note: We are re-running the top stories of 2020 as part of our year-end countdown. Flexibility allows me to get my kids off to school in the morning and be there for them when they come home. What employees think of their jobs and the company they work for can make or break an organization. COVID-19 has forced many employers and employees to start working from home, raising questions about the duty to accommodate and an employer’s responsibility to keep their team safe. How can she (and you, if you're an employer) determine whether an employee can really and truly be productive from their home office? How frequently do you receive recognition from your manager? ', How to Describe Yourself at a Job Interview, Best Techniques for a Successful Interview, Best Questions to Ask During an Interview, What to Expect After a Second Interview Request, your chance to deliver a concise sales pitch. … Questions 36-50: Human Empathy, COVID-19 related Training, and Engagement. Commit to a trial period and regular check-ins and be willing to adjust over time to make it work for you, your team and your employer. Consider these queries to gather valuable insights. This is the type of person they want to place into a new position! If they already work from home, ask about their home office setup. A good way to be prepared to answer work-at-home interview questions effectively is to review the job description and make a list of the sought-after skills and experiences. Does the candidate already have everything a remote worker needs to be productive? Johnny C. Taylor Jr., a human resources expert, is tackling your questions as part of a … Observing how employees work while in the office gives you an idea of how they’ll operate when they’re out of your line of sight. Follow-on questions: You can allow all cookies or manage them using the settings below. 15. What can I tell you about my qualifications? Someone who’s going to be working hard from day one to make sure they succeed. If your employer isn't on board with full-time remote work, Boyar noted that an ideal situation for most employees may involve a combination of working in the office and at home throughout the week. You will be on your own the whole day with barely any real interaction, days on end. Ask these questions when you first start working with any remote employee, or at regular intervals (e.g., every half year), to check in on changes. 1. For more information about the cookies we use, please see our, 15 Job Interview Questions to Ask Employers During Covid-19, 17 Job Interview Questions to Ask Candidates During Covid-19, Measuring employee effectiveness: engagement vs enablement, Strictly necessary: remember your cookie permission setting, Strictly necessary: allow session cookies, Strictly necessary: authenticate that you are logged into your user account, Functionality: remember your online chat ID, Analytics: keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken, Analytics: keep track of your location and region based on your partial IP number, Analytics: keep track of the time spent on each page and the videos you watch, Analytics: identify the device you are using, Targeting: identify if you contacted or called us as a result of one of our adverts. If employees are productive and hitting deadlines, remote working could be a long-term possibility if many employees enjoy it. Given how quickly the virus is spreading, I believe going remote is the right thing to do to … If hired, how will I be paid (check, direct deposit, etc.) Work-at-Home Questions to Ask an Employer, 30 Questions to Ask the Hiring Manager in a Job Interview, Answer Interview Questions About Working Full-Time vs. Part-Time Hours, 100+ Job Interview Questions and Example Answers, 12 of the Toughest Interview Questions With Answers, Best Answers for the Most Common Job Interview Questions, How to Respond to "Do You Have Any Questions for Me? 10 questions to ask about accommodations before allowing employees to work from home ... as 3.7 million employees work from home at least half the time, according to When conducting employee surveys, you should gather as … A productive home worker owns no dogs. As more technologies become available, almost half of the working population in the United States hold jobs that are compatible with at least partial telework. Gathering feedback from your employees will only give you the opportunity to be a better leader. Work-at-Home Job Interview Questions, Answers, and Tips, Remote Work Interview Questions and Answers. A workspace will help people get in work mode – whether it’s a dining room table or a home office. Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers, and one of the industry's most highly-regarded job search and career experts. It's especially important for work-at-home employment because many advertised jobs aren't legitimate—or if they are legitimate—pay a very low rate. This causes frustration for managers which causes anxiety in employees. Where Do You Prefer to Work? Do I need to purchase any equipment or supplies if I'm offered the job? PHOTO: Shutterstock. You need to understand how motivated people are to return to the office – whether that’s because they’ve enjoyed working from home or because they are disappointed by the decision to furlough them. If summer is your company’s busy season, be willing to come into the office … After all, the world changed suddenly because of … Is it someplace that is relatively free of distractions? and how often will I be paid? Johnny C. Taylor Jr. Special to USA TODAY. In my previous job at a university, I learned three new languages and received an award for my initiative in using them to upgrade the home page of the university website. Do you have a model “Work from Home” charter to ensure all your team members are following the protocol during lockdown? If the answer is less then there’s obviously a problem, but if an employee is at least as productive as the office, then perhaps remote working can be a permanent option in some capacity. You can decide which cookies you wish to allow and can change your settings at any time. How strongly do you feel valued at work? I communicated by phone and through email, messaging, and document sharing platforms to get my work done because we all worked in different buildings. Match that to a list of your skills and experiences, and think of specific examples you can give of instances when those attributes were successful for you on the job. 15 Employee morale survey questions you need to ask In a recent study conducted by Gallup which included more than 150,000 U.S. respondents, a meager 30% of American workers are reported being engaged at work while a whopping 52% were “not engaged” and … 4. What do you like best about working from home? The interviewer will want to know about your workspace, computer, internet connection, familiarity with communications software and apps, and other technology you may need to know to do the job. CHANNEL: Employee Experience. A good way to be prepared to answer work-at-home interview questions effectively is to review the job description and make a list of the sought-after skills and experiences. What will work for your company, or you, might be different in January than it is in July. Ask what the home office setup is like and, if possible, conduct a video interview and encourage the candidate to participate from that home office. Use this as your chance to deliver a concise sales pitch for yourself. Home » Blog » Interview Preparation » ... Like the questions above, asking this question shows the employer that you’re not just trying to find a paycheck and be an average performer; you’re aiming to be the best. 5 ways to reward employees working from home: Ask HR. Researching the company will arm you with the background to demonstrate your enthusiasm. Here are 11 questions from our research that you can use to create better dynamics with your remote employees, faster. Only the ones who shouldn't be working from home in the first place. If working virtually – often called telecommuting or working remotely – isn’t … ", Tips for Answering Interview Questions About Your Weaknesses, How to Describe Your Work Pace During a Job Interview, How to Prepare for Common Receptionist Interview Questions, Top 12 Entry-Level Interview Questions and Best Answers, Tips for Answering Job Interview Questions About Responsibilities, Types of Job Interview Questions You May Be Asked, Best Interview Questions Employers Ask Job Applicants, Job Interview Question: 'What Do You Hope to Accomplish Here? For many organisations, the drastic need to implement remote working following the Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging. What are some vital questions to ask yourself before you begin a remote job? The more information you have, the better equipped you will be to make a decision about accepting the job if you get an offer. If you’re planning to survey your employees on remote working, we can help you with that. Gallup reported in January that by and large working … How do you feel about working from home? Your employees need the same equipment as they would in the office, otherwise their performance may suffer and their stress can increase. Asking questions of everyone you encounter during the hiring process can help you evaluate a future employer’s response to COVID-19. The final four questions will help you quickly determine which employees might not fare well working from home. For example, you might focus on work-life balance. Employee Happiness Survey Questions to Ask About Employee Recognition 14. Employers want to know you're not just looking for any job, you want this one. You cannot prevent our use of strictly necessary cookies. “Request to work from home” [with an explanation] Use this template to ask for the ability to work from home, backed by resources on why going remote is a good thing for your company. Feeling valued at work is a huge motivator, so this is an important question to gauge how valued your workers feel. When you interview for a job, it's important to ask the employer questions that will help you decide if the job is one you want to take, if it were offered. Match that to a list of your skills and experiences, and think of specific examples you can give of instances when those attributes were successful for you on the job. Like the interviewer, you may want to ask some pandemic-specific questions to help you decide if this is the right job and company for you. Are there any fees for coming on board with this company? 2. The Covid Working From Home Survey includes carefully crafted questions and one-click dynamic reporting to help you better understand your data. Would I be guaranteed a certain amount of hours each week? From walking to the printer to making a cup of coffee – we spend a fair amount of time away from our desks at work. Expert advice, tips and tools to help businesses hire skilled, trustworthy work-from-home employees. Maybe you’re brand new on your team. 29 questions to ask your employees. Have you worked from home before? In addition to making a match between yourself and the job, be prepared to discuss why you want to work remotely and how you are equipped to do so. When you interview for work-at-home employment, in addition to being asked questions about your ability to do the job, you will also be asked about your home office and any equipment you have that you'll need to work remotely. Your business is known for its community outreach. Home QuestionPro Products Workforce. Is your employee a go-getter and goal-setter? But when you’re home, it’s easy to feel guilty if you aren’t sat down working. If you thrive in this kind of work environment you need to provide strong answers to get that message across. Check the company’s website, social media sites, and any news articles where they are mentioned, to familiarize yourself with the company's products, services, and general information. What are the advantages of a work-at-home position? Consider aiming for getting feedback quarterly. How are you adapting to working remotely? We’ve created a ready-to-run survey that does all the hard work for you. Again, you need to investigate any negative answers and find out what employees feel they need from you. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Working alternative hours may be necessary due to child care, but if someone is logging in periodically over the course of a day and night, this may not be a healthy situation. 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work from home questions to ask employer 2021