Sparta was Oligarchical (ie ruled by an Oligarch), which translates as 'rule of the few'. This was done through a series of councils, each of which had a fair amount of power in the city's government. His laws configured the Spartan society to maximize military proficiency at all costs, focusing all social institutions on … Meeting once a month, this council was open to all citizens of Sparta. Sparta had a mixed form of government that included a council and the leadership of two hereditary kings. Did you know… We have over 220 college The city-state of Corinth is an example; Corinth was ruled by a king. Simplifying, Aristotle divided each into good and bad forms. Sparta was ruled by two kings. The kings were also priests of Zeus and they sat on the council of elders known as the gerousia. It was already a town in the Late Bronze Age. What's really interesting is that generally, one king ruled the government while the other ruled the military. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. In theory, this would prevent any one person from becoming a tyrannical ruler. Minimalist, because they lived very rigid lives with military discipline. The assembly of … The ancient Greek city-state of Sparta was more interested in warfare than developing an intellectual culture, but this doesn't mean they were without some highly sophisticated political ideas. Athens was the first society on Earth to have participatory democracy. 8:08 PM Ancient Egypt No comments. In this way, the kings' power was checked by the people, as well as by each other. The theatre in its time would have been one the largest in ancient Greece, capable of seating over 15,000 Spartans. An error occurred trying to load this video. It was also one of the most unique systems of government in all of ancient Greece. We tend to look at the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta as being a warrior society, which it was, but also as less sophisticated than intellectual centers like Athens. How did they ensure that everyone was in perfect health and condition? Sparta was a city in Greece in which the form of the kingdom in the form of joint authority was preserved. Spartan citizens led a simple life filled with physical activity. succeed. These monarchs were particularly powerful when one of them led the army on campaign. But Sparta was very different from the other Greek city-states. Two kings ruled the city, but a 28-member 'council of elders' limited their powers. While many people associate ancient Greece with the origin of democracy, it was home to many types of government. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. There were several main types of government. Already registered? Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Lycurgus had conceived also political institutions, established after consulting with the Delphic oracle. Log in here for access. In essence, this was the constitution of Sparta, the political document that outlined the powers and structures of government. Copyright © 2021 Multiply Media, LLC. These 2 rulers of Sparta have many other important jobs to keep ancient Sparta safe and strong as well. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal This type of government is called an oligarchy. Spartan political system was a combination of monarchy (kings), oligarchy (Gerousia) and democracy (ephoroi, ephors). Even without a democracy, the Spartans found other ways to keep their rulers in check as well. Athens is, however, the state we know most about. How did Rizal overcome frustration in his romance? For example, the duo of kings had the call on what laws to place upon the great city and had the power to decide which new buildings to construct into the city-state of Sparta. True or False. 100. In fact, the Spartans may have developed one of the most unique government systems in all of ancient Greece. We call this a diarchy, instead of a monarchy. 100. PLAY. Sparta Map: The Spartans were descendants of Dorian settlers. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? Most city-states in Greece started out by having monarchies, then oligarchies, then tyrannies and then democracies, but at each period ancient Greek government included plenty of … Ancient Greece Cities and Sparta. Oligarchy refers to a small group of people who govern a nation together. Yes, you read that right - Sparta had two kings. A woman in Sparta things were very different for citizen women than they were in other Greek cities, where women would stay home most of their lives and be controlled by their husband. From protection, to location along the Evrotas river, Sparta had a remarkable and diverse geographical status. tyranny. The co-kings each inherited their titles but came from two different families. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. Persia gave Sparta gold so they could build their own navy fleet. What subjects did students take in Ancient Sparta and why? Create an account to start this course today. The Lacedaemonian [Spartan] constitution is defective in another point; I … The gerousia also led a citizen's assembly called the Ekklesia. Sparta had a highly unusual system of government. They voted using a simple method of shouting, which Aristotle later derided as childish. The Ancient Greek City of Sparta was the greatest military power in ancient Greece and played a significant role in history.. Democracy refers to a system of government in which every person has the right to participate. According to the legend, from period of the king Lycurgus all existing Spartan laws were grounded. Visit the HSC Ancient History: Exam Prep & Syllabus page to learn more. | 22 The government of Sparta consisted of the two kings, the Gerousia, the Ephors and the Ecclesia/Apella: How old was Ralph macchio in the first Karate Kid? Alpha and Beta. The Ancient Greeks may be most famous for their ideas and philosophies on government and politics. Persian Empire. Ancient Greece had two types of governments, and then one. At the top of the government was a pair of hereditary kings. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Who installed the so-called Thirty Tyrants at Athens? One person ruled in monarchies and tyrannies. This type of government is called a monarchy. This created social classes within Sparta, the highest social class being the kings and the 'council of elders'. Apollo. The gerousia itself was part of a larger citizen's assembly, known as the Ekklesia. Sparta was a town in southern Greece. courses that prepare you to earn In Sparta, women had a lot of free will and were almost as good fighters as the men. The Oracle was a priestess of Apollo who prophesied on behalf of the gods so when Lycurgus took his ideas of government to her, he was looking for divine approval. Let's start at the top, with the kings. The Spartan government was given power through the Great Rhetra, which was essentially the constitution granted to Lycurgus by the Oracle of Delphi. The Spartan political system was unusual in that it had two hereditary kings from two separate families. Which letter is given first to active partition discovered by the operating system? study first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. What two letters of the Greek alphabet did the word alphabet come from? What are the qualifications of a parliamentary candidate? Select a subject to preview related courses: Finally, Sparta also had a governmental council known as the ephorate. This is attributed to Lykouros around 700 B.C in a declaration called the Great Rhetra. How could Sparta compete with that? What happened to the Greek city-states after the Peloponnesian War? What Are the SAT Test Registration Deadlines? All rights reserved. 220 lessons The Spartan Empire was known as "The Peloponnesian League". 100. You can test out of the Did the Persian Empire or the Spartan army win the battle at Thermopylae . The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Sparta Sparta was located in the southern Peloponnesus. How do you put grass into a personification? ANCIENT GREECE ATHENS AND SPARTA In Ancient Greece there were two different major forms of government, oligarchy and democracy. This era was immediately followed by the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine period. 23 chapters | 239 views The word democracy comes from the Greek root words demos (which means “people”) and kratos (which means “power”). The kings and the Ephors made all the most important decisions about the state and battle and education and the Gerouisa had a big input in law but even if they all make a unanimous decision it can still be overruled by the whole Apella. Theoretically, any Spartan citizen could be elected as an ephor, which means that Sparta did embrace some democratic ideas. It was in Greece, and particularly Athens, that democracy … Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Democracy in its extreme form is mob rule. has thousands of articles about every 100. 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All Rights Reserved. Sparta had a government that consisted of two kings (one from the Agrid family and one from the Eurypontid family), five Ephors (supreme magistrates), the Gerousia (council of elders) and the … As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 83,000 What god communicates through the oracle in the Temple at Delphi. Types of Government in Ancient Greece Democracy In a democracy government, the power to make decisions is in the hands of all of the people, who are called citizens. What was the Social Roles of Spartan Kings in Ancient Sparta? just create an account. What type of government existed under the Thirty Tyrants? Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. 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They were also both recognized as priests of Zeus. Where was Sparta located? Sparta was ruled by a small group of retired warriors. 500 BC), maybe as part of religious games sponsored by her government. Their decisions were advised by a council of elders known as the gerousia. Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers. So it appears in Homer‘s Odyssey as the kingdom of Menelaus and Helen. The ancient theatre of Sparta. However, many other things helped the Spartans become so successful, one such thing was its geography. First was the gerousia, a council of 28 elders who served for life. The kings also sat on this council and made many of their decisions through this body. STUDY. Ancient Sparta was not as sophisticated as Athens, did not create arts and crafts, and has not left us any written masterpiece. However, Aristotle argued that this encouraged a degree of corruption in Sparta. Athens was the birthplace of modern democracy, after all. Ancient Greek civilization - Ancient Greek civilization - Sparta and Athens: Prominent among the states that never experienced tyranny was Sparta, a fact remarked on even in antiquity. The theatre itself has the beautiful backdrop of Mount Taygetus and would have … Poor ephors were subject to bribery from the wealthier citizens. Usually, the types of government relevant to ancient Greece are listed as three: Monarchy, Oligarchy (generally synonymous with rule by the aristocracy), and Democracy. Anyone can earn They had the power to try and indict the kings in a trial, they could pass or advise laws, and two ephors traveled with the king on military campaigns to keep his ego in check. If we need proof that the Spartans had an organized and sophisticated government, look no further than the Great Rhetra. Athens was the birthplace of modern democracy, after all. Spartan girl running (ca. They were the most powerful branch of Sparta's government after the kings themselves. So what did the Spartan government look like, according to the Great Rhetra and according to historical sources? Regardless, they were part of an elaborate system of checks and balances that made the Spartan diarchy completely unique in Western history. There were three main forms of government used in ancient Greece by various city-states. The Spartan government was a fusion of monarchy, oligarchy and demoracy. Imagine taking the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court and tossing in some of the president's powers as well; that was basically the ephorate. they were divided and weak What is the best way to fold a fitted sheet? Well, the Spartans may not have invented a political structure we widely use today, but that doesn't mean they weren't also being innovative with their government. Why does every Spartan mother tell their child to not lose their shield? Athens' rival, Sparta, was a military dictatorship. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Over 83,000 lessons in all major subjects, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, HSC Ancient History: Exam Prep & Syllabus, Biological and Biomedical | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Sparta was a great military-focused civilization and it is most recognized for it. © copyright 2003-2021 Master's in Finance for Non-Business Majors, Best Online Master's Degrees in Journalism, Be a Healthcare Administrative Assistant Education and Career Roadmap, How to Become a Health Care IT Consultant, How to Become a Facilities Director Education and Career Roadmap, Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii & Herculaneum, Israel & Judah from Solomon to the Fall of Jerusalem, 4th Century Greece Till the Death of Philip II of Macedon, GED Social Studies: Civics & Government, US History, Economics, Geography & World, AP European History Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Middle School US History Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, Prentice Hall World History Connections to Today Volume 1: Online Textbook Help, Prentice Hall America: History of our Nation: Online Textbook Help, US History: Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, Marcus Junius Brutus: Biography & Overview, Pope Alexander VI: Biography & Corruption, Quiz & Worksheet - Facts About the Valley of the Kings, Quiz & Worksheet - History of the Pyramids of Giza, Quiz & Worksheet - Understanding the People & Art of Amarna Period, Using Multiple Sources of Information: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.7, Evaluating Sources: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.8, Integrating Information from Different Sources: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.9, Reading Comprehension: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.10, Informational Texts Examples for CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH11-12.10, California Sexual Harassment Refresher Course: Supervisors, California Sexual Harassment Refresher Course: Employees. Why wasn't there a Warring States Period in Europe? Sparta was a city-state located in the southeastern Peloponnese region of ancient Greece. The Ekklesia elected members of the ephorate, known as ephors, who had wide legislative, judicial, and executive powers but only held those positions for one year. Sparta was an ancient Greek city-state, founded around 1000 B.C. Which king ruled which part of Spartan society changed by occasion. What does Spartan mean? However, many historians have seen this as reinforcing the Spartan government values of simplicity and transparency. What type of government did Sparta have? In that sense it is an almost democratic government except that woman or slaves cannot have a say. How a Government Shutdown Might Impact Education, Government Relations Specialist: Job Description & Salary. In this lesson, we'll look at this system and see how the Spartan government worked. These kings would lead the army in times of war. How do you Find Free eBooks On-line to Download? Together, these councils created a system of checks and balances within the Spartan diarchy, which was ruled by two kings. Though Sparta absorbed this population, it did not integrate the conquered people into society. When did organ music become associated with baseball? To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. In Peloponnesus, they repressed The Helots (who were there before) out. In 508 B.C., Athens became one of the first societies in ancient times to establish democracy. The Athenian Empire was called "The Delian League". It was though the city that stayed in history due to the bravery of its citizens, and its immense role in the Persian Wars. 's' : ''}}. The Greek city-state of Sparta is remembered for its military, but it put a lot of thought into its government as well. imaginable degree, area of According to tradition, the Great Rhetra was given to the legendary figure Lycurgus by the mythical Oracle of Apollo at Delphi. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Create your account. What influence does Sikhism have on drinking? Services. While the kings' opinions were generally final, the gerousia had a lot of advisory power and the kings were expected to listen to the elders' thoughts. The ancient city of Athens, Greece, had a democratic government. Sparta was aristocratic monarchy with two Kings (they were always in war so one hаd to stay in the country while other is on the campaign), council of 28 men older then 60 years, choose from the Spartan aristocracy (gerusia) and national assembly called “apela” consisted of all of the male aristocrats older then 30 years. Legacy of Ancient Greece . lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Ancient Greece (Greek: Ἑλλάς, romanized: Hellás) was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history from the Greek Dark Ages of the 12th–9th centuries BC to the end of antiquity (c. AD 600). Ephors were only eligible to serve for a single term, and that's because they had a lot of power. Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado. and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you. We tend to look at the ancient Greek city-state of Spartaas being a warrior society, which it was, but also as less sophisticated than intellectual centers like Athens. Sparta grew to rival the size of the city-states Athens and Thebes by subjugating its neighboring region of Messenia. Sparta was a powerful city-state in ancient Greece. One of the remaining sites in Sparta is the ancient theatre. In addition to the kings, there were five ephors (magistrates) that were elected from aristocratic families. Updated August 11, 2018 Aristotle, in "On the Lacedaemonian Constitution"—a section of The Politics— says that some claim Sparta's system of government included monarchical, oligarchic and democratic components. The Spartans had two kings ruling the city, but their powers were limited by the 'council of elders', having 28 members participating. Sparta had a government that consisted of two kings (one from the Agrid family and one from the Eurypontid family), five Ephors (supreme magistrates), the Gerousia (council of elders) and the Apella (the assembly of equals - all Spartan men over the age of 30). Ruled by a king: Some city-states were ruled by a king. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? In fact, the Spartans ma… Spartan Laws and Government The Spartans preferred many rulers for their country. 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The people selected the best king to deal with each situation. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. They thought of themselves as Greeks. Around 500 B.C.E., the people of the city-state of Athens Well, the Spartans may not have invented a political structure we widely use today, but that doesn't mean they weren't also being innovative with their government. Sparta also had a council that created laws. This body consisted of 28 over-60 years of age males who held the position for life. Apparently, he got it. It was part kingdom, part democracy, and part aristocracy. The Spartans spoke Greek. Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. If your impeached can you run for president again? What is the Difference Between Blended Learning & Distance Learning? Sparta was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution, which were supposedly introduced by the semi-mythical legislator Lycurgus. The word democracy derives from the Greek dēmos which referred to the entire citizen body and although it is Athens which has become associated with the birth of democracy (demokratia) from around 460 BCE, other Greek states did establish a similar political system, notably, Argos, (briefly) Syracuse, Rhodes, and Erythrai. Ancient Greece: Sparta. Simple method of shouting, which was essentially the constitution granted to Lycurgus by the oracle Apollo... Into society tech and Engineering - Questions & what type of government did sparta have in ancient greece, health and Medicine - Questions & Answers, and! What college you want to attend yet had two types of government while the other Greek city-states constitution granted Lycurgus! Birthplace of modern democracy, the Spartans become so successful, one such thing was its geography ''! Theatre in its time would have been one the largest in ancient Greece govern a nation together an ;. 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