weird phobias that actually exist

Looking into a mirror can cause people with eisoptrophobia shame or distress, and can lead to depression, according to a 2014 case study detailing one 55-year-old woman’s 30-year struggle with this phobia. From the well known symptomatic impacts of agoraphobia and acrophobia, it is well documented how crippling such fears can be. An individual plagued with this crippling phobia is frightened that the pull of gravity will eventually crush them, or alternatively, that gravity will cease to exist and they will simply float off the face of the Earth. Mortuusequusphobia: The fear of ketchup. So that negative experience actually helps shrink your fears down to size. A phobia (disease or medical condition) is an irrational, persistent fear of … “A phobia consists of a persistent fear or avoidance of a specific stimulus,” says Kate Wolitzky-Taylor, PhD, an associate faculty member with the Anxiety and Depression Research Center at UCLA. One recent study found that many panophobics are often frightened by darkness or harmless noises. Exposure therapy might involve standing in a room with a dog, and then gradually moving closer to it and, eventually, petting it, she explains. Instead, numerophobia usually pops up as a fear of doing math or dealing with numbers. For those with bladder-control issues, the fear can stem from concern over having an “accident” in public. Here are the top ten weird phobias you probably didn’t even know existed: 1. For example, a child might have an intense fear of water that she attributes to drowning in her past life. People with asymmetriphobia, on the other hand, have the fear of asymmetrical things. Aside from gold jewelry, here are some other unusual causes of feeling anxious. These individuals are phobic of developing a phobia, making it a fascinating phobia many people do not know exists. Many people enjoy stargazing on a clear night, but that’s not true for everyone. Your DNA may play a role. With twisted irony, sesquipedalophobia is the morbid fear of long words. “After being sensitized in childhood by exploding balloons, patients tend to avoid proximity to balloons,” writes the author of one recent BMJ report. People with the fear of laughter—not to be confused with gelotophobia, the fear of being laughed at—might hate chuckling or the sound of others’ giggles if they have one of these phobias. Urophobia is the fear of urinating. It’s usually used in the context of patients with dyslexia, who may struggle with unusually long words. Deipnophobia is the fear of dining or, more specifically, dinner parties. The fear of hair is typically developed due to a bad experience with hair or a hairy person. Some people experience sleep paralysis as they drift off—basically, not being able to move even through they’re still partly awake—and this can lead to somniphobia, according to a 2016 study from the University of Minnesota. Whether their own or other people’s tresses, those with chaetophobia have the fear of hair. Wolitzky-Taylor says many people have genes that raise their risk for anxiety-related disorders—an umbrella term that includes phobias. (Seriously.). 5 bizarre phobias you might wonder if they really exist We have already discussed 9 strange phobias that you might have not heard of on a different day. Ergophobia is the fear of work. A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. Any list of phobias could grow with the addition of newly coined terms for previously unnamed specific phobias. One University of Virginia study found that some children who claim to recall their previous lives suffer “unusual” phobias that they say are related to those past lives—and specifically the way they died. Unlike hypochondriasis, which is a fear of developing a disease, Phobophobia is a self-fulfilling prophecy; the fear of phobias can lead to actually developing a phobia. It’s much more than just a dislike of the potent vegetable’s taste—people with alliumphobia might start to shake or feel unable to breathe when around garlic or other pungent plants like onions and chives. This list of phobias proves that practically anything can be terrifying to someone. There’s some evidence that numerophobic doctors may ignore new evidence-based best practices because of their aversion to numbers and statistics. If you’re not anxious around money, then be sure to learn these money tips from the world’s most successful people. This anxiety can become severe and cause full-blown panic attacks. Thalassophobia is a fear of the ocean or deep, open water. Sleep is associated with many health benefits. Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Experts think the fear of the number eight it could be rooted in superstition, with octophobics afraid of the inescapable—flip the number on its side and it looks like an infinity sign. On the flip side, levophobia is defined by fear of things to the left side of the body. Divisions turn Belgium into Europe's worst virus hot spot. 14 Strange and Bizarre Phobias That Really Exist Featured 02/23/2015 in Pop Culture No telling why people are afraid of some of these innocuous things. In some cases, this fear can cause people to stay housebound for fear of encountering an animal. For example, the University of Nevada, Reno, highlights previous research about music’s feel-good power. Doctors come face all kinds of bizarre and weird conditions on a daily basis, but here are 98 phobias that really do exist according to the Nursing Degree … Ranidaphobia is a fear of frogs (not to be confused with bufonophobia, which is a fear of toads). But even if you don’t have those phobia genes, you can develop one through learning or “conditioning.” For example, if your parents always told you to be fearful of spiders, that could snowball into a phobia—especially if you also had a negative experience with a spider. Where do these phobias come from? Zelophobia – Fear of jealousy If you hate going to bed or have fear of bathing then you might suffer from some sort of phobias. They either create social stress or destroy a person’s well-being. We bring to you the top ten weirdest phobias … Phobias are disturbing and occur when you least … Anyone with this unusual phobia will want to steer clear of certain bands. Some people also experience this fear when peeing around others (commonly known as “stage fright”), which some experts consider a specific subcategory of social anxiety. But not having a mobile phone may not be so bad; here are 13 ways your cell phone affects your body and mind. In a lot of cases, this fear focuses on a specific type of garment. Some of the phobias people suffer from are brought on by modern life. Zoophobia is the fear of all animals. Phobias are disturbing and occur when you least expect to. The people suffering from a phobia tend to avoid certain things or feeling or anything causing fear or known to associate with fear. While listing all of the phobias that may exist is not possible, it can be helpful to look through a list of some of the more commonly described phobias. Hearing great news is perhaps what we all wish to experience every day. Numerophobia is the fear of numbers, though not in the sense that a person believes giant 1’s or 0’s are hiding under the bed. She explains that usually these events—the dog jumping on you—aren’t as bad as your mind thought they would be. Specifically, they note that “…stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are very effective at relaxing the mind even when played moderately loud.”. While most people would prefer to succeed at something rather than fail, people with kakorrhaphiophobia have a sometimes incapacitating fear of failure. It is unusual because it is not triggered by external stimuli. Associated Press. Barophobia, or the fear of gravity, can manifest itself in a few different ways. But there are several phobias that are so strange that you likely never considered them to be real. Sadly, returning home may truly up negativity and family discord. Omphalophobia – The fear of navels. Athazagoraphobia is the fear of forgetting or being forgotten. Believe it or not, Oprah Winfrey has this phobia, and she really didn't enjoy one of her birthdays because of it. Of course, this is a relatively new phobia. People with these phobias may be more likely to have some kind of formal weather-related education, which saddles them with “a greater understanding of the potential dangers associated with severe weather,” according to the authors of one recent study. We recommend our users to update the browser. other sufferers have issues with tight-fitting clothing, 15 Weird but Very Real Medical Conditions, The Heart Disease Risk You Don't Know About. Quite literally, we can be afraid of just about anything. Another fearful feeling may involve meeting friends at a different coffee shop instead of the usual corner cafe. 1 of 26. Cibophobia is the fear of food. For example, it’s an uncomfortable feeling for everyone, but some people have phobias, like the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. (The same term also applies to a category of more specific animal fears, such as a fear of dogs or snakes.) Almost all people feel afraid at some point, depending on their exposure to certain things or threatening situations. With a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, some people can’t stand to have objects at the right side of their body, which could make it hard to drive in the fast lane with vehicles to the right. Phobia is getting terribly scared of particular objects, people or situation without any sensible explanation. This, of course, makes it very difficult to live comfortably in a city. 29 Weird Phobias That Really Do Exist. Here are some other interesting phobias! Everyone’s afraid of something—or a lot of somethings. ", We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth, 7 strange body facts that most people don’t know. Along with a fear of water, fear of air is one common symptom of rabies. Harvard Medical School experts warn about the dangers of prolonged sitting, stating that “habitual inactivity raises risks for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, deep-vein thrombosis, and metabolic syndrome.”. 4 of 22. People with the fear of freedom generally can’t do anything without taking an order from someone else, making them much more inclined to be followers than leaders. This phobia could translate to fear of the symbol for eight, or objects in groups of eight. Yes, this is probably the weirdest of the lot, but some people actually fear the pope! Returns Home by Children and Changes in Parents’ Well-being in Europe. (Although with all the recent hand-wringing about technology, maybe they should.) Later, whenever she saw a hen or chicken, she worried about being pecked or attacked. Having some experience with amnesia, or knowing someone who has endured amnesia, can trigger this fear, according to one 2012 study from Germany. Aerophobia is the fear of fresh air or the movement of air—such as drafts or breezes. That researcher says these patients often run into trouble when they have kids and encounter balloons at other children’s birthday parties. Any form of phobia is no fun. Coulrophobia is a relatively common phobia, and usually present in children according to various surveys. Certain phobias are more common than others, including ones related to airplanes, elevators, or spiders; other phobias are less so. Genuphobia: Fear of Knees Don't look down! Neophobiacs feel anxious about new life experiences. Ombrophobia is the fear of rain. A perfect circle is not the friend of someone who’s afraid of symmetry. Avoiding the thing that scares you can also increase its power over you. People with the fear of words function fine in conversation, but when shown written words, they could become breathless, shaky, or paranoid. It’s not at all clear how this phobia develops—but it is listed in the Oxford Dictionary of Psychology, so some people have experienced it. The brain remembers this incident and reacts with panic and fear when the person sees hair or someone who has too much of it. Maybe not surprisingly, research has found it occasionally shows up among librarians—people who are constantly around dust-covered old books. Why trust us? They could have panic attacks with nausea, sweating, or an irregular heartbeat when they see someone else wearing the metal. Phobophobia is literally the fear of fear itself, and the anxious and uneasy physiological feelings associated with it. 1. “Usually the stimulus is a thing or a situation—like bees or heights.” But there’s a second component to phobias. Hippopotomonstro - sesquippedaliophobia (which we had to hyphenate to have it fully appear on the screen) is, no joke, a fear of long words—whoever coined the name for this phobia has a sick sense of humor. 1. People with the fear of belly buttons try to avoid touching their own, even in the bath, and might cover their belly buttons with a bandage or avoid going to places full of exposed navels, like the beach. Latest Stories. Unfortunately for people with this phobia—and for anyone who feels a little embarrassed about blushing—trying to suppress a blush usually makes it worse, the study authors say. While thoughts of sea creatures lurking below the waves plays into this phobia, it’s often rooted in a fear of the unknown, writes Seán Harrington in the book Beasts of the Deep. Those who suffer from weird phobias live with fear that may seem rather strange in the eyes of others. Here is a compilation of … (If you think a fear of peanut butter sounds unusual, check out these 7 strange body facts that most people don’t know.). Yet, these weird phobias still have a significant influence on the individual’s quality of life. Food phobias, on the other hand, are on a different kind of level. 13 ways your cell phone affects your body and mind. Phobias are much more than just being afraid of something. Most people with logophobia don’t know how to read, and they may refuse to try to learn. Ostraconophobia is the fear of shellfish. Some just feel slightly uncomfortable, but others could start to hyperventilate. Globophobia is the fear of balloons. “Blushing can become a stubborn and incapacitating symptom that often severely restricts the patient’s social life,” say the authors of a study in Psychosomatic Medicine. (Slide Show) Read full article. close; 01 /11 Strange food-related phobias. A recent study from Italy defines its characteristics as feeling “anxious or nervous” at the thought of losing your smartphone, or worrying about losing network coverage or battery power. Those with extreme distrust or fear of reason or ideas have ideophobia. People with linonophobia have an irrational fear of string. They might hate running their fingers through their locks, or even be immobilized by a clump of hair on the floor. Some common phobias that exist are arachnophobia, claustrophobia, etc. In the end, every one of us is afraid of something. They may start avoiding it as much as possible. The phobia may be related to the fear of saints or holy men. This list of phobias proves that practically anything can be terrifying to someone. Phonophobia is an “abnormal” and “unwarranted” fear of sound, according to research from Malaysia. The 3 Supplements You Don't Know About (But Probably Need). One 45-year-old frigophobia sufferer described even mildly cold air “piercing” her skin and causing her headaches, body aches, and other symptoms, a case study found. Some experts are also looking at swarm-based fears in order to predict how people may react negatively in the future if they’re surrounded by large numbers of robots. Vestiphobia is the fear of clothing. Symptoms also include “excessive sweating, trouble controlling muscles, dizziness, fainting, elevated heart rate, rapid, and shallow breathing,” when encountering an animal, according to a recent study. Unfortunately, people with this phobia are fighting a losing battle: the fear of acquiring a phobia. “The basic idea is to disconfirm a person’s belief about what will happen.”. Some common fears, like fear of heights or fear of spiders, may seem so normal now because of the number of people who share the phobia. Taphophobia was such a phenomenon that escapable “safety coffins” were a thing, and corpses were often stored for long periods before burial to ensure they wouldn’t wake up. For people with nomophobia, going without their phone causes extreme anxiety. Ten Completely Bizarre And Completely Weird Phobias. While some phobias look normal, some phobias are so weird that we can’t even that they exist. One case study detailed a military veteran who experience extreme anxiety whenever he needed to wear part of his uniform. This phobia is a strange one: it is literally a fear of fear and the internal sensations that come along with it. For those of you who aren’t afraid of shellfish, here’s the perfect diet for your personality type. Some people can handle eating small amounts, but others avoid peanut-based products like peanut butter sauces and ice creams. We thought of adding some more phobias to it and finally ended up with the following 5 bizarre phobias. “Avoidance strengthens anxiety and keeps it going, and that’s a recipe for phobia,” Wolitzky-Taylor says. The term is usually applied to species of plants that recoil or don’t respond well in the presence of these insects. It can lead to anxiety attacks and what some researchers describe as “free-floating anxiety.”Basically, these people are so hyper-aware of the ways becoming afraid will affect them that they struggle to function out of a fear that they'll experience fear. On the other hand, there are some phobias out there that are pretty strange. Deipnophobia – The Fear Of Dining Or Dinner Conversations So let’s say you’re afraid of dogs. Shocked? Nomophobia is the fear of being without a smartphone. Here is the list of 21 weird phobias. People with phobias, on the other hand, have a marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation that can lead to clinically significant distress. There’s a good amount of research on people who believe in reincarnation, and who claim they remember details from their past lives. 21 Weird Phobias You Won't Believe Exist. Phobias, or the extreme fear of a certain idea, practice, or object, can be paralyzing. According to one recent study on disability claims, people with ergophobia feel intense stress and anxiety surrounding their the work environment, impairing their ability to function properly. Science is of the belief that this weird phobia emanates from movies. People with arithmophobia have an irrational fear of numbers in general. Prevention participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Ephebiphobia is a fear of teenagers or adolescents. Researchers say these are often normal, everyday sounds that cannot possibly harm a person’s hearing or cause pain—stuff like doors closing or loud conversation. Do Not Sell My Personal Information – CA Residents. While you look forward to sinking into a comfy chair after a long day, some people experience the fear of sitting down. 10 Strange Phobias That Really Exist. 5 years ago. For example, a departure from their cereal-eating breakfast routine may be bothersome. One 2016 case study tells the story of an 18-year-old woman who had a frightening encounter with a hen when she was a child. Omphalophobia is the fear of belly buttons. Fear can also develop in the mind based on the description of a fearsome thing. By Markham Heid. A phobia is defined as “an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.” Some phobias, like arachnophobia, are pretty rational because let’s face it: spiders are terrifying. , returning home may truly up negativity and family discord phobias can severely... Phobias out there that are pretty strange uncomfortable, but some people can eating! That she attributes to drowning in her past life some cases, this is probably because parents became used independence! Live comfortably in a mirror who may struggle with unusually long words he needed to wear part of his.... The heart is for some, but that ’ s well-being ice creams to species of plants that recoil don! Disruptive: somniphobia is the fear of dining or, they may start avoiding it as much possible. To a Columbia University study fears down to size some more phobias to it finally! Phobias still have a sometimes incapacitating fear of a certain idea, practice, even... 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weird phobias that actually exist 2021