Spartina alterniflora Loisel. J. Hered. ), Gulf of Mexico–Origins, Waters, and Biota. RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Transcriptome analysis of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora Loisel), a monocot halophyte, reveals candidate genes involved in its adaptation to salinity Renesh Bedre1†, Venkata Ramanarao Mangu1†, Subodh Srivastava2, Luis Eduardo Sanchez1,3 and Niranjan Baisakh1* Abstract Background: Soil salinity affects growth and yield of crop plants. Monospecific stands grow in low intertidal areas. invading the Pacific coast of the U.S. (Castillo et al., 2018). Hydrobiologia 745 (1), 313–327. Haplotype C2, C3, and C4 of Group C consisting of multiple haplotypes are shown in green, yellow, and pink, respectively, and other C members are shown in blue. “Ecological engineering of coastline with salt marsh plantations,” in Ecological Engineering: An Introduction to Eco-Technology. in Japan. Spartina versicolor Fabre: Another case of Spartina trans-Atlantic introduction? (2001). The reason was that the number of alleles per marker on each S. alterniflora population in Japan was less than and/or equal to 2 (Supplementary Table 2). YM, MT, and DH designed and coordinated the research. 2.9.3 (Goudet, 2001). In addition to the evidence based on genetic analyses, we assumed that countries or regions having high trade with Japan would be likely to become donor spots for spreading the invasive S. alterniflora irrespective of intentional/unintentional pathways. Images from the web. According to the cpDNA analysis, S. alterniflora populations in Japan had a single haplotype (haplotype C4) that is the most dominant genotype around the Florida Peninsula, the region of its origin, and is also widely found in the introduced populations in the East Asia. Scudder, G. G. E., Reveal, J. L. (Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie–Mellon University), 351–363. Plant Sci. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) based on co-dominant genotypic distances revealed that genetic distances of S. alterniflora populations were clearly different between each studied river. (2013). Agric. Over the last 25 years, introduced species have spread rapidly, becoming established in numerous intertidal Spartina The findings revealed that when compared the amount of trade between the Yatsushiro Port (southern Kumamoto), which includes the Oono River and the U.S. ($51,869,672–$131,308,447) and the East Asian countries (China: $62,434,491–$106,800,742; Taiwan: $6,504–$13,843,516; Hong Kong: $0–$22,622), differences in the trade value with both countries were similar and/or slightly higher in the East Asian countries. Ecol. 4 (2), 359–361. Ministry of the Environment, Japan (2005). Spartina alterniflora . Three case studies for control of invasive alien ant species, fire ant (Solenopsis invicta, Formicidae) in Japan. Reconstructing a century of Spartina alterniflora invasion with historical records and contemporary remote sensing. (2009). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). |,,,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Then, the genetic variance of S. alterniflora was compared between populations in the region of origin (the eastern U.S.) and those in several introduced regions (the Pacific coast of the U.S. and some East Asian countries). 0.6.93 (Earl and von Holdt, 2012), and then the K value with the highest ΔK was defined as the optimum number of clusters. Resour. Natl. 94 (3), 197–204. Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Impacts of invasive Iris pseudacorus L. (yellow flag) establishing in an abandoned urban pond on native semi-wetland vegetation. doi: 10.1093/molbev/mst197, Thompson, J. D., Higgins, D. G., Gibson, T. J. Ecol. Sci. Genotypic diversity enhances invasive ability of Spartina alterniflora. The ΔK value was clearly the highest at K = 3 (Figure 4A). 16 (4), 582–592. This value indicates the rate of genetic loci with polymorphisms compared to all the genetic loci for each local population. 28 (17), 4012–4027. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Spartina (family Poaceae). Unintentionally introduced species—the clam-eating moon snail Euspira fortunei. An alignment method, ClustalW (Thompson et al., 1994), in statistical software MEGA ver. B., Ainouche, M. L., Ayres, D., Bertness, M. D., et al. Discussion. Grass family (Poaceae) Download PDF version formatted for print (311 KB) **NOTE: Smooth cordgrass is native to coastal states of eastern and southern U.S. On the other hand, low g values were found in samples from the Shirakawa River (g = 0.33) and Guangdong province in China (g = 0.32), where almost all analyzed samples had the same genotype. We thank Dr. Francisco Sánchez-Bayo (The University of Sydney), Dr. Jean Beran Tanangonan, and Robert John Sheridan (Kindai University) for English editing of the original manuscript. For polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of the trnT–trnF region of cpDNA, two primer pairs were used: Tab A (5′-CAT TAC AAA TGC GAT GCT CT-3′) and Tab B (5′-TCT ACC GAT TTC GCC ATA TC-3′) targeting the trnT–trnL region; and Tab C (5′-CGA AAT CGG TAG ACG CTA CG-3′) and Tab F (5′-ATT TGA ACT GGT GAC ACG AG-3′) targeting the trnL–trnF region were used (Taberlet et al., 1991). In addition, no S. alterniflora population was found in Japan before 2008 (Tamaoki and Takizaki, 2015). Mol. The collected samples were naturally dried in our laboratory for genetic experiments. 2.3.4 (Pritchard et al., 2000) was used for this analysis. 25 (5), 425–444. 40 (2), 212–225. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0009743. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2004.02384.x, Pyšek, P., Richardson, D. M. (2010). Spartina anglica C.E. In addition, each group was practically unmixed with any other group. Grasping at the routes of biological invasions: a framework for integrating pathways into policy. Supporting Spartina: interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus. However, the degree of genetic diversity and differentiation of introduced populations obviously varies for each invasion event (e.g., Amsellem et al., 2000; McCauley et al., 2003; Provan et al., 2005). Since the cause of a lower genetic diversity among invasive Spartina species is of great interest, we discuss below the reason why S. alterniflora populations had lower genetic diversity when invading Japan. In this study, SPR3 was excluded from the analysis because no polymorphisms were detected across Japan’s local populations. Among invasive species, aquatic plants pose serious threats to local biodiversity and ecosystem functions. DC. ex Elliott) St.-Yves, Candollea 5: 24, 49 (1932) Spartina maritima subvar. Front. DOC Research & Development Series 292-42. B., et al. Luikart, G., Sherwin, W. B., Steele, B. M., Allendorf, F. W. (1998a). Spartina alterniflora can become an invasive plant, either by itself or by hybridizing with native species and interfering with the propagation of the pure native strain. To compare the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) haplotypes of S. alterniflora between the United States (Blum et al., 2007; Bernik et al., 2016) and Japanese populations, firstly the haplotypes were identified for all the collected samples. Similar trend on the amount of trade with U.S. ($109,554,232–$326,703,330) and the East Asian countries (China: $127,673,513–$341,455,118; Taiwan: $1,471,897–$35,106,109; Hong Kong: $0–$1,937,044) was observed at Mikawa Port (Aichi) including the Umeda River. Simenstad, C. A., Thom, R. M. (1995). In particular, we hypothesized that there was a high possibility of “secondary introduction” from China since many biological invaders such as Solenopsis invicta Buren (fire ant) and Limnoperna fortunei Dunker (golden mussel) invaded Japan associated with recent vigorous trade with China (e.g., Magara et al., 2001; Murakami, 2018). The forward primer was fluorescently labeled with 5′-FAM, TAMRA, and 5′-JOE. Spartina alterniflora Loisel. On the other hand, populations of this species in the San Francisco Bay, California, and China, which were introduced intentionally, had a relatively high genetic diversity (Blum et al., 2007; Bernik et al., 2016). Based on the microsatellite analysis, individuals which had an exact genotype match were considered as “clones” and then were excluded from the analyses. Austral Ecol. Similarly, S. alterniflora in the western U.S. was also introduced unintentionally from the eastern U.S. when Crassostrea virginica Gmelin seedlings were imported for cultivation (Civille et al., 2005). The DNA sequences of the trnT–trnL and trnL–trnF were combined into a sequence, which was designated as the trnT–trnF. (New York, NY: Wiley & Sons), 255–289. 14 (1), 189–194. Baisakh N(1), Subudhi PK, Varadwaj P. Author information: (1)School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA. Projects: China, IPCN, New World Grasses, PAPGI Common Names: hu hua mi cao No References available Smooth cordgrass (English, United States) Hitchcock, A. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294x.1998.00414.x, Luikart, G., Allendorf, F. W., Cornuet, J.-M., Sherwin, W. B. Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Nevertheless, it suggests that only one S. alterniflora strain or a few individuals with the same genotype might have introduced into each Japanese river at separate timings. in Japanese with English Abstract. Mol. Resour. Information on the origin and invasion history of each invasive species is essential for preventing its further spread successfully (Schaal et al., 2003). Mol. (2019). Accordingly, Spartina anglica C.E. Proc. (2018). doi: 10.1007/s10530-016-1128-z, Bernik, B. M., Li, H., Blum, M. J. Plant Symbol = SPAL. Ecology 100 (11), e02863. Texas A&M Press, College Station, Texas. Proc. Ecol. Invasion of the non-indigenous nuisance mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, into water supply facilities in Japan. Rates of change in the numbers of dunlin, Calidris alpina, wintering in British estuaries in relation to the spread of Spartina anglica. (2004). Two additional monosaccharides were found but were not identified. doi: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(2).168. This plant has no children Legal Status. 89 (3), 238–247. Also, Blum et al. Alaska Spartina Prevention, Detection and Response Plan (Juneau, AK: National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Region). Primary responses to salt stress in a halophyte, smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora Loisel.). Some like it hot: maternal-switching with climate change modifies formation of invasive Spartina hybrids. Saccaggi, D. L., Karsten, M., Robertson, M. P., Kumschick, S., Somers, M. J., Wilson, J. R. U., et al. Characterization of microsatellite loci in Spartina species (Poaceae). Bioinformatics 28 (19), 2537–2539. A global assessment of invasive plant impacts on resident species, communities and ecosystems: the interaction of impact measures, invading species’ traits and environment. Results of the microsatellite analysis made it clear that some S. alterniflora individuals (St. 13, 15, 16, and 18) in the Tsuboi River (northern Kumamoto) had a heterozygous at only one locus, while two individuals growing sympatrically (St. 14 and 17) had a homozygous at all of the loci (Supplementary Table 2). Lockwood, J. L., Hoopes, M. F., Marchetti, M. P. (2007). Invasion significantly shifts soil bacterial communities with the successional gradient of saltmarsh in eastern China March 2020 Therefore, it is important to strengthen the quarantine control on the importation of commodities, especially of transport vehicles at potential donor spots (i.e., border control/border biosecurity system), and to share information networks on invasive species between each region/port for minimizing further risks of biological species such as Spartina. The PCR amplification was performed using a TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler (TaKaRa Bio, Shiga, Japan) at 95°C for 30 s, 55°C for 30 s (65°C for 30 s only for SPR4), 72°C for 90 s, and 72°C for 25 min as the last elongation step. Acad. 17 (8), 1881–1887. 47 (3), 183–191. Table 2 Bottleneck analysis of Spartina alterniflora populations in Japan using three models: IAM, SMM, and TPM. Natl. The principal coordinate analysis and The STRUCTURE analysis indicated that no gene mixing among Japanese local populations (Aichi, northern and southern Kumamoto) was observed, indicating that Spartina invasion occurred independently into these regions. Plants (Embryophyta) of the Gulf of Mexico, Pp. Thus, to validate this hypothesis, trade histories were compared between countries/regions where S. alterniflora has grown (the United States, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong) (Blum et al., 2007; Guo et al., 2015; Bernik et al., 2016) and the ports nearest to each studied river in Japan (i.e., Kumamoto Port, Yatsushiro Port, and Mikawa Port) using historical trade data from the 2003 to 2013 in the Global Trade Atlas ( Mitsch, W. J., Jorgensen, S. A. (2016). 8 (10), 4992–5007. The polymorphic locus rate (P) was calculated for each local population. Local Japanese ecosystems management of arthropod boader incursions genetic differentiation between native and introduced plant populations effect might successfully... 2 account for 41.2 % and 23.3 % of the Green alga fragile... & m Press, College Station, texas Moser, M.,,! Coast of North America, and with S. foliosa in California has … alterniflora...: University of Chicago Press ) alignment ( MSA ) ( Peakall and Smouse, P. ( 2009 ) and!, ClustalW ( Thompson et al., 2000 ) hua mi cao in language this is an name... Adam, P., Richardson, D. A., Harris, S. ; Thieltges, (! Of Mexico, Pp the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment ( )! 2Nd edn ( Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press ) be generalized regardless of taxonomic.. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press ), Uchida, T. ; Nakayama ; S. ; Shin, (. D. G., Cornuet, J.-M. ( 1999 ) founding events in species invasions: genetic variation of S. was... Japan ’ s local populations in Japan: implications for invasive species management and future.. Estimation of the optimum number of clusters based on ΔK pour former un Spartina! Individuals with duplicate clones removed in each local population is detected and eliminated at an invasion... Japan: implications for their management, Ainouche, M. P. ( 2000 ) was used for this study be. Genotype diversity and source tracking of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. ) communities with the ability of expansion... And trnL–trnF were combined into a sequence, which was designated as the place that S. alterniflora was introduced into... Phenotypic variability in heptaploid Spartina densiflora populations invading the Pacific coast of the biocontrol harlequin.! The NOWPAP region Murphy, S. D., Moser, M. F. J, E., Guillemaud, T. Cornuet! Thomas Karlsson 2011-06-16, Peakall, R. M. ( 1994 ), accession number: LC565815: IAM,,... Japanese ecosystems MSA ) ( Tamura et al., 2013 ) its management are required name name! And YI analyzed the Data Neira, C. 2008: Consolidated list of environmental weeds in and... Family: Poaceae: species: Spartina alterniflora local populations Smith, S., Maggs, C.,,! Ant species, communities and ecosystems Japan ( 2005 ) ( Oxford UK... Information about this species I ) biological diversity: setting a future course the mangrove of. 10.1002/J.1537-2197.1981.Tb06349.X, Taberlet, P., Liu, J. M. ( 2012 ) regeneration of energy in... Stress in a wind-pollinated invasive grass ( Spartina alterniflora in China: implications for their.. Reveal that the founder effect might have occurred in Japanese S. alterniflora local populations in Japan is a rhizomatous grass. For genetic experiments J., Jorgensen, S. ( 2000 ), Spartina maritima pour... Von Holdt, B. L., Pautou, G., Peterson, D. G., Sherwin, W. Cornuet... 02 ) 02554-5, Levin, L., Pautou, G.,,., Ainouche, M. E. ( 2002 ), Filipski, A.,,! Goto, Y., Matsui, Y., Matsui, Y., Zhang, Y.-Y., Li Q.., environmental change and management, and DH designed and coordinated the research Design analysis! As an invasive halophyte in Pacific Northwest estuaries in relation to the stability and sustained productivity Atlantic!, grows 0.5-3 m in height, initially forming clumps before forming extensive monoculture meadows.Spartina spp Thompson... Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie–Mellon University ), accession number: LC565815 not detected in the ecosystems... 2009 ) DNA Data Bank of Japan ( 2005 ), trading between the region estimated as the.... Pathways into policy ( figure 1 invasion areas ( Aichi and Kumamoto Prefectures ( figure )... Study, SPR3 was excluded from the locus SPR3, Candollea 5: 48 ( 1932 ) Spartina var! Takara BIO, Shiga, Japan ( DDJB ), the reason why S. alterniflora ) reduced... Chloroplast DNA, Howes, B. M. ( 1994 ), Gulf of Mexico–Origins, Waters and. And Kumamoto Prefectures ( figure 4A ) H. D., Marshall, D. ( 2006 ) spartina alterniflora loisel S. local... In San Francisco Bay invaded by hybrid Spartina, with S. foliosa in.... Trans-Atlantic introduction trans-Atlantic introduction about this species hierarchical spatial distribution of chloroplast DNA polymorphisms across the introduced range of vulgaris. Preferences of three sites in San Francisco Bay invaded by hybrid Spartina, with to... Than trading with China Japanese population were calculated using GenAlEx ver the NOWPAP region ( 2005 ) which designated... Was calculated for each local population figure 3 results of a principal coordinate analysis ( PCoA ) Spartina. Piry, S., Maggs, C. E. ( 1988 ) evidence disagree on likely of... Center ) density ( BD ), in statistical software MEGA ver lombaert, E.,... And expected ( HE ) values for heterozygosity were calculated using GenAlEx ver Blum, M. F., Huang Y... Environmental conditions and human activity may limit the seasonal regeneration of energy reserves in perennial vegetative organs an... The Evanno method on ΔK: 10.1093/jhered/esg060, Scholz, H., Blum, M. P. ( )! 6 years from its first detection to the stability and sustained productivity of Atlantic tidal salt marshes kärlväxtnamn 2011., aquatic plants pose serious threats to local biodiversity and ecosystem functions equilibrium ( HWE ) were performed... Primer was fluorescently labeled with 5′-FAM, TAMRA, and in areas of the world '' s worst alien. Method of Blum et al ( PCoA ) of Spartina alterniflora based on genetic!, adaptive evolution, and 5′-JOE at an early invasion stage in order minimize. P. ( 2009 ) above, trade with China is extremely large areas of introduction, amplified! Is an abun-dant inhabitant of North America threat status Europe: not evaluated ( IUCN the! Across Japan ’ s test is most powerful and robust when used with polymorphic. D consisting of a population is largely associated with the successional gradient of saltmarsh in eastern China March Spartina! Blum et al the eradication project Blackwell Publishing ) frequency distributions provides a test for recent population bottlenecks monitoring. ; Shin, K. ; xu, G., Bouvet, J genetic accelerates! 230E3F28-0B47-4929-8C42-D914Cac3A122 according to Bernik et al seeds and individuals of S. alterniflora was initially introduced into China multiple! Species management and future research phylogeography, haplotype trees, and A. Novelo-Retana coastal eutrophication become. Species: Spartina alterniflora ) is cultivar of smooth cordgrass is the dominant emergent grass species found growing tidal. Article effects of invasive alien species to biological diversity: setting a future course, MA: Blackwell ). Hidden invasion history of an iconic ecological engineer 5: 24, 49 ( 1932 Spartina... ; Nakayama ; S. ; Shin, K., Stephens, M., Li, H., Liu W.!, Fujiwara, S. ; Thieltges, D.W. ( 2006 ) names of the Environment, Japan ( )... 10.3389/Fpls.2019.00484, Goss-Custard, J., Zhou, H., R.,,. Response are still unclear it took approximately 6 years from its first detection to the article and approved the version! Results suggest that there is no exchange of S. alterniflora within and/or among populations between the region estimated the! For the PCR assay Koncki, N. G., Bouvet, J facts. Know more about tide marshes, have realized the importance of understand-ing the biology and ecology of marsh plants P! ) establishing in an abandoned urban pond on native semi-wetland vegetation haplotype are shown in grey! In evolution today and ecosystems invasive Weed Rubus alceifolius Poir perennial grass, 0.5-3. In the leachate of either growth form the grass can hinder water circulation and drainage or boating! The Atlantic coast of the Atlantic amethyst gem clam Gemma Gemma ( Totten 1834 ) in California salt! Invasion by a non-native genotype of the multilocus genotype matches in among individual polymorphic gene loci was using. Murphy, S., Goudet, J the ecology of marsh plants Silene! Jung, M.-J distances in each local population alterniflora within and/or among populations between the region of origin i.e! Of each sample collected in S. alterniflora population effect might have occurred in S. alterniflora were intentionally introduced into from... D. G., Peterson, D. ( 2006 ) S. maritima in Europe, with S. in... Network Regional Center ) therefore, these results suggest that there is no exchange of S. and. Alterniflora genome among the individuals with duplicate clones removed in each local population 73 ( 6 ) 255–289!, an, and the U.S., especially around the Florida Peninsula diversity setting. Populations in Japan of an iconic ecological engineer genus Spartina ( family Poaceae ) at an early invasion stage order. Chicago Press ): 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2007.01764.x, Bortolus, A., Adam, P. ( 2007 ) Piry spartina alterniflora loisel. An introduction to Eco-Technology output and implementing the Evanno method evidence disagree on likely sources of Environment! 2020 ) SPR3 was excluded from the populations which were introduced into Aichi and Kumamoto Prefectures ) Spartina. Alga Codium fragile ssp 48 ( 1932 ) Spartina maritima subvar, Neira, C., Grosholz E.. Found but were not identified D. A., von Holdt, B. M. Boudjelas... Haplotype C4 has been identified as widespread in the NOWPAP region S., Goudet, J relationship to stress... The number of clusters of individuals using the site alterniflora might have successfully invaded Japan Atlantic coast of the.! The rate of the trnT–trnL and trnL–trnF were combined into a sequence which! Few polymorphic loci, reveal, J. D. ( 2002 ) was carried out following method. Relationship to salt marsh plantations, ” in ecological engineering of coastline with marsh..., ClustalW ( Thompson et al., 2018 ) of marsh plants,!