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SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENTS FOR CLOSELY-HELD CORPORATIONS SAMPLE FORM Disclaimer:The Sample Form is intended as a resource for attorneys, but is not a substitute for the attorney’s judgment and application of the releva nt law to a client’s circumstances. <<
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The Shareholders Agreement - A Sample Agreement Contact: Mike Volker, Tel:(604)644-1926, Email: mike@volker.org (Note - this is just a sample agreement to give the reader some basic ideas. stream
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In simple terms, a shareholders’ agreement is a written contract between investors of a corporation. noPXh$@?+nU=HU;^?nc"'p#+j"fnsP`n)cego(-r2[:rkXFt%+\GO2G#(;%48)JRO8[YoP`1+1dbH-jiZEOPKePBEBS"kS>71)=S+G;G? qXES&iW9~>
In a Shareholder Agreement, the corporation and the shareholders agree to the bounds of the relationship between them. >>
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They do so by providing a mechanism for establishing the transaction price and providing for the funding and payment terms of … >>
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In this context, the term “close corporation” is >>
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Purpose of Agreement. endobj
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of a closely held corporation except where a partnership is specifically referenced. qTtn0dOa-I=#=3^X:'YfQ6M`F8fgF>eWSLf/`eBdui-o[Q)7YD93uS_5fG:s4:n`Y4+?TbIBKOi;eF%Tk-':H'^@T*8:bnhCKYqb9Y&Ob9eJ4]+8WDW>ilVh0FA.4%"T-S(*a'oNN6NY*U-ZX
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The author examines the advantages and problems inherent in the use of a shareholders' agreement. 3790
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minority shareholder(s).2 Clearly, the decisions point out that a well-drafted buy-sell agreement can go far in protecting the rights of minority shareholders in closely-held corporations. >>
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Advantages that can motivate these rental arrangements include the following: J/gkJU(L9-0G"s/:iQN-"u-ZU+V=a2b\eOB%*&pCC^aW>)$gF$!hl&N0SC/O:r-i#>o+t.+EI9$hAB3H^r6L&aFM-F&/+0[MPYWnB-7o"aK5UC*ap5L9K*ikVPB8iMa7&EY[+N/EN*XGQ_u+!f&qhDd(hT^im`M&8MXV9@>D^9?Lr"J#mP5jJsa"/t#s`6f.S3f[)GedsP<9.1?4N684V1*_HWYRTs1dP/oR6C0_Acf>"\5OJp]J[fSjQCSO:B]R2tK=bs@7nm+.f!Xg/5WarM
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