2. Displaying an image on canvas, Step 2: Drawing. AnnPointObject. 4:08. Annotate Images in HTML5 and JavaScript Apps The LEADTOOLS annotations library for HTML5 and JavaScript is a powerful framework that adds the full power of LEADTOOLS desktop annotations to many browsers and devices. Learn HTML5 Canvas By Creating A Drawing App | HTML Canvas Tutorial - Duration: 19:43. You signed in with another tab or window. How do I tell this custom annotation layer that I”ve zoomed/scaled? Once we have it complete, we will send it to you. 2) Use some code to allow drawing on top of that element. It enables anyone maintaining a Web page to turn images on their site into interactive, collaborative drawing & communication canvases. This feature can be useful if you want to share some noteworthy data with someone who is not necessarily authorized on the app, or if you’d like to draw a cat on Toucan Toco’s dataviz , whatever floats your boat. Hi, Displaying image on web-page in .HTML file is pretty simple. x Coordinate of where to start drawing on the canvas. The HTML