When students receive an assignment to write an essay on a healthcare issue, they usually do not bother with a topic choice and go for the first topics that … It enabled pharmacy to reduce medication errors and expand its clinical role. A frequent complaint among health care professionals about ADE reporting programs is that they never know what happens to the information they took the time and effort to report. Programs developed to advance the careers of pharmacy staff members are important tools to attract and retain qualified staff members. Across Europe, and in other parts of the world, the difficulties experienced with the availability of medicines are becoming an increasing problem for pharmacists in practise. Can 2013 be the year that partners in the medicines supply chain achieved a turnaround in the disturbing shortages trend? There is universal acceptance that the 2005 European Directive on the regulation of clinical trial assessment procedures in Europe did not achieve its objectives of simplifying and improving the environment for the conduct of trials. Asthma treatment and management as seen in a community pharmacy. 50 controversial medical topics for an essay on health, a healthcare policy, medical research, Covid-19, and more. The regulation of medical devices has been placed in the media spotlight as a result of the PIP breast implant scandal, with some politicians going as far as to suggest devices should be subject to the same regulatory regime as medicines. 5 years after the FIP Basel statements, which set out international hospital pharmacy competencies, and in the context of ongoing Pharmine activity into the nature of European hospital pharmacy, it is an appropriate time to stop and ask important questions such as: • Where do we want hospital pharmacy in Europe to be in 10, 20 & 30 years’ time? More work is needed in the prevention of ADRs as opposed to their tabulation. Below is a continuation of this review with several more active areas of research added to the list, and some extended commentaries on the trends outlined above -- where relevant. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Hospital Pharmacy is an independent, peer-reviewed journal. Using a combination of techniques that foster voluntary reporting from all disciplines--while providing routine feedback to the reporters--creates an environment that promotes better patient care through knowledge and education. Across Europe, and in other parts of the world, the difficulties experienced with the availability of medicines are becoming an increasing problem for pharmacists in practise. Wilson-Downey, Therese (2008). No country in Europe is immune from the effects that the new era of public spending austerity is having on the delivery of public services of all kinds. Pricing of medicines in an era of public spending austerity. Issues identified through the ADR program mirror those found in the DUE process. Research projects for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students are available within the following School of Pharmacy research areas and research centre. Explore the latest in clinical pharmacy and pharmacology, including topics in drug safety, development, pharmacogenetics, and pharmacoeconomics. The Press Conference at the 18th Congress of the EAHP gives space to discuss EAHP’s proposed improvements to clinical trial regulation in more detail and set out the range of benefits that can be achieved by increasing trial result transparency. In Medicinal chemistry Projects B pharmacy and M Pharmacy students can take up wide variety of research topics which deals with Synthesis, Characterization and Docking Studies of some products, or Green Synthesis and Characterization of products, or In Silco Molecular Modeling or Cellular Redox State Modifications or High Throughput Kinetic Assay for Screening Potential Inhibitors. Indeed, a survey conducted by EAHP in 2012 suggested that nearly 80% of hospital pharmacists in Europe are experiencing medicines shortages in their hospital on a weekly or daily basis. RELATED: "Hot" Research Areas in Drug Discovery - 2019 . in Hospital Pharmacy - Previous Research Projects Coughlan, Miriam (2013) Cost and impact analysis of the pharmacist medication reconciliation service for medical inpatients in St. James’s Hospital … These programs must be developed in concert with the employees affected. When the Joint Commission reviewed this program in January 1991, they were satisfied that it met their standards. The criteria-based ADR reporting program at Shands Hospital has been successful. All health care professionals are responsible for reporting ADRs. Pharmacists in hospital administration, Perspectives on pharmacy-coordinated drug administration programs, Assessment of a pharmacy-based medication administration team, Controlling drug costs: administrative and clinical strategies, Administrative aspects of clinical pharmacokinetic services, Administrative management of computer system development, Pharmacy-coordinated, multidisciplinary adverse drug reaction program, An adverse drug reaction reporting system as an integral part of a drug-usage evaluation program, Criteria-based adverse drug reaction reporting and the use of a relational database, An evaluation of interventions designed to stimulate physician reporting of adverse drug events, Using the discharge process as one method to capture adverse drug reaction reports, A successful community hospital program for monitoring adverse drug reactions, A pharmacy-coordinated, multidisciplinary approach for successful implementation of an adverse drug reaction reporting program, A continuous quality improvement team approach to adverse drug reaction reporting, An examination of adverse drug event monitoring practices in US hospitals, Reporting adverse drug reactions is everyone's business, Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Pharmaceuticals: Strategic Issues for the Pharmaceutical Industry, The use of serum drug concentrations in a private ambulatory clinic and its affiliated health maintenance organization. Future educational efforts will focus on how reporting suspected ADRs can positively impact patient care. Capturing ADR reports through the discharge process, which is the cornerstone of the program, has proven very successful. The success of the ADR program at Mid-Maine Medical Center is based on this philosophy, and the program is really a system of programs. As in our case, initially there may be some skepticism among some of the physicians about the intent of pharmacy interventions. O'Brien, Joanne (2008). Our department is committed to a process of continuous quality improvement focusing on delivering the best possible pharmaceutical care services. Lean Thinking or Systems Approaches (Six sigma, PDCA, Kaizen in Pharmacy Practice) 5. James Jorgenson, CEO Visante - Wednesday ... Pharmacy workforce issues will be a challenge for 2019 as there is a technician … Whether health systems … APhA’s Hot Topics in Pharmacy Education is a series of 1-hour, live webinars, presented every month as a member-exclusive benefit, that focus on pertinent public health issues to keep pharmacists up-to-date as front-line healthcare providers. Macomb Hospital Center's ADR reporting program has increased interdisciplinary problem solving in the medication use process. • Structured research activities are essential to the development ofh it l hf hospital pharmacy • Topics can be selected in the daily practice of any field of activity of any hospital (teaching, non-teaching) • Professional associations have a role to play in the funding of research … Hot topics in precepting 1. Drug usage patterns of intravenous pantoprazole in a community teaching hospital Drug usage patterns of intravenous pantoprazole before and after implementation of prescribing criteria Heather H. Hessleson, Pharm.D. Can any one suggest a research topic for an inpatient hospital? Indeed, a survey conducted by EAHP in 2012 suggested that nearly 80% of hospital … Succinct summaries of the results of new research papers published in high impact journals in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy. Vision is about knowing your destination, so that you know if you’re there, and even more importantly knowing if you’re off course and not any closer to your goal. Based on the recommendations of these committees, further expansion in ambulatory services is a priority. Agenda for Change development and testing work now underway will lead to implementation over the next several years of improved accreditation tools: standards focused on key governance, managerial, clinical, and support activities essential to achieving good outcomes; a national database of performance indicators that helps the Joint Commission and accredited organizations monitor and improve patient care and outcomes; survey methods that better assess the organization's engagement in continuous improvement of key processes; and accreditation reports and decisions that are more informative, more balanced, and more helpful in stimulating organizational change. Look for other articles on the same topic to help you evaluate and critique the article, and compare approaches in study design, data analysis, and conclusion. Hot topics in Hospital Pharmacy (Dr. Roberto Frontini) Medicines Shortages. There was some indication that poor medical record documentation was a contributing factor; however, this problem can be addressed through education of physicians and nurses as to the importance of capturing and reporting ADE data. • How do we get there? Creating these tools will promote more effective collaboration between the Joint Commission and health care providers in service of the mutual goal of enhancing patient care quality. • When we review the last 50 years of hospital pharmacy development, what can we learn about the future? in Hospital Pharmacy - Previous Research Projects Coughlan, Miriam (2013) Cost and impact analysis of the pharmacist medication reconciliation service for medical inpatients in St. James’s Hospital Leah Gaughan (2013) A prospective survey of post-kidney transplant patients Continuous feedback from managers to staff pharmacists (our monthly performance review feedback program) also helps to continue consistency of the program. Innovations in reducing pharmacy costs and improving 4. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information:verify here. In the monitoring program at Meriter Hospital, pharmacy responsibilities include review and assessment of all reported ADRs. Pharmacists work in this field are responsible for dispensing of medications, … Planning for space and facilities, Ideas for action: hospital pharmacy security, Ideas for action: reporting medication error rate by microcomputer, Ideas for action: the operating room pharmacy satellite, Pharmacy personnel opinions of selected decentralized activities, Evaluating pharmacist workload activities: centralized versus mobile decentralized pharmacy service, Adaptive approaches to the implementation of new clinical services: a case study of neonatal ICU pharmacy services, Evolving to provide pharmaceutical care without additional resources in a university hospital, A prospective dosage adjustment program in a geriatric population, Pharmacy's role in quality assurance of medication administration, Transitions: exploring career options. Current topics in pharmacology offer a variety of themes for researching. This article describes the successful implementation of a prospective drug dosage adjustment program that has achieved cost-containment, improved quality of patient care, and optimum usage of clinical pharmacy services. The hospital pharmacy is one of the key departments in hospitals that deals with procurement, storage, compounding, dispensing, manufacturing, testing, packaging, and distribution of drugs. The Press Conference at the 18th Congress of the EAHP provides an opportunity to set out in more detail the plans for this event and how its outcomes will intend to raise practise in every European country. Integration of career development with the advancement of the department's efforts to achieve pharmaceutical care are integral for the future success of the department. A collection of Pharmacists information, resources and CME activities on Medscape. [Skip to Content] Access to paid content on this site is currently suspended due to excessive activity being detected from your IP address M.Sc. For 50 years it has been practitioner-focused and dedicated to the promotion of best practices and medication safety. 2014 European Summit on the future of Hospital Pharmacy. Relevant Topics. The pharmacy department maintains ADR statistics, reports quarterly to the P&T committee, and disseminates information to appropriate hospital committees and departments. A strong ADR reporting program is an integral part of quality management in organized health care settings. Pharmacy Tech Topics™ is a continuing education program designed to provide CPhTs with four modules of home study CPE each year. This year the total prescription drug spend is expected to exceed $460B and … The recent focus of the Joint Commission on optimum quality of care has also created an arena of tremendous opportunities for pharmacists to work with the physicians and other health care professionals to accomplish excellence in quality of care. For 50 years it has been practitioner-focused and dedicated to the promotion of best practices and medication … Heightened awareness of ADRs has developed throughout the hospital. Whilst recent proposals from the European Commission have not gone this far, there is a clear recognition that the regulatory environment needs improvement, especially in ensuring that there is a common high standard for assessment of devices across Europe. EAHP, in collaboration with partners, is making representations at the European level for new measures to be taken by the industry, by the European Commission and the European Medicines Agency. Also, a regular newsletter summarizing the number and types of reports and the drugs involved was well received. Research Fields • Pharmacy practice • Pharmaceutics • Chemistry • Pharmacognosy 4. Design of programs for all major positions/classifications should be considered. Successful implementation of quality improvement ideas and methods by all health care professionals is the major challenge for the 1990s. Pharmaceutical Care. EAHP plans to host a significant event in 2014 to set the pathways for the development of European Hospital Pharmacy in a manner that inspires the confidence and support of not only hospital pharmacists, but patients and our fellow health professionals. The physician records these events in the patient's medical record. The Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research is a high quality, long-established journal that addresses issues related to medicines management, clinical therapeutics and pharmaceutical science research journal that impact upon pharmacy-related practice, training, research and policy. The highest level of advancement for hospital pharmacists is supervisory or administrative positions. Hot topics in Hospital Pharmacy (Dr. Roberto Frontini) Medicines Shortages. Hospital Pharmacy is an independent, peer-reviewed journal. Hospital pharmacists work in hospital pharmacy services belong to the MOH as well as the private sector. However, are there also threats to transparency, and can a fair form of measuring outcome ever be developed? This will require a commitment to advanced human resources planning. Topics in hospital pharmacy management / Aspen Systems Corporation | Read 462 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. 100+ PHARMACY Research Topics for Thesis or Dissertation academic writing , Research paper writing , Thesis Writing Leave a comment A good dissertation or thesis topic is one that allow you to research… Is productivity coming into its own--again? With much development in the past ten years in areas such as generic substitution and health technology assessment, new innovative approaches to pricing are in development in many countries, including various forms of risk sharing such as cost-sharing incentives for the introduction of new medicines, and pricing based on the value/outcome delivered by a medicine. EAHP, alongside other organisations, is pushing for greater levels of transparency to aid participating hospital pharmacies in their involvement in the trial process, and to maximize the confidence all stakeholders have in the European system of trial regulation. The reform of clinical trial regulation in Europe. But will the proposals really tackle all the issues, and do they take due account of the role of the hospital pharmacist in procuring, advising and monitoring the use of devices in hospitals? Accordingly, proposals from the European Commission in 2012 to create a new Regulation, with more centralized and harmonized processes for trial submission, including greater distinctions to be made in relation to requirements for high and low risk trials, have been met with broad acceptance. The introduction of generic substitution and increased generic drug use at a community hospital. I am a pharmacy resident at the hospital so I need a retrospective study. In the Mississippi ADE program, physicians appreciated the feedback they were provided--in letter form--indicating the ultimate disposition of the reported information. • What challenges will be faced in achieving the vision for European hospital pharmacy? Cost of patients' own unused drugs in the acute hospital setting. In this age of demand for optimum quality of care and shortened length of patient stay in the hospital, the opportunities for clinical pharmacy interventions are enormous. Pharmacists work in this field are responsible for dispensing of medications, quality testing, formulating and re-formulating dosage forms, monitoring and reporting drug safety, and preparing budges for medications. M.Sc. When appropriate, the ADR is reported to the FDA. There is a heightened awareness of ADRs, and the program has had a positive impact on patient care. Learn all about the latest top issues and priorities that affect the pharmacy community! The job outlook for pharmacists is very hopeful. A list of recently completed PGY1 residency research projects is below: The impact of switching from trough-guided to AUC guided vancomycin dosing on hospital resources Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of warfarin vs. DOACs after bioprosthetic valve replacement • How can we keep ahead of change, and shape the future, rather than be shaped by the future? The greatest fear is that many pharmacists simply will be apathetic to the issue and not devote the time and energy necessary to capture and process ADE information effectively. Adverse drug reaction reporting programs must be constantly improved to remain successful. Spending in health services is coming under renewed scrutiny and one target for reduced expenditure is the medicines bill. In Medicinal chemistry Projects B pharmacy and M Pharmacy students can take up wide variety of research topics which deals with Synthesis, Characterization and Docking … Access to data and analytics to drive outcomes and operational efficiency. Join APhA today! 10 Issues facing hospital & health system pharmacy in 2019. Free recommendations and clinical resources to navigate the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Reminder posters placed at strategic points around the hospital and periodic inservices on the program are effective in maintaining a level of awareness about the importance of ADE monitoring and its impact on the quality of care. CQI produces growth and development at multiple levels resulting from involvement in the process of incremental improvement. Efficiency has been improved as a result. When students receive an assignment to write an essay on a healthcare issue, they usually do not bother with a topic choice and go for the first topics that come to their minds: the causes and symptoms of Type II diabetes / breast cancer / cardiovascular disease, etc. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences Open Access. … The scientific exercise includes the manipulation of doses, combinations, and administration schemes of the small number of chemicals known as chemotherapy. • Structured research activities are essential to the development ofh it l hf hospital pharmacy • Topics can be selected in the daily practice of any field of activity of any hospital (teaching, non-teaching) • Professional associations have a role to play in the funding of research activities, to help moving from the local to the global PCUDDA programs still have a logical place in organized health care settings, particularly in view of the nursing shortage and nursing salaries. Observations will be used to recommend alternate therapies to prevent ADRs as well as methods to manage reactions should they occur. Unfortunately, the reasons for respondents' negative attitudes and perceptions toward ADE monitoring are not entirely clear because they generally are not related to time or staff constraints. 3. From specialty medications to the use of technology to speed up the development of drugs, this year was all about innovation and breakthroughs for the pharmaceuticals industry. Clinical Pharmacy. Write an Essay on Health Care. This vehicle was also used to educate physicians about new drugs on the market that warranted closer scrutiny. This article discusses the scientific rationale for various methods of chemotherapy administration and outlines the specific clinical steps necessary to achieve the most safe and efficacious administration plan possible. Pharmacy Practice. The Adverse Drug Reaction program at CSMC identifies patients whose charts have been encoded with an ICD-9 code of E930 through E949, inclusively. For 50 years it has been practitioner-focused and dedicated to the promotion of … Improving the quality of your practice environment is a top priority for APhA. The clinical programs have been well established, so that their existence no longer depends on the program. The program has clearly proven to be safe and effective and to reduce the incidence of medication errors. National legislation on hospital pharmacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists. The administration of cancer chemotherapy is a unique combination of scientific exercise and clinical practice. Stimulating improved patient care: the Joint Commission's Agent for change, Failures in organization development: a focus on change agents and their responsibility, Computerization as an aid in management of clinical pharmacy services, Multihospital system versus stand-alone hospitals: a comparison of pharmacy services offered, Home health care services: collaboration alternatives, vendor selection and program implementation, A key pharmacy intrapreneurial program: ambulatory care, Ambulatory care pharmacy services at the Family Medicine Center of the Medical University of South Carolina, Pricing strategies for ambulatory pharmacy services in preferred provider arrangements, Considerations in planning an ambulatory operating room pharmacy, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, Topics in hospital pharmacy management, THPM. Share . In the future, these programs can demonstrate enhanced outcomes for patient care by ensuring appropriately trained and credentialed employees. At our institution, our consistent approach has resulted in support from our physicians. It is also likely to reduce cost. To date, the stated program objectives have been met. Browse by Topic View Related Links Click on the Related Links below to view ASHP’s policy positions, statements, guidelines, technical assistance bulletins, and endorsed documents by topic. Working collaboratively can increase knowledge of teams using CQI approaches and appropriate tools. AIM • A lot of pharmacy students start to worry about what they should do for a Final Year Project (fyp). Pharmacists, with their unique background in clinical therapeutics, can make a significant difference in patient outcome. Where there is debate and contention however is in relation to just how transparent the information derived in the trial process should be. The P&T committee supports the ADR monitoring program and policy. Not a member? Other research has demonstrated that substantial effort and diligence are required on the part of all members of the health care team to capture ADEs consistently. Data from Shands Hospital will contribute to postmarketing surveillance, patient care, and staff education, and these data will influence drug usage evaluations and the formulary. Write an Essay on Health Care. The ADR monitoring program has successfully increased the number of ADRs reported, and actions resulting from ADR reports have had a positive impact on patient care. The clinical practice involves the holistic care of a human being whose cancer and normal physiology are unique. Adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by pharma and biotech The listing of criteria has facilitated the reporting of ADRs at Shands Hospital, and communication of the information has been greatly enhanced by the ADR database. Bringing science and clinical practice together to formulate a treatment plan that offers the most favorable outcomes and that minimizes short- and long-term toxicities is a challenge. Transition of Care - Best practices in transitions of care Benchmarking and Dashboards 3. Hospital discharge and readmission Evaluation and management of suspected sepsis and septic shock in adults Treatment, prognosis, and follow-up of acute pulmonary embolism in adults Escalating Drug Costs. During the process of studying, pharmacology students are given dozens of written tasks, and choosing the good pharmacology research paper topics is often decisive for the final grades. Another review article, written by Mervyn J. Eadie (University of Queensland & Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia) was the third most popular research article of 2016. Members have told us that administrative third party payment burdens, additional training, more and new technology, better equipped pharmacy technicians, and additional manpower are some of the biggest challenges faced in practice. Murphy, Anne (2008). Competition in the health care delivery system: prescription for the 1980s, Massachusetts Chapter 372: the impact of prospective reimbursement on hospital pharmacy, Managed care pharmacy services: proactive management of costs of absenteeism and turnover, Clinical pharmacy interventions: an optimum way to accomplish positive patient care outcome, Investigational cancer drugs: accountability and handling, Development and integration of cost accounting, pharmacy workload, and charging systems, Effect of prospective payment systems (PPS) on capital acquisitions, Ideas for action. Dr. Gershman has published research on prescription drug abuse, regulatory issues, and drug information in various scholarly journals. She served as a pharmacy professor at NSU’s College of Pharmacy for 6 years, managed the drug information center, and conducted medication therapy management reviews. In the pharmaceutical industries, pharmacists can obtain positions in marketing, sales, research, quality control, production, or packaging. It is not clear whether medication error rates have increased or will increase as a result of transferring this responsibility back to nursing. Homestudy CE/CME monographs on hot topics; Live CE/CME webinars with expert advice 1. It is hoped that these activities will result in an improvement in usage of these drugs and a reduction in adverse drug reactions to them. It is unfortunate that decisions about programs such as PCUDDA are often made on the basis of professional turf and politics rather than on patient care and economic factors, which should be the basis for such decisions. If you cannot find similar articles, try reviewing textbooks, guidelines, and clinical information tools to find additional information. The top pharmacy … Efforts are now focusing on improving the capture of ADRs, which will make the information available from the database even more valuable. ICHP is an ACPE accredited provider of Pharmacy Tech Topics™ continuing pharmacy education modules. All you need to stay on the top of the most important peer-reviewed research papers published in the world. This committee reviews all ADRs and recommends action plans. Recent audit results suggest that pharmacy-nursing relations are not as good. Across Europe, and in other parts of the world, the difficulties experienced with the availability of medicines are becoming an increasing problem for pharmacists in practise. Please email our academic staff to discuss potential HDR projects and ask if they are available as an advisor for your proposed HDR program. Health and safety in community pharmacy. 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