coming off cerazette to get pregnant

Hydromermaid-1 ... Oh wow congratulations. I wasn't pregnant & it was the pill giving me pregnancy symptoms, have recently read that the mini pill tends to do that. How quickly you can get pregnant: this will depend on when ovulation starts up again. I'd only been on it a month though. At the same time I'm worried if I come off it soon, will get pregnant immediately. Took about 4 months for me. I have two kids and both times I came off cerazette it took 6-7 weeks to have a period. Yes we know that no form of contraception is not 100% fully effective, but you kind of get used to the idea that you are 'safe' etc! I'm now 14+4. I came off it and my periods went back to normal after two months. Coming off the pill to get pregnant: what you need to know. However, the answer to this question is unique to every woman, and it may just be that you can become pregnant much, much quicker. stopped. Though you might want to finish your current packet to avoid annoying mid-cycle bleeding. Our little boy is almost 15 months old and I'd love for him to have a sibling close in age. Cant comment on periods getting back to normal as I didnt have one! But you have one burning question, 'How quickly can I get pregnant after coming off the pill?' Just wanted to add that I came off cerazette in January, and it took me 6 weeks to have a period. While the levels of Depo-Provera after 90 days may not be high enough to be considered effective for pregnancy prevention, they may still be too high to get pregnant. Was expecting it to take rather longer than that! You might assume your fertility will return on day 91, but this isn’t how the medication works. This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 24 messages.). Still considered the most popular birth control method by Australian women, many of us have been taking it since our teens and were warned about the potential side effects before starting it. See original post. This means that you can be fertile again immediately after stopping your pill – most women ovulate again within one month of stopping a combined pill or 17 days of stopping a desogestrel containing minipill. Coming off cerazette!!! To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Took 1 month for my period to return and almost a year to conceive, don't know if there's any other reason for it to have taken just as long. Fertility levels should return quite rapidly, so use condoms or another method if you don’t want to get pregnant… Some women are fertile as soon they go off the Pill, while it takes a few months for others to start ovulating again. Around one in three UK women of childbearing age take the pill. the first 4 weeks i kept thinking i could have got pregnant fast cuz my breasts were swellingand tender, bloated stomach, … The preconception period is a great time to put in place some new good-for-you (and your future baby) habits. Get answers by asking now. I also read lots of stuff on the internet about trouble afterwards and it worried me, so when I cam off it I was fully expecting to be trying for quite a while, and lo and behold 3 months later got a line on a test! Why is Cerazette ® used? See original post. Whilst we aren't quite in the financial position to have a child in the next nine months, I don't want to leave it too late before going off the pill in case we have issues. Is it possible to get pregnant on Cerazette? Coming off Cerazette and getting pregnant. Your GP can give you advice on suitable contraceptive options to use next. mrsdaz. I have been on Cerazette pill since he was a few months old. Neighbour reporting me to the council for anti social behaviour, Toilet training expert answers questions on bathroom habits and routines, Share your tips for saving on your energy bill with ESB Energy, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. For some people, it may be days or weeks, for others it may take up to three months. Pregnancy Forum. You can … But you may be wondering if there is any secret to stopping the pill, if your fertility will be affected and how long to get pregnant once you do stop.. What To Expect When Coming Off The Pill Just like how if you miss a pill or two you can get pregnant even while still technically being on the pill, you can get pregnant pretty much instantly after you come off it. I took the rest of the packet as normal. )Try not to worry! Sometimes, it can take a little longer. Therefore, it … While stopping the pill may temporarily extend the time to conception, some women will get pregnant immediately after they come off the pill. The experience will varies from woman to woman. I stopped in January after 6 1/2 years, was abroad so not trying until April, took about two weeks' worth when I got back in case we'd suddenly decided we didn't want to try, and was pregnant by mid-June. With 3.5 million of us using it to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is a hugely popular form of birth control. Spent a fortune on tests. The first time it took two months for it to get out of my system, the second time was five months. It did take me almost a year to get pregnant but I'm positive it wasn't the cerazette causing problems. It didn't agree with me. Have had all the symptoms of a period (bloating, sore boobs, stomach pain etc) but no period. Some women I've asked returned to normal within a month or two. Hi - I came off cerazette around the november 2011 and had exactly the same symptoms as you, i was convinced I was pregnant but negative tests results I put this down to my body getting back to normal. Coming off cerazette and conceiving. I never had a single one whilst taking Cerazette, and after those four months, they went straight back to normal. It may have taken them 2 years anyway. Coming off the Pill is one topic that doesn't tend to get the importance, or airtime, that it deserves. When Cerazette ® is taken correctly (without missing tablets), the chance of becoming pregnant is very low. Posted 24/09/2008 Comments from original poster (1) Comments from original poster (1) Load more . Comments (42) / 5. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I suspect the women reporting a two year delay in getting pregnant would have taken a long time to get pregnant regardless of what hormonal contraception they used.You could come off Cerazette 3-6 months before you wish to start trying for a pregnancy and just use condoms whilst your cycle settles down. The quick answer is yes, you can get pregnant straight away! Yes, you can get pregnant straight away. I had to have IVF for my LG so I’m not hopeful that I’m going to get pregnant naturally but you never know xx. Comment. Let’s say you want to get pregnant and you discontinue injections. got pregnant 2 weeks later. Well I hope it happens for you. Cerazette . took it for 20 years. I would firsly recommend just doing a preg test, superdrug ones are good for early responce. Like you, I didn't really have period whilst on Cerazette. I think the problem with taking the pill is it can mask symptoms of underlying problems, like PCOS, rather than causing a problem itself iyswim?I was on cerazette for years, but was ovulating normally within 6 weeks of coming off it. Coming off cerazette. I was convinced I was pregnant, I had all the symptoms, I spent a fortune on pregnancy tests. You can start Cerazette between 21 to 28 days after the birth of your baby. Some women I've asked returned to normal within a month or two. Hey, I've recently come off the mini pill for those reasons. I was on Cerazette for 4 months, during that time I was late taking one pill following unprotected intercourse. There are lots of horror stories posted on the web but plenty of Cerazette users who don't have problems. Reply (0) Report. didn't even have a period xx. Am now 19 weeks. You also may not have any bleeding at all. I am coming off cerazette today as we are now offically ttc.I am v excited and cnt wait, although i have heard alot of horror stories about coming off this pill. I suspect the women reporting a two year delay in getting pregnant would have taken a long time to get pregnant regardless of what hormonal contraception they used. But be prepared this pill plays horrible tricks on our body's. After that everything was back to normal and I conceived first try in May. there is hope! It isn't common to experience significant delays in your periods returning when you stop Cerazette. When you stop taking the pill, the hormones which prevent pregnancy will leave your body when you do not take your next pill as instructed. Last edited 22/04/2010. Some women believe that if you do happen to get pregnant within three months of coming off the pill that it will increase your chance of having a miscarriage – but that’s simply not true. Some horror stories I have read said that it can take up to two years. If you're trying to get pregnant, it's a good idea to wait until after you've had a natural period. But you have one burning question, 'How quickly can I get pregnant after coming off the pill?' I think I've read as many perfectly ok stories as horrors about conceiving after Cerazette. I always used to bleed as soon as I came off the combined pill but it … Then I came of cerazette in Dec 15 to try for number 2 and it took two and a half months to get my period and it's very irregular :- My periods returned to normal within 5 weeks of stopping pill. Hi I'm 28 weeks pregnant, stopped cerazette in may, didn't start cycling until December and conceived in January it was very frustrating, but once everything was. Last edited 22/04/2010. And five months after coming off it I fell pregnant! The good news is that I started trying after that first period and got pregnant the first month with both of them. advertisement. 'The main thing to remember is that when you're on the pill, it is to stop you ovulating If you do get pregnant while taking Cerazette there's a slightly increased risk that the pregnancy may develop outside the womb (an ectopic pregnancy). However, if you have already had sex, check that you are not pregnant before starting Cerazette. My husband and I would like to start trying for a baby middle of next year. But everyone is different, please don't worry to much about it, easier said than done, I know, but just try and relax. But while you might think that tossing out all your prescription medications is a healthy move when you're trying to conceive, when it comes to the antidepressants in your medicine cabinet, the medications you can and can't take during pregnancy aren't always so clear-cut. I just wanted to get the pill out of my system and get my body back into a routine for a few months. I was on Cerazette for 2 years. › Getting pregnant ... Hi all im new on here and just wanted 2 keep a diary with u all. greater or less a optimal 25% risk of being pregnant, in case you ovulate mutually as or shortly after having unprotected intercourse. We conceived during the first cycle with our first and on the second cycle with this pregnancy. TINACOTTON. Coming off Cerazette and getting pregnant. Also you can get pregnant using any form of contraception: condoms, the combined pill, the mini pill, the implant, the morning after pill, the coil, the diaphragm, the ring, the injection. Dansolo92 in reply to Hydromermaid-1. Hi there I have been on cerazette for about 3 years and stopped taking it 3 weeks ago. How do I tell him and when? Coming off the pill to get pregnant: what you need to know. Whether you've just come off the pill, have been trying for a week or a year, or are trying after a miscarriage, you'll find friends here. For many women, it can take a bit of time before you start ovulating again – roughly 6 months. Having a pregnancy scare.Ex “hookup buddy” cut things off with me and he blocked me. I'm currently pregnant for the second time after taking Cerazette. You can get pregnant as soon as you come off the pill, so it's important to use another form of contraception, such as condoms, straight away. Hi, I'm new TTC after Cerazette ... DH and I got married in May and have decided we want to start TTC. Finally af arrived and it then took another 4 months to fall pregnant. Is it true that pregnancy tests are for sure accurate after 21 days . I was on Cerazette for a while, and after coming off it (and using condoms), didn't get a period back for 4 months. 2. I'm now 13 weeks pregnant and it took 6 months all in all (some months we didn't try so maybe 3 in reality! Any experiences of coming off Cerazette? If you're trying to get pregnant, get support from others doing the same here. My husband and I are planning our second baby. I got pregnant on itand yes, I WAS taking it properly. In theory you can ovulate and therefore get pregnant within two days of stopping Cerazette.It isn't common to experience significant delays in your periods returning when you stop Cerazette. back to normal we conceived pretty quickly, GL x. After reading several blogs and forums it seems to take us between 3 weeks and a year for periods to start again (with no relation really to how long people were on it or whether it agreed with them or not). DD1 born end of June 2012 So, took about 3 cycles to conceive. Hi all! I have pcos and was always aware I would struggle to get pregnant. We are not actively trying atm but hopefully sometime next year. The effects of coming off the mini pill are pretty similar to the combined pill. Home Forums Trying to Conceive Trying to Conceive. The second time I came off cerazette I was prepared for the same thing, but a week after coming off it I had AF and 4 weeks after that I got my BFP:) Defiantly worth testing again. i am 9 weeks pregnant whilst taking cerazette and i also was taking it properly, I was on it for 7 years. A try in a pair of weeks is the only way you will understand, good luck! I think the things you read on the internet are the extreme stories, not many people feel the need to post in the internet if everything is running swimmingly I suppose!Hope this helps you feel positive.... Oh yes - so to answer your question - I'd probably wait until you are ready, and not start beforehand, as you may get a shock sooner that you think! Hi, I am on my 3rd month of taking the cerazette pill, i have not missed one day out but i have been a few hours late on taking it on a few occasions, my periods have been normal the whole time i have been taking it. 28 day cycle came back as soon as I stopped and I got pregnant after TTC for 6 months (now 19 weeks). "Theoretically you can fall pregnant two days after stopping the progesterone only pill, as this is the amount of time it takes for the pill to thicken the mucus in the neck of the womb," she adds. Am 36 and was on it for a number of years. I've been off Cerazette for 2 months now, with no period or anything. i have been on cerazette for 3-4 years now i come of it 9 days ago when i came of it i had unprotected sex with my partner we are trying to conceive, i have come off the pill before and got a period straight away a normal period every month, but this time i have not yet come on what are the chances of getting pregnant after coming off it ? Can I get pregnant on the last day of my period? Comment. Still have questions? When you are coming off the Pill finish the packet you are on. to demand that MIL pay for my private medical treatment? I did take it as soon as I remembered but it was later than the 12 hour window. I am just looking to hear if anyone has any experience with ttc after coming off this pill? I never had a single one whilst taking Cerazette, and after those four months, they went straight back to normal. With 3.5 million of us using it to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is a hugely popular form of birth control. Hi genie84, Don't know if this is useful info but I became pregnant whilst on cerazette! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The good news is that I started trying after that first period and got pregnant the first month with both of them. 'The main thing to remember is that when you're on the pill, it is to stop you ovulating Hi when I came off it to try for my first it I got my period straight away and got pregnant on my second cycle. Was on it for 3 years roughly. Another alternative to the internet horror stories: I conceived three weeks after coming off cerazette. I always used to bleed as soon as I came off the combined pill but it … For the past 2 weeks by breasts have really been hurting me, i just put it down as my period was on its way, i had a little bit of blood about 2 days ago but nothing serious! Lots of horror stories about everything. mrsdaz. 30 weeks preg and all good so far.This is not a look how fertile I am boast, but just an alternative to the internet horror stories. advertisement. It took me two weeks. I'd been on it for about 5 years, it took 6 weeks for my periods to come back and another 3 months for my period to settle into a regular pattern. You can get pregnant as soon as you come off the pill, so if you don’t want to get pregnant you should start using other forms of contraception straight away like condoms. Coming of the pill is the first step to becoming a parent! To prevent pregnancy. You can start trying to get pregnant as soon as you stop taking the Pill. How quickly can I get pregnant after coming off the pill? Many doctors advise that you should delay trying to get pregnant until you have had one normal period, not the withdrawal bleed (this is the bleed that looks like a period but that isn’t caused by ovulation . Another who had no problems, on it for 3 years, was pregnant within 2 weeks of coming off it (am 38!!) Since stopping my periods have got back into a regular 28 day cycle which I am really chuffed about! Stopped taking it end of June 2011. TINACOTTON. The experience will varies from woman to woman. I had my first period 33 days after stopping it another one 34 days later and my last one 37 days later so my cycles have been (pill free) - 33, 34, 37 To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. Hello all I'm fairly new on here and wouldn't mind some advice!I have been on cerazette for about a year, before then was on Yasmin for about two years but had to come off because of migraines. Comments (42) / 5. I had an awful 2 months comming off the same pill and very similar expeciance, it took 4 weeks until i got a period and it was similar and only lasted a couple of days. I was on Cerazette for about 4 years. Good luck! Can't even remember now if I had even had a period in between, one I think. However I have heard that it can take a while for it to happen once you have come off cerazette. I was on Cerazette for a while, and after coming off it (and using condoms), didn't get a period back for 4 months. However, I've heard some women have terrible problems conceiving after coming off Cerazette - as in, more than two years in some cases. Around one in three UK women of childbearing age take the pill. Posted 24/09/2008 Comments from original poster (1) Comments from original poster (1) Load more . The quick answer is yes, you can get pregnant straight away! Is it possible to get pregnant so fast after coming of cerazette? I was on cerrazette for about a year but came off it last August and am now 8 weeks pregnant even with my pcos! In theory you can ovulate and therefore get pregnant within two days of stopping Cerazette. ‘Don’t be fooled that you are not ovulating even if at first you experience no periods. coming off cerazette Hi, since coming off cerazette I've had 2 periods and just wondering your opinions on whether or not I am ovulating.. 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coming off cerazette to get pregnant 2021