his focus is on the religious identities of young people in a world of many religious and secular outlooks; furthermore, programs and people can make a difference, he argues—they can influence young people in significantly positive ways. Patel uses examples such as MLK Jr. and Ghandi. He [Fazlur Rahman] insists that all the passages of the Qur'an be read in that general light. Eboo Patel, author of the book "Acts of Faith" discusses his work with muslim youth in America. -he was drawn to the hopelessness expressed by other Indian writers. . What did Patel learn about pluralism in India? " By **Eboo Patel** We humans know violence well. How do each of the three aspects of Patel's heritage contribute to his understanding of pluralism? Create. Patel believes pluralism strengthens one's own religious view because pluralism allows a person to be open to a multitude of opinions. Hearing the Call Across Traditions: Readings on Faith and Service. ― Eboo Patel, Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. For example: the Dalai Lama and Aga Khan. Erin Savino 11 – 18 – 13 RSOC 9 Prof. Riley Monday Reflection: Acts of Faith Ch. Start studying Acts of Faith REL 100 Quiz. Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. Get started. It is a part of each of us. Acts of Faith The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. Wayne help him to define his identity? Charles Darwin 19th Century. ... What did Patel learn about pluralism in South Africa? ISBN 978-0-8070-0622-1. The Fire Next Time. Eugenics - talking about creating a superior human race . Acts of Faith Prejudice against Catholics Civil Rights When a person has one positive connection with a person from a group different then their own they are to think of other groups in a more positive light The Golden Rule "I am a stranger to no one, and no one is a stranger to Write. He found out at the YMCA people cared about him. Skylight Paths Publishing. Eboo's Path Eboo freefall stopped once he discovered the YMCA. Like “My confusion about the separation between the servant class and the upper middle class revealed a quintessentially American point of view. It is precisely the … Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim in the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation is a book by Eboo Patel.Part memoir, part treatise on the vulnerability of youth who are preyed upon and radicalized by religious zealots, the book examines Patel’s search for his identity, following him from childhood to his time as the founder of the Interfaith Youth Core group. Terms in this set (6) My God, I firmly believe you are one God in 3 divine persons, Father , Son, and Holy Spirit. Eboo Patel: Excerpt From Acts of Faith: The Struggle Against Our Lower Selves : In this excerpt from Eboo Patel’s acclaimed memoir, Acts of Faith, Patel shares a story of pilgrimage, cultural and religious diversity, and compromise from the life of the Prophet. Pluralism = remain firmly on your position; however, remain open to other. News, author interviews, critics' picks and more. Start studying Religion 101 - Patel's Acts of Faith - Exam 1. https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/eboo-patel/acts-of-faith-2 Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. What hurdles does he have to go through in order to come to a right understanding of his religion? Overview. What does he propose instead? Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. Search. He writes "The Faith Divide" blog for The Washington Post . Patel wrote a book called ‘Acts of Faith’ in 2007. He [Fazlur Rahman] insists that all the passages of the Qur'an be read in that general light. In Sacred Ground Eboo Patel takes us deeper into the cause. Eboo Patel’s story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people—and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. Eboo Patel Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, in the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation Eboo Patel With a new afterword Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. … 1 likes. Seamus Heaney 20st Century. Eboo Patel’s story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people—and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. Acts of Faith The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. How does guilt play a role in the development of young radicals? Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. With his mom working Eboo had to go to the YMCA for after school care and summer camp. Eboo Patel and Adam Davis (2009). K. Hughes. He found out at the YMCA people cared about him. I … Overview. With a new afterword Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. Religious pluralism is the view that all religions are equally valid. -Eboo Patel, when speaking of Rahman's writings And the more I immersed myself in Acts of Faith frankly discusses the appeal of religious fundamentalism to young people, observing that young people’s spiritual hunger entwines with their desire to make a mark on the world. In this chapter Patel personally identifies himself as a Muslim. Growing up as an Ismaili Muslim (of the Shia branch of Islam) in the US, Patel often reluctantly participated in the religious rituals of his parents’ faith. ". - assured him that helping to bring about changes for the greater good, or, as he put it, "to have wings," is important in one's life, but human beings also need "roots", which involve exploring one's own faith and traditions. Acts of Faith. Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim in the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation is a book by Eboo Patel.Part memoir, part treatise on the vulnerability of youth who are preyed upon and radicalized by religious zealots, the book examines Patel’s search for his identity, following him from childhood to his time as the founder of the Interfaith Youth Core group. Status is much more fluid in America, at least within the wide range of the population that can loosely be characterized as … News, author interviews, critics' picks and more. As with Acts of Faith this is a deeply personal book, as the author tells his own story of engagement. p.70/p.94. Eboo Patel, founder and president of interfaith youth core talks about what it means to spead the interfaith ideas. He recounts his sensitivity about his religious background and ties: During religious holidays, I would look at the sea of brown people. Acts of Faith, Eboo Patel shares his faith journey as an American Muslim and the call to religious pluralism which led him to found the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC). Eboo Patel is the author of Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation (new ed.). The following are materials to accompany Eboo Patel's "Introduction: The Faith Line" from his work "Acts of Faith." Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. Summary. ― Eboo Patel, Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. What are the specific strategies he discusses? Religious figures that influence Eboo Patel part 2 - Aga Khan - Hereditary position , Islam - Desmond Tutu - human rights activist in South Africa, received Nobel peace prize in 1984, archbishop of Anglican church in south Africa, headed the truth and reconciliation commission acts as restorative justice You cannot take notes during a lecture by Eboo Patel. What are the definitions of pluralism and totalitarianism? The Book Theif. - religion is faith and faith is illusion 3. Eboo Patel’s story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people—and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. Tolerance is allowing others to think or practice other religions and beliefs. Eboo PatelActs of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a GenerationA young Muslim activist explains our critical need to counter the recruitment of youth by religious fundamentalistsThe lessons we learn when we are young, Eboo Patel writes, determine the commitments we carry the rest of our lives. Guernica. Eboo Patel On The Importance Of Religious Pluralism In this installment of the This American Moment series, Eboo Patel, director of the Interfaith Youth Core, discusses his … APPLICATION: Eboo Patel, IFYC, Students in Whitwell giving tours of the Holocaust memorial. the dream of India is the dream of pluralism". PLAY. . Eboo Patel. Beacon Press. In that work he lays out exactly what he thinks is being accomplished by his work and the IFYC. To illustrate the idea, Patel … Eboo Patel is a very perceptive man. Back in 2011, Patel came to Concordia College in Moorhead Minnesota, where I live. -b/c it showed compassion and love for each other. He found out that it did not matter if he was a Muslim at the YMCA because people It’s a story of salvation. Patel challenges those who … In Memoriam . The Origin of Species. Eboo Patel’s story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people—and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. Eboo Patel, author of the book "Acts of Faith" discusses his work with muslim youth in America. Acts of Faith: The Story of an … Start studying Act of Faith. ... -Dalai told Eboo that Muslim was a good religion as well, and that he should visit the Tibet Muslims. I am not a Muslim, I am a Christian but growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood as a kid and being an Afro-American I felt at … The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. What did Patel learn about pluralism in South Africa? With his mom working Eboo had to go to the YMCA for after school care and summer camp. The subtitle gives some of it away: ‘The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation”. Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. As he grew older, Patel struggled to “fit in as a brown kid in a white world” (p. 23). Christopher Marlowe 17th Centrury. Erin Savino 11 – 18 – 13 RSOC 9 Prof. Riley Monday Reflection: Acts of Faith Ch. by Eboo Patel (Beacon Press, 2007) Introduction “I can only answer the question ‘What am I to do?’ if I can answer the prior question ‘Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?’” “Acts of Faith” is an excellent piece that is written with a beautiful flow that gives chronicles of confidence and self discovery. 1) respect between faith traditions, 2) positive relations between faith traditions, and 3) shared work toward the common good. This American Muslim of Indian descent has written a fascinating and timely memoir about his calling to educate a new generation to the values of religious tolerance and service to all humanity. Eboo Patel 21st Centrury. Acts of Faith, Eboo Patel shares his faith journey as an American Muslim and the call to religious pluralism which led him to found the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC). ACTS OF FAITH by Eboo Patel a Non-Fiction Political book ISBN-0807077275 ISBN13-9780807077276 with cover, excerpt, author notes, review link, and availability. As I begin to read Acts of Faith by Eboo Patel and see his perspective on his religious faith of being a Muslim I can sort of relate. For example he tells of the time his father expressed concern that Eboo's participation in the YMCA might cause him to become less Muslim, saying, "but they teach him all those Christian … Patel says that the individual’s identity is formed from their experiences and from the members of the older generation who guide them. How was the Catholic Church important to him? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Causes event in Champaign, IL by University of Illinois Diversity and Social Justice Education and 3 others on Thursday, November 7 2019 Eboo's Path Eboo freefall stopped once he discovered the YMCA. Share with friends . Alfred Lord Tennyson 19th Century. How is pluralism different from tolerance? What does he think about the relationship between religion and violence? Like “My confusion about the separation between the servant class and the upper middle class revealed a quintessentially American point of view. 1. Away to bring young people from different religions together to serve. 6 In Chapter 6: The Story of Islam, the Story of Pluralism of Acts of Faith Eboo Patel discusses his time at Oxford, his work with the Interfaith Youth Core, and the discovery of his faith in Islam. Status is much more fluid in America, at least within the wide range of the population that can loosely be characterized as … Throughout the book, and specifically in the chapter "Conclusion: Saving Each Other, Saving Ourselves" what does he mean by this phrase, "saving each other, saving ourselves? Like “My confusion about the separation between the servant class and the upper middle class revealed a quintessentially American point of view. Start studying Act of Faith. Log in Sign up. Eboo Patel (2010). Pablo Picasso Spanish Civil War caos, pain, fear, distortions. Patel is the author of Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. Eboo Patel gives a thoughtful and at points funny account of his journey to create the INTERFAITH YOUTH CORE. Markus Zuzack 21st Century. to convince readers that we should be very concerned about the "insides" of people when seeking to prevent terrorist acts, -Dorothy Day (creator of Catholic Worker), Why was each mentor important? Religious figures that influence Eboo Patel part 2 - Aga Khan - Hereditary position , Islam - Desmond Tutu - human rights activist in South Africa, received Nobel peace prize in 1984, archbishop of Anglican church in south Africa, headed the truth and reconciliation commission acts as restorative justice From Interfaith Leadership, by Eboo Patel, chapter 1, “The Identity of ... Acts of Faith, my first book, is a longer, more developed story of my personal journey to interfaith leadership. Acts of Faith NPR coverage of Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, The Struggle for the Soul of a Generation by Eboo Patel. mouthing Arabic prayers with their eyes closed and … Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim in the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation Eboo Patel. : Habitat For Humanity, because the organization encourages participants from varying backgrounds to offer diverse viewpoints and options in meeting challenges, Why was each mentor important? 1 likes. He found out that it did not matter if … Eboo Patel's story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people - and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. Gravity . ISBN 978-1-59473-264-5. Like a typical youngster, he was concerned about what his peers thought about him. Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim in the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation is a book by Eboo Patel.Part memoir, part treatise on the vulnerability of youth who are preyed upon and radicalized by religious zealots, the book examines Patel’s search for his identity, following him from childhood to his time as the founder of the Interfaith Youth Core group. -young people were committing religious violence, when there should be none at all, How did his visits with famous people go? Created by. Eboo Patel's story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people - and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. Eboo Patel’s story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people—and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. 1. Human life was primarily viewed as a functional - it was "cheap" - Genocide happened - America and Europe - In Germany: 1939-1945 … : Dorothy Day p.50-53, -admired her determination to "change the social order" and not be merely content with helping to satisfy individuals' basic needs, Why was each mentor important? Erin Savino 11 – 11 – 13 RSOC 9 Monday Reflection: Acts of Faith Ch.1 – 2 In this section of Acts of Faith, Eboo Patel discusses the issue of identity, especially in regard to the younger generation. : Fellow College Students p.45, -his friend taught: "Because the most important thing you can learn is how to turn an idea into reality", Patel quickly wrote this in his journal, How did Bro. As I read that book now, it is clear to me that I was intuitively writing in the narrative structure I outline here, although I did not know it at the time. Introduction-Chapter 2. Acts Of Faith. Share Tweet E-mail. What is the point of the book or what does he say he wants to achieve? Buy a copy today! His public lecture was in promotion of his new book “Sacred Ground”, about the history of religious pluralism in America. Test. 6 In Chapter 6: The Story of Islam, the Story of Pluralism of Acts of Faith Eboo Patel discusses his time at Oxford, his work with the Interfaith Youth Core, and the discovery of his faith in Islam. Log in Sign up. Why does he think interreligious dialogue is insufficient? James Baldwin 20th Century. [[ASIN:0807077267 Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation] Read more. Excerpt: Acts of Faith Act of Faith. Download Save. In autobiographical form with a lot of humor, he tells the story of both his developing faith and his discovery of the importance of interfaith relationships. Includes a new Afterword. Erin Savino 11 – 11 – 13 RSOC 9 Monday Reflection: Acts of Faith Ch.1 – 2 In this section of Acts of Faith, Eboo Patel discusses the issue of identity, especially in regard to the younger generation. Acts of Faith by Eboo Patel ...Islam is the establishment of an ethical, egalitarian order on earth. Eboo Patel’s story is a hopeful and moving testament to the power and passion of young people—and of the world-changing potential of an interfaith youth movement. He speaks here as a Muslim as well as an interfaith leader. Search. Enjoy this free preview Unlock all 26 pages of this Study Guide by subscribing today. Explain how he thinks pluralism strengthens one's own religious views? I person needs to be engaged with other faiths and be able to digest it and look back on it. Eboo Patel (2007). The three aspects are American, Indian, and Islam.The hurdle that Patel has to go through is him not being white. As I read that book now, it is clear to me that I was intuitively writing in the narrative structure I outline here, although I did Acts of Faith, my first book, is a longer, more developed story of my personal journey to interfaith leadership. Because of this, Patel. Just talking doesn't do enough. ― Eboo Patel, Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. -Eboo Patel, when speaking of Rahman's writings And the more I immersed myself in Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Flashcards. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1 likes. Acts of Faith is a remarkable account of growing up Muslim in America and coming to believe in religious pluralism, from one of the most prominent faith leaders in the United States. Chapter Summaries & Analyses. Anna_____Murphy. Learn. The author, Dr. Eboo Patel writes about his journey of faking identity, to portray himself as an Indian, an American, and a Muslim. Patel says that the individual’s identity is formed from their experiences and from the members of the older generation who guide them. Chicago based non profit organization, goal is to make interfaith a social norm. More … Crediting Poetry. One person found this helpful. He writes for the Washington Post and is a member of President Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships. In this chapter Patel personally identifies himself as a Muslim. Identity (Identity crisis, crossroads, politics, oppositional, quest) EXPLANATION: Identity as a funnel, idea that in order to influence others, we must be grounded in a strong self-identity. Eboo Patel is the founder and executive director of the Interfaith Youth Core, an international nonprofit that is building an interfaith youth movement. Primarily it is a story of salvation from religious totalitarianism. Even so, many organizations only … STUDY. The irony is that you really should. How did he come to love books and what effect does that have on him? Acts of Faith, a beautifully written story of discovery and hope, chronicles Dr. Eboo Patel s struggle to forge his identity as a Muslim, an Indian, and an American. Spell. Conferences are not enough either. His message is clear – there is room for both holding strongly to one’s own faith tradition and building bridges of cooperation. https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/eboo-patel/acts-of-faith-2 Acts of Faith NPR coverage of Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, The Struggle for the Soul of a Generation by Eboo Patel. Eboo PatelActs of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a GenerationA young Muslim activist explains our critical need to counter the recruitment of youth by religious fundamentalistsThe lessons we learn when we are young, Eboo Patel writes, determine the commitments we carry the rest of our lives. And beliefs Patel says that the individual ’ s identity is formed from their experiences and from the of! Because pluralism allows a person to be engaged with other faiths and be able to digest it and look on! Have to go to the YMCA and 3 ) shared work toward the common good being by! It and look back on it: the Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul a! As MLK Jr. and Ghandi and Ghandi problems with the Autonomous Era that were during... 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